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Prerelease:Final Fantasy

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Final Fantasy.

To do:
check for other differences in other screenshots of the preview, as well as the top screenshot of the ad.
  • Someone who can read Japanese should also check out the text and delete this part of the todo if there's nothing interesting about it

Famicom Tsushin #034 (October 16, 1987)

Famitsu34 Final Fantasy Preview 1.png Famitsu34 Final Fantasy Preview 2.png

A two-page preview. It mentions the advanced jobs マスターモンク (Master Monk) and 道士 (Doushi), which do not exist in the final. Master Monk seems to be an early name for Super Monk, the Japanese name for Black Belt/Master.

Famitsu34 Final Fantasy Preview worldmap.png

The world map shows many differences compared to the final in-game map. Note that several castles and caves are missing, which may hint at it being in an unfinished state.

Regarding the southern continent:

  • Melmond is located further inland and the island east of it is missing.
  • A lot of mountains layout differ all around the continent, most notably no mountains are shown around Matoya's cave, the path in between the mountains north of Marsh Cave is missing (presumably an opening was added as a shortcut in the final), also there are mountains north of Pravoka rather than forests.
  • Ice Cave and Mount Gulug are connected by a river.
  • The small river and mountain area east of Ryukahn Desert is missing.
  • Elfland is surrounded by walls and had pavement, similar to Coneria. There is also a small lake south of it.

Regarding the northern continents:

  • Grass and forest next to the location of the caravan are missing.
  • A patch of land is missing on the northwest corner of the map.
  • There are mountains north of Lefein.
Prerelease Final
Famitsu34 Final Fantasy Preview screenshot1.png Final Fantasy (J) overworld.png
Famitsu34 Final Fantasy Preview screenshot3.png Final Fantasy overworld3.png

The layout of the overworld below Coneria differs slightly. Compared to the final version, the port uses a less detailed visual design. Also there is detailing for the pavement, rather than the plain design in the final.

Prerelease Final
Famitsu34 Final Fantasy Preview screenshot2.png Final Fantasy overworld2.png

Similar differences around Pravoka.

Famitsu34 Final Fantasy 1.png

Famitsu34 Final Fantasy 2.png

A double-page ad from the same issue featuring an early screenshot and a mockup of a battle scene.

Famitsu34 Final Fantasy previewscreenshot1.png

The top screenshot shows an overworld location which corresponds to nothing in the final, though the layout of the town with the walls surrounding it and the castle at the north indicate it could be an early version of Coneria, or possibly even Elfland as seen in the above earlier map. The tall buildings do not exist in the final game. The player character's sprite seems to be the Warrior, who has red hair and armor in the final game, in an all-blue palette instead.

Famitsu34 Final Fantasy previewscreenshot2.png

The bottom screenshot is most likely a mockup.

  • The Dragon does not appear in the final. Note that it is larger than any enemy in the final.
  • The background color of the window during the battle is black in the final.
  • All four playable characters have their weapons out at the same time, which is not possible in the final.
    • Additionally, the White Mage is shown wielding a saber, and the red-robed Black Wizard-like class at the bottom wielding an axe. In the final game, White Mages cannot wield swords, and the only classes that can wield axes are Warriors, Knights, and Ninja.
  • The palette of the battle background is different from the final.
  • The command もちもの (item) was つかう (use).
  • The playable characters are named in Katakana characters, which is not possible in the final.
  • The fourth party member's sprite does not fully correspond to any job class in the final game. They appear to use the Black Wizard design with a distinct palette that gives them a red robe and orange hair, but neither of the two palettes used by player classes in the final game include orange. It's also not possible to legitimately have both base and upgraded classes in the same party, as Bahamut's blessing upgrades all four party members regardless of their current status, though it's possible that the sprite was at this point being used as an alternative design for another class (perhaps Red Mage?).

Famicom Tsushin #035 (October 30, 1987)


Prerelease Final
Famitsu 35 Final Fantasy ogre.png Final Fantasy Ogre.png
Famitsu 35 Final Fantasy Crazy Horse.png Final Fantasy Crazy Horse.png

Early designs for the Ogre and Crazy Horse enemies.

Famicom Tsushin #036 (November 13, 1987)


Famitsu 36 Final Fantasy Ogre.png

A higher-resolution look at the early Ogre.


  • On the overworld screenshot, the port around Coneria now has its design and location from the final game.
  • On the screenshot around the armor and weapon shops, compared to the final version the female dancer NPC may be missing, or she simply walked out of the screen (though that is unlikely to happen in the final version).
Prerelease Final
Final Fantasy Famitsu36 weapon shop.png Final Fantasy (J) weapon shop.png
Final Fantasy Famitsu36 black magic shop.png Final Fantasy (J) black magic shop.png
Final Fantasy Famitsu36 armor shop.png Final Fantasy (J) armor shop.png
Final Fantasy Famitsu36 item shop.png Final Fantasy (J) item shop.png
  • The clerks from the black magic shop and the armor shop use an early design.
  • Except for magic, the prices of all the articles are lower.
Prerelease Final
Famitsu36 overworld4.png Final Fantasy overworld4.png
Famitsu36 overworld5.png Final Fantasy overworld5.png

Differences in overworld detailing.

Prerelease Final
Famitsu36 temple.png Final Fantasy temple.png

The bats are missing and the princess stands one tile above in the preview, overlaying the orb.

Famimaga #021 (December 4, 1987)

Famimaga Dec 1987 0002.png

Prerelease Final
Famimaga Dec 1987 White Mage Shop.png Final Fantasy White Mage Shop Final.png

Higher-resolution look at the early design of the white mage clerk, also seen in the Famitsu #036 preview.