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Dragon Quest Builders 2

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Title Screen

Dragon Quest Builders 2

Also known as: Dragon Quest Builders 2: Hakaishin Shidō to Karappo no Shima (JP)
Developers: Square Enix, Koei Tecmo
Publishers: Square Enix, Nintendo (US Switch/EU Switch)
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Windows
Released in JP: December 20, 2018
Released in US: July 12, 2019
Released in EU: July 12, 2019

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
BugsIcon.png This game has a bugs page

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

Dragon Quest Builders 2 is Dragon Quest meets Minecraft... again. Also involves something about some twerp befriending a freshly-revived God of Destruction, but that's probably not important.

To do:
  • There was a Japanese language demo that came out before the game's release in Japan, investigate it/verify if it's different or not from the international one.
  • Document debug build. Can be used to access the Battle Atoll as well as a developer test area.
    • It is unclear if the debug island and Battle Atoll areas actually exist in the final game, they may be only in the debug build.
  • The Aquabooster effect (allows the player to swim very fast) mentioned in unused dialogue still exists and can be hacked in with save editing, document it. Note that the item itself no longer exists, only the flag to enable the effect on the player.
    • Related to the above, unused dialogue in the cowboy island segment mentions that the Sabrecub mount used to have a button command to roar to herd cows. Does any of this functionality remain?
  • The debug build shows that a ton of the accessory effect flags from the first game for the player still exist, document.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Read about notable bugs and errors in this game.
Removed Story Elements
The cut, untold story of DQB2
Dragon Quest Builders 2 Lamprey.png
Unused Objects
Unused story props, items, and DLC galore! Hargon didn't know what to do with these apparently.
Unused Text
The amount of cut text in this game is actually absurd, and suggests the game had some troubled development. Includes dev notes, unused names, and dialogue for at least three cut islands.
Revisional Differences
Judging by the game's update history, it would not be an exaggeration to say the game Japan got at release was an unfinished one. The trade-off for international players seems to be Hargon talking absurdly slowly.

Unused Tiles

There are some unused minimap tiles. Tile data is not quite 100% understood as of right now, but what can be referred to tiles ID 5 and 21 are unused.

DQB2 Unused Tiles Minimap.png 0x8038 0x8039 0x803B
0x80E8 0x80E9 0x80EB

There also exists all types of "water bordering land" tiles, even ones that do not make logical sense. Water tiles can have all 4 sides bordering land, and all 4 corners bordering land. Here is an example:

DQB2 Unused Impossible Tile.png

This tile has 4 corners, which happens if all 4 tiles on its diagonals are land and all 4 tiles bordering it are water tiles. And it also has 2 coastlines, which means on those 2 sides there has to be land. This is contradictory and cannot happen, but a tile for it exists anyway.

You can see here all known tiles, with most impossible water tiles.

(Source: Minimap Export Tool)

Misc. Unused Graphics

Battle Atoll

Dragon Quest Builders 2 Battle Atoll world map icon.png

An unused graphic for a location on the world map that is never visited or unlocked by any released DLC exists.

(Source: BenXC)

Here is a link to the Battle Atoll in-game (Save editing) https://www.tumblr.com/sapphire-rb/760617246324375553/battle-atoll

And here is the full map including Atoll from the artist that originally made all of the art for the map: link DQB2 Full Map Image.png

Malroth Artwork

Dragon Quest Builders 2 Unused Malroth Artwork.png

A cropped portrait of Malroth's human form. He has an outfit and hairstyle not seen anywhere else in the game; it is unclear if this is an earlier design or an alternate costume. The kanji for "tentative/temporary" (仮) is superimposed over the image.

Main Story Quest Icons

Dragon Quest Builders 2 Goldirox holding mirror quest icon.png

A crude sketch exists of Goldirox holding a mirror, reflecting (heh) the gimmick of the boss fight on the second island.

Builderpedia Monster Icons

There are several unused icons for the game's monster "dex".

The Goregon is an enemy from Dragon Quest II and a recolor of Madusa, a boss that does appear in this game. Pazuzu and Belial were underlings of Hargon in Dragon Quest II; while both do (barely) appear in this game, they're never added to the Builderpedia.

Zoma, the final boss of Dragon Quest III, does not appear in this game in any fashion whatsoever.

Untranslated Labels

Various labels for menus and general notifications/popups are present in the English version that remain untranslated.

(Source: BenXC)


The disembodied voice's text speed

An infamous issue in this game is the extremely delayed text when the game uses "no text box" speech style for certain characters. This is specifically the cutscene text displayed on the center of the screen while darkening the camera. The English version of the game will wait several seconds or more when displaying each chunk of dialogue. These additional timing delays cause these cutscenes to take over twice as long to play out in the English release than it does the Japanese release, making it likely to be a localization error. The cause of this, and if it is intentional or not, is unclear.

"Fake" chert blocks in Hairy Hermit's mountain

While the exact cause unclear, it seems that the Hairy Hermit's mountain is made of an unusual variant of chert blocks. If the player breaks them and adds them to their inventory, nothing appears amiss. However, if the player makes a blueprint of the mountain, NPCs attempting to build the blueprint will endlessly search for a block with a blank name. If the NPCs are given chert, or the player places chert blocks into the blueprint, they will not be recognized as what the blueprint requires.

Unshaded umber and arid earth

On Green Gardens near the final river build there are 8 unshaded blocks that do not integrate with the rest of the blocks around them. When broken instead of showing the cracked texture the 'block health bar' appears. In the final game there is no way to place blocks like this. The only way to approximate it would be using the chisel.

Image of the blocks.
Image of the blocks.

2 Brazier Items

The braziers in the Hairy Hermit temple have a different item ID {575} than the normal brazier {1285}. These braziers are designed to remain unlit until the first blueprint is finished. However, if you break them later in the game with the Ultimallet they will keep their ID, and with it their propeties. They will not lit up when placed, and they will have a different ambience modifier.

The 2 braziers side by side. One remains unlit.
The 2 brazier descriptions. The normal brazier has a 'cool' ambience modifier. The prologue brazier has a 'normal' ambience modifier.

There is a chance that the brazier's ambience was changed after the modified version was made, while the duplicate from the prologue remained unchanged.

2 Worn-out Workbenches

There are 2 different Worn-Out Workbenches:

Item ID 677 1727
Object ID (Debug build) 1002 526
Found at Prologue ship
Malhalla ship
IoA beach
Buildable in Builder's Workbench
Description DQB2 Tutorial Workbench Description.png DQB2 Build Workbench Description.png
Crafts DQB2 Tutorial Workbench Crafts.png DQB2 Build Workbench Crafts.png

Skelkatraz bedrock hole

On the northwest corner of Skelkatraz there is a patch of chalk blocks in the bedrock layer, meaning the player is able break past the lowest layer of the map. If the player breaks the chalk it will result in strange upwards flowing water gushing from the hole, water does not behave like this in any other scenario in the game. Additionally, blocks near the hole become unbreakable and this water damages the player when touched.


Hargon, who functions as spectator and cutscene prop, is out-of-bounds during the first fight with True Form Malroth. Despite this, the player can damage him with the fire sword's long range attack. It is possible to reduce Hargon's health to the point where he will play a "defeated" animation where he crouches down for the rest of the fight with Malroth. This has no effect on the fight with Malroth or the following cutscenes.