The Cutting Room Floor
The Cutting Room Floor är en hemsida dedikerad till att dokumentera och undersöka oanvänt och borttaget material från videospel. Från debuggmenyer, till unused music, graphics, enemies,oanvänd musik, fiender, eller banor, många spel har material som var aldrig menat att ses av någon annan än skaparna — eller var menat för någon, fast det togs bort på grund av tids-/budgetbegränsningar.
Bläddra gärna igenom vår samling spel och börja läsa. Har du intresse för att forska materialet? Prova att titta på några stubbar och se om du kan hjälpa oss. Har du bara ett knappt minne av någon oanvänd meny/bana som du såg för några år sen minns inte hur du kommer åt det? Skapa gärna en sida med det du såg så ska vi se igenom det. Om du vill hjälpa till med att hålla hemsidan uppe och hjälpa med vidare spelforskning kan du gärna donera.
Presenterad artikel
Developer: Neverland
Publisher: Taito, Natsume
Released: N/A (unreleased prototype), Super Nintendo
The only publicly-known Lufia II/Estpolis Denki II prototype had an unfortunate accident that fortunately was fixable: The first dumper of the ROM accidentally damaged one of the chips during the dumping process, rendering the game unusable. Later on (after changing ownership), others were able to re-dump it and patch the damaged sections of the ROM with pieces from the retail version, or just plain ingenuity.
The Lufia II prototype contains many features in various stages of completion that didn't make it into the final build of the game. This includes an (extremely incomplete) area where your capsule monsters could've been pitted against others like Pokémon! It was very fortunate that the damage to the ROM was so minor, and that people worked so hard to restore it after the fact.
Did You Know...
- ...that Yujix Terada hid his name in Dirty Pair: Project Eden by placing it in the overscan area at the bottom of the screen?
- ...that there's text in Perfect Dark for Game Boy Camera support?
- ...that Samurai Shodown Anthology has movelists for the unplayable characters - but got all but one of Yumeji's moves wrong?
- ...that the stage select in the Genesis version of Sonic 3D Blast doubles as an exception handler?
- ...that Super Mario Sunshine had four areas and a railroad system that were cut from the final game?
- ...that Shinobi III supports a then-unreleased controller through a cheat code?
- ...that at least 22 games released on today's date have articles?
Vill du bidra? Osäker på var du vill börja? Besök Hjälpsidan för allt du behöver för att komma igång, till exempel...
- Instruktioner för att skapa och redigera sidor
- Guider som kommer att hjälpa dig hitta debugglägen, oanvänd grafik, gömda banor, medmera
- En lista på vad som behöver göras
- Vanliga saker som kan hittas i hundratals olika spel
Vi har också en stor lista på spel som antingen fortfarande saknar sidor eller vars sidor behövt expanderas rejält. Ta en titt!
Featured File
The Town With No Name is a parody(?) of Western movies, and... Well, it's a bit hard to explain. Some claim it's a shoddy game made for a dying console (the CDTV) and one of the worst games of all-time (what with the creators trying to distance themselves from it), while others think it may be one of the first examples of a joke game that somehow got published (what with its poor art and voice acting, bizarre dialogue and gags, and rudimentary gameplay).
An image showing a black-cloaked man doing something with two children wearing orange cloaks in a forest. It seems more like something for something else entirely.
Quite possibly the weirdest image on the disc, which is saying something.