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Prerelease:Pokémon Battle Revolution

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Pokémon Battle Revolution.

To do:

Pokémon Battle Revolution was developed alongside Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, and during the Wii's development.



Reveal Trailer

Uncharacteristically for Nintendo, the game was revealed with a CGI trailer released around June 7th, 2006[1][2] with graphics overly ambitious for the Wii's hardware. The voice heard in the video is Former Nintendo President and CEO Satoru Iwata.[3]

  • An earlier, brighter Neon Colosseum floating through the air.
  • Lagoon Colosseum's theme is played in the trailer.
  • Red & Leaf from The Gen 1 remakes, Colosseum and XD are present with new models; neither appear in the final game.
  • Poké Ball trails and move effects look different.
  • Futuristic technology is seen around the Colosseum.
  • The game's UI hasn't been finalised.
  • Destructible environments weren't implemented.


October 14th 2006 Footage

Careful, you'll lose an eye.
This page or section needs more images.
There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this.
Specifically: Lighting comparison.

A Trailer is uploaded from an unknown source. Shows Sunset Colosseum with less dynamic lighting. Harsh Sunlight appears to be missing the end-of-turn animation; the video fades out before it could be properly seen.

October 30th 2006 Coverage

Among Waterfall Colosseum's reveal and Sunset Colosseum getting a namedrop, Battle Passes are showcased as a feature.[4] A pink Pokétopia Jet Battle Pass with a crudely drawn r1 is seen. The featured Pokémon have different face icons from what was used in the final game. Ratatta is using its Colosseum/XD model, as it's model was remade in time for the game's Japanese release.

Pre-release Final
Pokemon Battle Revolution Ratatta Icon.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 19 BR Icon-1.png
Pokemon Battle Revolution Vulpix Icon.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 37 (JP) BR Icon-1.png
Pokemon Battle Revolution Shuckle Icon.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 213 BR Icon-1.png
Pokemon Battle Revolution Turtwig Icon.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 387 BR Icon-1.png
Pokemon Battle Revolution Chimchar Icon.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 390 (JP) BR Icon-1.png
Pokemon Battle Revolution Mime Jr Icon.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 439 (JP) BR Icon-1.png

Nintendo World 2006

Careful, you'll lose an eye.
This page or section needs more images.
There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this.
Specifically: Hyper Beam from the final game.

A Trailer showcasing online gameplay was showcased at Nintendo World a month before the Wii's Japanese release date (and subsequently the game's December 12th release).[5][6] Hyper Beam's animation appears to be a bit different.


November 16th Coverage

Some more coverage of the game was distributed via the game's official Wii game's website[7] and other news sites[8]. Amongst the coverage is a screenshot showcasing a Player's DS Box copied into Battle Revolution, which has some Pokémon box icons that were changed late into development.


Pre-release Final
Pokemon Battle Revolution Abra Box Icon.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 63 BR-1.png
Pokemon Battle Revolution Machop Box Icon.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 66 BR-1.png
Pokemon Battle Revolution Gravler Box Icon.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 75 BR-1.png
Pokemon Battle Revolution Ponyta Box Icon.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 77 BR-1.png
Pokemon Battle Revolution Rapidash Box Icon.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 78 BR-1.png
Pokemon Battle Revolution Gastly Box Icon.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 92 BR-1.png
Pokemon Battle Revolution Gengar Box Icon.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 94 BR-1.png
Pokemon Battle Revolution Turtwig Box Icon.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 387 BR-1.png
Pokemon Battle Revolution Torterra Box Icon.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 389 BR-1.png
Pokemon Battle Revolution Chimchar Box Icon.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 390 BR-1.png
Pokemon Battle Revolution Infernape Box Icon.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 392 BR-1.png
Pokemon Battle Revolution Piplup Box Icon.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 393 BR-1.png
Pokemon Battle Revolution Cherubi Box Icon.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 420 BR-1.png

Clefairy, like Rattata, got a new model before the Japanese release, as evidenced by its old face icon. Bibarel, Vespiquen, and Floatzel also had their icons zoomed in a bit more.

Prerelease Final
Pokemon Battle Revolution Clefairy Icon.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 35 BR Icon-1.png
Pokemon Battle Revolution Bibarel Icon.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 400 BR Icon-1.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 400F BR Icon-1.png
Pokemon Battle Revolution Vespiquen Icon.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 416 BR Icon-1.png
Pokemon Battle Revolution Floatzel Icon.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 419 BR Icon-1.png Pokemon Battle Revolution 419F BR Icon-1.png


US Wi-FI Demo

Shared by IGN a month before the game's American release.[10] Pidgeot, Rhyhorn, and Dragonair have had their models updated.
