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Pokémon Picross (Game Boy Color)

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Title Screen

Pokémon Picross

Developer: Jupiter
Platforms: Game Boy, Super Game Boy, Game Boy Color

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

This game was stuffed away in a cardboard box and found 30 years later in a garage
This game was never completed and/or given a public release.
As a result of this, keep in mind that the developers might have used or deleted some of the content featured here, had the game actually been released.
How about a nice leek in this trying time?
This page or section details content from the September 2020 Nintendo Leak.
Check the September 2020 Nintendo Leak category for more pages also sourced from this material.

Pokémon Picross is, as the name suggests, a Pokémon-filled Picross game, using a similar (if not identical) engine as Jupiter's earlier Picross 2. While this game is from 1999, the idea of combining Pokémon and Picross dates back to at least 1997, as a Picross minigame is present (albeit inaccessible) in the version of Pokémon Gold and Silver that was playable at that year's Spaceworld event, using a setup similar to those of prior Game Boy Picross games.

While the idea was later resurrected and released for the 3DS by the same developer, this first iteration never saw the light of day until September 2020, when a (seemingly near-final) build was discovered among the Game Boy lotcheck leaks. An English fan translation is available.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.

Sound Test

Pokemon Picross Sound Test.png

Enable Game Genie code 155-B3B-E6E, then press Start at the title screen.

(Source: nensondubois)

Unused Stages

Present among the text are the names of several stages that aren't accessible in-game. One, "トゲピー" (Togepi), appears after the unlockable Mew stage but before the Safari Zone stages. Four other strings appear after the Safari Zone stages:

  • "ピカチュウのもり" (Pikachu Forest)
  • "モンスターボール" (Poké Ball)
  • "ピカチュウ" (Pikachu)
  • "ひみつのコハク" (Old Amber)

All five stages are present in the ROM. Enable GameShark code 01??25D6 (where "??" is one of the below), then choose any stage:

Notably, "Pikachu Forest" has no game counterpart in Gen I or Gen II. The name and image are likely a reference to the anime episode "Pikachu's Goodbye", which first aired in Japan in April 1998.

(Source: Github ([1], [2]))
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Picross 2 Leftovers

Unused Graphics


There are several graphics banks left over/modified from Picross 2, including remnants of Mario and Wario's sprites.

(Source: Github)

Hidden Credit

Present at 1F8010 and 1FC010.

CRTS(C) mcmxcvi by Toshiyuki Ueno