Development:Pizza Tower
This page details development materials of Pizza Tower.
This article is a work in progress. ...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes. |
To do: Document the Western v3 source code.
Western v3 Build Source Code
In early 2020, a couple of infamous Pizza Tower fans managed to hack the Discord account of Sertif, a member of Tour de Pizza. This allowed the hackers to access the Pizza Tower Discord's Staff Only channels, where they stole nearly a whole gigabyte of data from before Sertif realized he was hacked. One of the things that was stolen was the Western Build v3's source code, which was leaked alongside unfinished and unreleased music on August 15th.
The .yyz file the code is stored in is an hour older than the released build, but no changes were made to it in that time. It must be opened and compiled with version of GameMaker Studio 2 for intended results.
Commented Code
Moves Used in Earlier Builds
The following moves were seen in earlier builds are still present in this code:
-The gun move from the Golf Demo
-The Noise's spin move
-The Noise's bomb moves
Moves Not Used in Earlier Builds
The chainsaw move was never implemented in any publicly available builds, but the sprites and code have existed since the Early Test Build! This is not the same move that's unused in the final game, but rather the original version from pre-Early Test Build builds. Commented out in this build is the code to actually activate the move. This move was eventually reworked and implemented in pre-April 2021 builds, but ultimately cut by the time the April 2021 build released.
Vigilante's Boots
Level Editor Code
The code for the Level Editor builds that were being released throughout the first half of 2020 is present in the source code.
Other Code
Noise Dab
The code for dabbing as the Noise from Noise's Hardoween is still present.
Unused Mechanics
Yes, the unused Heat mechanic existed as far back as the Western Build! Some code for it can be found in the released build, but the source code contains even more code from previous revisions of the mechanic.
Rage Check
In some enemies' Step events is a commented out call for a script named scr_ragecheck(), which in itself is also commented out. The script simply checks if enemies should use their rage attacks. This code was eventually used in the April 2021 Build, although the script is no longer called and instead the code is part of each enemy's Step event since some enemies have different conditions for when to use their rage attacks.
Early World Names
The folders the levels are contained in have early names for each world implemented up to this point.
Early World Name | Final World Name |
Tower | Tower Lobby |
Weird West | Western District |
Island Adventure | Vacation Resort |
Enums can be found in the source code with proper names, which don't appear when decompiling code due to the way enums are compiled. The enums for player and enemy states are defined in the creation code for the title screen room (Realtitlescreen). Most if not all names line up with the names for the states' script names.
Additionally, there are 5 enums that are defined but not used:
- states.mach4
- states.turning
- states.hitceilling
- states.hitwall
- states.recovery
Developer Comments
2023 Megaleak
In early December 2023, footage, screenshots and concept art for post-release Pizza Tower content and two unannounced spinoffs (the latter of which will not be covered here) were anonymously leaked online. Although fans were very divided on the legitimacy of these leaks, which wasn't helped by certain playtesters claiming they were fake, the Noise portion of the leaks were confirmed real on December 22nd when the Pizza Tower Twitter account uploaded a preview of the Noise's moveset, which matched the leaked footage, making the rest of the leaks significantly more credible.
Playable Mr. Stick
To do: OG filenames of concept art and screenshots (if they ever had any). |
Included in the leaks are screenshots, videos and concept art of a playable version of Mr. Stick. The current state of this post-release content is unknown since the game's development ended in August 2024.
A short video of Mr. Stick in Pizzascape. The footage is from is from September 13, 2023 according to its filename, 2023-09-13_00-56-51.mp4. The only notable features aside from Mr. Stick himself are that he lacks unique TV graphics and his own wall-squish graphic.
Moveset/John Cash Showcase
A 2 minute video of a level, likely named John Cash based on some concept art, being played through by Mr. Stick, this time showing off his unique moveset. The level itself has no tiles and uses the same background for every room, and it has Pizza Time on by default. The footage is from is from September 26, 2023 according to its filename, 2023-09-26_14-29-54.mp4. Note that the music playing in the video is a fan song called You Know You Want It, and that it's not playing in the game itself, seemingly being played in the background by whoever recorded the footage. Notable details about this footage include:
- Mr. Stick has a less traditional moveset compared to the other main playable characters created for the game.
- His main attack is a spinning move, which transitions into him flying.
- While flying he can move in any direction, use the spin attack again, drop out of it to go back to mach running, or perform a ground pound, which goes straight down rather than starting with some air time.
- When he drops out of flying, his hat stays in the air until he's back to normal movement. The object for this is still in the game's files starting with the Halloween Update, albeit lacking a sprite.
- Hitting a wall either in the air or from a slope while Mach Running will make him start flying instead of wallrunning.
- His superjump stops the player completely and is instant rather than requiring the player to stop holding up, transitioning him into flying shortly after the superjump starts. He can also superjump without needing to be at Mach 3, an ability that was given to the Noise in the Noise Update.
- His jump speed is -13 instead of the usual -11.
- He's still missing unique TV graphics.
- His collectibles appear to be money instead of toppings, and they give a wider range of points; 1, 5, 15, 35, 50, 100.
- Although they use placeholder graphics in this footage, finished graphics can be found in the game's files starting with the Halloween Update.
- Chests that function as blocks and give 10 points when destroyed are placed throughout the level. Their sprite is once again found in the Halloween Update's files, though this time using the same graphics as in the footage rather than finished versions.
- At 1:10, a switch can be seen that's activated upon the player touching it (although it's unclear what this actually does). Just like the chest, these same graphics used for the switch can be found in the Halloween Update's files.
- At 1:21, Mr. Stick picks up a follower. Despite using Gerome's graphics, this follower is not Gerome, as he lacks a pickup animation and only uses Gerome's idle animation.
- A few Stupid Rats with numbers over them can be seen a few times in the footage, seemingly being the amount of points required to break them.
- An unused function called scr_piggyblock_destroy() was added to scr_ratblock in the Halloween Update, which checks if the player is attacking it and destroys itself. This may be related to these Stupid Rats, judging by the consistent theme of content from this footage being found in the Halloween Update.
Two screenshots of Mr. Stick at the beginning of John Cash. They're undated, but seem to be further along than the footage as the room now has an additional background layer using the dead John graphics from John Gutter, and the collectibles are layed out differently, now using their finished graphics as well. Oddly, the timer's bar is missing in the first screenshot.
Concept Art
Concept art for Mr. Stick. The first image is for transformations, showing one where he would seemingly get crushed and turned into a spring that could jump high and destroy Stupid Rats, and one where he gains a guitar that gives him a pseudo-double jump that creates shockwaves upon landing on the ground. It also notes that he has Mr. Stick has no priest due to being an athiest, making it unclear how, if at all, he's supposed to lose his transformations. The second image is seemingly for the level seen in the moveset showcase, potentially a title card for it.
Early Playable Noise
Mort Transformation
A video showing the Noise's Mort transormation and a bit of his moveset. Unlike the rest of the videos, this one isn't dated, instead having the filename 8mb video YG7 BIpatsD2.mp4.
- His Mort transformation matches the final version.
- He's still missing most of his non-transformation TV graphics, only having his old idle one.
- He's still missing his long jump sprites, using Peppino's instead.
- His wall bounce and skateboard spin jump are present, but the wall bounce has different effects, using the Mach 3 afterimage instead of one that's the current color of his clothes, and using the superjump effect when hitting a wall instead of a unique one that's, once again the current color of his clothes.
- He still dives like Peppino instead of doing the tornado/drill move.
- His uppercut is still the same as Peppino's, lacking the special effects and not being as high as in the release version.
Moveset Showcase
A moveset showcase dated at November 17, 2023 according to its filename, 2023-11-17_13-38-27.mp4. Nothing is different from the Mort Transformation video, but some other differences form the final version can be seen.
- Landing on enemies after wall bouncing will freeze his animation.
- Collecting a big topping will play a short electric guitar sound effect instead of the usual sound effect.
- Collecting a Toppin will play another electric guitar sound effect.
- At 0:35, he switches to his spinning animation normally used when jumping off a rail at low speeds or jumping off a corpse in Wasteyard. He also seems to start falling slower while using this sprite. It's unclear what exactly this move is or how it's supposed to function, as it only lasts for half a second before he hits a wall.
Peppibot Factory Showcase
A video showing off the Noise's version of the Boxed Transformation, dated at November 17, 2023 according to its filename, 2023-11-17_14-02-28.mp4.
- The transformation is still using the sound effects from Peppino's variant.
- The player rises significantly slower while using the jetpack.
- The Noise doesn't spin while attacking.