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Proto:007: Tomorrow Never Dies

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This page details one or more prototype versions of 007: Tomorrow Never Dies.

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?
To do:
Compare both the retail and prototype versions for differences.

General Differences

PARAM08.TXT has the following text in it:

//past yellow door
GameWorldX  34000
GameWorldZ 5096
trigger_area 2

Prototype has a different setting for gupta in the same file:

Proto Final
GameWorldX  8000
GameWorldZ 22096
GameWorldX  10000
GameWorldZ 11096
Proto Final
TND Prototype Kaufman Cutscene.png TND Retail Kaufman Cutscene.png

Kaufman is standing in a different spot of the suite.