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The Legend of Zelda

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This page is a translated version of the page The Legend of Zelda and the translation is 35% complete.
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Tela de Título

The Legend of Zelda

Também conhecido como: Zelda no Densetsu: The Hyrule Fantasy (JP, FDS)
Desenvolvedor: Nintendo
Distribuidora: Nintendo
Plataformas: NES, Famicom Disk System
Lançado no Japão: February 21, 1986 (FDS), February 19, 1994 (Famicom)
Lançado nos EUA: August 22, 1987
Lançado na Europa: November 15, 1987
Lançado na Coréia do Sul: 1989

EnemyIcon.png Este jogo contém inimigos não utilizados.
RegionIcon.png Este jogo tem diferenças regionais.
Carts.png Este jogo tem diferenças entre as versões.

The Legend of Zelda apresenta Link em uma jornada para salvar Zelda do malvado Gannon (sic!). Em seu caminho, ele não pega nenhuma ajuda, exceto pelo Velho que dá a ele um palito aleatório que ele apanhou em algum lugar (mais umas vagas dicas), e está por si só na vasta terra de Hyrule.


Diferenças de Console
Porque nem todo mundo tem um Famicom Disk System. Alguns têm um Game Boy Advance.

Unused Enemy Type

Enemy type $42 is a Gleeok with one head, unused in the final game. This can be seen by freezing RAM address $0350 at $42 and changing screens.

Texto Inutilizado

クワシイコトハ マニュアルヲ ヨミマショウ

Em ambas as versões de cartucho do FDS e Famicom, essa peça de texto inutilizada é encontrada no fim da listagem de tesouros. Ela servia o mesmo propósito e diz basicamente a mesma coisa que a placa que Link está segurando no jogo finalizado.

Diferenças Revisionais

To do:
Outras diferenças?

Heart Container Glitch

FDS Zelda Heart Container Trick.png

In the original FDS release (v1.0), there is a glitch that allows players to easily get a lot of extra Heart Containers: on the eastern shoreline, there's a Heart Container that is normally only reachable with the Ladder. However, if you use the Flute while standing in the same row as it you'll pick up the Heart Container when the whirlwind drags you across the screen, and the Heart Container will still be there when you return.

The number of dungeons you've completed seems to determine how many times you can do this, so if you've only completed two dungeons, you can only do this twice. The number of Heart Containers will still max out at 16, and you can't get any more than that. This trick is perhaps most effective in the much harder Second Quest, where you obtain the Flute in Level 2. Using this trick makes the Second Quest much easier not only because of increased life, but the quicker you increase the number of hearts you have the quicker you can obtain the stronger swords.

Esse glitch foi consertado em v1.1.

Tela de Título

Não é uma marca registrada, eu posso usá-lo para o que eu quiser! Oh não!

A versão PRG1 adiciona um símbolo de marca registrada à tela de título.

Tela de Opções de Salvar

PRG0 PRG1 Animal Crossing
Está vazia, mas certamente nada poderia corromper meus dados de save Oh não! Zelda End Menu AC.png

A versão PRG1 adiciona um pequeno aviso para a tela de Continuar/Salvar/Recomeçar. A versão elusiva de Animal Crossing do jogo mantêm essa disposição de tela mas remove o aviso, já que é desnecessário no GameCube. Vale a pena notar que The Legend of Zelda é um de só dois jogos (o outro sendo Super Mario Bros.) que são completamente inobtíveis em Animal Crossing sem um dispositivo de jogo como Action Replay.

Algumas versões de Virtual Console usam essa disposição de tela também.

Transições de Tela

O re-lançamento de cartucho do Famicom tem transições de tela mais suaves comparado com as versões de FDS e NES. Quando você entra ou sai de uma caverna nas versões FDS e NES, a imagem pisca brevemente; isso foi consertado no re-lançamento do Famicom.

Localização Inglesa

Algumas das dicas foram mudadas ao invés de traduzidas para a localização em Inglês. O Ingrêis severo e motivo esquisito por trás de algumas das mudanças não deixa claro o que a Nintendo tinha em mente para algumas das mudanças feitas.

Level 1

Japanese English
 ヤ ハ ツカエナイ

Literal translation: "You can't use arrows if you run out of money."

The hint in the Japanese version is a useful tip on how the Bow works, which you get in this dungeon. In the English version, it was changed to a hint for a secret 100 Rupee location.

Level 5

Japanese English
オトニヨワイ イキモノ

Literal translation: "There are some creatures that are weak against sound."

The hint in the Japanese version refers to the Pols Voice's weakness. Since the Famicom microphone controller was never released outside of Japan, the method to defeat Pols Voice was changed and the text change reflects this.

Level 7

Japanese English
メガネイワ ハ シヘノ

Literal translation: "Spectacle Rock is an entrance to death."

The hint for how to find Level 9 was for some reason moved to Level 8 (see below). "The tip of the nose" is apparently the room in Level 7 where a secret path to the boss' lair is found. A very odd choice...

Level 8

Japanese English
デスマウンテンデ ヤヲ

Literal translation: "Look for the arrows in Death Mountain."

The English version's hint was moved from Level 7 and in the process replaced the hint for where to find the Silver Arrows. What?!

Japanese English
ライオンノカギヲサガセ 10TH ENEMY HAS THE BOMB.

Literal translation: "Search for the Lion Key."

The hint that you should look for the Magical Key in Level 8 (aka Lion) was replaced with... not the most helpful of hints.

(The English line may be an attempt to hint that if you defeat ten enemies without getting hit and defeat the 10th one with a bomb, said enemy will drop a set of four bombs. If you defeat the 10th enemy with the sword, it will give you a blue Rupee instead.)

Level 9

Japanese English
アカイユビワヲ ミツケ

Literal translation: "Have you found the Red Ring?"

The reminder that you should probably find the Red Ring was changed to a hint for how to find the Compass.

Japanese English
イチバンウエ ノ サカ
イメヲ コワセ

Literal translation: "Destroy the topmost boundary."

The Japanese line may be a hint for how to find the Red Ring, but it's really vague and could as well refer to something else. Maybe that's the reason it was ultimately replaced in the English version?

(What's odd is that this hint was already in place in the prototype version of the game, where all the items in Level 9 were still in different locations.)

Level 6, Second Quest

Japanese English
ミズウミノ キタ ニハ
 ヒミツガ アル

Literal translation: "There’s a secret north of a lake." Another really vague hint in the Japanese original that was replaced with something that made more sense - in this case, a hint for finding Level 8.

(Source: Legends of Localization)