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Persona 5/Unused Graphics

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This is a sub-page of Persona 5.

To do:
  • Every character with alternate outfit portraits have a bunch of expressions that they never use while wearing said outfits.
  • There's more images of unused place names written in Japanese, but for some reason I can't open them. I can see them perfectly fine in the file thumbnails.
  • Compare final controller images.


Unused Character Portraits
A different kind of style refinement.
Placeholder Graphics
Truth serum side-effects, perhaps.

Debug Graphics


A development related UI left in the game's executable.


A simple debug font, identical to the one found in Persona 4: Dancing All Night. This, along with various identical file formats highly suggest that Persona 5 runs on a variant of the same engine.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused UI Graphics


The general UI. The Disguise and Cancel prompts are unused, as they could relate to a scrapped mechanic.

Texture Mockup

Found in field\panel.bin\hensou.spd, an unused Disguise gauge. Like the Disguise and Cancel prompts, they could relate to a scrapped mechanic. Hensou means Disguise.

Texture Mockup

From the hideout/safe room graphics, an unused Break Time prompt. Might be used for health recovery. Interestingly, the graphic would be used in an official collaboration with Matte Black Coffee.

Found in \field\panel.bin in the PS3 version, under mission_list/sakusen.spd (internally named fld_tes), graphics of Morgana, Ann, and Ryuji with similar expressions and with words struggling and executing. Sakusen means tactics.

Unused Maps

P5 kamomap1.pngP5 kamomap2.png

Large, full-color versions of the map for Kamoshida's Palace. The graphics beneath the maps were likely meant to have been overlapped over points of interest.

Early Final
P5 earlykamomap1.png P5 earlykamomap2.png P5 finalkamomap1.png

P5 finalkamopuzzleroom.png

P5 finalkamomap2.png

A map showing an earlier concept for 1F and 2F of Kamoshida's Palace. Of interest is that the early map has the library book puzzle on the second floor of the castle, instead of the third floor like in the final, and that one of the doors in the main hall that cannot be opened contained a small room with a staircase going up and one leading downwards. The early third floor attached to the early map shows that the empty space on the right was meant to be a room, and that there was another room opposite the library. Given the size of the room opposite of the library, it is likely this room was intended to be a Safe Room. The early third floor also doesn't appear to be connected to the chapel. The chapel itself is mostly identical, with the exception of the higher part lacking some platforms.

Early Final
P5 earlymadaramemap1.pngP5 earlymadaramemap2.png P5 finalmadaramemap.png

An early version of the map for above the treasure room in Madarame's Palace, featuring a longer path up to the main hall and an unusually large room where the final's safe room would be.

P5 madarameunusedmap1.pngP5 madarameunusedmap2.png
Two more unused maps for Madarame's Palace, which don't seem to match the room layouts of any of the final maps.

P5 mapmarkers.png
A set of colorful map markers that can be found alongside three of the unused maps for Madarame's Palace.

The maps for Madarame's Palace contain these two map images. These images are completely different to any other map images in the game, and depict the map being displayed on what appears to be a render of an iPhone 4, taken from this Wikipedia image. The segments of map depicted on the phone's screens don't appear to correspond with any of the final room layouts used in Madarame's Palace. Like the placeholder maps listed above, these were also cropped and shrunk to 64x64 in the PlayStation 4 version.

P5 gridmap.png
What appears to be another early concept for the map display found alongside the maps for Madarame's Palace, which would've had pieces of the map placed on a grid. The design of the map pieces appears to correspond with the garden area of Madarame's Palace.

P5 kaneshirocameras.png
The maps for Kaneshiro's Palace contains an image of the survelliance room.

P5 niijimaroom.png
A map depicting a room that was removed from the final Niijima's Palace. The file name of this map is rmap_157_17_0, and it is likely connected to a texture bank for a removed Niijima's Palace field.

Unused Security Meter Images

A plain version of Kamoshida's security meter image. It's impossible to raise the security meter for his palace prior to seeing him for the first time, so it goes unused.

A security meter image of Futaba's Shadow. This was likely meant to be used in her palace upon meeting her shadow for the first time. In the final game, the security meter icon for Futaba's Palace always depicts Futaba's regular self. This can be re-enabled by toggling bitflag 1075 to on while bitflag 5498 is set to on.

A security meter image depicting a woman resembling Wakaba Isshiki, Futaba's mother. This image is stored as danger_char09, making it the last security meter image in the game's data. Prototype builds notably used this image as a placeholder for security meter images.

There's a duplicate of Shido's security meter image called danger_char07_b. It's a placeholder Shido's Palace Ruler meter image, but his shadow is never fully seen until the fight with him at the end of the palace. Oddly, a security meter depicting his Palace Ruler form can be found in a prototype build of the game, making its exclusion here puzzling. This portrait can be re-enabled by toggling bitflag 1078 to on while bitflag 6797 is on.

Unused Location Name Cards

Miyashita Park


A name card for Miyashita Park, which doesn't appear as a location in-game. A map for it can be found in the December 2015 prototype.

Unused Shop Name Cards

P5 souvenirshop.pngP5 shoe.png
These two stores appear in the Underground Mall in Shibuya, but the player can never shop at either at any point in the game.

P5 acupuncture.png
There is an acupuncture clinic in Shinjuku. Like the above, the player can never shop there.

P5 sport.png
There's no sport shops in-game, so it's unknown where this was meant to be used. A sports shop would later appear in Persona 5 Royal, in place of Babel Records.

P5 giantbookstore.png
This was likely meant to be used for the bookstore in Jinbocho, which uses the regular Bookstore title card in-game.

P5 recycle.png
This was likely meant for the second-hand shop in Yongen-Jaya, which doesn't have a title card.

PlayStation 4 Exclusive Unused Graphics

The following images only exist within the PlayStation 4 version of the game.

P5-wanted10.png P5-wanted11.png
Two wanted posters showing Phantom Thieves logo and text saying "Get EXP", and another of the protagonist. These are stored with the party menu graphics and are likely remnants from an earlier version of the party menu.

A placeholder/early save icon. This save icon is used for the December 2015 build where it has a last modified date of October 14, 2013, making this a very old leftover.

P5-futabamap1.png P5-futabamap2.png P5-futabamap3.png P5-shidomap1.png P5-shidomap2.png
Maps that seemingly match the other placeholder maps, intended for Futaba's Palace and Shido's Palace respectively. Unfortunately, much like the other placeholder maps in the PlayStation 4 version, these maps have been cropped and shrunken down to 64x64.

Unused Duplicate Graphics

  • Each party member but Joker and Morgana has duplicates of their Phantom Thief neutral and smiling portraits before their unmasked portraits, with Futaba also having a duplicate of her angry masked portrait. Only Akechi has a proper neutral unmasked portrait, though he still has a duplicate smiling portrait. Additionally, his evil portraits have duplicates of his neutral, smiling and angry portraits, indicating that he was intended to have evil unmasked portraits too.
  • Some of the lesson images, such as the football and guillotine, have duplicates for an unknown reason.
  • There exists two duplicates the normal ending's end graphic, one titled endcut_normal and another titled endcut_ture (likely meant to have been "true").