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The Sims 2 (Nintendo DS)

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Title Screen

The Sims 2

Also known as: The Sims 2: Hachamecha Hotel Life (Japan)
Developer: Amaze Entertainment
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platform: Nintendo DS
Released in JP: December 8, 2005
Released in US: October 24, 2005
Released in EU: November 4, 2005

ObjectIcon.png This game has unused objects.
MinigameIcon.png This game has unused modes / minigames.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

DevelopmentIcon.png This game has a development article
PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
BugsIcon.png This game has a bugs page

Cactus 2.0!
This article has just been started and needs the article basics added.
Help us out and add them.
This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
Must explore SoundData.rom (Might contain unused sounds/music)

In the Nintendo DS version of The Sims 2, your Sim goes barreling into a town, driving a junky car with an engine full of holes in the middle of the desert. Not even a day later, your Sim is running the biggest business in the whole town and dealing with aliens and the mafia. People sure are trustworthy in Strangetown... Either that, or you're just a sucker.


Read about development information and materials for this game.
Development Info
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Read about notable bugs and errors in this game.

Unused NPC Content


In NPC slot 00 is an unused version of the alien Burple, named simply as "Alien" in-game. It uses an earlier render of the character as well.

Early Final
Sims2DS-AlienEarly.png Sims2DS-AlienFinal.png

In addition, the character has a full profile in the profiles menu.


He also has a secret, but only the profile menu text for it. Secrets are typically unlocked through playing the Social Interaction mini-games with the NPC in question. This is something you cannot do with Alien NPCs, which makes the presence of a secret here rather questionable.


Finally, when you force the game to spawn him, unfortunately his scripting appears to be broken, making him stand completely still. Attempting to interact will softlock the bottom screen until you exit the room.


Emperor Xizzle

In NPC slot 01 is Emperor Xizzle. While this character is used at a few points during the story and during Alien Invasions, Xizzle also has a full profile in the profiles menu like other NPCs. What's interesting here is that he also has a secret, but only the profile menu text for it. Secrets are typically unlocked through playing the Social Interaction mini-games with the NPC in question. This is something you cannot do with Alien NPCs, which makes the presence of a secret here rather questionable.


Honest Jackson

Due to a confirmed scripting bug, Honest Jackson disappears from the game at the arrival of the second antagonist of the game, Ava Cadavra. One of the missions during her arc involves asking the town residents if they know about a Branding Iron. Because Honest is always gone by this point due to that bug, this text is impossible to see unless the bug is fixed.


Unused Mission Text

To do:
More text. There's a lot here.

There's a lot of unused dialog related to missions that have been cut or changed in the final version of the game.

Early Missions Leftovers

The beginning of the game was changed significantly as the game was in development and several text lines remain that have events play out in a significantly different manner than in the final.

Message ID Character Text
1193 Jebediah S. Jerky I thought I'd find you here, kiddo. Listen, your car ain't looking so hot.
1194 Jebediah S. Jerky I'm gonna have to order new parts or fashion my own out of old license plates. Either way it'll be a few months before it's fixed.
1195 Jebediah S. Jerky But you found the hotel all right, so you can spend a few nights here while I-
1196 Jebediah S. Jerky It's deserted? You mean... Daddy Bigbucks ain't running the place no more?
1197 Jebediah S. Jerky He left the deed behind? Golly gosh! I suppose that means the place is yours! Well get on inside and have a look at your new place.
1212 Honest Jackson? So have a look around. Get to know the place and let me know what you think.

Alternative Casino Opening

The game makes the player open the casino before they can have their first guest. This was an early mission that would have had the player opening the casino a little bit later in the story.

Message ID Character Text
1320 Frankie Fusilli Hey manager, c'mere. Does this hotel have a gaming room?
1321 Frankie Fusilli Naw, you jerk... card games! I'm not into them video type games. And certainly not pinball.
1322 Frankie Fusilli Well look, I don't like to go more than a week without playing some cards, know what I mean? How about you build me a casino?
1323 Frankie Fusilli Somewhere in town, sure. I just need someplace to relax and conduct a little business. So step to it.
1324 Frankie Fusilli The Casino is open for business, huh? That's beautiful. That's just what I wanted to hear. I'm so happy.
1325 Frankie Fusilli Actually, I'm not exactly happy... I'm just NOT angry. You don't ever want to see me angry.
1326 Frankie Fusilli So really, it's you who should be happy. Now scram.

Alternative Rat Cave Opening

The game allows the player to build the Rat Cave as soon as they get their first guest, and if the player does not build the rat cave before then, it will be automatically built by Tristan Legend after Ava Cadavra leaves. This mission has the Rat Cave opening up during Frankie Fusilli's stay.

Message ID Character Text
1369 Frankie Fusilli Kid, it pains me to tell you this, but your services have been less than satisfactory.
1370 Frankie Fusilli I am afraid that, in the interest of my pride and reputation, I'm going to have to charge you for all the time I have wasted for you.
1371 Frankie Fusilli Sure! All the time I spend waiting for you to run errands or answer my phone calls. It's maddening.
1372 Frankie Fusilli So I have instructed Jimmy to suspend half of all my payments to you from this point forward.
1373 Frankie Fusilli I know, I know...you're thinking, Wow, only 50 percent? Well...that's the kind of generous guy I am.
1374 Tristan Legend? I couldn't help but overhear your little predicament. Seems Frankie is trying to play tough. He'd like to run this town if he could.
1375 Tristan Legend? If only The Ratticator were here...he'd have cleaned up filth like Frankie Fusilli. The Ratticator didn't stand for extortion like that.
1376 Tristan Legend? Sure, The Ratticator was a local hero. Legend has it he lived in a den beneath the hotel, emerging only when the people of this city were threatened.
1377 Tristan Legend? Who knows where he went? Maybe he's due for a return. You think? *Wink*
1378 Tristan Legend? There was a rumor that The Ratticator lived in a den beneath the hotel. That's all I know. Who knows if it's true?
1379 Frankie Fusilli Hey YOU! What sort of freak do you think you are?
1380 Frankie Fusilli You seen Jimmy around? He hasn't checked in with me for a while.
1381 Frankie Fusilli The Ratticator got him? Who the heck is THE RATTICATOR? And why was he bothering with poor Jimmy?
1382 Frankie Fusilli Outrageous! I wasn't extorting you! You were paying me protection money. Remember?
1383 Frankie Fusilli Sure, that money was for protection. For YOUR protection against, you know...criminals. DRAT!

Inviting Guests to the Bovine Shrine

Automatically, three hotel guests (Ara Fusilli, Auda Sherif, and Sancho Paco Panza) are stuck in a trance in the Bovine Shrine. This mission dialogue shows that the player used to have to hand out invitations to hotel guests, who would then get stuck in the Bovine Shrine.

Message ID Character Text
1441 Ava Cadavra I've been meaning to thank you, @1. This, um, yoga room has been such a benefit to me.
1442 Ava Cadavra I can meditate in here for hours upon hours. It recharges me and strengthens my powers...
1443 Ava Cadavra ...of perception. So you know what I would like to do. I'd like to share my discovery. I'd like to invite others to join me.
1444 Ava Cadavra Can you pass out these three invitations for me? To anyone at all. Just tell them it will change their life, yeah? Thanks.
1445 Unknown An invitation for me? Wow, I've never been invited to anything like this before, because- Oh, it's a general invitation. Ah, could be cool.
1446 Unknown What's this say: "Traverse the transcendent path to bovinity through meditation." Sounds interesting. Thanks.
1447 Unknown An invitation? Huh. Sure why not. Will there be food there too? I'm hungry.
1448 Ava Cadavra I've been getting phone calls from some excited folks eager to use the... what have I been calling it... the cozy room?
1449 Ava Cadavra Thank you for all your hard work. I'll be in here for the next hour. I think some people will be joining me shortly.
1450 Ava Cadavra Oh and... if you hear any screaming or anything, don't mind us. We'll probably be doing some primal scream therapy.
1451 Ava Cadavra Tah tah!

Entering the Meditation Room

This mission dialogue would have been used after Ava Cadavra would have closed the Bovine Shrine. In-game, the Bovine Shrine is never closed off and the player can go in and out of it at will during Ava Cadavra's entire stay.

Message ID Character Text
1491 Tristan Legend Whew! I'm tired, man. Just did 32 laps around the desert walking on my hands. I think I'll do it with my eyes closed next time.
1492 Tristan Legend You need a way into the Meditation Room? How about through the front door?
1493 Tristan Legend Oh I see. Ava has started a cult, trapped everyone in Strangetown, and locked the door? Wow. That's rough.
1494 Tristan Legend Lucky for you I installed a little ventilation shaft in that room. It was so stuffy I thought it needed some air.

Building the Sun Deck

This mission takes place after the mission where you retrieve the Galvatronic Power Recharger for Optimum Alfred. In the final game, the Sun Deck is available from the start of the game, likely as a result of this mission getting cut.

Message ID Character Text
1528 Mama Hogg You know what I could use right now? I'll tell you - a pool.
1529 Mama Hogg That's right. I am sick of this heat. I need somewhere to cool down. And the basement just ain't going to cut it.
1530 Optimum Alfred *Whirrr* Ooh, an excellent idea Mrs. Hogg. I have not had the pleasure of a cleaning a pool in many years.
1531 Mama Hogg Well, whatever's your pleasure. I'll use it and you can clean it? How's that sound?
1532 Optimum Alfred Simply marvelous Mrs. Hogg.
1533 Mama Hogg Well there you go, @1. Are you going to build us a swimming poor and patio or ain't ya?
1534 Mama Hogg Hi @1, is the patio pool still open?
1535 Mama Hogg Oh good.
1536 Optimum Alfred This hotel has a pool in which humans immerse themselves for relaxation purposes! How interesting. The water must accrue germs readily.
1537 Mama Hogg So long as you put a little chlorine in the water and keep it clean.
1538 Optimum Alfred CLEAN? Yes please! Cleanliness is my primary motivation. I would like to learn the correct method for cleaning pools.
1539 Mama Hogg Well, follow me Alfie. You can clean while I sunbathe.
1540 Optimum Alfred Ahhh. It pleases me to fulfill my pre-programmed duties. It is true what they say: Life is a bowl of bleach
1541 Optimum Alfred Now if you don't mind, @1, I would like to test the pH level of this water one more time. How I adore a good litmus test!

Robot Ick Piles and Data Modulator

This mission takes place after the previous unused Building the Sun Deck mission, and before the mission where Optimum Alfred requests 20 Nuclear Fuel Rods from you. This mission was also cut for some reason, leaving the Robot Ick Pile object unused.

Message ID Character Text
1542 Optimum Alfred Manager @1, I have much to regret this day. It seems I have been the victim of entropic forces.
1543 Optimum Alfred My primary heuristic data modulator has been acting very strangely lately. I am unable to prevent it from randomly ejecting metal detritus.
1544 Optimum Alfred To put it another way: I am responsible for the heaps of metal Ick piling up in your hotel. I apologize.
1545 Optimum Alfred To prevent this from occurring on a regular basis I will require a new heuristic data modulator.
1546 Optimum Alfred If you would be so kind as to procure me a new data modulator, I will clean up what piles I can.
1547 Optimum Alfred Is THIS the only heuristic data modulator you could find? If my memory banks are correct, this model was recalled in 2002.
1548 Optimum Alfred I suppose it will serve for the time being, at least until a replacement can be obtained. Installing now....
1549 Optimum Alfred ...BZZZT...*ding!*...tick tick tick... Inst-inst-installation success-ss-ss-ful... *plip!*
1550 Optimum Alfred All right... what the heck did I say I was gonna do? Oh yeah... clean up this dump. Great. *Sigh*
1551 Optimum Alfred Hey don't thank me or anything, jerk... sheesh. I'm going to my room. I feel funny.

Unused Objects and Descriptions

To do:
More Images, Video of Arcade Machines.

A list of items that are either entirely unused, has unused item description, or has an unused graphic. All objects in the game are actually enumerated in this same list of IDs, including ones that don't normally go into your pockets or appear in the vacuum mini-game, for example. Because of this, it is also noted is whether or not placing the item in your pockets will crash the game.

Image ID Name Used Pocketable Description Notes
Sims2DS-Placeholder.png 0000 Stool No No This is a stool. Equally suitable for sitting and lion taming. Unused. No model when spawned in, no graphics either. Possibly related to the Strangetown Jail.
Sims2DS-Placeholder.png 0003 Test Pocketable Object No No Test Poketable Object Description Ironically, in spite of the name, the object is not pocketable without crashing. Possibly used for testing an older version of the pockets system.
0005 Rat Suit Yes No Ultra-lite kevlar armor. 22nd century technology today... here... now... yours! Description unused.
Sims2DS-Placeholder.png 000D Package No No XXXNOT USED Package Unused. No model when spawned in, no graphics either. May require further investigation.
Sims2DS-Letter.png 0010 Letter No No XXXNOT USED Letter Unused. Letters in the game use a different object ID that is in the animations section and do not show up in the interactions.
Sims2DS-WigglingChest.png 0022 Wiggling Chest Yes Yes It's a nice chest... but it won't stop wiggling. Used but does not appear in the interactions menu with a full size graphic, making the image unused.
Sims2DS-Car.png 0029 Car Yes No XXXNOT USED Satellite Dish Description Used but has no interaction nodes, making the graphic unused.
Sims2DS-Placeholder.png 002B Hubcap No No XXXNOT USED Satellite Dish Description Unused. No model when spawned in, no graphics either. Possibly related to the creation of the opening FMV, in which a hubcap goes flying off of the car.
Sims2DS-VaultAlarm.png 002C Vault Alarm No No XXXNOT USED Vault Alarm Description Unused.
Sims2DS-VaultCurtain.png 002D Vault Curtain Yes No XXXNOT USED Vault Curtain Description Used but has no interaction nodes, making the graphic unused.
Sims2DS-VaultLockbox.png 002E Vault Lockbox Yes No XXXNOT USED Vault Lockbox Description Used but has no interaction nodes, making the graphic unused.
Sims2DS-AlienCorpse.png 0032 Alien Corpse Yes No XXXNOT USED Alien Corpse Description Object is used during the play of the Alien Autopsy mini-game, but the object is never present at the same time the interactions menu is open, making the image unused.
Sims2DS-FileCabinetSmall.png 0033 File Cabinet Yes No XXXNOT USED File Cabinet Small Description Used but has no interaction nodes, making the graphic unused.
Sims2DS-FileCabinetLarge.png 0034 File Cabinet Yes No XXXNOT USED File Cabinet Large Description Used but has no interaction nodes, making the graphic unused.
Sims2DS-JailBed.png 003D Bed Yes No XXXNOT USED Jeb's Bed Description Object is used in the Strangetown Jail and the graphic is as well, but it's impossible to get near the object because it is located in a closed cell. Due to it's description name, it was initially created for another reason to the NPC Jebediah S. Jerky.
Sims2DS-JailSink.png 003E Sink Yes No XXXNOT USED Table Description Object is used in the Strangetown Jail and the graphic is as well, but it's impossible to get near the object because it is located in a closed cell.
Sims2DS-JailToilet.png 003F Toilet Yes No XXXNOT USED Rat Chair Description Object is used in the Strangetown Jail and the graphic is as well, but it's impossible to get near the object because it is located in a closed cell.
0047 Creativity Skillpoint Yes No Increases your revenues for art sales and music mixing. Description unused.
0048 Business Skillpoint Yes No Decreases your bills and maintenance costs. Description unused.
0049 Body Skillpoint Yes No More muscles equals more romance. Pump up! Description unused.
004A Charisma Skillpoint Yes No Increases the power of your Social Moves. Description unused.
004B Mechanical Skillpoint Yes No Increases the speed at which you fix broken objects. Description unused. It appears to imply that you were at one point supposed to be able to fix broken hotel objects, but this is not present in the game.
004C Rusty Cowbell No Yes What once emitted a claron ring, now issues a musical thump. Unused. Uses the Strange Gourd graphic as a placeholder. It sits right next to the Mystic Cowbell, which is used for a mission for Ava Cadavra, presumably this was intended to be used for this mission as well, but the idea was scrapped.
Sims2DS-StuffedCowHead.png 004E Stuffed Cow Head Yes Yes How odd. A stuffed cow's head isn't the sort of thing honest Jackson would normally like. Used, but never shows up in the interactions menu, making the image unused.
0095 Lab Chair Yes No A government issue lab chair. Now where will you find the rest of the lab? Description unused.
00A1 Money Making Machine Yes Yes Turn trash into cash! This Machine recycles commonly found object into simoleons. Used in Vault, but for some reason can be placed into your pockets properly. It cannot be placed in rooms, however. Description unused.
Sims2DS-ArcadeGeneric.png 00A4 Arcade: Generic No Yes This is just a generic game. Can be placed. Displays nothing on screen. An image of this arcade machine appears in prerelease screenshots and shows it running a clone of Space Invaders, which likely was turned into Arcade-Space Armada to avoid copyright issues.
Sims2DS-ArcadeBaseball.png 00A6 Arcade-Baseball No Yes Favorite pastime of millions. This version strips the game to it's essentials. Wow! A fully functional, placeable, unused arcade game. Crazy that it went unused like this.
Sims2DS-ArcadeCopter.png 00A8 Arcade-Copter No Yes Dropping civilians from helicopters into horse-drawn carriages full of hay is dubious fun. Wow! Another fully functional, placeable unused arcade game. This one is a clone of Stunt Copter, an old mac game from the 1987. RIP Duane Blehm.
ArcadeXRaider.png 00A9 Arcade-X Raider Yes Yes You are Xavier, warrior-personal non grata, trapped in a smelly dungeon. Get out! This machine and game are used, but is never given to the player to put in their pockets. Placeable, fully functional, Description Unused.
Sims2DS-ArcadeLunarLander.png 00AE Arcade-Lunar Lander No No Insert money, steer your landing craft to land on the landing platform, rejoice, and repeat. Cannot be pocketed and when spawned in, it doesn't have an original game- it just runs Space Armada instead. It was likely based on the arcade game with a similar name.
Sims2DS-ArcadeSpaceGunner.png 00AF Arcade-Space Gunner No No Fill outer space with your million jigawatt laserbeams of destruction and empty it of bad guys. Cannot be pocketed and when spawned in, it doesn't have an original game- it just runs Space Armada instead.
Sims2DS-ArcadeLogJump.png 00B0 Arcade-Log Jump No No Why do these logs keep rolling? Where do they come from? Glorious victory awaits! Cannot be pocketed and when spawned in, it doesn't have an original game- it just runs Space Armada instead.
00B5 Slot Machine Yes Yes Insert a coin, pull the lever, and hope the fates are smiling. Fully functional and placeable. It's used in the Snake-Eyes Casino, but is never given to the player to hold like this. Description unused.
00B6 Tanning Bed Yes Yes For those who desire that well-cooked orange rind look. Fully functional and placeable. It's used in the Spa & Gym, but is never given to the player to hold like this. Description unused.
00B7 Treadmill Yes Yes Never has so much effort produced so few results. Run all day, go nowhere. Fully functional and placeable. It's used in the Spa & Gym, but is never given to the player to hold like this. Description unused.
00B8 Zoltron Yes No What secrets does Zoltron the Prescient know? Just ask! Description Unused.
Sims2DS-Hole.png 00F9 Hole No No XXXNOT USED Hole Unused. When spawned, it actually does show up but doesn't show any interactions. Has both full and small graphics.
00FA Super Drencher Yes No The most advanced high-pressure water cannon to date; second only to holding your thumb over the mouth of a spewing garden hose. While the Super Drencher does have a description, this is an unused version of it with a totally different one.
00FE Metal Detector Yes No Used to locate valuables in the desert. Not everything is worth digging up however. Be careful. While the Metal Detector does have a description, this is an unused version of it with a totally different one.
00FF Vacuum Yes No Your most important tool. Keep your hotel free of dirt, debris, and... dice? While the Vacuum does have a description, this is an unused version of it with a totally different one.
Sims2DS-DustPile.png 0100 Dust Pile Yes No Has an unused graphic of a dust pile.
0104 Fire Yes No IT IS A FIRE! IT IS VERY HOT! Description Unused.
Sims2DS-Placeholder.png 0105 Tumbleweed Yes No It's a rambler and a gambler, it's a long way from home....
Sims2DS-Placeholder.png 0109 XXXNOT USED Bigfoot Mask No? No XXXNOT USED Bigfoot Mask Description Has a generic XXXNOT USED in the title, and is located in the same region that character animation objects are. I don't recall anything like this being used in the game anywhere, however. Needs further investigation.
Sims2DS-Placeholder.png 014A Invisible Carrot No? No This carrot is invisible. Stop looking at it. From the name, I can't decipher exactly what this is. It's next to another object called "Toilet Blur" so I'd imagine it's some sort of floating graphical effect, similar to that one. Requires further investigation.