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This page is a translated version of the page Final Fantasy and the translation is 5% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
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Title Screen

Final Fantasy/ja

開発元: Square
発売元: Square (JP), Nintendo (US)
プラットフォーム: NES
日本での発売日: 1987年12月18日
アメリカでの発売日: 1990年7月12日


GraphicsIcon.png 未使用のグラフィック
TextIcon.png 未使用のテキスト
RegionIcon.png 地域による違い
PiracyIcon.png 著作権侵害対策機能

The final fantasy. Shortly after releasing this, Square failed and was never heard from again.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info (untranslated)
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info (untranslated)



船の上でA + Bを55回押すと、スライドパズルゲームが出てきます。完成させると100ギル貰えます。



JP US Final US Leftover
せきばんが ゆかにおかれている‥‥
なにか じゃあくなものをかんじる。
There is a stone plate
on the floor‥
You sense something?
せきばんが ゆかにおかれている‥‥
なにか じゃあくなものをかんじる。
There is a stone plate
on the floor‥
You sense something?
せきばんが ゆかにおかれている‥‥
なにか じゃあくなものをかんじる。
There is a stone plate
on the floor‥
You sense something?
e something‥
つちの カオスを たおし この マリリスの
ねむりを じゃましたのは おまえらか!
ひのちからは わたさん。
わたしの ほのおで やきつくしてくれよう!
Is it you, the tinder
that defeated the FIEND
of the Earth, and
disturbed my sleep?
I, KARY will now show
you the force of Fire,
and you shall burn in
its flames!!
disturbed my sleep?
I,KARY will not give
you the force of FIRE.
I shall burn you up with
my flames.
カオスのたまが すべての みずを まきこむ!
フォ フォ フォ‥‥
ミズ ノ カオス クラーケン ニ ハムカウトハ
ミノホド シラズナ ヤツラヨ!
The FIEND's ball is
shattered, evaporating
all the water.
Ho, Ho, Ho‥
How foolhardy to dare
challenge me, KRAKEN the
FIEND of the Water.
The FIEND'S ball is
taking in all the water.
How foolish of you to
challenge me,KRAKEN
the FIEND of Water!!
カオスのたまから せんこうが はしる!
ここまで きたか‥‥だがもうこれで おまえたちの
かぜのカオス ティアマット!!
Lightning erupts from
the FIEND's ball‥
So, you have come this
the Wind will now put an
end to your adventure!!
There's lightning from
the FIEND'S ball‥
So, you have come this
Wind shall end your
little adventure.
えっ?! たかのつばさのことばが
You can speak Lefeinish?
What? You can speak
せきばんが ゆかにおかれている‥‥
なにか じゃあくなものをかんじる。
There is a stone plate
on the floor‥
You sense something?
The stone plate is on
the floor‥
You sense something evil

While these are identifiable as messages that also appear in the final script, some are a bit different. For example, "Leffeinish" was spelled "Lefeinish" in the final script. Here Kary says she will not give you the force of fire, but in the final script she says, "I, KARY will now show you the force of Fire, and you shall burn in its flames!!". This might lead one to think that "will not give" as opposed to "will show" was a mistranslation and the translator later fixed it, but, in fact, the original wording matched the Japanese phrasing.










0x3CFCBのルーチンは、ワールドマップ以外のマップ遷移時に実行され、"PROGRAMMED BY NASIR"というテキストのチェックサムをイントロ(0x37B1A-0x37B34)から拾ってきます。これが変更されていれば、スタックから3つの値を引き出してRTSを実行し、プログラムカウンタを任意の値にセットすることでゲームをクラッシュさせます。似たようなコピープロテクトとゲームを故意にクラッシュさせる手法はドクターマリオにも利用されています。





To do:
Fully document which of these are regional differences and which are also present in FFI-II.

US版はオリジナルからいくらか変更されています。大半の(全てではないが)変更は後のファミコン版 Final Fantasy I-II やその後のリメイクにも反映されています。


日本版 アメリカ版
Final Fantasy I(JP)-start menu.png Final Fantasy I-start menu.png


日本版 アメリカ版
Final Fantasy I(JP)-title.png Final Fantasy I-title.png





Japan US
+ <3



日本版 アメリカ版
細かいことだが、ここではGがGilと書かれている。 帽子どこ?


アースの洞窟(日本) アースの洞窟(アメリカ)
Fairly standard fantasy fare, really. Not much to say here.
氷の洞窟(日本) 氷の洞窟(アメリカ)
Interestingly, this isn't exactly the same as the above cross. But this is the same candelabra.
浮遊城(日本) 浮遊城(アメリカ)
Jews in Space Futuristic... triangles!

These three tilesets all had either crosses or Stars of David replaced with different imagery.

Japan US
<GoldS> those 3 pixels are so hot Aww

Medusa's sprite was slightly altered to give her a top. This change extends to the Green (Earth) Medusas.


Japan US
<GoldS> those 3 pixels are so hot Aww

Medusa's sprite was slightly altered to give her a top. This change extends to the Green (Earth) Medusas.

Japan US
Behold! Eye!

The EYE, known as the Beholder in the Japanese version, was completely redrawn to avoid copyright issues with TSR, the then-owners of Dungeons and Dragons (and, by extension, the beholder). This change extends to the Death Beholder/Phantom. All remakes of the game, including the Japanese versions, use the Eye's design.


Japan US
FF1J-Fighter.png FF1U-Fighter.png
Japan US
Looking a bit deflated Still looks like a Klansman out of battle

The Fighter and White Mage's weak frames were touched up slightly.

Japan US
FF1J-Ninja.png FF1U-Ninja.png

The Ninja's victory/casting animation was changed so that his legs don't move.

Japan US
Get a haircut, ya hippie! Still in need of a haircut

Supermonk, as he was known in Japan, tamed his hair and grew a mullet in time for his US debut as The Master.

Japan US
FF1J-RedWizard.png FF1U-RedWizard.png

The Red Wizard's cape was touched up a bit, particularly his walking frame where the bottom of it originally disappeared entirely.


Japan US
FF1J-Swords.png FF1U-Swords.png

Several of the sword graphics were touched up slightly.



Menu Items



Japan US
4, you suck, I'm unequipping your rapier! Am I unequipping, trading, or dropping?! I DON'T KNOW!!!

The title of the weapon and armor menus are a beige shade in the Japanese version, and the currently selected option is highlighted in red. While this is technically still the case in the US version, the palettes have been set to white, making them indistinguishable from the standard text palette. This was likely done because the translators were unwilling or unable to resize the windows to account for the attribute table changes required to accommodate the longer English text strings.

Text Colors

Japan US
4, you suck, I'm unequipping your rapier! Am I unequipping, trading, or dropping?! I DON'T KNOW!!!

The title of the weapon and armor menus are a beige shade in the Japanese version, and the currently selected option is highlighted in red. While this is technically still the case in the US version, the palettes have been set to white, making them indistinguishable from the standard text palette. This was likely done because the translators were unwilling or unable to resize the windows to account for the attribute table changes required to accommodate the longer English text strings.

Battle Formations

Some battle formations were altered for America to fix a small, relatively obscure glitch in which enemies will occasionally display corrupted colors, though this can still happen to Sea Trolls.

Warmech's Rarity

In the Japanese version, Warmech (Death Machine) is in the rarest encounter slot, and Fighter (Dark Fighter) is in the second rarest encounter slot. In the North American version, they were switched.

Missing Fanfare

When you activate the time gate in the Temple of Chaos, the "got key item" fanfare is heard in the Japanese version. For some reason the regular "item found" noise is heard in the North American version instead.

Virtual Console Changes

To do:
Grab comparison screens

The Virtual Console release of the game tones down the bright flashing colors for certain spell animations, and for when initiating and exiting a battle, due to such graphics potentially causing epileptic seizures.