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Proto:Persona 3

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Persona 3.

An American prototype of Persona 3, dated May 25, 2007, under three months before the game's release.

To do:
Document the camera/area/shadow debug menu (activated by pressing X on Controller 2).

Boot Debug Menu


Launched upon game startup.

Option Submenu
GAME START - Boots the game normally.
MODEL VIEWER - Opens a model viewer with several options.
FIELD VIEWER - Lets you enter any area in the game with other options.
DUNGEON - Lets you enter Tartarus floors of 0-999, 1 being the lobby. Note: Loading through this and VIEWER doesn't display the date-and-time HUD element.
DUNGEON EDITOR - Lets you make your own Tartarus floors and edit premade Tartarus floors.
EVENT EDITOR - Takes you to a black screen. Pressing L2 enables the mETRICS option from the boot debug menu, while pressing R2 opens the event editor menu.
COMU EVENT - Takes you to a black screen with two arrows that shows what menu option you have selected; selecting these menu options views Social Link events. Scrolling the menu through the bottom presumably selects another Social Link to view events from, since scrolling a bit and then selecting can crash the game, while choosing from the first options loads an event just fine.
EFFECT EDITOR - Takes you back to the boot debug menu.
FACILITY test - Lets you enter different menus in the game. Up and Down let you select different menus, and exiting takes you back to the menu menu. Menu names are written in Japanese, with Kanji characters missing. Menus that have 2D backgrounds don't load their backgrounds.
OPED STAFFROLL - Plays the credits.
TITLE - Takes you to the intro movie, which leads to the main menu.
TEST TOHYAMA - "CALENDER" lets you select any date in the game with any time of day.
"SOUND TEST" lets you play BGM, voice clips, and sound effects.
"SFD PLAY" lets you play the various animated movies throughout the game, after which you will return to the movie menu. Several movies give a NOT ENOUGH MEMORY error.
"CLEAR DATA" lets you make a New Game + file.
"MEMCARD CONVERT" lets you select save file slots, though it always says NO DATA.
"MEMCARD DEBUG" lets you see the available space on your memory card, write data to it with a size of your choosing, unformat and format it, and get memory card info, though it just flashes the menu.
KOSAKA - "texture STRIP" takes you to the boot debug menu.
"tex DICT LIST" also takes you to the boot debug menu.
"RWS test" opens a file viewer for a 'host' device.
"mAP TEST" takes you to a black screen.
"dUNGEON TEST" takes you to a screen which has a dark blue circle background.
"test" loads a red wireframe object which you can move with the D-Pad. Triggers make it invisible and Square brings it back, but you can't move it with the D-Pad after that.
NIIDA - "parTEST" tries to open a file called BTL:BC001_2.RMD, but it doesn't exist, so the game gets stuck.
"sample" takes you to a screen with a colored square that has color gradients and "sample" written on top; pressing X takes you back to the boot menu.
MASAYA - "sample" takes you to a black screen.
"sample 2" also takes you to a black screen.
MIWA - "sample" takes you to a screen with a square that's colored gray on the top, and 3 gradients of blue below. Using the D-Pad moves the square and Circle exits to the boot debug menu.
"FONT DEBUG" has the same square from "sample" on the right (with Japanese text on top and the bottom text being colored), color values on the left, and a palette indicator. The color values can be changed with L2 and R2, and Circle exits back to the boot debug menu.
SASAKI - Only has one option, "TEST", which takes you to a wireframe 14×14 floor with red and blue lines in the middle and a gray background with two blue lines. Holding X displays several white circles in a 3D plane that have different size and opacity, though the further-away ones are hard to see; you can move them with the left stick and move the camera with the right.
YAZY - "sample" takes you to a black screen.
"lmap" takes you to a low-poly model (presumably of the map screen) and plays the map-screen BGM from the early parts of the game, but it creates many errors and crashes occasionally.
"smap" also takes you to a black screen.
"stparts" takes you to a menu for loading the Tartarus block cutscenes, as well as editing values like which blocks to show and which block you're shown as being on. Pressing Triangle on start starts the cutscene, pressing Circle takes you back to the menu, L1 and R1 edit the left values (and if there's only one value, that too), and L2 and R2 edit the right values. Using type 1 seems to freeze the game.
MIYAS - "sample" takes you to a black screen.
"name" takes you to the name entry screen. Entering a name saves it and takes you back to the boot debug menu.
mETRICS Has two options, "OFF" and "ON". ON enables a CPU counter, and OFF turns it off.
EXIT Takes you to the PS2 BIOS.

In-Game Debug Menu


Opened by pressing R3. It can be opened anywhere, including over other debug menu options.

Option Submenu
FIELD ENVIRONMENT - Opens a menu that shows the current environment ID.
2D ON/OFF - Disables and re-enables 2D elements.
dRAW DEBUG - Opens a menu that lets you modify what environment elements are drawn and what aren't, like shadows and the area model.
iNFO 3D - Doesn't seem to do anything.
mETRICS - Enables and disables the CPU counter.
cPU - Enables and disables the CPU counter.
MEMORY MAP - Doesn't seem to do anything.
fOG ON/OFF - Disables and enables fog.
fOG EDIT - Opens a menu that lets you edit fog and background fog. L1 and L2 scroll by 10s, D-Pad by 1s.
FIELD AMBIENT - Opens a menu that lets you edit area lighting.
FIELD LIGHT - Same as FIELD AMBIENT, but with extra values that don't seem to do anything; middle values are changed with both sticks.
CHAR - Opens a menu that has four menu options: "RESID", which lets you change a value from 0-1,023; "AMBIENT", which lets you change the protagonist's lighting; "CHARACTER", which is AMBIENT but with the extra options FIELD LIGHT has (which don't seem to do anything); and "SKILL", which has the same options as CHARACTER (which don't seem to do anything).
SEP CHAR - Opens a menu with the same options as CHAR, but they don't seem to do anything.
NPC - Opens a menu for editing lighting for NPCs, using the same menu options as CHAR.
SEP NPC - Opens a menu with the same options as CHAR, but they don't seem to do anything.
wIRE FRAME - Doesn't seem to do anything.
fLIP WORLD - Doesn't seem to do anything.
bLUR ON/OFF - Enables and disables a blur effect on everything.
VIRTUAL NPC EDIT Opens a menu that lets you change VIRTUAL NPC EDIT to true and false.
DISABLE ENEMY Opens a menu that lets you change DISABLE ENEMY to true and false. Disables all shadow spawns when set to true.
DISABLE FIELD BGM Opens a menu that lets you change DISABLE FIELD BGM to true and false. Disables all field BGM when set to true, though event BGM still plays.
SCRIPT TRACE Opens a menu that lets you change SCRIPT TRACE to true and false.
FLAG EDIT Opens a flag table that lets you set flags to 0 or 1. L1 and R1 set preset flags.
COUNTER EDIT Opens a menu that lets you change COUNTER 1 to COUNTER 127 to values from 0-65,535.
SOUBI ITEM MAKE Opens a menu that lets you select weapon item IDs. Pressing X shows their description and stats, and pressing X again on items that can have multiple bonus effects gives them another one. This menu can be moved with the left stick.
ITEM Opens a menu that lets you set how many you have of every normal item in the game, from 0 to 99. This menu can be moved with the left stick.
PERSONA EDIT Opens a party member list; the names are in Japanese, so there are missing Kanji letters. The characters from top to bottom are the protagonist, Yukari, Aigis, Mitsuru, Junpei, Fuuka, Akihiko, Ken, Shinjiro, and Koromaru.
Selecting a party member gives these options: "Parameter" lets you edit the character values, like level (they can't be set below the starting level), status, and (for the protagonist) Persona stock count.
"PersonaSet" lets you edit Personas to be any Persona in the game and give the protagonist any Persona in the game (including those unusable by him under normal conditions), except for Strega personas. It can also give skills (including unused/normally unusable ones) and set their level (they can't be set below the starting level), stats, XP, and other values.
"Recover" heals the selected character to full HP and SP.
"AllRecover" heals everyone to full HP and SP.
"Book All Regist" doesn't seem to do anything.
"Persona Preview" lets you look at the art of every Persona in the game.
"PSModel Preview" lets you look at the 3D model of every Persona in the game.
"Comu Full Open" gives you Rank 1 with every social link, excluding reserve social links other than Lovers and Strength.
"Arms Full Set" gives you enough Imitation Katanas to fill your weapon inventory.
"Item Full Set" gives you 99 of every item in the game, including 0x items, but not including the Dummy item.
"KeyItem Full Set" gives you every key item in the game, including 0x items.
ALL RECOVERY Sets everyone to full HP and SP.
BTL TBL RELOAD Stops the game for a second, then continues. Doesn't seem to do anything else.
TEX DICT VIEW Lets you view the textures loaded in the current area.
TEX DICT LIST Closes the debug menu. Doesn't seem to do anything else.
DAY EDIT Lets you edit the day and time. The day updates when going to the next day; time seems to update what you can do during that time immediately, but when the day updates you stay in that time. L1 and R1 scroll by 10 days, and R2 turns off the BGM.
PARTY EDIT Lets you edit which party members you have in which slot.
COMU EDIT Lets you edit all Social Link values.
EVENT EDIT Locks your inputs. Doesn't seem to do anything else.
EVENT DEBUG SWITCH Opens a menu that lets you set EVENT DEBUG SWITCH to true and false.