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Proto:The Simpsons Game (PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, Wii)

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This page details one or more prototype versions of The Simpsons Game (PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, Wii).

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
  • Early and unused graphics.
  • Early voicelines and sounds (tons of TTS placeholders).
  • Debugging.
  • Early Cliches.

July 6, 2007 (Wii)

Title screen

A build of The Simpsons Game for the Nintendo Wii was found and recovered from an EA RVT-H hard drive. It is dated July 6, 2007, which is around 3 months before final. Some aspects of this build are closer to the colloquially called New Generation (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360) version, and some are closer to the final Old Generation version, which means comparisons in this page will be drawn towards both releases. There are plenty of things to unpack here.


SimpsonsGame360-simpsons chars-LisaHudSAX.png
Early Music
TheSimpsonsGame360-FIN frontend.str-frontend.itxd-115 cliche summary.png
Level Differences
SimpsonsGame360-simpsons chars-11 episode goalsCBG.png
Early Voicelines
Text-to-Speech Galore!

General Differences

Debug Screen

This build by default loads into a debug screen, letting you choose whether you want to "Enable proper menu flow" or not. Choosing No Way will proceed you into a 2nd debug screen, which allows selecting a level to load on the spot.
SimpsonsGameWII-20070706-DebugScreen1.png SimpsonsGameWII-20070706-DebugScreen2.png


Proto Final
Switch Characters
Plus Button C Button

Proto Final
Power Attack
B Button, B Button, Shake Wiimote Shake Wiimote and Nunchuck

Proto Final
Homerball Dash/Slam
B Button/Shake Wiimote Shake Wiimote

Proto Final
Helium Homer Boost
B Button/Shake Wiimote Shake Wiimote

Proto Final
Activate/Exit Homerball
C Button Minus Button

Proto Final
Activate/Exit Gummi Homer
Shake Nunchuck Plus Button

Proto Final
Bartman Grappling Hook
Shake Nunchuck Shake Wiimote

Special Challenges

When selecting levels in the Episode Replay there's an extra option to do a special challenge, (which was present in the New-Gen version but not in the final Old-Gen version) but it just loads the level like normal.


In the Extras Menu there are 2 cut options, "Stats" and "Interiors". Only "Interiors" can be selected and shows location interiors that are also seen in the PS3/Xbox 360 version.
Simpsons2007WiiProto-Frontend-Extras.png Simpsons2007WiiProto-Frontend-Interiors.png

Berserk Mode

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: Find out if Bart can actually do this ability.

If you have enough power, you can do an ability not seen in the final called "Berserk Mode" which doubles your attack power for a short while. For some reason Bart is the only character that doesn't have this ability.

Homer Lisa
SimpsonsGameWiiProto-DSSS-BERSERKHOMER.gif SimpsonsGameWiiProto-TRE-BERSERKLISA.gif

Early Text

Menus and Prompts

Episode Replay
String Label Early String Final String
MENU_TITLE_EPISODESELECT Episode Select Episode Replay
MENU_EPISODE_NAME_LOC Land of Chocolate The Land of Chocolate
MENU_EPISODE_NAME_BMB BartMan Begins Bartman Begins
MENU_EPISODE_NAME_80B Around the world in 80 bytes Around The World in 80 Bites
MENU_EPISODE_NAME_TREE The TreeHugger Lisa the Tree Hugger
MENU_EPISODE_NAME_CHEATER Cheater Cheater Enter the Cheatrix
MENU_EPISODE_NAME_DOD Day of the Dolphins The Day of the Dolphin
MENU_EPISODE_NAME_DSSS The day Springfield stood still Invasion of the Yokel-Snatchers
MENU_EPISODE_NAME_BSHFF Big Super Happy Fun Fun Big Super Happy Fun Fun Game
MENU_EPISODE_NAME_RHYMES Rhymes with Complaining Five Characters in Search of an Author

String Label Early String Final String

String Label Early String Final String
wii_file_corrupt The file is corrupted. Would you like to delete the corrupted file? This file cannot be used because the data is corrupted.
wii_deleted_corrupted_files Deleted corrupted files. Delete all saved game data
wii_insufficient_space There is insufficient free space in the Wii system memory. Move the files to an SD Card or delete files to prepare X blocks of free space. There is not enough available space in Wii system memory. Create 7 blocks of free space either by moving data to an SD Card or deleting data in the Data Management screen.
wii_insufficient_inodes There is insufficient free entries in the Wii system memory. Moves the files to an SD Card or delete files. There is not enough available space in Wii system memory. Either move data to an SD Card or delete data on the Data Management screen.
wii_nand_maxfiles There are no more available entries in the Wii system memory. Please follow the instructions in the Wii Operations Manual There is no more available space in the Wii System Memory. Refer to the Wii Operations Manual for further information.
wii_return_to_wii_menu Return to the Wii Menu Screen Return to the Wii Menu


String Label Early String Final String
global_tut_02 Press [Z] near knocked down Buddies to revive them. Press [A] near knocked down Buddies to revive them.
global_tut_03 If both characters are knocked out, they will be returned to the most recent Check Point. If both characters lose all health, they will be returned to the most recent check point.
global_tut_06 You earned a trophy! Earn more trophies to increase all of your family's Power Meters. You earned a trophy! View your Trophies in the Simpson's House


The Land of Chocolate

String Label Early String Final String
loc_tut_01 New Objective! When you see this icon, press [2] to bring up your Objectives Screen. New Objective! When you see this icon, press [1] to bring up your Things To Do List.
loc_tut_02 Press [A] to Jump. Press [A] again while in the air to perform a Double Jump. Press [A] again while in the air to perform a Double Jump.
loc_tut_03 Completed Objective! Press [2] to bring up your Objectives Screen. Objective Completed! Press [1] to bring up your Things To Do List.
loc_tut_04 Use [Dpad] to look around. Use [Dpad] to look around. Tap [Z] to reset the camera.
loc_tut_07 Find all Collectibles in an Episode to unlock Trophies. All Episodes have hidden collectibles. Find them all to earn trophies.
loc_tut_08 View your Trophies in the Simpsons House View your Trophies in the Simpson's House.
loc_tut_09 Destroy the Marge Fountains to stop Enemies from Re-appearing Destroy the Marge fountain to stop enemies from re-appearing.
loc_tut_11 Press [B, B, Remote Up] to perform a Power Combo. When you have enough Power, perform the gesture shown on screen to perform a Power Attack.
loc_tut_12 Hold [C] and move [Stick Right] to Transform into Homer Ball. Press [-] to transform into Homer Ball.

Bartman Begins

String Label Early String Final String
bmb_tut_01 Press [C] to fire Bart's Slingshot. Press [B] to fire Bart's slingshot.
bmb_tut_03 Bart can glide! Jump, then Press and hold [B] while in the Air to open Bartman's Cape. Bart can glide! Press and hold [A] while in the air to open Bartman's cape.
bmb_tut_05 Bartman can Climb certain Wall Surfaces. Look for certain wall surfaces that Bart can climb.
bmb_tut_06 Remember: Use your Buddy to Solve Puzzles. Use [-] or [+] to switch characters. Remember: Use your buddy to solve puzzles. Press [C] to switch characters.
bmb_tut_07 Use Bartman's Cape over updrafts to gain height! Bart can ride updrafts. Press and hold [A] while in the air to open Bartman's cape.
bmb_tut_08 Press Forward on [Stick] to move Bartman along Zip Lines. Move [Stick] up to move Bartman along wires.
bmb_tut_09 Press Left or Right on [Stick] to change directions. Move Left or Right on [Stick] to change directions.
bmb_tut_10 Press [A] to drop Bartman from Zip Lines. Press [Stick] to drop Bartman from wires.
bmb_tut_11 Collect Ammo Pick Ups to increase the range and damage of Bart's slingshot. Collect ammo pickups to increase the damage of Bart's slingshot.
bmb_tut_13 Lock on to Targets and Enemies by Pressing [Z], and switch targets by tapping [Z]. Hold [Z] to lock onto targets. Switch targets by moving [Dpad] left or right while locked on.
bmb_tut_14 Press [B, B, A] to perform a Jump Kick Combo. When you have enough Power, press [B] [B] [A] to perform a Power Combo.
bmb_tut_15 Shoot Targets to Move Kearney Through The Display. Shoot targets to frighten Kearney through the diorama.

Around the World in 80 Bites

String Label Early String Final String
80b_tut_02 Hold [C] and move [Stick Right] to turn into Homer Ball. Use [Nunchuk] to roll Homer Ball around. Press [-] to turn into Homer Ball. Move [Stick] to roll Homer Ball around.
80b_tut_04 To perform a Homer Slam, Gesture [Remote Down] while in the air. To perform a Homer Ball Slam, perform the gesture on screen while in the air.
80b_tut_05 To perform a Homer Burst, Press [B] while on the ground. Perform the gesture on screen while on the ground as Homer for a Homer Ball Burst.

Lisa the Treehugger

String Label Early String Final String
tre_tut_01 Lisa can stun enemies with her saxophone, Press [C] to play it. Lisa can stun enemies with her saxophone. Perform the gesture on screen to play it.
tre_tut_02 Lisa can levitate objects. Look for special Ports to access Lisa's Hand of Buddha. Lisa can levitate objects. Look for special meditation ports to access Lisa's Hand of Buddha.
tre_tut_03 Press and hold [B] and Gesture [Remote Up] to levitate objects. Release [B] to drop them. Hold [B] to levitate objects. Release [B] to drop them.

Mob Rules

String Label Early String Final String
mob_tut_01 Marge can Gather Mob Members. Press [C] to recruit nearby citizens. Marge can gather a mob. Perform the gesture on screen to recruit nearby citizens.
mob_tut_02 Marge can command her Mob to destroy Objects. Press [Z] to target objects with Marge. Marge can command her mob to attack objects.
mob_tut_03 Hold [A] and gesture [Remote Up] while locked on to send a Mob Member to your target. Hold [Z] to target objects with Marge and perform the gesture on screen to command a member of the mob.
mob_tut_04 To send more Mob Members to your target, hold [A] and gesture [Remote Up] again. To send more mob members to the target, perform the gesture on screen again.
mob_tut_07 To speed the recovery of knocked-out mob members, approach and press [Z]. To revive knocked-out mob members, approach and press [A].
mob_tut_10 Marge can command her Mob to Build Objects. Marge can command her mob to build things.

Enter the Cheatrix

String Label Early String Final String
ccp_tut_02 Gesture [Remote Vertical to Down] as Bart to hook onto indicated Grapple Points. Perform the gesture shown on screen as Bart to hook onto indicated grapple points when in range.
ccp_tut_04 You have unlocked Lisa's Buddha Flick! Send foes flying with Lisa's Hand of Buddha Lisa Upgrade! You have unlocked Lisa's Buddha Smash! Send foes flying with Lisa's Hand of Buddha.
ccp_tut_05 Gesture [Remote Left/Right] over enemies to flick them. Perform the gesture shown on screen over enemies to smash them.

Shadow of the Colossal Donut

String Label Early String Final String
scd_tut_02 Gesture [Remote Up to Down] repeatedly to gain Elevation. Press [A] repeatedly to gain altitude.
scd_tut_03 Tap [B] to perform a Helium Burst. Perform the gesture shown on screen to Helium Burst forward.

Game Engine

String Label Early String Final String
geh_tut_02 You must talk to Frink before this episode is available Episode not available until the Simpsons have received their upgrades from Professor Frink.
geh_tut_03 Homer Upgrade! You have unlocked Gummi Homer! Shoot Gummi Blobs at enemies! Homer Upgrade! You have unlocked Gummi Homer! Shoot Gummi Grenades at enemies!
geh_tut_05 Hold [C] and move [Stick Left] to become Gummi Homer Press [+] to become Gummi Homer.
geh_tut_06 Tap [B] to shoot Gummi Blobs. Press [B] to shoot Gummi Grenades.
geh_tut_07 Hold [B] to do a Gummi Blast. Perform the gesture shown on screen to do a Gummi Blast.
geh_tut_10 Hold [A] and gesture [Remote Down] to cast Lightning at Enemies. Perform the gesture shown on screen to strike enemies with Buddha Lightning.


The Land of Chocolate

String Label Early String Final String
loc_obj_01 Follow the white rabbit Follow the White Rabbit through the village
loc_obj_02 Destroy the Marge Fountains Destroy the Marge Fountain
loc_obj_03 Climb the Cake and Eat the White Rabbit Climb the cake and eat the White Rabbit
loc_obj_04 Use Homerball to defeat the chocolate rabbits Use Homer Ball to defeat the chocolate bunnies

Bartman Begins

String Label Early String Final String
bmb_obj_03 Drop the dinosaur on Dolph Drop the dinosaur bones on Dolph
bmb_obj_04 Lure Kearney Through the Diorama Frighten Kearney through the diorama

Around the World in 80 Bites

String Label Early String Final String
80b_obj_01 Find and smash the super-sized taco Find and smash the super taco
80b_obj_02 Find a way to open the door to Scotland N/A
80b_obj_03 Find and smash the super-sized meatball N/A
80b_obj_04 Find and smash the super-sized burger Destroy the Statue of Liberty and smash the super burger

Lisa the Treehugger

String Label Early String Final String
tre_obj_01 Re-attach the tree stumps! Enter the Auntie Nature logging operation
tre_obj_02 Sabotage the log conveyor Dismantle the logging machinery
tre_obj_03 Use the giant barrels to destroy the log dispenser Find a way to the river
tre_obj_04 Get Lisa across the river Open the floodgates


The Land of Chocolate

String Label Early String Final String
chcb_xxx_0005bd1 Your backfat is sweating! Ha, Your back fat is sweating!
homr_xxx_0000aea Who knew chocolate melts in your mouth? Oh, who knew chocolate melts in your mouth?
homr_xxx_0000aeb (EXCITED) Sugar rush! Mmm, sugar rush!
homr_xxx_0000aec (EXHAUSTED) Sugar crash... Sugar crash...
homr_xxx_0000aee (ORGASMIC) Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
homr_xxx_0000af8 (MURDEROUS) I want to pat the bunny! I want to pat the bunny!
homr_xxx_0000af9 You're going to get such an eating! Oh, you're going to get such an eating!
homr_xxx_0000afd I'm gonna lick you all over! Oh, I'm gonna lick you all over!
homr_xxx_0000b0a (AMUSED) You don't even bleed! You don't even bleed!
homr_xxx_0003e67 I'm so buying a summer home here! I am so buying a summer home here!
homr_xxx_0003e6b (WORRIED) I hope I don't stain my clothes. I hope I don't stain my clothes.
homr_xxx_0003e6d (SCARED) I hope I don't run into any Oompa Loompas. I hope I don't run into any Oompa Loompas.
wchr_xxx_0000b33 I've never seen anyone wet their pants while jumping. Haha, I've never seen anyone wet their pants while jumping.

Bartman Begins

String Label Early String Final String
bart_xxx_0000848 (a la, Ali) I am the greatest! I am the greatest!
bart_xxx_0000854 (frightened) Holy Shakira, that thing's creepy! Holy Shakira, that thing's creepy!
bart_xxx_0000855 (screams) Frankenstein's bones! Ehhhh, Frankenstein's bones!
bart_xxx_0000857 (to Homer) With my courage and your ability to be fat and stand in place, we can do anything! With my courage and your ability to be fat and stand in place, we can do anything!
bart_xxx_0000858 (to Homer) That you've been hanging out down here both weirds me out and makes me jealous. That you've been hanging out down here both weirds me out and makes me jealous.
bart_xxx_000085a Cool! I'm lurking around in a cave, just like a real bat...I mean Bart. I hope DC didn't hear that. Cool! I'm lurking around in a cave, just like the real Batman...I mean Bartman. I hope DC didn't hear that.
bart_xxx_0000867 Whoah! I feel like magma! Whoa! I feel like magma!
bart_xxx_000087c (a la Hal from "2001") I'm sorry, Jimbo. I'm afraid I can't let you do that. I'm sorry, Jimbo. I'm afraid I can't let you do that.
bart_xxx_0004acf (a la Salah) Theyre digging in the right place! They're digging in the right place!
homr_xxx_0000889 (laughs stupidly) Funny man go boom. (LAUGHS) Funny man go boom.
homr_xxx_000088b (jealous) I wish I could lie down. I wish I could lie down.
homr_xxx_0000892 (disappointed) I had twenty bucks on the guard. Aww, I had twenty bucks on the guard.
homr_xxx_0000894 (teary) They become deadly fighting machines so fast. They become deadly fighting machines so fast.
homr_xxx_00008a3 (disappointed) Oh, why does Bart always get the sexy platforms? Oh, why does Bart always get the sexy platforms?
homr_xxx_00008b5 (to Bart) Maybe don't tell your Mom about the cave and the swimsuit magazines. The bats are okay, though. Uhh, maybe don't tell your Mom about the cave and the swimsuit magazines. The bats are okay, though.
homr_xxx_00008bd Bart looks as graceful as Mikhail Baryshnikov! Bart looks like a graceful Mikhail Baryshnikov!
homr_xxx_00008c2 Way to go, Bart! (threatening) But don't show me up! Way to go, Bart! But don't show me up!
homr_xxx_00015ad This requires trying, better leave it for Bart. Hmm, this requires trying, better leave it to Bart.
homr_xxx_00015ae (whiny) Bart, you deal with the slidy shelves! I don't wanna! Bart, you deal with the slidy shelves! I don't wanna!
homr_xxx_00015b0 (dawning realization) When I step on these things, I go down. I'm a freaking genius! When I step on these things, I go down. I'm a freaking genius!
homr_xxx_0004ad3 I wonder who invented this place; probably Einstein. Hey, I wonder who invented this place; probably Einstein.
krny_xxx_00008e0 (emotional) This moat reminds me of the gap between me and my son. This moat reminds me of the gap between me and my son.
krny_xxx_00008e2 (frightened caveman grunts) Ooh ooh Ah aah ahh hah!
krny_xxx_00008e3 (terrified) What a fascinating slice of life! What a fascinating slice of life!
krny_xxx_00008e5 (nostalgic) You never see fathers and sons getting their butts kicked together anymore. Ah, you never see fathers and sons getting their butts kicked together anymore.
mgwg_xxx_00015b7 If it weren't for my damned vertigo, I'd climb up there after you! I'd climb up there after you if it weren't for my damn vertigo!
mvfe_xxx_000091c (angry female voice) And woman! And woman!
mvma_xxx_0000917 Welcome to Springfield Museum's History of Man! Welcome to Springfield Museum's History of Man! And woman!... and woman.
mvma_xxx_0000918 (male voice again, grudging) And woman. And woman.

Around the World in 80 Bites

String Label Early String Final String
barn_xxx_00000ad I will crush you like a... (GIANT BELCH) I will crush you like a... (BURPS)
barn_xxx_000020f Ow! (BELCH) Oww! (BURPS)
barn_xxx_0000216 Why is that french fry wearing a cape? Hey, why is that French fry wearing a cape?
barn_xxx_0003ccd Homer -- have you lost weight? Homer, have you lost weight?
barn_xxx_0003cce Help -- an angry round Homer! Help! An angry round Homer!
barn_xxx_0003ccf Bart's in a costume! Happy Halloween Bart! Hey, Bart's in a costume! Happy Halloween Bart!
bart_xxx_00000b4 (CONCERNED) You're a little too good at this, Dad. You're a little too good at this, Dad.
bart_xxx_00002e1 (MISCHIEVOUS LAUGH) ha ha ha ha ha ha hah
bart_xxx_0000e5b (MISCHIEVOUS LAUGH) ha ha ha ha hah
bart_xxx_0003d01 Ah Mexico -- where the mice are speedy and the food is delicious! Ah Mexico -- where the mice are speedy and the food is delicioso!
bart_xxx_0003d01 Settle Down, Homer! My Bartman sense tells me there's plenty of food in those piñatas! (DEFENSIVE) That's right, I have a Bartman sense! Settle Down, Homer! My Bartman sense tells me there’s plenty of food in those piñatas! That’s right, I have a Bartman sense!
bumb_xxx_0000246 Su boca parece perezosa. (Subtitle: Your mouth looks lazy.) Su boca parece perezosa.
bumb_xxx_0000247 Usted se inclinara como mis antennas cuando usted pierde. (Subtitle: You will droop like my antennae when you lose.) Usted se inclinara como mis antennas cuando usted pierde.
bumb_xxx_0000248 Somos igualmente gordos.(Subtitle: We are equally fat.) Somos igualmente gordos.
bumb_xxx_0000249 Dios mio! Ay, Dios mio!
bumb_xxx_000024b ÁMi aguijón! (Subtitle: My stinger!) ÁMi aguijón!
bumb_xxx_000024c Mucho boo-boo! Ay, mucho boo-boo!
bumb_xxx_000024f Zorro ha venido a salvarme! (Subtitle: Zorro has come to save me!) Zorro ha venido a salvarme!
bumb_xxx_0000251 Delicioso! Mmm, delicioso!
bumb_xxx_0000254 Mucho gusto! Mmm, mucho gusto!
bumb_xxx_0000258 Perdoneme! Oh, perdoneme!
cbgy_xxx_0000241 Personal space! Umm, personal space!
cbgy_xxx_0003cd9 Simpson's fatter than me -- and that's fat! Ooh, Simpson is fatter than me -- that's fat!
cbgy_xxx_0003cdd Don't bump me -- I'll sue! Do not bump me, I will sue!
cwig_xxx_000028e So much better than Sara's cooking. Mmm, so much better than Sara's cooking.
cwig_xxx_000028f I really am a pig. Ahh, I really am a pig.
cwig_xxx_0000292 Keep in mind, I'm armed! Hey, keep in mind, I'm armed!
cwig_xxx_0003cf5 A masked vigilante! Less work for me! Great, a masked vigilante! Less work for me!
cwig_xxx_0003cf8 Pardon my gun! Heh, pardon my gun!
dman_xxx_0000298 The unthinkable has happened here, a Super Food has fallen! The unthinkable has happened here, a super food has fallen!
dman_xxx_0000299 (DISCLAIMER) Duff is not responsible for contestants turning into balls. Duff is not responsible for contestants turning into balls.
dman_xxx_000029a A moment of silence for the Super Taco. (BEAT) Oh, yeah! A moment of silence for the Super Taco. Oh, yeah!
dman_xxx_00002a2 The carnage on the eating floor is truly overwhelming-- (BARFS, THEN WEAK) Oh, yeah... The carnage on the eating floor is truly overwhelming...oh, yeah...
dman_xxx_00002a6 (CONCERNED) Is it bad if one of your thumbs is bigger than the other? Is it bad if one of your thumbs is bigger than the other?
dman_xxx_00002a8 If Duffman had stayed in school, Duffman would be far, far away from here. (SIGHS, WISTFUL) Oh, yeah... If Duffman had stayed in school, Duffman would be far, far away from here. Oh, yeah...
dman_xxx_00002ad On your mark, get set, chow!! Chow!!
homr_xxx_00002af (PLEASED) Keep it up boy... (MURDEROUS) Or else. Keep it up boy...or else.
homr_xxx_00002b0 Atta boy, Burt! (CORRECTING QUICKLY) I mean Bart! Atta boy, Burt! I mean Bart!
homr_xxx_00002b2 Win my love, Bart! (ANGRY) Win it! Win my love, Bart Win it!
homr_xxx_00002c0 Don't hurt me when you get up. Hey, don't hurt me when you get up
homr_xxx_00002c9 Ooh, China -- that's where they invented ice cream! Ooh, China, that's where they invented ice cream!
homr_xxx_00002ce Atsa spicy meatball! Hey, that's-a spicy meatball!
otto_xxx_0000277 You're stepping on my eating solo! Hey, you're stepping on my eating solo!
otto_xxx_0003ceb Homer's so big -- this better be a hallucination! Homer's so big. Whoa, this better be a hallucination!
otto_xxx_0003cec Homer's fatter than the pink floyd pig! Homer's fatter than the Pink Floyd pig!
otto_xxx_0003ced Look -- it's Batman but it's Bart! Whoa, it's Batman but it's Bart!
otto_xxx_0003cef I am a Golden God -- so move! I am a Golden God, so move!
wili_xxx_0003cd0 Ach! Simpson's more bloated than a dead sheep! Ugh! Simpson's more bloated than a dead sheep!
wili_xxx_0003cd1 Homer's a giant yellow superball -- and willie hates superballs! Homer's a great giant superball -- and willie hates superballs!
wili_xxx_0003cd5 You tore my kilt! Ya tore my kilt!
wili_xxx_0003cd7 Pardon my beard! Ooh, pardon my beard!
wili_xxx_0005b15 ( "FREEDOM!") SCREW YOU!!! Screw you!

Mob Rules

String Label Early String Final String
apux_xxx_00047ce (threatening) Looks like it's time for me to arrange a funeral. Looks like it's time for me to arrange a funeral.
apux_xxx_00047d4 ("say uncle") Say Ganeesh! Say Ganeesh!
apux_xxx_00047d5 I will destroy it, but it will just come back as something else. I will destroy it, but it will come back as something else.
apux_xxx_00047d7 (attack yell) Hyaaah!
apux_xxx_00047df I would like to get home in time for Sportscenter. I would like to get home in time for SportsCenter.
apux_xxx_00047e0 I'm using up a year's worth of breaks at the Kwik-E-Mart. I am using up a year's worth of breaks at the Kwik-E-Mart.
apux_xxx_00047e1 Great success! Oh, great success!
apux_xxx_00047e2 (like the famous soccer announcer) Gooooaaaaal! We reached our goooaaaal! Gooooaaaaal! We reached our goooaaaal!
askn_xxx_00047bc (attack yell) Yaaah yah ha!
askn_xxx_00047bd (pleased) So relaxing. So relaxing.
askn_xxx_00047bf (proud) I had elicit relations with Frank Lloyd Wright. I had illicit relations with Frank Lloyd Wright.
barn_xxx_00047e6 I'll join, but I'll have to pay the initiation fee with scrap metal. I'll join if I can pay the initiation fee in scrap metal.
barn_xxx_00047e7 (emotional) I wish Mom could see me now. I wish my mom could see me now.
barn_xxx_00047ef I'll wreck it! (sad) I wreck everything. I'll wreck it! I wreck everything.
barn_xxx_00047f2 (attack yell) Yeaaaagh!
barn_xxx_00047fd I'm finally a winner! (belch) I'm finally a winner!
barn_xxx_00047fe (disappointed) I thought everything would stop spinning if we did it. I thought everything would stop spinning if we did it.
barn_xxx_0004800 That's what I'm talking about! (then) What was I talking about? That's what I'm talking about! What was I talking about?
carl_xxx_0004826 I'm not Eddie! I am not Eddie!
carl_xxx_0004827 Don't judge my race on this! Please don't judge my race on this!
carl_xxx_000482a Shaft! Shaft! Ha!
carl_xxx_000482d Consider it done. (cocky) You're talking to Carl, here. Consider it done. You're talking to Carl, here.
carl_xxx_000482e (attack yell) Hiyaah!
carl_xxx_0004831 It's like I say to Lenny, why don �t we build on what we have? Eh, it's like I say to Lenny, why don't we build on what we have?
carl_xxx_0004832 Will do. I'm the son of the next-door neighbor to a carpenter. Will do. I'm the son of a next-door neighbor to a carpenter.
carl_xxx_0004834 (annoyed) I'll wait right here, Miss Daisy - I mean, Marge. Yeah, I'll wait right here, Miss Daisy - I mean, Marge.
carl_xxx_0004837 (bitchy) Some of us have pilates in the morning. Uh, some of us have pilates in the morning.
carl_xxx_0004838 I love validation! Yes, I love validation!
carl_xxx_0004839 Carl's in the house! Carl is in the house!
carl_xxx_000483a That's Carl Carlson's way! And that is Carl Carlson's way!
clet_xxx_000483c (touched) Aw ...I feel like that Cinder-fella must'a. Aw ...I feel like that Cinder-fella must'a.
clet_xxx_000483d Sure... as long 'un you don't have no minimum teeth requirement. As long as you don't have no minimum teeth requirement.
clet_xxx_000483f Like them hippies like to say, "Go ahead, make my day." Like them hippies say, "Go ahead, make my day."
clet_xxx_0004842 You're not from around here, are you? You ain't from around here, are ya?
clet_xxx_0004847 Yes, ma'am lady. Yes'm, ma'am lady.
clet_xxx_000484a (attack yell) Heyeaaah!
clet_xxx_000484b (confused sounds) Whuh?
clet_xxx_000484c Fer the love of possum... Oh, fer the love of possum...
clet_xxx_000484f I'm a fixin' to fix that. Yeah, I'm a fixin' to fix that.
clet_xxx_0004851 (sneezes) Ah-choo!
clet_xxx_0004854 I can't tell no time, but I'd approxmillate we done been here six months. I can't tell no time, but I'd approxmillate we gonna be done been here six months.
clet_xxx_0004855 Brandine's a gonna kill me if I don't git home. I ain't got her pregnant in a week. Uh, Brandine's gonna kill me if I don't git home. I ain't got her pregnant in a week.
clet_xxx_0004856 Yokel power! Yes! Yokel power!
clet_xxx_0004858 We done did it! Woo! We done it!
clet_xxx_000485a (joyous) I feel just like Larry the Cable Guy! I feel just like Larry the Cable Guy!
cwig_xxx_0000df0 You can't come back here because...um...there's going to be a surprise party for you, but it isn't ready yet. Yeah, that's it. Uh, you can't come back here because, uh, there's going to be a surprise party for you, but it isn't ready yet. Yeah, yeah that's it.
cwig_xxx_0000df1 You can't come back here, but that doesn't mean there isn't anything back here because that's just crazy. You can't come back here, uh, but that doesn't mean there isn't anything back here because, well that's just crazy.
cwig_xxx_0000df2 (defensive) I'm just supervising from back here, okay? I'm just supervising from back here, okay?
edie_xxx_0000dfe (sarcastic) Yeah, you're cool enough to come back here. Yeah, you're cool enough to come back here.
frin_xxx_0004956 You're lucky to have me in your mob. I have a PhD from Devry. Uh yes, you're lucky to have me in your mob. I have a PhD from DeVry.
frin_xxx_0004957 Feel free to input me into the algorithm of your mob. Don't kill me. Ah, feel free to input me into the algorithm of your mob. But don't kill me.
frin_xxx_0004958 I will defeat my foes with superior intellect and slapping. I will defeat my foes with superior intellect and a good deal of slapping.
frin_xxx_0004959 (angry Frink noise) Oh for glavin out loud...
frin_xxx_000495d Don't hurt me! Please don't hurt me!
frin_xxx_000495e If I'd known there was going to be destruction, I would have worn my robot arms. Oh, if I'd known there was going to be destruction, I would have worn my robot arms. G-hey.
frin_xxx_0004960 (attack yell) Attacking!
frin_xxx_0004961 Intelligent design! Ha, intelligent design!
frin_xxx_0004962 Hunk of junk! Stupid hunk of junk!
frin_xxx_0004963 I'll put it together with the gluing and the nailing. I'll put it together with the gluing and the nailing and the sander...
frin_xxx_0004966 Very well. While I wait, I'll calculate something important in my brain. Ah, very well. While I wait, I'll calculate something important in my brain. There it is.
frin_xxx_0004967 (insulted) I don't think Newton's mob made him wait, but fine. Uh, I don't think Newton's mob made him wait, but fine.
frin_xxx_0004968 My wife's going to kill me if I don't get home for the dinner and the dishes and the how was your day, dear?! My robot's going to kill me if I don't get home for the dinner and the dishes and the how was your day, dear?!
frin_xxx_000496a The serotonin in my brain means I'm happy! The serotonin in my brain means I am happy!
frin_xxx_000496b (pleased Frink noise) Ah, well, glavin-glee.
frin_xxx_000496c Who's the nerd now?! (dorky laugh) Well, who's the nerd now?! bwahahahavin.
grmp_xxx_0004891 I'm president of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance, why not your mob? Since I'm president of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance, why not your mob?
grmp_xxx_0004895 I want to be young again! I wanna be young again!
grmp_xxx_00048a0 (attack yell) Yaaah!
grmp_xxx_00048a5 (snoring, followed by waking up) Zzzz, Ha choo bet joo fee hep beb.

Cut Text

Early Clichés

String Label Early String Final String Early Location Final Location Notes


Double Jump Double Jump The Land of Chocolate The Land of Chocolate In the prototype, you need to double jump 10 times instead of reaching a specific ledge near the chocolate bridge.


Enemy Spawners Switches and Levers The Land of Chocolate The Land of Chocolate The Enemy Spawners Cliché is obtained by letting the chocolate rabbits spawn out of the Marge Fountains. This Cliché was also moved to NeverQuest.


Crate The Doors Bartman Begins Simpson's House The Crate Cliché is obtained by shooting the crate seen at the beginning of the level (similar to the New-Gen method). This Cliché was also moved to Medal of Homer


Pressure Pads Pressure Pads Bartman Begins Bartman Begins


Switches and Levers Collectible Placement Around the World in 80 Bites Bartman Begins The Switches and Levers Cliché is obtained by opening the gate to Americaland. This Cliché was also moved to The Land of Chocolate.

Unused Maps

This build has a bunch of interiors and an early design of Springfield in the form of a cut and unused bowling minigame. The interiors can at least still be found in the New Generation release.

Test Map

There are two similar test maps named Metrics.wii and M_and_L.wii. They differ in some objects and characters that get spawned and the characters you get to control. Metrics is played with Homer and Bart, and M_and_L lets you play as Marge and Lisa.

Metrics.wii M_and_L.wii
SimpsonsGameWII-20070706-Metrics-1.png SimpsonsGameWII-20070706-M and L-1.png
SimpsonsGameWII-20070706-Metrics-2.png SimpsonsGameWII-20070706-M and L-2.png


Church Interior

The church looks mostly the same, the main difference being a missing desk by the main door, different floor color and there being only one staircase in the main room. Chur_Int.wii

Early interior Final interior
SimpsonsGameWII-20070706-Chur Int-1.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN-Chur Int-1.png
SimpsonsGameWII-20070706-Chur Int-2.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN-Chur Int-2.png

Krusty Burger Interior

Similar to final, but lacking the 2nd fryer behind the counter. It also has Jimbo Jones in the building, whereas in the final New gen version only the Squeaky-Voiced Teen. KRUS_INT.wii

Early interior Final interior
SimpsonsGameWII-20070706-KRUS INT.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN-KRUS INT.png

Kwik-E-Mart Interior

The main difference in the Kwik-E-Mart is a missing shelf and some other objects. KWIK_INT.wii

Early interior Final interior
SimpsonsGameWII-20070706-KWIK INT-1.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN-KWIK INT-1.png
SimpsonsGameWII-20070706-KWIK INT-2.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN-KWIK INT-2.png

Moe's Tavern Interior

Objects on the tables such as glasses have actual transparency in this build. In the final version they're opaque. Moes_Int.wii

Early interior Final interior
SimpsonsGameWII-20070706-Moes Int.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN-Moes Int.png

Police Station Interior

There are no buttons to open the jail cells. Using the Player > FlyPlayerWithoutCollisions option through the debug menu shows that there is no collision inside those cells yet. POL_INT.wii

Early interior Final interior
SimpsonsGameWII-20070706-POL INT.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN-POL INT.png


Heartburn, also known as Homer Bowling, is a cut minigame where you play with the Homerball, go through a track and end by crashing into a pile of Springfield citizens. It uses an earlier Springfield Hub as a base for this minigame. There are many changes found here, but this will just show some of the main recognizable buildings.

Note: Since this map also has a bunch of stuff like barriers meant for the bowling minigame, the Wii screenshots are taken using the Player > FlyCamera debug option inside the game, to get a better view.

Entrance This door which you can't enter in the final game is accessible and takes you to the HeartBurn minigame.


Hospital Location Near the Simpsons house there's an extra road that leads to the Springfield General Hospital which doesn't exist in the final game. It is fully removed and replaced by the Springfield Retirement Castle.

Early location Final location
SimpsonsGameWII-20070706-SPR Hospital.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN-SPR Hospital.png

Moe's Tavern Location

Early location Final location
SimpsonsGameWII-20070706-SPR Moes-1.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN-SPR Moes-1.png
SimpsonsGameWII-20070706-SPR Moes-2.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN-SPR Moes-2.png

Springfield Bank Location

Early location Final location
SimpsonsGameWII-20070706-SPR Kwik-1.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN-SPR Kwik-1.png
SimpsonsGameWII-20070706-SPR Kwik-2.png SimpsonsGame360-FIN-SPR Kwik-2.png

Early Graphics

Episode Replay

The in-game level select uses early Xbox 360 screenshots as preview images, and some of them remained somewhat similar to what the retail New Generation release had. Five of these survived hidden in the final game, but the rest didn't. They're stored in Frontend.wii\graphics\ui\menus\levels\ as single 512x256 textures, but in the final game they are stored in Frontend.wii\graphics\frontend\ as 256x256 textures, with two of the preview textures combined together. They have been split apart for this.

Early Texture Final Texture (New-Gen) Final Texture (Old-Gen)
SimpsonsGamePS2-FIN FRONTEND-graphics-ui-menus-levels-loc.png
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN Frontend-assets rws-episode loc.png
SimpsonsGamePS2-FIN FRONTEND-graphics-frontend-lvl locnbmb-UPPER.png
SimpsonsGamePS2-FIN FRONTEND-graphics-ui-menus-levels-bartmanbegins.png
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN Frontend-assets rws-episode bartman begins.png
SimpsonsGamePS2-FIN FRONTEND-graphics-frontend-lvl locnbmb-LOWER.png
SimpsonsGamePS2-FIN FRONTEND-graphics-ui-menus-levels-80bites.png
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN Frontend-assets rws-episode 80 bites.png
SimpsonsGamePS2-FIN FRONTEND-graphics-frontend-lvl mtp-LOWER.png
SimpsonsGamePS2-FIN FRONTEND-graphics-ui-menus-levels-treehugger.png
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN Frontend-assets rws-episode tree hugger.png
SimpsonsGamePS2-FIN FRONTEND-graphics-frontend-lvl thnmob-UPPER.png
SimpsonsGamePS2-FIN FRONTEND-graphics-ui-menus-levels-mobrules.png
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN Frontend-assets rws-episode mob rules.png
SimpsonsGamePS2-FIN FRONTEND-graphics-frontend-lvl thnmob-LOWER.png
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN Frontend-assets rws-episode cheater.png
SimpsonsGamePS2-FIN FRONTEND-graphics-frontend-lvl ccndod-UPPER.png
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN Frontend-assets rws-episode dolphin.png
SimpsonsGamePS2-FIN FRONTEND-graphics-frontend-lvl ccndod-LOWER.png
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN Frontend-assets rws-episode colossal donut.png
SimpsonsGamePS2-FIN FRONTEND-graphics-frontend-lvl shdndss-UPPER.png
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN Frontend-assets rws-episode spr stood still.png
SimpsonsGamePS2-FIN FRONTEND-graphics-frontend-lvl shdndss-LOWER.png
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN Frontend-assets rws-episode bargain bin.png
SimpsonsGamePS2-FIN FRONTEND-graphics-frontend-lvl bargnnvq-UPPER.png
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN Frontend-assets rws-episode neverquest.png
SimpsonsGamePS2-FIN FRONTEND-graphics-frontend-lvl bargnnvq-LOWER.png
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN Frontend-assets rws-episode grand theft.png
SimpsonsGamePS2-FIN FRONTEND-graphics-frontend-lvl gtsnmoh-UPPER.png
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN Frontend-assets rws-episode moh.png
SimpsonsGamePS2-FIN FRONTEND-graphics-frontend-lvl gtsnmoh-LOWER.png
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN Frontend-assets rws-episode bshff.png
SimpsonsGamePS2-FIN FRONTEND-graphics-frontend-lvl bshnrwc-UPPER.png
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN Frontend-assets rws-episode rhymes.png
SimpsonsGamePS2-FIN FRONTEND-graphics-frontend-lvl bshnrwc-LOWER.png
SimpsonsGamePS3-FIN Frontend-assets rws-episode thy player.png
SimpsonsGamePS2-FIN FRONTEND-graphics-frontend-lvl mtp-UPPER.png

Button Prompts

Early Texture Final Texture
SimpsonsGameWiiProto-ButtonPrompts.png SimpsonsGameWiiFinal-ButtonPrompts.png

Loading Icon

  • The Krusty Loading Icon is also used in a E3 Build of the New-Gen version.
Early Texture Final Texture
SimpsonsGameWiiProto-LoadingIcon.png SimpsonsGameWiiFinal-LoadingIcon.png

Locked Beer Bottle

Early Texture Final Texture
SimpsonsGameWiiProto-LockedBeerBottle.png SimpsonsGameWiiFinal-LockedBeerBottle.png

Day of the Dolphin/Shadow of the Colossal Donut Skybox

Early Texture Final Texture
SimpsonsGameProto-SCDSkybox.png SimpsonsGameFinal-SCDSkybox.png

Land of Chocolate

Early Texture Final Texture
SimpsonsGameWiiProto-LOC-CakeTexture3.png SimpsonsGameWiiFinal-LOC-CakeTexture3.png
SimpsonsGameWiiProto-LOC-Road01.png SimpsonsGameWiiFinal-LOC-Road01.png

Unused Graphics

PS2 Button Prompts


Early Videos

This build only has one cutscene, which is an early draft of the Around The World in 80 Bites (80b_01.bik) cutscene. This cutscene, unlike the final game, was animated in 3D similar to the DS version instead of in 2D like the show, as well as having different lines and different camera angles, which uses placeholder voice actors done by in-house EA employees. This early cutscene also contains the song "Oh Yeah" by Yello.

Early cutscene Final cutscene

Every other cutscene uses the Rebellion logo as a placeholder. It can also be found in the final build as rebel.bik.

Data Management Textures

The textures for the game in Data Management of the Wii console are simple placeholders.

SimpsonsGameWII-20070706-SaveBanner.png SimpsonsGameWII-20070706-SaveIcon.png

Development Scripts

The root of the disc contains 8 batch scripts from internal development. The two starting with build have an option to fetch the latest assets from a Perforce depot.

build_moments_rpf.bat appears to be a script for copying assets for Wii Moments, and making a build of the game with them!

@echo off
set build_rpf_choice=
set /p build_rpf_choice=Get latest from Perforce [y/n]?

if not '%build_rpf_choice%'=='y' goto PACK

p4 -p PerforceArt:1666 sync "//depot/Project_Art/SimpsonsBranches/Alpha/Wii_Release/..."


REM Ensure the directories exist

mkdir l:\SimpsonsBranches\Alpha\Wii_Moments
cd l:\SimpsonsBranches\Alpha\Wii_Moments
mkdir envs
mkdir Graphics
mkdir GUIMenu
mkdir HomeButton
mkdir misc\menu
mkdir sounds

REM Copy the latest assets over.

copy l:\SimpsonsBranches\Alpha\Wii_Release\envs\wm* envs\
copy l:\SimpsonsBranches\Alpha\Wii_Release\Graphics\* Graphics\
copy l:\SimpsonsBranches\Alpha\Wii_Release\GUIMenu\* GUIMenu\
copy l:\SimpsonsBranches\Alpha\Wii_Release\HomeButton\* HomeButton\
copy l:\SimpsonsBranches\Alpha\Wii_Release\misc\* misc\
copy l:\SimpsonsBranches\Alpha\Wii_Release\misc\menu\* misc\menu\
copy l:\SimpsonsBranches\Alpha\Wii_Release\sounds\GmSnd.asrbe sounds\
copy l:\SimpsonsBranches\Alpha\Wii_Release\Simpsons_Wii.elf .\

REM Clear the old image
del Simpsons_Wii_Moments.rpf

REM Do the image setup

call setndenv DvdRoot L:/SimpsonsBranches/Alpha/Wii_Moments
call %REVOLUTION_SDK_ROOT%\X86\bin\setcountrycode us
call %REVOLUTION_SDK_ROOT%\X86\bin\setsmem2size 64
call ndrun Simpsons_Wii.elf
call ndstop

REM Now create it.

rdpack -d Simpsons_Wii.dlf -v Simpsons_Wii_Moments.rpf

REM Reset file serving directory

call setndenv DvdRoot L:\SimpsonsBranches\Alpha\Wii_Release\


build_rpf.bat is a script to build the game with all assets.

@echo off
set build_rpf_choice=
set /p build_rpf_choice=Get latest from Perforce [y/n]?

if not '%build_rpf_choice%'=='y' goto PACK

p4 -p PerforceArt:1666 sync "//depot/Project_Art/SimpsonsBranches/Alpha/Wii_Release/..."

del Simpsons_Wii.rpf

call setndenv DvdRoot L:/SimpsonsBranches/Alpha/Wii_Release
call %REVOLUTION_SDK_ROOT%\X86\bin\setcountrycode us
call %REVOLUTION_SDK_ROOT%\X86\bin\setsmem2size 64
call ndrun Simpsons_Wii.elf
call ndstop
rdpack -d Simpsons_Wii.dlf -v Simpsons_Wii.rpf

set build_rpf_choice=



make_simpsons_image.bat is simply a script to make the game image. Nothing too fancy.

makemaster Simpsons_Wii_Image.dlf Simpsons_Wii_Image.rvm

Run_Before_Makemaster.bat appears to be a script to run first before using the above script.

call setsmem2size 64
call setcountrycode us

NdevRun Simpsons_Wii.elf

call sleep 1

call ndstop

REM C:\cygwin\bin\bash --login -i -c "makemaster l:/SimpsonsBranches/Alpha/Wii_Release/Simpsons_Wii.dlf l:/SimpsonsBranches/Alpha/Wii_Release/Simpsons_Wii.rvm"


run_simpsons.bat appears to be a simple script to run the game on a development Wii console, nothing too special.

ndrun Simpsons_Wii.elf

RVM generator - part 2.bat appears to be a script to make the game image. Only this file is present so whatever is in a possible part 1 batch script will be a mystery unsolved.

setsmem2size 64
setcountrycode us
ndevrun -d=Simpsons_Wii.ddf Simpsons_Wii.elf
bash makemaster Simpsons_Wii.dlf simpsons.rvm

stop_simpsons.bat appears to be a simple script to stop the development Wii console, nothing too special.


update_elf.bat appears to be a script to update the game executable.

del Simpsons_Wii.elf
copy ..\Wii_Executables\Simpsons_Wii_MWC_rel.elf Simpsons_Wii.elf