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Proto:Zelda's Adventure

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Zelda's Adventure.

To do:
Properly rip the maps and graphics and compare to the final version.

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

A prototype of Zelda's Adventure, dated August 5, 1994, was found in October 2012 inside a box of CD-i testing discs. It was released by GameTronik in Summer 2013. According to the CD's label, this prototype is Version 1.10 and was made in the second phase of testing; as a result, there are only a few changes between it and the final game.

The prototype was also pressed onto red-labeled USA demonstration discs with the catalog number 690 2292, though the game would never be released there. This catalog number is also present on the GameTronik disc.

Opening/Menu Differences

Proto Final
ZeldAdventure Title Proto.png ZeldAdventure title.png

A rather crude registered trademark (®) symbol was added to the logo, seemingly done at the request of Nintendo.

Proto Final
ZeldAdventure GanonScroll Proto.png ZeldAdventure GanonScroll Final.png

Ganon's name in the Scroll of Shurmak is spelled correctly in the prototype. It was "corrected" to Gannon in the final version for an unknown reason.

Proto Final
ZeldAdventure DemoScreen Proto.png ZeldAdventure DemoScreen Final.png

Some extra copyright text was added to the demo screen. Because of this, the background and "PRODUCED BY VIRIDIS" text had to be shifted upwards. In addition, a (less crude) ® symbol was added to the logo.

Map Differences

ZeldAdventure ShurmakRiver Proto.png
ZeldAdventure ShurmakRiver Final.png

A small part of the river in the Plain of Donora was rotated for the final game.

Proto Final
ZeldAdventure SwampMerchShoes Proto.png ZeldAdventure SwampMerchShoes Final.png

The cut Alligator Shoes item can be acquired in the prototype. It appears next to the Barachno Marsh merchant, and can be picked up without paying him any Rubies.

This is because of a mechanic that was removed in the final game, in which Zelda's movement speed would be reduced by 50% whenever she's in the Swamp of Vendoss, the marshland bordering the Seacoast Plain. Having the Alligator Shoes in your inventory would restore her walking speed to normal.

Proto Final
ZeldAdventure GubashaLowder Proto.png ZeldAdventure GubashaLowder Final.png

An extra Lowder was removed from this North Gubasha Desert map. It is immobilized until Zelda kills another Lowder and leaves and re-enters the area, after which it'll teleport to the center of the map and work properly.