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Mario's Super Picross

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Title Screen

Mario's Super Picross

Also known as: Mario no Super Picross (JP)
Developers: Ape, Jupiter
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: SNES
Released in JP: September 14, 1995
Released in US: September 23, 2020 (Nintendo Switch Online)
Released in EU: September 14, 2007 (Wii Virtual Console)
Released in AU: September 14, 2007 (Wii Virtual Console)
Released in KR: September 23, 2020 (Nintendo Switch Online)
Released in HK: February 17, 2021 (Nintendo Switch Online)

CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.
PiracyIcon.png This game has anti-piracy features.

Mario's least popular game by logic. People protested penalties for making mistakes.

Unused Music

There are two unused songs, but their purpose here is not clear. All songs can be heard at the Select-A-Data Screen using Pro Action Replay code C02B79?? (where "??" is one of the below). All songs have looped/non-looping versions, and subtracting or adding 40 from the current song's value will play them. Earlier versions of both of these songs are found unused in Tamori no Picross.

ID Song
(Source: nensondubois)

Sound Test

Looks like an N64 font. Could also explain the Hi-res mode.

Use Pro Action Replay code 7E119C0E or ROM address C021B20E at the title screen. Songs 07 and 0B are unused. Pressing Up or Down will toggle between BGM/SF. Left or Right will select the song/sfx number, A plays music and B or X will play the currently selected sound effect. Y will restart the song.

Song number 19 is the last song before silence or crashing the APU.

(Source: nensondubois)

Data Clear

Select A Delete!

Use Pro Action Replay code 7E119C0F or ROM address C021B20F at the title screen. All progress will be lost if you choose to erase. Not used, however; individual save files can be erased in-game by pressing A + B + Select on the highlighted file.

(Source: nensondubois)

Hidden Messages

DBOOT VER1.03 .MSPIC 95/07/21 

Build information is present at 0xE0003.

(Source: nensondubois)
Address String Description
Addresses non-zero
It is Hot Start.
Addresses zero

At boot, the game will zero out 0x7efd70 through 0x7efd73. It will verify these addresses are empty four times at 0x26d24. Depending on whether or not the addresses are empty, a section of one of the above strings will be printed to 0x8 in RAM. Under normal circumstances, the second message will appear. This is likely a boot sequence verification method.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Leftover Save Screen

Mario no Super Picross Save Screen.png
Text Translation


The game has been saved.
You will continue from where
you left off.

There's a leftover save screen from a version of Tamori no Picross. This message pops up after saving in the middle of a picross puzzle. In this version, a message from either Mario or Wario is displayed instead. Changing 0xB577 to 4C 08 34 will replace the tutorial with this screen instead.

(Source: Original TCRF research)
(Translation: kumori)

Error Messages


Don't copy that Floppy!

The game checks to see that it has exactly 8KB of SRAM. If this check fails, the game boots up to the above screen and hangs. Cartridge copiers tend to have a lot more than 8KB of SRAM to support a wider variety of games, so they will trip the anti-piracy detection.

Region Error

Looks like I imported this all for nothing...

Attempting to play the game with a European SNES throws up this error screen upon booting. Nintendo planned to release Super Picross internationally, but scrapped them due to poor reception from Mario's Picross, making this screen appear a bit awkward.

Multitap Error

Mario says Multitap is bad for you.

Connecting a Multitap device will have Mario pop up on boot to inform you that his game is incompatible with the accessory.

Save File Sanity Check Oddities

When the game boots up, it creates two save files with the maker code, game code, and game title from the internal header. If there's a mismatch between the first save file and the rom, the save file is wiped. The string "Noriaki Teramoto", the name of the main programmer, is also stored in each save file. Strangely, the game does not perform the aforementioned validation on this string.

This type of sanity checking would prevent another game's save file from being loaded. However, it seems a bit superfluous considering the game already performs checksum checking. Also, game codes are adjusted per region, so this would also prevent different save files from different regions from being loaded, had they been developed.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Version Differences

Several puzzles were changed for the Virtual Console and Nintendo Switch Online releases, with most of them probably due to legal reasons.

Mario 6-J

Super Famicom Virtual Console/Switch Online
Mario no Super Picross - Mario 6-J (J).png Mario no Super Picross - Mario 6-J (EU).png
Japanese Translation
Super Famicom マリリン・モンロー Marilyn Monroe
Virtual Console/Switch Online ゾウガメ Giant Tortoise

Mario EX-M

Super Famicom Virtual Console/Switch Online
Mario no Super Picross - Mario EX-M (J) 1.png
Mario no Super Picross - Mario EX-M (J) 2.png
Mario no Super Picross - Mario EX-M (EU) 1.png
Mario no Super Picross - Mario EX-M (EU) 2.png

The Super Famicom version of this puzzle has multiple solutions, but the game recognizes only one solution. This was fixed in the rereleases by adding a single pixel between Wario's left eye and his nose.

Wario 2-B

Super Famicom Virtual Console/Switch Online
Mario no Super Picross - Wario 2-B (J).png Mario no Super Picross - Wario 2-B (EU).png
Japanese Translation
Super Famicom テトリス Tetris
Virtual Console/Switch Online ヤドカリ Hermit Crab

Wario 5-L

Super Famicom Virtual Console/Switch Online
Mario no Super Picross - Wario 5-L (J).png Mario no Super Picross - Wario 5-L (EU).png
Japanese Translation
Super Famicom さけび The Scream
Virtual Console/Switch Online カメレオン Chameleon
(Source: shirokirby, pio_000)