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Pizza Tower/Unused Objects

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This is a sub-page of Pizza Tower.



We hope you like red shapes!
Windows-PizzaTower-icon removed-1.png
Removed Objects
Timers, signs, and more! Oh yeah, Noise is here too.

Arena objects

All these arena objects shown below were used in various different builds.


Pizza Tower spr-arenagate-close.gifPizza Tower spr-arenagate.pngPizza Tower spr-arenagate-open.gif

A gate intended for arena fights in levels, which was a concept introduced sometime during development, and was used in levels such as War, Kung-Fu (which was scrapped), Gnome Forest, and Oh Shit! This mechanic was scrapped in favor of a faster gameplay style, with the door following and also becoming unused.


Pizza Tower spr-arenadoor.png Pizza Tower spr-arenadoor-open.gif

A door where certain enemies, such as the Shrimp Thugs, would come out from. Like the arena spawn object seen below, the sprite used is a placeholder.


Pizza Tower spr-arenagate-scroll.png

The trigger for starting an arena fight. The graphic used is a placeholder scroll for something else, had it been used in the final game. An oddity about this object is that it's visible before it gets triggered, and when it is triggered, it disappears from the player's view.


Pizza Tower spr-camera-1x1.png

A boundary object that uses the 1x1 camera sprite from the Level Editor build. This object simply determines the boundary the enemies spawn within the arena.


Pizza Tower sprite10291.png

The spawn point for enemies in arenas. This would usually be placed near the corner of an enemies sprite boundaries for it to work properly.



A simple balloon that was first seen in a video preview from September 3rd, 2018, with it making multiple appearances in early playtest versions of the Halloween Demo. It would bounce the player upwards on contact and pop the balloon, and respawns a few seconds after being popped.


A variant of the balloon object that flies up for a short moment and then pops, spewing out two spiky cheese balls. However, they don't act like regular spikes, for if they are touched, the player would be granted the clown transformation, as implied by the object's name. It also shares the same sprite with the regular balloon.


Spr pizzaslice 0.gif

This was seen in earlier demos when breaking a Large Pizza Block, and was also seen when defeating an early version of the Cardboard Tank enemy. It rewards the player 25 points upon collecting it, and still functions as intended in the final game. The sprite it uses was previously used in the 2018 builds as a menu cursor, and from Post-Eggplant builds onward, the sprite now serves as an autosave indicator.



An early version of the bomb, originally from the Early Test Build, but was, for lack of a better term, "reworked" heavily in the Rework build. The player can't pick it up, and unlike the final bomb, it doesn't hurt Peppino when it explodes, and instead, the explosion will send Peppino flying in one direction, with him being able to kill Stupid Rats in this state until he hits a wall.


PizzaTower CheeseBoat.png

As the name suggests, it's a boat made out of cheese, though only a crude placeholder graphic was made. As seen in hub_port, this boat is supposed to take you into hub_island, and can also move left and right when made contact with in hub_sewer.

Shown below is a colored mockup of what it may have looked like, had it been finished.

PizzaTower CheeseBoat color mockup.png


This object serves as a few of the alternatives for activating Pizza Time. When approaching the desk, the player picks up the phone and stays in an idle animation. Only when you press Z, the player picks up the phone and activates Pizza Time, however they will be stuck in a screaming animation, unable to move. Pizza Time is also quite short and the small icon of John doesn't draw a bar that fills up behind him.

This object was only used briefly between Demo 2 and the January Patreon build, but was never used in later builds following up to the game's release.


Pizza Tower spr-pizzashield-collectible.gif Pizza Tower spr-pizzashield.gif Pizza Tower spr-pizzashield-block.gif

A fully functioning and very appropriately pizza themed shield. This object is still included in in the unused war_4 room, and can be collected it by going near it. If the player is hit with the shield equipped, it will absorb all damage and will automatically drop out.


Spr noisefairy 0.gif

This object is likely an unused variant of the Rat Fairies seen in Gnome Forest, and leftover from the Noise Update. These Noisy fairies would originally replace the Rat Fairies in the Noise's campgain, but ironically, this variant doesn't give the player any points.



A hoop sharing a similar design as the hoops used in Golf, minus the Greaseball hologram in the center of it. Although the Greaseball can't go through the hoop, the player can, and when touched by the player, it will grant them 50 points. This object is used in the unused level Space Pinball, and was used in the Eggplant Build version of Golf.



An unused version of the pizza topping collectables that the player finds in every level, however it has gravity enabled. This object uses the final game's sausage collectable for its sprite in the files.



A variant of the priest from the Eggplant build. It would be found in Wasteyard, spinning around in circles, and works like the final game's priest, removing transformations and all. However, it doesn't grant any points whatsoever, as it was meant to be a hazard. This object is found in the 3rd screenshot on the game's Steam page, and although it is not seen in game as an object, its sprite is used in the pause menu, where the other angel priests fly.


Originally, the Cheeseslime's dead sprite was supposed to be fully animated, similar to that of a Peppino Clone in the final game. This object was used from Early Test Build up until the Desert Patreon Build, where it only uses the 3rd frame of the death animation.


PTtombstone.png PTtombstoneunmoveable.png

A simple tombstone that was first seen in the Graveyard Playtest Patreon build. If the player touches it while in ghost form, it will convert them back to normal Peppino. In addition, it can also be grabbed and thrown. It also has a bigger variant, obj_bigtombstone, although the code doesn't seem to work anymore, though, and the game crashes if you try to use it to end the ghost transformation.

Like the trash the player throws at the Cheese Dragon, the game crashes if you try to pile drive it, and it also lacks sound effects whenever you throw it. This is because obj_junk is the parent object, sharing its properties with the tombstone. Unlike the junk, this object has a variable named “unmovable”, and if set to “1” (true), the tombstone sprite will into to a wooden cross with a pile of dirt in front of it.

This, and all other transformation removing objects, were replaced by the generic Pizza Priest object in the final game, likely to lessen the amount of unique objects. Less is more with this game, as shown with everything but the length of development and cut content.


Fututre idle.gif

This object uses the present sprite from the final game, and is seen in the Rework build version of Don't Make A Sound. When interacting with it, it will launch the player upwards in the Scared Jump state with a scream sound effect playing. While in this state, the present will alert the Toppin Monsters about the player's location.



An unused variant of a baddie spawner with a red palette. Unlike a regular spawner, this variant spawns up to 4 enemies at a time, rather than one enemy at a time. This is never used in any of the levels.


A little known fact is that the baddie spawners have gravity properties to them, with them falling if placed above the ground. This specific variant is exactly what it says on the label; a baddie spawner with no gravity enabled. Works just like the original, but has no sprite showcased here because it uses the same sprite as a regular spawner.


PThaybale.png PThaybaleburningup.gif PThaybaleburn.gif

This object was used in the Western V1 build, and could be used as a platform. Haybales could catch fire if the player in firebutt/mouth form or a provoked Peasanto touches it. Once touched while set on fire, the player will be sent into the firebutt state, which can be used to set other haybales on fire, however when getting launched into a firebutt jump, there is no sizzling or screaming sound coming from Peppino.

This object was meant to be used in both Fun Farm and the scrapped Mansion level in the Rework build, where it's most infamously known in.

Roped Haybale (obj_haystackrope)


A variant of the haybale object that is roped up, immune to fire attacks, and can't be stood on. The only thing that can break the rope is the Tribe Cheese's axe, making it fall and turning it into a regular haybale. This roped-up haybale was used in the Rework build's hub, and is found to the right of the early Oregano Desert's gate.



Spr cowidle 0.png

This is seen in the Rework build version of the level Fun Farm, which acts like a solid object by default. However, when hitting it with Mort in tow, it causes it to move, defeating enemies in it's path, and when touched by the player, they will be in a squished state.


Spr cowturned90degreesclockwise 0.gif

This cow originally would be seen in the Vigilante boss. This would have a cow falling into the arena like the falling Pepperman statues, although this object uses obj_peppermanbowlingball as its base.


Uses the Cow's bouncing sprite, which moves faster and damages the player upon contact. This was never seen in any builds.


These objects can be seen out of bounds in both The Vigilante and Pizzaface's boss fights, and would spawn obj_cowstampede.

Spider web (obj_spiderweb)



(Note: black background added on web for visibility's sake)

Used in the Rework build, this object would trap the player in a cobweb, unable to move but still able to change Peppino's direction with left or right inputs. When the player jumps out of a web, a spider (which is its own object, named obj_spider) would come by and create a new web in the old one's place.



Unlike obj_movingspike, which is seen in Peppibot Factory, this object moves left and right or up and down, and could be seen in the early Mansion level. It still functions as intended in the final game, but upon touching this object, it works slightly differently.

Bandito Chicken



Early versions of the projectiles thrown by the Bandito Chicken enemies from the April 2021 build.


An old version of a Bandito Chicken's dynamite, which originated from the Eggplant build, and functions similarly to Bombs thrown by Pizza Box Goblins.


PTjunk1.png PTjunk2.png PTjunk3.png PTjunk4.png PTjunk5.png PTjunk6.png PTjunk7.png

These objects were used in the Boss build, and are still in the game. In Dragon's Lair, the level the junk object was primarily used in, the junk was used to break enemy blocks and to defeat the Cheese Dragon. Doing a piledriver while holding them will crash the game when brought back in. Another thing is that when brought back, the items will vary between 7 different random sprites.

Various objects, such as obj_tombstone, are actually built off of this object as a base, as mentioned above, and like the tombstone object, it lacks any sound effects when thrown.


Spr giantkey.png

An unused and early version of the Boss Keys that would spawn after defeating a boss, except for Pizzaface. This object is used in the Boss build in the Dragon Lair stage, and is earned upon defeating the Cheese Dragon in the last room. Unfortunately, the key doesn't do anything after picking it up.

Pizza Cutter Thwomp

PTpizzacutterthwomp.png PTpizzacutterholder.png

A self-explanatory pizza cutter object that would slide up and down, attacking the player similarly like a Thwomp from the Super Mario games.


Spr barrel.png

A unused version of the Barrels, leftover from the Beach and Forest build. It can be grabbed and thrown, but the barrel transformation only occurs when running into it.



A simple breakable wooden door that was first seen way back in the Early Test Build. The door is solid, but will break if the player Mach dashes into it or attacks it. The door does not make any sound when broken, due to the game's sound engine adopting FMOD support, with the object's code not being updated to use FMOD sounds.

Baddie Gate (obj_baddiegate, obj_baddiebutton and obj_baddiebutton_perma)

PTbaddiegate.png PTbaddiebutton.gif PTbaddiebuttonperma.gif

The baddie gate would be a simple solid object that could only be disabled, or enabled if the active variable is set to 0 (false), by enemies when pressing on the baddie button. There are two variants of said button: one temporary red button that gets deactivated when the enemy moves off it, and a permanent blue version that would be permanently activated, even if the enemy that pressed it was removed from it. This could've been used for certain puzzles, but was eventually scrapped from the game. On the plus side, it works as intended if brought back.

Giant Pizza


A giant pizza that, if collected, grants the player with 1,000 points, complete with a unique sound effect. These were mainly used in secrets throughout most of the game's development, and were replaced by the secrets having many more collectables, and the Pizzasonas.

Starting with the Rework build, these started instantly teleporting the player to the previous room as a way to exit the secrets. This technique, however, affected levels that previously used them as collectibles, with mixed results.

They ultimately went unused, as they were replaced by the eyes in the final iteration of the secrets by the Octobe22 build.

Purple Trashcan

PTpurpletrashcan.png PTpurpletrashcanshoot.gif

A purple trashcan that would shoot out cheese balls that would grant the player the Cheese Ball transformation, which would later be replaced by the Giant Cheeseslime in the final game.


PTcorn.png PTcornmort.gif

A pile of corn intended for use in the Fun Farm level. Similar to obj_tombstone, this object would remove Mort from the player, but unlike obj_tombstone, however, it can't be grabbed and thrown around. As stated before in obj_tombstone's section, it was cut and replaced by the Pizza Priest. Perhaps this pile of corn has a obj_tombstone somewhere...

Piraneapple Objects

There exist two unused objects related to Piraneapples.

Piraneapple Sign (obj_piraneapple_sign)


An unknown and unfinished sign decoration, found from the files of the Rework build that would warn the player of upcoming Piraneapples. However, when passing by this sign, an unused early Piraneapple will jump out of an existing object called obj_piraneapple_spawn.

Piraneapple Water (obj_piraneapple_spawn)


Water from the files of Rework build. It shares the same sprites as the Piraneapple water from the final game, but would've have an early version of the Piraneapple enemy jump out from the water when passing by the unused Piraneapple sign, as mentioned above.



A solid, separate object version of the lavapot decoration found in Strongcold's tileset from the Peppino's Xmas Break build. This was first found in the Rework build, which after completing Bloodsauce Dungeon, it would've cause a cutscene in hub_pizzatowercomplex to activate, and the lavapot would've turned into obj_lavapotfall.


The same version of the lavapot, except now it has gravity when placed above ground, and then turning into a pool of Boiling Sauce when landed, as mentioned above.

Meat Blocks



An old object, where Weenies could've be turned into blocks of meat that the player could collide with.



This object would've transformed the Weenies into obj_meatblock if they fell into it, and shares the same sprite as the aforementioned obj_meatblock.

Cardboard Mr. Stick


Back when Mr. Stick was a boss, he would spawn cardboard copies of himself to fool the player (Fact: the sprite may not look like it, but one of the wrists on his gloves is transparent). When touched, the cardboard will reveal itself to be a spike in disguise! Surprisingly, this object still works as intended in the final game.


An object added in the Halloween Update, and is related to Mr. Stick. Although it lacks a sprite, the object's image speed is set to 0.35, with its depth is set to -15. It can get destroyed when the player's state is anything other than the hurt state, or an unused state with no associated code. If the player is in said state(s), a poof effect will be created upon the hat being destroyed. This object's behavior matches that of an object seen in the leaked footage of playable Mr. Stick, more specifically his hat staying in the air when he cancels out of flying.



This object is a simple destroyable obstacle from the Rework build. When destroyed via an attack or Mach dash, it'll fly off screen. This object is not in the final game, and is only found in the first room of the older variant of Oregano Desert, also from the same build.


PT SecretTrigger.png

This object is from an earlier revision of the secret system. In this early system, secret eyes could sometimes be closed by default. This object would have been placed multiple times throughout a level, and the player would need to meet a condition set by the object's instance creation code (ex. simply touching one, placing an enemy on one or ground pounding on one) to either make a closed secret eye open, or increase a counter towards making a closed secret eye open.

The object is invisible, with the only way of finding them being decorations or out-of-place oddities, although setting them to be visible reveals that they'll display either 0 or 1 to show if they're active.

Touching this object now crashes the game due to "init = true" being added to obj_secretmanager's Room Start event, which prevents leftover code found in the first rooms of some levels from setting some variables and conditions. The only build this old mechanic was used in is the Rework Build, although it doesn't function properly due to coding errors. It can, however, be seen in action in some development streams from late 2021-early 2022 and a test room in the Eggplant Build.



A clock that would activate a time attack mode, where the player would beat a level quickly to set a new record or to beat a previous record. This object was used in various builds, primarily Peppino's Xmas Break and the Boss build, and if implemented back into the game, the game will crash.



An unused door that has no function to it whatsoever. This object was likely going to be used for Peppibot Factory.



An object that would spawn in the Pepperman bomb, which uses the Pizzacoin sprite.



A simple decorative lamp used in the old tutorial of various builds.


Windows-PizzaTower-spr goldendoorvisited-1.png Obj goldendoor.gif

A golden door that was used in older demo builds, primarily used in the Halloween Demo and Demo 2 builds for the dance room, although it has existed since Early Test Build. A different variant meant for Snick's Challenge exists too, and interacting with the door now crashes the game.

Bowling Ball


This object was first introduced in the Boss build. It gets summoned by the Cheese Dragon when it stomps on the ground, with it slowly falling down from the top of the screen, and if it hits the player, they will be in the stunned state, where their movement comes to a complete stop, but will recover from the hit shortly afterwards.

Pizzacoin (obj_pizzacoin)


Pizzacoins were first introduced in the Halloween Demo and were a way to purchase the shotgun and other goodies in a Pizzamart, plus pay for the boxes that held them. Although they've been scrapped a long time ago, they still exist in the game's files, with the object itself still working, however, once collected it will crash the gamenbecause of an invalid varaible.

Noise's Pranks


A bomb spawner, featuring the Noise throwing a bomb out of a window. The object itself would've lined up with the background walls seen in the Pizzascape level, and was replaced early on, with its last appearance being in Demo 2.

The bomb that The Noise throws, obj_bomb, was reworked in the Rework build, and thus acts different to the one used in Demo 2.

"Think fast, fatty!"- Noise, probably

obj_noisetrap_rock & obj_noiserock

PT spr noisepushrock.gif PT spr noiserock.png

An unused instance where The Noise would push a large rock onto the player. These objects were used in some very early versions of Oregano Desert.

Noise in his Balloon

The scenery sure is pleasant from my hot Noise Balloon. Ptmatch.gif

(Video provided by @RandomPicking on YouTube)

In one of the scrapped Mansion variants, The Noise would have been hanging around in a hot air balloon, and would drop a lit match onto a haystack (which is ALSO an unused object in of itself), causing it to be lit on fire. The balloon would later be used as one of his attacks in his boss fight.

Unused Blocks

Transformation Blocks

At one point in time where there was more apparent Wario Land influence on the game, using blocks that can only be destroyed with a specific transformation were the norm. Just about all of these blocks were used up until the game was reworked to focus on much more speedier gameplay in the latter half of 2021, being replaced by the semi-iconic Stupid Rats.



(Video provided by @RandomPicking on YouTube)

Bomb blocks would've been destroyed by... bombs. These blocks were first seen in the Halloween Demo and in The Ancient Cheese, where if the player ran into the block with a bomb in their hands, it would be destroyed, and could also be destroyed when in contact with obj_bombexplosion or obj_dynamiteexplosion, making it undestroyable with other explosion-related objects.



This barrel block would've been destroyed while the player was in the barrel transformation, but no longer works in the final game, due to changes in the transformation.


Spr cheeseballblock.png

A block that could have only been destroyed by rolling into it while in the Cheese Ball transformation.


Spr enemyblock.png

This block could only be destroyed by throwing an enemy at it, and suprisingly still functions in-game. Unlike the rest of the blocks showcased here, this one wasn't replaced.


Spr secretblock.png

A version of the big breakable block that was going to appear in the secret rooms. Notably, it doesn't use the final game's brickwork texture seen on other breakable blocks, and instead uses the cracked stone-like texture seen in older builds. This likely means it was cut before July 2021, when the breakable blocks were resprited.



A block made out ice that, if touched, would move them forward. Ice blocks do exist in the final game, notably in the level Refrigerator-Refrigerador-Freezerator, however they look and behave differently compared to this unused object.

The biggest change between the two is the fact that the unused object has some slip to it, while the final object doesn't. It's safe to say that players wouldn't let such annoying mechanics slide in a game as fast as Pizza Tower, as it can be gleamed from the change. A slope variant of said ice block also exists.



A tomato-like block that would bounce the player upwards if touched. This was used in early versions of Oh Shit and in the scrapped Space Pinball level.



A glass barrier that would have protected the Treasure. This was first seen in the Early Test Build demo, and likely got cut due to how redundant it would be to have two layers of protection for the Treasure (having to unlock the Treasure Door, and then breaking this glass barrier).



A block with a placeholder sprite that could only be destroyed by Gustavo and Brick. It was only used in Gnome Forest in the Rework build, and no longer works due to being meant for a scrapped biting/eating move.

Mach 3 Block


Some pretty creepy blocks that has the faces of Peppino, The Noise, The Vigilante, and a fusion of Gustavo and Brick. These blocks cannot be destroyed, and can only be passed through if the player goes in the speed of either Mach 3 or 4 with the corresponding character that matches the block. Do note that the sprites of these blocks do not show up in the game for some reason.

The block sprites themselves were briefly used as replacements for the purple collision block sprites used for a majority of the game's development, before McPig finally settled on using pink transparent squares instead.

Mach 4 Block


A block that is only breakable when the player goes at the speed of Mach 4 and Mach 4 only. An interesting quirk of it is that once broken, it shows the secret September 2021 block death sprite. This was never used in the game, seeing as how infuriating it could've been to be forced to build up a lot of speed just to get on by with the level.

Space Blocks

Ptbigspaceblock.gif Ptsmallspaceblock.gif

obj_bigspaceblock and obj_smallspaceblock were both blocks found in the September 2021 Rework build. However, unlike the usual breakable blocks the player sees in the final game, these blocks act like enemies, where they get launched away, but respawn shortly after being broken by the player. They were removed out of the final game but still exist in the files, as with everything else.



In earlier builds, metal blocks were supposed to respawn with a purple coat of paint on them during the escape sequences. However, this object was scrapped later on, and since then, only the sprite of the Pizza Time metal block debris remain.



A semi-solid platform that could only be entered from the bottom. This was used in the Rework's hub world, specifically in the room hub_medievallobby. This could've been used for Pizzascape as a decorative platform.



A block used in the old hub world. This block is just another version of the solid blocks in the game's files, which even uses the exact same sprite, and could've been destroyed by paying up to Mr. Stick.


Spr secretblock.png

A block that could've been broken by having two players go into the fightball dash state. This block uses the same sprite as the old secret block.



PizzaTower OldPauseScreen.png

The old pause screen that was used from the Rework Build up until the Octobe22 Build. Attemping to load this object crashes the game, but fixing the crashes shows that it's mostly still functional. It can no longer stop music or sound effects due to it not being updated for the game's FMOD conversion and the player can go beyond the options normally selectable. Notably, the code for exiting a level is programmed to take the player back to the main menu if they're in the main menu, tutorial, and hub, showing that this object was still being used by the time those areas were created.


The old object for handling music, which was used for most of the game's development, being replaced only 3 months before release in the Octobe22 Build, when the game switched over to FMOD for its music. It's missing the music transitions for Fun Farm, Peppibot Factory, and Refrigerator-Refrigerador-Freezerator, with half the levels have either Pizzascape or Bloodsauce Dungeon's secret music set as the music for secret areas as placeholders.

It still has the first music transition for Pizzascape and it has music set for 2 unused levels, being Strongcold and the Western Build version of Space Pinball. Interestingly, the object is set to play music in the final hub area, title screen, and The Crumbling Tower of Pizza, showing that this object was in use by the time those areas were created, though it appears that only the hub music for worlds 1, 3, and 4 were finished at this point in time, judging by the filenames.

This object will crash the game due to it interpreting the names of audio files, all of which were deleted from the final game to instead be stored externally in a .bank file, as unset variables.


An older version of the keybind configuration object, which was first seen in the SAGE 2019 Demo, and was used all the way up until the Eggplant build. This object crashes the game in Post-Noise Update builds of the final game, due to the player_index variable being missing. Notably, though, it still allows the player to rebind the unused shoot key.


This self-described "epic" object has been kicking around in the files ever since the Beach and Forest Build. With that being said, it does absolutely nothing, seemingly being a default GameMaker 2 object that was renamed and forgotten about.