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The Sims: Bustin' Out (GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox)

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Title Screen

The Sims: Bustin' Out

Also known as: The Sims (JP), Die Sims: Brechen Aus (DE), Los Sims: Toman La Calle (ES), The Sims: Ryntää Raitille (FI), Les Sims: Permis de Sortir (FR), The Sims: Fuori Tutti! (IT), The Sims: Erop Uit! (NL), The Sims: Chún zhǔ yìwài (CN), The Sims: Sesangbakkeuro (KR)
Developer: Maxis
Publisher: EA Games
Platforms: GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox
Released in JP: January 22, 2004 (PlayStation 2 & GameCube only)
Released in US: December 15, 2003
Released in EU: December 19, 2003
Released in KR: January 27, 2004
Released in CN: January 2004

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page
BugsIcon.png This game has a bugs page

See, this is why server preservation is important.
This game/console's online features are no longer supported.
While this game/console's online features were once accessible, they are (as of August 15th, 2005) no longer officially supported and online-exclusive features may be documented as now-unseen content.

In The Sims: Bustin' Out, rich Sim Malcolm Landgraab suddenly goes bad and runs around the neighborhood stealing items from Sims in return for unpaid rent. The player must complete each career track, unlock and buy back everyone's possessions, and become rich enough to evict Malcolm from his mansion and move their own Sim in. Though superior in terms of exclusive content and graphics to the previous entry, it has a limited Free Play mode with a total of only three Lots.

Because the game uses a heavily modified engine from the previous entry, some of the said leftovers in that page is present.

To do:
A handful of things to cover.
  • Info on the Game Boy Advance link feature in Regional Differences. The Korean and Chinese versions have leftover text relating to the game cabinet, due to the game never coming out on the GameCube in those territories.
  • Cover the rest of the Sims 1 Console leftovers, like the Monkey Butler.
  • Unused scenarios (some seem to be left over from Sims 1 Console.)
  • Development oversights in map model icons, in comparison to finalized houses (ex. Mom's House's design is reused from TS1 console).
  • Hidden skull inside of the Grim Reaper's cloak.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.
Read about notable bugs and errors in this game.
TSBO light load house.png
The Sims Console Leftovers
Stuff from another part of SimValley.
SBOPS2 floor editoggler.png
Unused Graphics
Wallpapers, flooring and other stuff that Malcolm took away.
Unused Text
"It's FUBAR!"
Hidden Sim Data
Everybody is a good cook inside.

Build Information

Platform Build Number
GameCube, Xbox (ALL)
PlayStation 2 (EUR-S)
PlayStation 2 (JPN, EUR-N, ASIA)
PlayStation 2 (USA, KOR)

Debugging Options

To do:
  • Finish the information section under Debug Menu.
  • Only the Korean Xbox version left to check and cover.

Several debugging options left hidden in the game that can be brought back.

The PS2 European version had two different releases - the standard European version (SLES-52047) with French, German, Spanish, Italian and Dutch as the additional languages, and the Nordic version (SLES-52048) that has Danish, Norwegian, Finnish and Swedish alongside English. They are represented with (S) and (N) respectively in the tables below.

The ASIA column is prefixed with (C) for the Chinese version (SLAJ-25028), (J) for the Japanese version (SLPM-65479), and (K) for the Korean version (SLKA-25137).

Debug Menu

SimsBOGCN-FIN cheatmenu.png


This debug menu is normally visually broken, because the default value that sets the distance between each line is 1.1f, whereas it needs to be a much larger number such as 70f on PS2, Xbox and GCN NTSC, and 80f on GCN PAL in order to render it properly. The debug menu can be opened by pressing SQUARE + TRIANGLE + CIRCLE on PS2 and X + Y + B on GameCube and Xbox, though not all options can be enabled here, such as display_fps because those need to be set to active before the Start screen, whereas this menu can only be brought up after it.

GCN 002E691B 00000001
042B87DC 42A00000
(J) 002E4CBB 00000001
(J) 042B6374 428C0000
002E687B 00000001
042B873C 428C0000
PS2 (S) 003F8B84 00000001
(S) 102572AC 0000428C
(S) 102572B0 00000000
(N) 003FA684 00000001
(N) 1025884C 0000428C
(N) 10258850 00000000
(C) 003B5984 00000001
(C) 1022DB3C 0000428C
(C) 1022DB40 00000000
(J, K) 003F7C04 00000001
(J, K) 102565C4 0000428C
(J, K) 102565C8 00000000
003F8784 00000001
10256F2C 0000428C
10256F30 00000000
Xbox 00310D82       01
0014BD8D   2F56B0
(C) 003104A2       01
(C) 0014B49D   2F4DE0
00310CE2       01
0014BC7D   2F56B0
Additional information
Option Information Screenshots
soundon Disabling this will, of course, disable sound.
grab_any_object Lets you grab and move any object.
unlock_all_items Unlocks all items in the Buy menu.
cas_start_as_male When entering the Create-A-Sim, the default character will be male.
animation_name_display A broken option that seems to always display ? for everything.
And some broken draw priority as well...
SimsBOGCN-FIN animation name display.png
debug_interactions Gives additional options used for debugging, available in objects. SimsBOGCN-FIN debug interactions.png
display_fps An option that only works if enabled before the Start screen. SimsBOGCN-FIN display fps.png
draw_safe_rect Draws a red rectangle for the TV overscan boundaries. SimsBOGCN-FIN draw safe rect.png
unlock_freeplay_mode Requires to go in-game and back out in order to take effect. SimsBOGCN-FIN unlock freeplay mode.png
cheatmenu This very menu you're looking at! SimsBOGCN-FIN cheatmenu.png
memory_display Displays the current memory usage and save file size. SimsBOGCN-FIN memory display.png
InitLights: L = Hot
Sync -- R = ReCompute

FPS & Performance Statistics

SimsBOGCN-FIN display fps.png


Displays a whole bunch of information on the screen about the performance of the game. The displayed information displays slightly on each platform, but GameCube displays the most.

GCN 002E6907 00000001 (J) 002E4CA7 00000001 002E6867 00000001
PS2 (S) 003F8B70 00000001
(N) 003FA670 00000001
(C) 003B5970 00000001
(J, K) 003F7BF0 00000001
003F8770 00000001
Xbox 00310D7D       01 (C) 0031049D       01 00310CDD       01

Rendering Information

SimsBOGCN-FIN RenderInfo.png

Attempts to list a bunch of rendering information, but the values always remain at 0 (NaN). Just like the debug menu, this display is by default visually broken due to the line spacing being set to 1.1f and needs to be fixed by increasing it to 80f. This is also only present in the GameCube release.

GCN 0037C23F 00000001
0037C27B 00000001
042C0950 42A00000
0037A5DF 00000001
0037A61B 00000001
042BE4E8 42A00000
0037C19F 00000001
0037C1DB 00000001
042C08B0 42A00000
(Source: Edness)

Development Files and Folders

Some files and folders used during development are still present on the disc. These elements give information about early versions of the game.

Debug Options

SystemData/Runtime/ChalData/CHEATS.txt includes some settings, debug options and most likely unavailable options. Two lines (lobby_server = 0 and enable_dnas = 0) indicate either the possibility of an online mode like in the PlayStation 2 version, or just a leftover from said version. Changing the values has no effect on the game.

# ensure a space exists on either side of the = symbol for each line
directionZ = 60
cam_zoom_max = 160
directionIntensity = 53
cam_fov = 220
eor_artsend_debug = 1
enable_npc_reset = 0
tutorial_stage = 255
soundon = 1
ambientIntensity = 50
lobby_server = 0
enable_dnas = 0
boot2 = 
grab_any_object = 0
unlock_all_items = 0
unlock_party_motel = 0
freeitems = 0
cam_zoom_min = 40
cas_start_as_male = 0
animation_name_display = 0
debug_interactions = 1
draw_flash_output = 0
display_fps = 0
draw_safe_rect = 0
directionX = 143
draw_motive_values = 0
unlock_freeplay_mode = 0
Cam_First_Per = 0
resource_test = 1
tutorial_house = 255
cameraIntensity = 42
directionY = 40
localization_test = 255
Cam_Tilt = 0
cheatmenu = 0
memory_display = 0
unlock_all_houses = 0

Developer Notes

Relationship Panel Images

/SystemData/Runtime/Thumbnails/readme.txt explains how to use the thumbnails folder:

The bitmaps in this directory are used as head icons in the relationship panel. All bitmaps must be 32x32, 8-bit images.


The ALLCHARACTERS.rsp file present in /SystemData/Runtime/ contains an early list of settings for all the characters. In this file, "Mimi", "Mom", "Dudley", "Randy", and "Max" (present in the final version) don't have personal thumbnails and are linked to the "placeholder" image used during development. The file includes some physical options that are likely unused in the final version.

Leftover Thumbnails

The Thumbnails folder present in /SystemData/Runtime/ contains a lot of unused images for the relationship panel, which show leftover thumbnails for characters from the various modes in the previous game. This folder indicates the presence of 83 characters, but the final game has only 23 story characters.

Leftover Dumped File

Download.png Download Tuning.txt File
File: The_sims_BustinOut_tuning_txt.7z (19 KB) (info)

A file named Tuning.txt in the /SystemData/Runtime/GameData folder contains a huge list of what effects every object, event, and social interaction can have on Sims and the surrounding environment.

This file also appears to have information about unused/unfinished objects and interactions.

Leftover Batch Files

Four batch files are still present inside the /SystemData/Runtime/ChalData/ folder: export.bat, exportchallenge.bat, exportdefault.bat, and exportstory.bat.


@echo off
rem --------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem check P4CLIENT variable
rem --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if defined P4CLIENT goto CLIENTOK
echo environment variable P4CLIENT is not defined!
goto Done

rem create a new changelist
p4 change -o > p4change.txt
..\bin\simsver p4change.txt "Sims IFF export"
type p4change.txt | p4 change -i
p4 -s changes -c %P4CLIENT% -s pending | ..\bin\getp4change
call setresult.bat
if defined P4Change goto EXPORT
echo Failed to create a changelist for this operation.
goto Done

p4 edit -c %P4Change% c:\eor\projects\sims\qdata\objects\*.txt
..\bin\Simsexport ..\QData\Objects\SimsObjects.qdp %*
rem revert unchanged
p4 revert -a -c %P4Change%
p4 change -d %P4Change%


..\bin\SimsNghExport.exe @allcharacters.rsp -iWallsFloors.ini ChalData chall.ngh



..\bin\SimsNghExport.exe @allcharacters.rsp -iWallsFloors.ini UserData default.ngh



..\bin\SimsNghExport.exe @allcharacters.rsp -iWallsFloors.ini StoryData story.ngh


Unused Sounds

To do:
  • ambient gunshot sounds? (gunshot_1)
  • table phone sounds (phone_ring)

Although the many, many leftover sounds from the previous entry have been cleaned out, there's still some lurking. Sound files in capital letters are pulled from its mainline cousin, to make it easier to tell between which is which.


Travelling music loop intended for the Limo Ultimo, which plays the same as the Super Scooter except with a higher sample rate of 24050Hz than 22050Hz and with more variation in instrumentation.

Filename Sample

Tragic Clown

The leftover sounds for Sunny the Tragic Clown remain in the files; he was possibly going to return as a Tragic Clown painting can be found in the Buy Mode catalog.

Filename Sample


Filename Sample Notes
While the other ones were used in the previous console entry for completing a house fast and are leftovers in its sub-page, no STING_POTION_BAD sounds remain, strangely.

Unused Effects

The final game still has some unused effects from objects or social interactions. All of this information came from Tuning.txt (see above).

Unused Object Effects

The Espresso Machine could originally become dirty at one point. (line 467).

CoffeeEsp	4096:Tuning Values
0:Drink_Espresso_Effect_Inc_M_Energy 30
1:Drink_Espresso_Effect_Inc_M_Bladder -35
2:Drink_Espresso_Timing_Loops 2
3:Drink_Espresso_Effect_Inc_M_Fun 30
4:Drink_Espresso_Get_Dirty_Dirt_Inc_per_use_-_Unused 20
5:Chance_of_Break 40
6:Drink_Espresso_Effect_Max_M_Energy 20
7:Repair_Unused 4
8:Repair_Timing_Thresh_M_Mood 0
9:Break_Amount 45

All Lamps use the same methods and appear to have unused functions. Originally, the Bulb lamp didn't have the same effect than other lamps.

Lamps	4097:Tuning
0:Room_Score_Not_Broken_Cheap 0
1:Room_Score_Not_Broken_Mod 0
2:Room_Score_Not_Broken_Exp 10
3:Room_Score_Obsolete_Broken_Bulb 0
4:Room_Score_Obsolete_Unused 0
5:Timing_Thresh_Unused 300
6:Room_Score_Not_Broken_VExp 10
7:Break_Burn_out_chance_Cheap_ 2000
8:Break_Bulb_Burn_out_chance_Mod_ 3000
9:Break_Burnouty_Chance_Exp_ 4000
10:Break_Burn_Out_Chance_VExp_ 5000
11:Misc_Electricution_Chance 100

The Heartbed (The only bed where you can perform the "WooHoo" interaction) has a lot of unused functions.

BedHeart	4096:Tuning
0:Undefined 4
1:Undefined 250
2:Misc_Snore_Every 4
3:Misc 85
4:Misc_Unused 100
5:Misc_Unused 100
6:Misc_Unused 1
7:Undefined 100
8:Misc_M_Hunger_Unused -100
11:Effect_Inc_M_Comfort 53
12:Undefined 150
13:Undefined 6
14:Undefined 18
15:Undefined 350
16:Undefined 750
17:Undefined 5
18:Undefined 2
22:Sleep_Effect_Inc_M_Energy 3

Development Oversights

To do:
  • Sim designs not matching finalized equivalents in FMVs.
  • English Logo being shown in Japanese gamecube banner.


Poster Error

Texture (rotated) action queue (enlarged)
TSBO art painting poster movie classic ROTATED.png TSBO art painting poster movie classic action queue.png

The texture file (art_painting_poster_movie_classic) and action queue (art_painting_poster_movie_classic_action_queue) for the "Love in Bahgdad" Movie Poster are different, where the latter lacks Fanny Adoré and Humphrey Hawks present on the top part of the poster. It's likely that it was from earlier in development where their designs weren't finalized yet, though the finalized texture shows early design for Fanny, oddly enough.

Iron Fence Error

Build Mode Icon Texture
TSBO metal fence type2.png TSBO metalfence 01.png

The Build Mode icon (metal_fence_type2) shows the Connecting Iron Fence with its design from the previous console entry, but the texture (metalfence_01) has a completely different appearance.

Earlier Super Scooter Texture

The Super Scooter model that appears in Create-A-Sim (cas_vehicle_scooter) has slight differences in texturing compared to the final (vehicle_scooter); the gradient is less refined and the seat is of a blue hue than black.

Early Final
TSBO cas vehicle scooter.png TSBO vehicle scooter.png

Textual Errors

  • In the 6th text string used in Mom's House (scenario_mom_house_resident.iff), Mom explicitly states that the Sim needs ten Career promotions to get Malcolm's Mansion, but that is false; they need eight promotions to unlock Malcolm's Mansion as a residential home.
Bye-bye baby! Come back and visit whenever you want! Good luck in your new career! You're only 10 promotions away from getting Malcolm's Mansion!
  • In Mimi's House (scenario_mimi_house_resident.iff) There are a handful of text strings pointing towards a different scenario of having to fix more stuff at Mimi's Place rather than the coffee machine. Almost all of them use the same pluralized item context.
Hey…do you think ya could help me fix this stuff?
(Press <The3>START<Button3> to view GOALS)
Gosh! Is like, everything broken in here or what?
(Press <The3>START<Button3> to view GOALS)
I swear! Everything I buy seems to break in 5 minutes! What's the deal?
(Press <The3>START<Button3> to view GOALS)
Man this place is depressing. Look at all this broken junk!
What a dump…when are ya gonna fix this stuff?
Hello! I thought you said you could fix things! Stuff's still broken! NOT WORKING! Earth to $NameLocal:3!
SWEET! You fixed all the broken stuff! You ROCK!
    • It even applies to the Move Out messages;
Hey! I thought I asked you to fix up the place! You just used me and my place until something better came along. I knew it…you men are ALL the same. Good riddance.
I can't believe you're leaving already…all I asked was that you help fix a few things. Fine. Use me and lose me. Some friend you are…traitor.
Moving out? I wish you wouldn't leave, but...I know you need to move on. Thanks for fixing all the stuff, you re the best friend ever! I'm going to miss you so much! Stop by anytime $NameLocal:3!

Miscellaneous Errors

Alarm Sound

Among the sounds for the male screams is VOX_SCREAMM11, which is a loud, low quality alarm sound that can unexpectedly be heard when a male Sim is burning to death. What makes this an oddity is that neither female Sims or children use this sound at all when screaming, and, considering the specific sound effect used, it was most likely a placeholder sound effect.

This sound can also be heard in the previous game.

Child Sims' Military Uniforms

In the mainline counterpart and previous console instalment when the Child Sim gets low grades from school, they have to leave the household to go to military school. While this mechanic does return in Bustin' Out, it has one notable flaw in which the child sims no longer have their military uniforms and instead go with their current outfit, and they no longer have a salute animation, despite the game playing the animation where they switch clothes.


  • The interaction Switch to Techno is referred to as Switch to Techno Radio on the Strings Theory Stereo, despite it behaving identical to other stereos. It's most likely an accident.
  • There is a missing frame graphic for the multiple TV object, called electronics_tv_multiple_channels_09.
  • The text box dialogue for completing three Triple Flips in a row at Toane's Gym is assigned to "Guess What?" rather than Max or Goldie.
  • After clearing all seven Careers in Bust Out mode, the flavor text at Mom's House will no longer play, including the Throw Party messages. The move-in and move-out messages still play though.


To do:
  • Bust Out Lots with floor tiles covering sidewalks.
  • Unmoveable fish tanks at Malcolm's Mansion.
  • Translation oddities.

Killable Bust Out Mode Sims

If a Sim other than the Player's Sim or the married Free Street Sim dies in Bust Out mode, they'll get instantly brought back to life by the Grim Reaper. However, there are certain Sims that can be killed off, where unlockable clothing options and Social Interactions are missable unless a new game is started.

Below are the following Sims that can be killed in Bust Out mode;

  • Maxine Powers
  • Mona Lott
  • Makino Nada
  • Chase Skurtz
  • Humphrey Hawks

Unobtainable Wallpaper

In Pixel Acres, an unobtainable wallpaper (wallpaper_wood_planks_grassy) is used for some of the walls on the Lot where it is similar in appearance to the Chemically Treated Wood Wall (wallpaper_wood_planks_vertical), except with grass at the bottom.

Unobtainable Obtainable
TSBO wallpaper wood planks grassy.png TSBO wallpaper wood planks vertical.png

Texture Oddities

The texture of the ship in Create-A-Sim is titled cas_poster_avril, likely referring to real-life celebrity Avril Lavigne who appeared in The Sims Superstar. The supposed cameo was likely cut due to royalties.

TSBO cas poster avril.png

Filename Oddities

Sound Files

  • The sound effects for the Free Street houses are separated into three different files (map_freeplay1, map_freeplay2 and map_freeplay3), despite all using the same sound. Another file that shares the same sound is sting_char_winner, left over from The Sims: Vacation.
  • The sound effect for completing a Goal in Bust Out Mode ui_unlock is duplicated as ui_unlock_car, ui_unlock_level, ui_unlock_money, ui_unlock_objects, ui_unlock_skins, ui_unlock_services, ui_unlock_social, which all suggest that they were going to have distinct sound effects for unlocking certain items.
    • Oddly, ui_unlock_social and ui_unlock_level were updated in The Urbz: Sims in the City, but still go unused there.
  • STING_SOCSUC_1 and STING_SOCSUC_2, and STING_SOCSUC3 and STING_SOCSUC4, used for gaining Skill Points have the same sound effect. The presence of other same-sounding jingles with different bass backing suggest those were going to have that.

Glitched Textures

While driving in a vehicle in Bustin Out mode when you are moving or visiting lots, certain face accessories like shades will have glitched textures.

While Driving On A Lot
SimsBustOutaccessoriesbug1.png SimsBustOutaccessoriesbug2.png

Platform Differences

Xbox Loading Screens

The Xbox version has unique loading screen backgrounds that can be seen. These textures also exist in the PS2 and GameCube versions, however they are 32×32 in size there.

PS2 & GCN Xbox PS2 & GCN Xbox
SimsBOPS2-FIN house load0.png SimsBOXBOX-FIN house load0.png SimsBOPS2-FIN house load1.png SimsBOXBOX-FIN house load1.png
house_load0 house_load1
SimsBOPS2-FIN house load2.png SimsBOXBOX-FIN house load2.png SimsBOPS2-FIN house load3.png SimsBOXBOX-FIN house load3.png
house_load2 house_load3
SimsBOPS2-FIN house load4.png SimsBOXBOX-FIN house load4.png SimsBOPS2-FIN house load5.png SimsBOXBOX-FIN house load5.png
house_load4 house_load5
SimsBOPS2-FIN house load6.png SimsBOXBOX-FIN house load6.png SimsBOPS2-FIN house load7.png SimsBOXBOX-FIN house load7.png
house_load6 house_load7

Regional Differences

To do:
Translation oddities; foreign-language versions of the game has profanities in text script, which is likely derived from an early text.

Title Screen

In Japan, this game is simply called The Sims (as the previous console game was called SimPeople there), compared to other regions that got a unique translated subtitle.

International Japanese
The Sims Bustin Out Title Screen .png Simsgctitle jp.png

Create-A-Sim Presets

The adult character presets in Create-A-Sim are different in the Japanese, Korean, and Chinese versions, and look more Asian compared to the regular ones. The children, however, only have a slightly different skin tone. They can be recreated vice-versa without having to unlock any accessories in Bust Out mode.

International East Asian