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Call of Duty: Black Ops II

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Title Screen

Call of Duty: Black Ops II

Developer: Treyarch
Publishers: Activision (US/EU), Square Enix (JP)
Platforms: Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii U
Released in JP: November 22, 2012
Released in US: November 12, 2012
Released in EU: November 13, 2012

MinigameIcon.png This game has unused modes / minigames.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
Sgf2-unusedicon1.png This game has unused abilities.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

DevelopmentIcon.png This game has a development article
ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

This page sucks.
If you could make it suck less, that would be awesome.
Specifically: Needs a good cleanup in terms of grammar, organization, and formatting. Less copying from the Call of Duty Fandom page.

Black Ops II is the ninth game in the main Call of Duty series, introducing a non-linear campaign with multiple endings, improved multiplayer features, and new Zombies game modes. Also introducing roman numerals!

To do:


Read about development information and materials for this game.
Development Info
Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Unused Text
You've got your COD1 in my BO2!
Black Ops 1 Leftovers
Leftovers from Treyarch's previous game.
Zombie Head BO2.png
Unused Weapons
Lots of weapons that have been removed
Unused Maps
More survival maps were planned for zombies

Unused Weapon Stats

  • The Combat Knife and Ballistic Knife have unused normal raises time that goes unused as they always use their quick raise times when switching to them. Time is listed below in seconds:
Weapon Raise Quick Raise
Combat Knife 0.5 0.3
Ballistic Knife 0.35 0.25
  • The HAMR has the altRaiseTime parameter set to 0.6 seconds. This parameter presumably corresponds to an alternate weapon raise animation different from first raise, normal raise, and quick raise, although the HAMR has no such animation.


While the only difference between the normal and the "One in the Chamber" KAP-40 is that the latter is single shot, the weapon file contains other stat changes that are unused in-game:

  • The minimum range before there is damage drop off is extended from 300 units to 500.
  • The normal KAP-40 takes 1.5 second to reload, 1.85 with an empty magazine, and can be reload cancelled at 0.85 seconds. The file for the single shot version changes the reload cancel time to 0.9 seconds, although this cannot be encountered in-game as this version cannot be reloaded.
  • When the normal KAP-40 has Fast Mags, the first reload can be reload cancelled at 0.6 seconds. The file for the single shot version changes this reload time to 0.7 seconds.
  • While the normal KAP-40 has no headshot multiplier, the single shot version adds one.

Internal Ammunition Names

To do:
Add the rest of the cartridge types.

Each weapon in Black Ops II has an internal name for the type of ammunition it uses, which is given by the ammoName parameter. This parameter appears to be used by the game so that weapons the player possesses can resupply ammo from dropped weapons of the same type by walking over them, e.g. resupplying AN-94 ammo by walking over a dropped AN-94. Despite this functionality being restricted to weapons of the same type, the internal names go into great detail of what cartridge type of ammunition is used.

Internal ammunition names are listed in the form of "<cartridge type> <gun name>", e.g. "5.45x39mm an94". Cartridge names are listed based on how they are written internally.

  • The gun name for the Five-seven is unusually rendered as "fn57".
  • The weapon filename for the XPR-50 is "as50", which is also the name for the gun listed alongside its cartridge type.
Cartridge/Name Weapons Notes
4.6x30mm MP7
5.7x28mm Five-seven
5.8x21mm Chicom CQB
5.45x39mm AN-94
5.56x45 HAMR
7.62x51mm Death Machine Same as in Black Ops 1.
9mm B23R
9x19mm Skorpion EVO
50cal XPR-50 This is different than the weapon's actual cartridge type, which is listed as .50 BMG when the Ballistic CPU is equipped.
50 DSR-50 Possibly meant to be .50 BMG, the DSR-50's actual cartridge type, as listed on the Ballistic CPU when it is equipped.
12 gauge Remington 870 MCS
28 gauge Executioner

Unused Weapon Qualities

To do:
  • According to COD Wiki, if Brutus' Smoke Grenades are used with a mod menu, they take up the Retriever slot and have a completely unique reticle. Verify and add.
  • A trailer for the game showed that the Dragonfire drone has "Charlene" etched into one of the rotors (image). Verify if it is still in the game and add it, as it doesn't seem like it could normally ever be seen.

Elemental Staffs

The Elemental Staffs, their upgraded versions, and Sekhmet's Vigor are compatible with the Mob of the Dead Pack-a-Punch camo, but not the Pack-a-Punch camos used on Green Run or Origins. This camo can be applied via the developer console on PC or via hacks on console.

(Source: Call of Duty Wiki)

Unseen Campaign Geometry

To do:
In "Suffer With Me", is there any content in McKnight's living room that cannot be seen at all from the doorway?
  • Suffer With Me:
    • In McKnight's house, the room adjacent to his front door has a doorway that is never seen. This can be seen in this video from 1:21 - 1:39.
    • The front yard of McKnight's house contains additional lawn decorations placed below the level. This can be seen in this video from 2:00 - 2:20.

Early Multiplayer Maps


A preview image of an early version of Plaza called Promenade.

Early Plaza (Promenade) Final Plaza
CoDBO2-Promenade.jpg CODBOIIPlaza Load Screen.png


According to the game files, the map was originally called "Village".

Early Standoff Final Standoff
CoDBO2-PreviewStandoff.jpg CoDBO2-Standoff Load Screen.png


Less detailed and different sky texture.

Early Carrier Final Carrier
BlackOpsII-menu mp map select carrier.png Carrier loadscreen BOII.png


The sky here is overcast, however the final version is set during a stormy day.

Early Cargo Final Cargo
BlackOpsII-menu mp map select dockside.png Cargo loadscreen BOII.png


The buildings are way less detailed and the unused GAZ 63 truck can be seen.

Early Drone Final Drone
BlackOpsII-menu mp map select drone.png Drone loadscreen BOII.png


The trains in the early version are a lot less futuristic, being a steel grey instead of the white and red.

Early Express Final Express
BlackOpsII-menu mp map select express.png Express Load Screen BOII.png


Early Aftermath Final Aftermath
BlackOpsII-menu mp map select la.png Aftermath loading screen BOII.png

Unused Maps

Careful, you'll lose an eye.
This page or section needs more images.
There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this.
Specifically: Menu images for these 2 maps.
Map Name Code Name Description (if any) Notes
"Cruise" mp_cruise
"Standoff" mp_standoff

Unused Graphics

Careful, you'll lose an eye.
This page or section needs more images.
There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this.
Specifically: Add unused Extended Clip campaign perk icon.

Early Zombies Loading Screen Images

CoDBO2-Loadscreen zm meat.png

Loading screen for the scrapped "Meat" gamemode.

CoDBO2-Menu zm background main.png

Early main menu for Zombies.

Unused Favorite Weapon Icons

23 weapon icons intended for zombies that were meant to show up in the favorite weapon screen of your profile. Due to a bug, these icons wont ever appear in that tab as the game always shows the M1911 as your favorite weapon.


Unused Attachments

Ammo Pack

A cut attachment for LMGs that would have worked similarly to the "Bandolier" and "Scavenger Pro" from past Call of Duty games. A Create-a-Class icon remains. Ammo Pack can be used in the Greenlight build.

Menu icon for the Ammo Pack.


A cut attachment that would decrease the weapon's sway and recoil while crouching and prone. A Create-a-Class icon remains. Bipod can also be used in the Greenlight build.

Menu icon for the Bipod.

Unused Perks

Two Campaign mode perks called "Intruder" and "Lockbreaker" that are cut. These two perks were likely to be merged to create the "Access Kit" perk.

Unused Camo

Massacre: Resembles the Red camo from the first Black Ops, but darker. A menu icon remains.

Unused Gamemode

Hacker: An unused point-based free-for-all gamemode. Players would have to disable and then hack neutral AGRs, and were given points for hacking, killing other players, and getting kills with the AGRs. AGR kills would award more points. In the latest version of the game, all that remains of this gamemode is a menu icon. However, in PS3 version 29.824.6 and earlier, the gamemode was functional and could be played through the use of mods. It can still be played as long as you have this update installed.[1]

Unused Vehicles

  • GAZ-63: A model of a GAZ-63 can be found in the game files. It was likely cut early due to a lack of textures. It's loaded into the memory of the mission Suffer With Me, so it was probably meant to be used by the Panamanian Defense Forces during this mission. A few unfinished text strings also remain as well.
  • Default Vehicle: A basic car-shaped mold meant for testing purposes. A model remains in the game's files. Various "Default Vehicles" appear in the franchise, with different appearances.

Unused Cutscene

  • default.webm: A 41-second video containing only a 40.29-second-long timer playing in the bottom-right corner.


  • In multiplayer, while all knives kill in one hit, these weapons actually inflict significantly more damage than is required to kill a player and it is not apparent why. In Core, player health is 100 HP and the normal Knife, Combat Knife, and Tactical Knife inflict 150 damage while the Ballistic Knife melee inflicts 300. The Ballistic Knife also inflicted this damage in Black Ops 1.
    • Additionally, the base knife damage was changed. In all prior games the knife inflicted 135 damage but was changed to 150 in this game.
  • The filename for the DSR-50's HUD icon, menu_mp_weapons_dsr1, identifies the weapon as the DSR-1 and not the DSR-50. The DSR-1 is a related sniper rifle that is a precursor of the DSR-50 and of which the DSR-50 is a variant of. This filename is present in the DSR-50's multiplayer weapon file.
  • The Bloodshot Camouflage is internally referred to as "matuka", which does not appear to have any connection to the camouflage at all.
(Source: Call of Duty Wiki)

Regional Differences

  • In the German version, the amount of blood in Zombies is reduced.
(Source: Call of Duty Wiki)

Japanese Version

  • All game modes on the game mode selection menu use their English name written in the Latin alphabet with the exception of two modes: Team Deathmatch is shortened to just "TDM", and Kill Confirmed is shortened to "K-CONFIRMED".
  • Some weapons have a different name:
English Japanese Translation Notes
Vector K10 VectorK10 Lacks a space.
Scorpion EVO スコーピオンEVO ScorpionEVO Aside from being partially written in katakana, the name lacks a space.
Five-seven 5-7

Russian Version

  • The Kryptek: Typhon camouflage was mistranslated as "Kryptek: Тайфун" (Kryptek: Typhoon).
  • The Ghostex: Delta 6 camouflage is called "Ghostek: Д6" (Ghostek: D6).
  • The Extended Clip attachment is just called "Магазин" (Magazine). Like this attachment in English, it was also called "Extended Magazine" in prior games.
  • The EOTech Sight is just called "EOTech".
