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Proto:Pizza Tower/Level Editor

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This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
Add more images and download links to certain builds

This is a sub-page of Proto:Pizza Tower.

Tutorial videos of the editor that also showcase it.

The level editor build is a spinoff from the main builds, created off of the Boss build and initally released on Feburary 6th, 2020. These level editor builds were focused on players creating their own Pizza Tower levels to share, play, and create. There were four major builds, created by a Patreon supporter named Sertif, who is now the game's co-programmer. These level editor builds were only obtainable by being in the either the Weenie or Cool memberships, that is until they got leaked.

Since then, the functionality of the level editor was removed from future builds and the servers for level sharing were shut down in 2020-2021. The object and room for the editor still exist in the final game, but they do not work anymore. The feature was, however, somewhat revived in the Halloween Event Update, as mentioned here, potentially hinting at this feature returning in a future update.


A screenshot showing the editor.

Level Editor Revisions

Minor Revision Subpage

Minor Editor Revisions
Smaller revisions that mostly fixed bugs and such.


Version 1 is the first version of the editor that released on Feburary 6th, 2020, which includes objects, tiles, and decorations from the first floor. However, bugs were riddled everywhere. You can download the first build here.

V2 Playtest

Version 2's playtest build added things from the Western build and was also built off that too.

V3 Playtest

The third playtest version was the first to use the YoYo Complier, making it a bit more difficult, if not unmoddable with UndertaleModTool. This version adds new graphics, enemies, objects, and even online support! The hub room is also now unaccessable.


The final major build of the bunch. This version added a featured levels tab alongside a plethora of new objects, decorations and more based off the Beach and Forest build, which is also what this version is built off of too. You can download it here.