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Mega Man X6

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Title Screen

Mega Man X6

Also known as: Rockman X6 (JP)
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Platform: PlayStation
Released in JP: November 29, 2001
Released in US: December 4, 2001
Released in EU: February 8, 2002
Released in KR: November 13, 2002

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

Mega Man X6 takes place three years weeks after X5, where a Reploid researcher has found a piece of Zero's body, and uses his DNA in an attempt to create his utopian world.

Made and released in just under a year, it was understandably not without flaws, and the bad English translation didn't help matters.

To do:
Check the demo disc (SLPM-80627) and the Korea-only Windows port.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Unused Graphics

Armor Oddities

At first glance, X6's armor system would appear to be exactly the same as the one in X5, with one set carried over from the previous game (in this game, the Falcon Armor) given in the intro stage, two more found via Dr. Light's capsules (the Blade Armor and Shadow Armor, each requiring all four parts to be used), and the Ultimate Armor obtainable by code at the title screen.

Falcon Armor, X5 Falcon Armor, X6
"I like it. but... something is a little too dark." "Yes, the color change was necessary. Why do you ask?"

However, there is a fairly revealing (yet barely visible) difference. Whereas in X5, frames of X specific to the Falcon/Gaea Armor did not have "normal" X underneath them, most likely to save on space...

By the power of slightly girlie animations! Ow! My existence!

...However, in X6, all armor-specific moves have an underlay of regular X.

Blade Armor (seen) X (unseen)
What the heck am I even doing? THIS DOESN'T HELP IN THE SLIGHTEST!
Shadow Armor (seen) X (unseen)
Gravity does not work this way! Oh no, my Ninja! Whaddami supposed to do without my Ninja?

This is bizarre, since as mentioned it is more space-efficient to have underlays split into the necessary parts than to have entire sprites if the underlays themselves cannot appear. Indeed, in X4 "normal" X was always kept below the Fourth/Ultimate Armors, where the former is collected one part at a time, allowing normal X to be seen with armor parts layered on top. With this in mind, it is possible that a completely customizable armor system was planned for X6, allowing players to use any armor parts obtained in conjunction, as later featured in X8, or armor parts could have been obtained like in X4, but the concrete reason for this decision is unknown.

How... am I doing this?
...And where is that going?

This explains the existence of the Shadow Armor's charge shot animation; with its buster part equipped, the charge shot is instead a charged saber slash. If the customizable armor system was implemented, the animation would be visible on the other three parts.

However, this animation can be seen in-game if using the Overdrive part, which gives X or Zero the ability to fire their busters rapidly for a short period of time.

Shadow Armor Subweapons

Much like the Gaea Armor in X5, the Shadow Armor has weapon color based variants that go unused given the armor's inability to use special weapons. Using GameShark codes will allow the player to switch to the boss weapons' color scheme, but attempting to fire them will crash the game.


Falcon Armor Flying

Get this thing outta my eye!

The frame of the Falcon Armor flying up still remains as a leftover from X5. It is currently unknown whether the corresponding downwards frame still exists.

This looks... odd.

As one might expect, a frame of Armor-less X exists for this sprite, despite one not existing in X5.

A pre-release trailer shows Falcon Armor had this upward-flying ability at one point in development.

Rainy Turtloid

"'Sup." Sparkles!
There are unused mugshots for the Nightmare Investigator Rainy Turtloid, but they do not match the mugshot system used in the final game.

Unused Black Zero Unlock Method

Boss levels in X6 are tied to the number of Nightmare Souls the player has obtained, up to a max of Level 4 at 5,000 Nightmare Souls. If Nightmare Zero is beaten at Level 4, Zero is unlocked with the black armor from the previous games, normally only unlockable in X6 with a cheat code entered at the title screen. However, due to an oversight, the final stage is unlocked automatically when the player obtains 3,000 Nightmare Souls, meaning that Nightmare Zero is impossible to fight at Level 4 without a GameShark code (300CCF5F 0003 for the US version of the game) since he becomes unavailable when the final stage is unlocked.

It is also worth noting that when this code is used in conjunction with the cheat below, Zero's armor immediately turns black when the stage clear jingle plays upon defeating Zero Nightmare, as opposed to being enabled once the next stage is chosen.

Zero vs. Zero Nightmare Dialogue

Cacti may speak Japanese, but do they speak it well?
...But does it make sense?
The translations on this page need to be proofread. If you are fluent enough in this language, please make any corrections necessary!

If a Zero vs. Zero Nightmare battle is triggered by using hacks or the GameShark code 300CD30B 0000 on the US version, it will use dialogue between Zero and High Max except in one area: Commander Yammark's stage, where it will reveal otherwise-unused dialogue in between Zero and Zero Nightmare. This dialogue is a variation of X's, meaning it was possible for Zero to encounter Zero Nightmare at one point in development. Note that for some reason, when Zero replies to Zero Nightmare, the name switches to X (in Japanese, only the second line of the reply switches the name to X):

Zero Nightmare is about to wipe out the original... That sounds fine. And it somehow works story-wise.
Japanese Japanese (Translated) English

??:オレだ エックス
ゼロ:…わかるさ くだらないニセモノだってね
??:エックス あれから さがしてたんだ

Zero: Who are you?!
I'm not letting you get away with this!
??: It's me, X.
Don't you recognize me?
Zero: I get it. You're just a cheap
knockoff. You're worthless!
X: What's your objective?
What are you planning?
??: X, since then, I've been searching
for you and all my fellow hunters...
Zero Nightmare: ...to slaughter you all!
Die, X!

Zero: Who are you!

??: It's me. Don't you recognize me?

X: ...You are pitiful.

X: What do you want?

??: I've been looking for my hunters...

Zero Nightmare: To wipe out! You will die now!

(Source: MMKB)

Regional Differences

Title Screen

Japan US/Europe
RockmanX6-title.png Mega Man X6-title.png

As in X5, the Japanese release's background art of X and Zero was replaced with a generic tech background for the international releases.


Japan US/Europe

The Intro stage theme gained an electric guitar outside of Japan.

In what may be an oversight, the Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 version uses the Japanese iteration in all versions, regardless of language settings.

Japan US/Europe

Shield Sheldon's theme gained some percussion outside of Japan.

The Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 version does use the international iteration.

Voice Acting

As in X5, some voices (X's charge shot, etc.) were cut from the US/EU releases, though they were fewer this time. The title screen and stage intros were voiced in Japanese.

Revisional Differences

To do:
Any other X Collection differences?

US v1.1

The American version of X6 has 2 revisions, v1.0 and v1.1. The only difference between them is the armor cheat code text displayed after the Capcom logo in the credits.

v1.0's ROCK_X6.DAT file is dated November 9, 2001 at 10:43, while v1.1's ROCK_X6.DAT file is dated November 19, 2001 at 18:46.

v1.0 v1.1
Mega-Man-X6-armor-cheat-codes-v1.0.png Mega-Man-X6-armor-cheat-codes-v1.1.png

The text and font in the sprite were changed in v1.1, along with the sprite location data relating to it.

Mega Man X Collection

  • Rather infamously, the cutscene voice acting has been removed from this release, leaving nothing but whatever sound effects and music existed in the cutscenes. This was apparently an decision made by producer Robert Johnson as he felt people would complain about Japanese voices in the release (X Collection only came out in North America).
  • The "Vibration" feature for the PS1's Dual Shock controller has been removed from the buttons configuration screen.
  • The original save feature was replaced with that of the collection. Additionally, this also means that the amount of save files has been reduced to three per memory card, as opposed to the eight that the PS1 release has.
  • The armor cheat code text from US v1.1 is used, but with the digits erased from the L1 and R2 buttons, leaving visible gaps before the next comma or period.

Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2

Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 changed the opening and ending songs in both English and Japanese modes to a new song. However, the Japanese Rockman X Legacy Collection 2 still uses the same songs just like in the original releases.

Also, the original Rockman X6 had a narrator during the intro, but this narration was removed in the Japanese mode of Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2.

JapanOriginal EnglishEnglish Legacy Collection 2

The opening tracks "Moonlight" and "The Answer" by Showtaro Morikubo (X's voice actor from X5 to X7) were replaced with "The Crisis Continues".

Japan/Original English English Legacy Collection 2

The ending track "I.D.E.A." by RoST was replaced with "End Of File".