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Bio Hazard Complete Disc

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Title Screen

Bio Hazard Complete Disc

Also known as: Resident Evil Complete Disc (English)
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Platform: PlayStation
Released in JP: August 6, 1998

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.

The Bio Hazard Complete Disc is a supplemental disc bundled with the Japanese version of Resident Evil: Director's Cut: Dual Shock Version that is notable for containing official footage of the most complete build of Resident Evil 1.5 (the scrapped first draft of Resident Evil 2) ever shown by Capcom. It also contains unused Japanese-voiced versions of the live-action cutscenes from the first game with different musics, and on a less interesting note, downloadable save data for every version of Bio Hazard and Biohazard 2 released at that point.

Unused Graphics

Biohazard Complete - English Title.png Biohazard Complete - English UI Background.png Biohazard Complete - Translated UI Graphics.png

There are English variants of the title screen, background and various UI graphics stored within the disc which are never used, suggesting that at one point Capcom was considering producing an English version of this disc to go along with the U.S. version of the game. They even went as far as swapping out the functions of the X and Circle buttons (in most Japanese PlayStation games, including this one, Circle is the confirmation button and X is for declining). However, the Japanese packaging artwork for the games are still present.

Speaking of which, the packaging artwork for Bio Hazard: Director's Cut Dual Shock Version is loaded alongside the ones for the other games, despite never being used. It likely went unused due to the fact that save data from the standard version of Bio Hazard: Director's Cut are cross-compatible with the Dual Shock Version, rendering the need for separate save files for the Dual Shock Version unnecessary.

Full Motion Videos

Bio Hazard Complete Disc contains FMVs of the intro and endings of the first Bio Hazard game. Interestingly they feature Japanese voice acting not present in any released version of the game. Musics also differ from final, which may indicate that these are early versions.

Bio Hazard Complete Disc Bio Hazard v1.0