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심슨 가족: 히트 & 런

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타이틀 화면

심슨 가족: 히트 & 런

개발사: Radical Entertainment
발매유통사: Vivendi Universal Games
플랫폼: Windows, GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox
일본 발매: 2003년 12월 25일 (Xbox)
미국 발매: 2003년 9월 16일 (GCN/PS2/Xbox), 2003년 11월 13일 (Windows)
유럽 발매: 2003년 9월 16일 (GCN/PS2/Xbox), 2003년 11월 21일 (Windows)
호주 발매:

이 게임에 포함되어 있는 것:
AreasIcon.png 사용하지 않은 지역
ObjectIcon.png 사용하지 않은 오브젝트
GraphicsIcon.png 사용하지 않은 그래픽
ModelsIcon.png 사용하지 않은 모델
MusicIcon.png 사용하지 않은 음악
TextIcon.png 사용하지 않은 텍스트
DebugIcon.png 디버그 기능
Carts.png 버전별 차이

To do:
See if there's anything else missing here.
This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

심슨 가족Grand Theft Auto에 사생아가 있다면, 그 결과는 아마도 심슨 가족: 히트 & 런 일 것이다. 놀랍게도, 그 결과물은 꽤 알찬 복제물이자 많은 이들이 최고의 심슨 가족 게임으로 쳐준다. 그뿐아니라, 내부에 숨겨진 미사용된 많은 컨텐츠가 있으며, 많이라고 한 말은 농담이 아니다.

안장 달린 개가 있었으면 좋겠어.

미사용된 레벨

To do:
List that data. Also, replace mission data from Levels 2, 3, 5, or 6 with this one to see at least what does.

PC판 내부의 "\scripts\missions" 디렉토리에는 level08level09라는 2개의 폴더들이 있으며, 게임은 7개 대신 총 9개의 레벨을 넣기로 계획했지만, 8과 9번째 레벨은 알 수 없는 이유로 짤렸다. 자리표시자일 수도 있다.


carstart3	X:4	Y:5	Z:28	Y ROT:0	Free:False	Parked:False
carstart0	X:-4	Y:5	Z:18	Y ROT:0	Free:False	Parked:False
carstart1	X:-4	Y:5	Z:28	Y ROT:0	Free:False	Parked:False
carstart2	X:4	Y:5	Z:18	Y ROT:0	Free:False	Parked:False
carstart4	X:12	Y:5	Z:18	Y ROT:0	Free:False	Parked:False
carstart5	X:12	Y:5	Z:28	Y ROT:0	Free:False	Parked:False
carstart6	X:0	Y:5	Z:-10	Y ROT:0	Free:False	Parked:False
carstart7	X:10	Y:5	Z:0	Y ROT:0 Free:False	Parked:False


c3		X:-668.9247	Y:0.000001180172	Z:-717.7559	Event:2	Paramater:0
startclock	X:-1.2223	Y:0.00000001315275	Z:-15.35557	Event:2 Paramater:0
c0		X:-0.2845159	Y:-4.338178		Z:-357.6468	Event:2 Paramater:0
c1		X:27.84901	Y:0.000002095469	Z:-750.5784	Event:2 Paramater:0
c2		X:-348.2025	Y:1.838596		Z:-722.4449	Event:2	Paramater:0
c4		X:-675.4891	Y:18.23899		Z:-394.2204	Event:2 Paramater:0
c5		X:-686.7426	Y:-0.1231864		Z:20.28023	Event:2 Paramater:0
c6		X:-336.0113	Y:24.99377		Z:5.275681	Event:2	Paramater:0
finish		X:-20.91577	Y:0.3072172		Z:5.275681	Event:2	Paramater:0

미사용된 지역

레벨 1의 번즈의 저택 내부

저택 내부.

레벨 1의 번즈씨의 저택의 앞뜰과 내부에 들어갈 수 있지만, 기술이 필요하다. 먼저, 원자력 발전소의 비밀 "입구"를 통과할 정도로 큰 차를 가지고 점프 코드가 활성화시킨다. 문에 도착해서 열려고하면, 닫힐 것이다. 점프 코드를 사용하여 벽을 통과해서 들어갈 수 있게된다. 저택은 레벨 4에서의 개그를 제외하고는, 레벨 4와 거의 똑같이 보인다. 또한, 가구도 없다.

레벨 7에서 다리 통과하기

치트를 사용하여 접근한, 939 지역

레벨 7에서, 에버그린 테라스의 939 지역은 (발전소에서부터, 문 장애물이 있으며, 학교에서부터는, 다리가 끊어졌고 집중조명과 군사 시설로 덮여있는) 지도 양쪽으로 울타리가 쳐저 있지만, 경적을 울리며 무적이 되어 자동차를 점프시키는 치트코드를 사용하면, 플레이어는 학교 교량 장벽을 통과할 수 있게하고 다리로 가게 된다. 어떤 차도 가능하지만, 맞추기 쉽기에 RC 자동차가 권장된다. 다리에는 이상한 충돌이 있다 - 벽이나 감시탑이 단단하지 않다.

  • The bridge leading to the area is broken. A spawn point on the bridge as well as some collision for the ground and death/sound triggers in the water remain.
  • Some collision-less map remains. This includes some low detail houses and a road. These are different in appearance to the area in Levels 1 and 4.
  • A few tree props are placed upon what's left of the map. These work as normal.
  • Springfield Gasoline signs exist roughly around where the Gas Station there is placed in Levels 1 and 4. There are two of them, whereas only one is see-able from the bridge and placed in Levels 1 and 4. This is likely the result of an attempt to add more to the area to make it seem more complete to players from the block-off point; one sign would have been accidentally put in the wrong spot by a map editor and was quickly copy-pasted to a place of visibility.
  • A road node/vehicle reset point exists on the map remains (although this appears to be console only).
  • The jump camera for the roof ramp shortcut is still present (Level 7 merely uses Levels 1 and 4's jump camera file, hence why it is here).
  • The unused "stone_cutter_spoof" music track was never removed from Level 7, so it can still be heard if the player goes to where the StoneCutters' building is.
  • The unused "organ_music" can be heard if the player goes to where the StoneCutters' Hidden Tunnel is.
  • Textures for a miniature Springfield Prison and odd yellow/red object are placed under the map. This is also consistent with Levels 1 and 4.
  • Close to the location where Burns' manor would be are triggers for audio files called "piggy_02" and "ghost_kids_10", the first audio file is a bunch of pigs screaming, which doesn't quite fit the theme of Burns' mansion, the latter one is a "ghost" Jimbo saying "You better run!". Due to a wrong filepath in the level7.spt script, the game fails to load the audio files and crashes (The files are located in a filepath "sound/soundfx/positional", but the Burns' Mansion trigger reads the path as "sound/soundfx/collect_soundfx", needless to say, there are no ghost_kids_10 or piggy_02 inside that folder).
(Source: Noviwan, Donut Team Community)

레벨 7의 원자력 발전소 내부

신비한 문의 뒷편. 으스스하네!

다리와 마찬가지로, 레벨 7의 원자력 발전소도 막혔지만, 같은 치트로 지나갈 수 있다. 이번에는, 어떤 차든 항상 할 수 있다. 하지만, 그 뒤에는, 그 지역은 아무것도 아니다. 레벨 1과 4에서처럼 미니-맵이 이어지지만, 복도가 열려야 할 것 같은 곳 뒤에, 미니-맵은 끝을 표시하지만, 소리는 레벨 1과 4의 발전소에서 연주되는 소리이다. 하지만, 재미있는 것은 거기서 끝나지 않는다! 더 가보면 파이프에서 핵 폐기장으로의 방에서 연주되는 소리와 핵 호로 가는 방에서 연주되는 소리가 나며, 그래도 더 가보면, 마침내 미사용된 스톤커터의 터널 테마의 레벨 7 판을 듣게 된다.

Teleport Menu

The menu in Level 1.

An unused teleport menu that was probably used to test the game can be accessed in the Windows version by changing byte [[[6C894C]+2c]+CC]+2DC4 to 1 (per level load) and pressing F2 at the Phone Booth menu. It replaces the normally used cheat code "all vehicles" Phone Booth sub-menu, so access to that is also required. The menu allows one to warp between various level locations that are preset via the level's "level.mfk" file (scripts\missions\level0X). There are some related bugs, however: loop scrolling to the left in the menu doesn't work, the camera can be buggy when teleporting and triggers to change ambient audio, ambient light and pedestrian groups are skipped if this is used.

미사용된 개그

텍스트 편집 프로그램을 사용하여, 파일내에서 플레이어는 3개 모두 (레벨 1, 4 그리고 7의) 에버그린 테라스에 대한 미사용된 개그들과 (레벨 3과 6의) Springfield Squidport 에 대한 1개의 개그를 찾을 수 있다. 이 개그들은 표시할 곳이 정해지지 않았거나, 주석처리 되어, 미사용되었다. 게임 내에서 그것들에 대한 위치를 설정하면 나오게 할 수 있다.

  • 원래는 스프링필드 초등학교 근처 놀이터와 에버그린 테라스 둘 다를 위한 빨갛고 파란 회전목마가 있었지만, 알 수 없는 이유로 개그는 삭제되었다. 플레이어가 개그를 클릭하면, 회전목마가 회전한다.
  • Tomacco 들판 근처에는, 플레이어가 근처에 가면 날라가는 까마귀 떼가 있으려했다. 애니메이션은 깨져서 불완전하고, 까마귀들이 공중에 뜬 채로 남아있어서, 아마 그것 때문에 삭제된 것 같다.
  • 안드로이드의 동굴에는, 터지기로 된 인형이 있어야 했다. 활성화되면 팽창과 수축되는 소리가 발생한다. 하지만, 인형은 모델이 없고 완전히 안보이지만, 계속해서 소리를 발생시킨다.
  • 레벨 7요으로 레벨 1과 4에서의 까마귀처럼 동작하는 박쥐 개그가 있을 예정이었다.
  • Planet Hype에서는, 레벨 3에서 몰맨이 그의 분홍색 자동차에 갇히는 개그가 있을 예정이었다. 그 개그는 레벨 3의 스크랩북 안의 사진에서 볼 수 있다. 하지만, 개그의 그래픽 그 자체는 게임에서 삭제된 것으로 보인다. level.mfk에서, 다른 개그와 함께 설정된 «**//moleman in cadillac**» 줄이 발견되었다.
(Source: level.mfk files)

잘못 둔 오브젝트들

치트나 변경 프로그램을 사용하여 레벨 지도의 한계를 벗어나면, 플레이어는 잘못 배치되었거나 개발단계 초기로 보이는 일부 잔재로 보이는 몇가지 미사용된 오브젝트들을 볼 수 있다.


레벨 1에서, "아메리칸 고딕" 그림의 심슨체 판으로 보이는 초상화 2개가 있다. 아마도 스톤커터의 터널의 초기 개정판 용으로 쓰려했던 것 같다.


레벨 1, 4, 7에는, 세탁기가 발견된다. 이는 실제론 세탁기가 먼츠의 집 바깥에 나타나게 되어있기에, 잘못 생성한 것으로 보인다. 이상하게도, 레벨 1에서는 세탁기 옆에 소의 머리가 놓여져 있다.

충돌 디버그


게임-내 옵션 메뉴에서 치트 코드를 사용하며, 충돌에 대한 디버깅 도구의 끄고 킴을 전환할 수 있다. 플레이어의 캐릭터나 자동차 영역은 빨간 색으로 표시되고, 다른곳은 하얀 색으로 표시된다. 운전을 하면, 근접한 영역들이 계속해서 변경된다.

게임큐브와 엑스박스 판에서 이에 접근하려면, 옵션 메뉴로 가서, L + R을 누른채, B, A, B, Y를 누른다. 플레이스테이션 2 판에서 이에 접근하려면, 옵션 메뉴로 가서, L1 + R1을 누른채, ○, ✕, ○, △를 누른다.

사전 경고: 원 하드웨어에서는, 이 기능은 느려짐을 발생하는 것으로 알려져 있다.

버전 액션 리플레이 코드
US (게임큐브) 040F2AA8 38600001
0411D4DC 38600001

(Source: Ralf@gc-forever (Action Replay Code))

Unused Cheat Code Entries

To do:
"Unknown" isn't going to cut it. Investigate further.

The game's cheat code index contains entries for several effects with no assigned button code, hence they go unused. Most are currently unknown.

  • 0: Effect unknown.
  • 2: Makes all costumes free to purchase.
  • 3: Unlocks all levels and missions.
  • 4: Effect unknown.
  • 10: Effect unknown.
  • 12: Effect unknown.
  • 13: Effect unknown.
  • 15: Effect unknown.
  • 17: Effect unknown.

Internal Project Name

To do:
Check other files as more can mention the IP name.

The game's text file name is SRR2, definitely being Simpsons Road Rage 2.

Revisional Differences

Each platform on which the game was released received a slightly different revision. In addition to this, the Windows version got a re-release later. Some of these changes were hardware related, others not so.


Progressive Scan Mode (480p)

All console versions of the game are capable of displaying in Progressive Scan (480p). The procedure for activating this display mode varies by console. Despite the similarity that all console ports can display in Progressive Scan, the confirmation screen actually looks different between the PlayStation 2 and GameCube versions. The steps for those consoles are listed below their respective screenshots. As for the Xbox version, connect the console to the TV using a device that enables the console to output HD resolutions. Then, while on the Xbox Dashboard, verify that the 480p option in Video is enabled and insert the game to start playing.

PlayStation 2 GameCube
WARNING! This version of the game will instantly hang if played in PCSX2 when Progressive Scan is enabled! You probably already know why this screen doesn't look as good as that on the PlayStation 2.
Press and hold the Cross and Triangle buttons while on the PlayStation 2 logo screen. Keep the buttons held until this screen appears. If you are not using the official YPbPr component cable to connect your PlayStation 2 (or backward-compatible PlayStation 3) to your TV, selecting NO is highly recommended. If you are using the official GameCube Component Cable, press and hold the B button while on the GameCube logo screen. Keep B held until this screen appears. If you are playing on a Nintendo Wii (model RVL-001) that is already outputting 480p, pressing and holding B while the game is loading is not mandatory since this screen should appear automatically.

Audio Quality Differences

There are three variations of the game's audio.

  • The Xbox version has the highest quality audio, as minimal compression was needed due to disc size.
  • Audio in the PlayStation 2/Windows releases is slightly lower quality than in the Xbox version.
  • GameCube has the lowest quality audio, with notable compression and being mono-only with one audio channel missing. This leads to some sounds being absent.


  • Windows has the highest quality graphics, with one mission icon (Snake behind bars) notably redrawn and different to the other releases.
  • PlayStation 2/Xbox use slightly lower quality versions.
  • GameCube uses smaller and more compressed versions of the PlayStation 2/Xbox HUD images because of space limitations.
Console Windows
Oh look, blurry console HUDs. SHAR-SjailPC.png
GameCube PlayStation 2, Xbox and Windows
SHAR cDonutDoorPNorm.bmp GCN.png SHAR cDonutDoorPNorm.bmp PC.png

Console to PC Changes

  • Being a PC game, a launcher was added, in addition to extra in-game settings (which forced some setting removals and menu tweaks).
  • A lemonade stand prop was added to Level 1, in the park by the Simpsons' house. It rewards five coins when destroyed and remains in this state permanently on the save file.
PlayStation 2, Xbox and GameCube Windows
SHAR No Lemonade.png Lemonade, anyone?
  • Level 1 has a Buzz Cola vending machine, placed at a shack by the tyre fire, which was removed in the Windows version.
PlayStation 2, Xbox and GameCube Windows
SimpsonsHitAndRun CONSOLE not-missing-vending-machine.png SimpsonsHitAndRun PC missing vendingmachine.png
  • The console versions feature a lens flare effect in Levels 1 and 3. The Windows version lacks this, assumedly due to (at the time) limitations with DirectX.
PlayStation 2, Xbox and GameCube Windows
SHAR-LensFlareGC.png Odd, eh?
  • On Windows, entering a cheat code in the main menu's options menu will crash the game, forcing usage of the pause menu's options menu. Because of this, two cheat-code related sound effects exclusive to the main menu go unused for this release.
  • The console versions contain a road node/vehicle reset point just beyond the blocked off bridge in Level 7, allowing a correctly positioned reset to place the player slightly out of bounds.
  • As a result of what appears to be an oversight or bug, vehicle steering animations do not occur on Windows.
  • An incorrectly exported data chunk removes any texture randomisation for two signs in Levels 1, 4 and 7 (outside of the Springfield Elementary School and by the Community Centre) on Windows, leaving them stuck with the same texture each time the area is loaded.
  • For whatever reason, the console releases have more colours that traffic vehicles can randomly use at load.

Differences Between Console Versions

  • Early copies of the console versions contain a bug where Level 7's bonus mission (Flaming Tires) is replayable up until the area where Smithers spawns is unloaded. Oddly, the exclamation mark doesn't appear but the blue glow beneath his feet does.
  • The PlayStation 2 versions runs at a lower framerate (sometimes below 30) and this can slightly mess with the physics. Despite this, not all of the console's processing power is used, so it might be a case of inexperienced developers.
  • A cheat code to blur the screen can be input and accepted as valid on all releases, but only actually has an effect on the PlayStation 2 release.
  • The Xbox release contains an exclusive option for widescreen.

Hover Car

The refraction effect used by the Hover Car is different across all versions.

  • In the GameCube version, the effect seems to take the currently rendered frame and offset it, then render the offset version through the vehicle.
  • The PS2/Xbox version is more complex and distorts the image in relation to each face of the model.
  • The PC version does not feature the refraction effect at all, and instead just makes the Hover Car slightly translucent. It is unknown why this change was made, as the original effect can still be restored by modding. It is possible the developers just didn't have enough time/knowledge of the system to port the effect across.

Additionally, the transparency effect doesn't appear to work properly on GameCube, causing the windows on the car to not be transparent. This may be a result of a technical limitation with the refraction effect, as the windows actually do use a shader that supports transparency.

GameCube Playstation 2 and Xbox Windows
SHAR Hovercar GCN.png SHAR Hovercar Xbox PS2.png SHAR Hovercar PC.png

'Best Sellers' Revision

To do:
  • Get a screenshot of the newspaper change.
  • Find out what changes were made to the executable and srr2.p3d.

The 'Best Sellers' re-release of the PC version features some very minor differences to the regular PC version.

  • The executable file was edited in some way.
    • It's possible that it was just recompiled, as opposed to any of the code being edited.
  • A typo was fixed in the French version of Level 2's newspaper where an Á was used instead of an À.
  • Similarly to the international version of the game, the mission objective text box is stretched slightly.
  • The file srr2.p3d was edited in some way. This is the file that contains all of the game's text.

Regional Differences

PAL Version

The PAL version of the game features numerous changes to allow for different languages to be supported.

  • The mission title on the mission briefing screen is in sentence case, instead of entirely capitalised.
SHAR briefing NTSC.png SHAR briefing PAL.png
  • The mission objective text box is stretched vertically slightly to account for different languages taking up more space in the text box.
SHAR MissionBox NTSC.png SHAR MissionBox PAL.png

Australian Release

The Australian version removed the line "Don't come in here, we're making... sausages" due to censorship reasons.