Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (PlayStation 2)
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King |
Also known as: Dragon Quest VIII: Sora to Umi to Daichi to Norowareshi Himegimi (JP) This game has unused animations. |
Dragon Quest VIII takes the concept of "horse girls" to a whole new level.
- 1 Sub-Pages
- 2 Debug Menus
- 3 Debug Logging
- 4 Unused Title Screen Modes
- 5 Unused NPCs
- 6 Unused Items
- 7 Unused Animations
- 8 Unused Monsters
- 9 Trode's Fight Cheer
- 10 Unused Voice Clips
- 11 Unused Event
- 12 Unused Royal Hunting Ground Lines
- 13 Development Text
- 14 Alternate Hero Costume
- 15 Unused Music
- 16 Regional Differences
- 17 Oddities
Unused Text |
Localization Development Logs |
Unused Maps |
Debug Menus
Present in the game are a couple of debug menus that can be re-enabled with the below codes. The Japan-exclusive debug menus do not work anymore. Apply the below codes for your version of the game to appear in one of these menus when you first start the game. The Japanese version of the Boot Mode debug menus do not allow you to exit. When exiting the menus in the Japanese version, the game will get stuck in an endless loop.
Master Codes (for cheat devices only):
US | JP |
90119B90 0C04668C | 9011EA10 0C047A2C |
Boot Mode selector codes (where "??" is one of the below):
US | JP |
00169360 000000?? | 0016CDFC 000000?? |
02 = Movie test menu 08 = File send menu (network mode)
Boot Modes
Movie Test Menu
This allows you to view all of the pre-rendered movies in the game. There are also some movie names here that are not present on the disc, such as the TEST movie names. The US version of this menu does not have the kana font to render the Japanese text.
File Send Menu
This menu was likely used to send files from a network path to the developer's PlayStation 2 HDD.
These are present only on the Japanese version of the game. These are missing proper controller commands for them, and as a result are no longer operable.
This likely would have reloaded a camera script during battle.
Lighting Editor
This would likely have edited the current lighting settings of the area.
Debug Logging
Within the game are two stubbed printf functions which would have logged various background information to a debug unit. This logs information such as files and maps loaded. It would also report errors if any occurred. To re-enable these, apply the below codes.
US codes: Re-enable Debug Logging In Battle 20321620 08046542 20321624 00000000 Re-enable printf 20146E20 08046542 20146E24 00000000
JP codes: Re-enable Debug Logging In Battle 2032C0D0 080478E2 2032C0D4 00000000 Re-enable printf 2014ADC0 080478E2 2014ADC4 00000000
If you are playing the game on a regular PlayStation 2, you will need to use a TOOL, RDB, or a debug version of OPL to view the logs. If you are playing on an emulator, you can see this information by enabling the option "Show Console". Below is an example of what type of information gets logged.
Top Vram = 10752(64word) load(0) bin/key_data_1.bin o = 0 s = 2048 file cache 1bcdac0 - 1bcdac0 load(0) bin/bin_ext2.pak o = 0 s = 694272 file cache itemdat2.bin file cache explist3.bin file cache p_paramlist6.bin file cache magiclist3.bin file cache skilllist6.bin file cache btl_eventinfo.bin file cache btl_splcolor.bin file cache btl_motion_8.bin file cache btl_monster_id_6.bin monster_model_info : ver 040726 : date : 2004/10/27 08:16:47 load(0) mons_mem.txt o = 0 s = 20480 file cache btl_monster_param_10.bin load(0) monster_name_1.txt o = 0 s = 24576 file cache btl_monster_team_ex_5.bin file cache Habitat_2.bin file cache mos_owner_1.bin load(0) btlload_owner_1.txt o = 0 s = 4096 file cache haikai_name_3.bin file cache btl_action_def_18.bin load(0) skill_info_1.txt o = 0 s = 6144 file cache actmsg_4.txt file cache acteffmsg_2.txt load(0) actmsg_text_3_1.txt o = 0 s = 51200 load(0) acteffmsg_text_2_1.txt o = 0 s = 10240 load(0) actextmsg_text_2_1.txt o = 0 s = 57344 file cache mos_tec_6.bin load(0) team_tech_1.txt o = 0 s = 6144 load(0) snd2/SY_000.snd o = 0 s = 137216 msin_id = 0 p=9,-1,b=0,hd=cc600,bd=1bc980,hdbd=0 snd id = 6000000 load(0) snd2/rev.bin o = 0 s = 2048 vram 10752 - 16320 tex 1/288 b = 32767,cblur_fix_work0 vram = 64,0 tex 2/288 b = 273,cblur_work0 vram = 64,0 tex 3/288 b = 273,cblur_full_work0 vram = 3584,0 load(0) snd2/MAP_index.txt o = 0 s = 71680 load(0) menu/mcard2_1.pak o = 0 s = 188416 load(0) meswin/font_tex_l3s3_europe_Challenge.pak o = 0 s = 215040 load(0) meswin/sysstr_1.txt o = 0 s = 2048 load(0) meswin/article_1.txt o = 0 s = 2048 load(0) meswin/word_1.txt o = 0 s = 71680 WordStack:37720 Total :1886 AllocWordStrCnt:29688 Hash:30176 load(0) meswin/fonttbl_s3_europe_Challenge.bin o = 0 s = 2048 load(0) meswin/fonttbl_l3_europe_Challenge.bin o = 0 s = 2048 load(0) meswin/system_l_1.mes o = 0 s = 18432 load(0) meswin/system_s_1.mes o = 0 s = 18432 load(0) meswin/gaiji2_1.img o = 0 s = 86016 tex 4/288 b = 211,gaiji2 vram = 256,1 tex 5/288 b = 211,nmlcmd5 vram = 64,1 tex 6/288 b = 211,meswinbg vram = 3584,0 tex 7/288 b = 269,work vram = 3584,0 tex 8/288 b = 270,shadow_work vram = 3584,0 tex 9/288 b = 270,shadow_work2 vram = 576,0 tex 10/288 b = 272,glare_work1 vram = 576,0 tex 11/288 b = 272,glare_work2 vram = 576,0 tex 12/288 b = 294,moviework vram = 3584,0 tex 13/288 b = 295,cross_f vram = 3584,0 load(0) bin/bin_ext2.pak o = 0 s = 694272 load(0) itemdat2.bin o = 0 s = 18432 load(0) explist3.bin o = 0 s = 2048 load(0) p_paramlist6.bin o = 0 s = 4096 load(0) magiclist3.bin o = 0 s = 2048 load(0) skilllist6.bin o = 0 s = 4096 load(0) btl_eventinfo.bin o = 0 s = 2048 load(0) btl_splcolor.bin o = 0 s = 2048 load(0) btl_motion_8.bin o = 0 s = 43008 load(0) btl_monster_id_6.bin o = 0 s = 77824 monster_model_info : ver 040726 : date : 2004/10/27 08:16:47 load(0) mons_mem.txt o = 0 s = 20480 load(0) btl_monster_param_10.bin o = 0 s = 77824 load(0) monster_name_1.txt o = 0 s = 24576 load(0) btl_monster_team_ex_5.bin o = 0 s = 8192 load(0) Habitat_2.bin o = 0 s = 4096 load(0) mos_owner_1.bin o = 0 s = 2048 load(0) btlload_owner_1.txt o = 0 s = 4096 load(0) haikai_name_3.bin o = 0 s = 2048 load(0) btl_action_def_18.bin o = 0 s = 61440 load(0) skill_info_1.txt o = 0 s = 6144 load(0) actmsg_4.txt o = 0 s = 63488 load(0) acteffmsg_2.txt o = 0 s = 6144 load(0) actmsg_text_3_1.txt o = 0 s = 51200 load(0) acteffmsg_text_2_1.txt o = 0 s = 10240 load(0) actextmsg_text_2_1.txt o = 0 s = 57344 load(0) mos_tec_6.bin o = 0 s = 6144 load(0) team_tech_1.txt o = 0 s = 6144 load(0) map/map10_1.cfg o = 0 s = 55296 load(0) mapinfo3.bin o = 0 s = 2048 load(0) mapwind.bin o = 0 s = 2048 load(0) btl_map0.cfg o = 0 s = 4096 load(0) worldinfo4.bin o = 0 s = 4096 load(0) fbgpack.bin o = 0 s = 4096 load(0) TreasureList4.cfg o = 0 s = 47104 -------------------------- Tre ver[050801], cre[2005/08/5 15:24:54] load(0) event/flag_set.cfg o = 0 s = 38912 load(0) title/title_1.mes o = 0 s = 47104 load(0) menu/cmd4_1.pac o = 0 s = 329728 tex 14/288 b = 225,syscmd vram = 256,1 tex 15/288 b = 225,syscmd2 vram = 128,1 tex 16/288 b = 225,syscmd3 vram = 64,1 load(0) title/wmap.img o = 0 s = 462848 tex 17/288 b = 80,mapwok vram = 3584,0 tex 18/288 b = 80,wmap vram = 896,1 tex 19/288 b = 80,title_grade vram = 896,1 create sema 27 create sema 26 create sema 28 start thread 9 create sema 29 load(0) title/title_1.img o = 0 s = 727040 tex 20/288 b = 74,logo0 vram = 128,1 tex 21/288 b = 74,logo1 vram = 896,1 tex 22/288 b = 74,title vram = 896,1 tex 23/288 b = 74,title_w vram = 896,1 fstrm : open cddat:WAV¥BGM¥BG_002.MWV def_vol = 0.0e+0 loop 0,start 0 mc finish!! movie vol bgm = 0.0e+1 mwork = 1325980 IOP memory 0x000cee00(size:24576) is allocated IOP memory 0x000d4e00(size:2048) is allocated create sema 31 create sema 30 create sema 32 start thread 10 fstrm : open cdrom0:¥MOVIE¥L5_CI_B.MVI;1 fstrm : close delete thread 10 delete sema 32 delete sema 30 delete sema 31 movie vol off mwork = 1325980 create sema 30 create sema 32 create sema 33 start thread 14 fstrm : open cdrom0:¥MOVIE¥TAKA_N.MVI;1 PlayBGM Wait:30 sndstrm : play
Unused Title Screen Modes
Present only in the Japanese version of the game are a few unused demo modes. Apply the below code for the Japanese version of the game and start a new game to use these modes. After a certain amount of time passes, the game will send you to the title screen.
Start New Game for Demo Mode D0468F7C 00000047 004686F0 0000000?
Replace ? with one of the following:
2 = Map m01 (night - not a demo mode) A = Story Demo (Map m01) B = Field & Battle Demo (Map s02i01 & n_22)
- While not a demo mode, mode 2 sends you to the first town at night with no NPCs to talk to. You can't do anything here as a result.
- Demo mode A sends you to the first town.
- Demo mode B sends you to the field where you can battle enemies.
Unused NPCs
Several NPCs featured in an early build of the game can still be found within the game's files. Some of these NPCs were shown in pre-release screenshots.
To change King Trode's model while in Tryan's Gully, go to memory offset 0x003C0DC0 and change that text string to any model found within the folder chara.
Image | NPC File Name | Shown in a screenshot |
p001a.chr | No | |
p002a.chr | No | |
p003a.chr | No | |
p004a.chr | Yes (near the shopping tent) | |
p005a.chr | Yes | |
p006a.chr | Yes | |
p007a.chr | Yes | |
p008a.chr | No | |
p009a.chr | No | |
cat.chr | Yes |
Japan-Exclusive NPCs
Located in event\test
, the Japanese version of the game has a bunch of NPCs that aren't found in the international versions. Most of them have no animations, meaning they were most likely made just for the pre-release media.
Image | NPC File Name | Shown in a screenshot |
p001a.chr | Yes | |
ps001a.chr | Yes | |
ps002a.chr | No | |
ps005a.chr | No | |
ps005b.chr | Yes, although could be a different model since the old lady doesn't actually hold on to her cart in-game. |
Unused Items
There are 30 unused items, which can be added back into the player's inventory with the use of codes.
The code below adds the 30 unused items to the inventory by replacing the first 30 slots in your item bag. These include dummy armor, dummy weapons, dummy dresses, and... dummy cheese. Lots of dummy cheese. None of these items have any special icons. The DUMMY items do not work, however the MIMIC STONE and the BLARNEY STONE do function. The MIMIC STONE lets you recover health in battle endlessly, and BLARNEY STONE instantly wipes out your party.
Inventory Modifier |
20409AD0 03E70045 20409AD4 03E70053 20409AD8 03E7005C 20409ADC 03E70061 20409AE0 03E7007A 20409AE4 03E70091 20409AE8 03E700AF 20409AEC 03E700D4 20409AF0 03E700DF 20409AF4 03E700EB 20409AF8 03E700EC 20409AFC 03E700F7 20409B00 03E70101 20409B04 03E70102 20409B08 03E7011B 20409B0C 03E70124 20409B10 03E7012B 20409B14 03E7012C 20409B18 03E70133 20409B1C 03E7013D 20409B20 03E70141 20409B24 03E70146 20409B28 03E70147 20409B2C 03E70148 20409B30 03E70149 20409B34 03E7014A 20409B38 03E70152 20409B3C 03E7015C 20409B40 03E7016A 20409B44 03E70176 20409B48 03E70183 20409B4C 03E70184 |
# | Name | Notes |
0045 | DUMMY HAMMER | |
0053 | DUMMY SICKLE | |
005C | DUMMY WAND | |
0061 | DUMMY STAFF | |
007A | DUMMY DRESS | |
0091 | DUMMY ARMOUR | |
00D4 | DUMMY CAP | |
00F7 | DUMMY BOOTS | |
012C | DUMMY CONCH | |
013D | DUMMY CHEESE #1 | |
0141 | DUMMY CHEESE #2 | |
0146 | DUMMY CHEESE #3 | |
0147 | DUMMY CHEESE #4 | |
0148 | DUMMY CHEESE #5 | |
0149 | DUMMY CHEESE #6 | |
014A | DUMMY CHEESE #7 | |
0152 | DUMMY CHEESE #8 | |
015C | DUMMY BAG | |
016A | DUMMY RING | |
0176 | DUMMY CARD | |
0183 | MIMIC STONE | Lets you recover health in battle endlessly. |
0184 | BLARNEY STONE | Wipes out your entire party in battle. |
To do: I used DeepL to translate the Japanese names and descriptions. If you're a fluent Japanese speaker, please correct any mistakes. |
Almost all of the dummy items actually have a Japanese name and a description in the itemstr1.lst file, which contains original names of all the in-game items (translated names are located in itemstr1_1.lst). Below is the list of items using both the Japanese and the English name, their description and theory on what they most likely would've been used for.
English Name | Japanese Name | Japanese Description | Speculative Use |
DUMMY HAMMER | びっくりハンマー Surprise Hammer |
たたくたびに 攻撃力が変化する ふしぎなハンマー A mysterious hammer that changes its attack power with each strike. |
Likely implies occasional critical hits, however no weapon in the game lands a crit and/or changes its attack power with each turn. |
DUMMY SICKLE | 死神のかま The Grim Reaper's Sickle |
斬りつけた敵を ときどき一撃で ほうむるかま A sickle that sometimes buries a slashed enemy with one blow. |
A cut scythe that had a possible one-hit kill ability some of the weapons have. |
DUMMY WAND | ほほえみの杖 Wand of Smiles |
戦闘中つかうと 敵を1ターンの間 ほほえませる When used in battle, it causes enemies to smile for 1 turn. |
There is no "Smile" state in the game, but this wand would've most likely caused enemies to skip a turn. |
DUMMY STAFF | 死者の杖 Staff of the Dead |
たたいた敵を ときどき一撃で ほうむりさる A staff that sometimes buries a struck enemy with one blow. |
Like with the unused scythe, most likely would've had a chance to cause a one-hit kill. |
DUMMY DRESS | テンションドレス Tension Dress |
攻撃をうけると 気合いが入る ふしぎなドレス A mysterious dress that fills you with fighting spirit when you are attacked. |
The name implies that this armor would've raised one's tension after enemy's hit, but there are no known items which do that in the game. |
DUMMY ARMOUR | 気合いのよろい Armour of Spirituality |
攻撃をうけると 気合いが入る ふしぎなよろい A mysterious armour that fills you with fighting spirit when you are attacked. |
Same as the DUMMY DRESS. |
DUMMY SHIELD | エルフの盾 Elven Shield |
エルフによって 作られたという 軽くて丈夫な盾 A light and sturdy shield allegedly made by elves. |
No idea. Besides the Elfin Elixir, there are no other items that would have anything to do with elves. |
DUMMY CAP | やまびこのぼうし Yamabiko's Hat |
やまびこのように となえた呪文が くり返される Repeats a spell you cast like a mountain echo. |
"Yamabiko" is a Japanese folklore yokai, but it is also used to describe the delayed echo in the mountains and valleys, which was believed to be its voice. This unused cap would've likely caused its wearer to perform a spell twice in one turn. |
DUMMY FLEE RING | 逃げ逃げリング Run-Run Ring |
戦いのとき 逃げやすくなる ちょっと臭う指輪 A slightly smelly ring that makes it easier to run away in a fight. |
Likely would've allowed the party to flee from every non-boss battle. |
DUMMY BRACELET | メガンテのうでわ Kamikazee/Megante Bracelet |
身につけていると もしもの時に メガンテが発動 While wearing it, Kamikazee/Megante can activate in an emergency. |
"Megante" is the Japanese name for the spell Kamikazee, which damages all enemies, but also instantly kills the user. This bracelet would've likely allowed you to use it in battle to perform Kamikazee without knowing the spell. |
DUMMY BRACER | メガンテのうでわ Kerplunk/Megazaru Ring |
身につけていると もしもの時に メガザルが発動 While wearing it, Kerplunk/Megazaru can activate in an emergency. |
"Megazaru" is the Japanese name for the spell Kerplunk, which has a similar effect to Kamikazee, except you sacrifice yourself to revive and/or heal all your allies. The description implies that the ring would've most likely worked when you were the only party member left to fight and all your allies were dead. |
DUMMY BOOTS | あんぜんぐつ Safety Shoes |
危険な場所にも 平気で入れる 安心安全なくつ Safe and secure shoes that allow you to go into dangerous places with impunity. |
Not sure which "dangerous places" are implied, but it could be the poisonous swamps which are present in some locations and drain digits of your health if you walk in them. These shoes likely would've let you walk in them freely. |
DUMMY SANDGLASS | のんきな砂時計 Carefree Hourglass |
時間の流れが おそく感じられる 奇妙な砂時計 A strange hourglass that makes the flow of time feel slower. |
No clue, but the description implies it had something to do with slowing down time. |
DUMMY HOURGLASS | せっかちな砂時計 Impatient Hourglass |
時間の流れが 早く感じられる 奇妙な砂時計 A strange hourglass that makes the flow of time feel faster. |
Similar effect to the sandglass, but implied speeding up time instead of slowing it down. |
DUMMY SAND OF TIME | 時の砂 The Sands of Time |
戦闘中つかうと 始まりの状態まで 時間がもどる If you use it during a battle, time will be restored to the starting state. |
S̶h̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶P̶r̶i̶n̶c̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶P̶e̶r̶s̶i̶a̶ Would've likely restarted the battle from the beginning, including the party and the enemies' stats. |
DUMMY BESTIARY | モンスター図鑑 Monster Book/Bestiary |
であった まものが のっている Records the things you have encountered. |
There is a bestiary in the game, but it's not an item and isn't even located in the item menu, so either originally you had to access it from the item menu or it implies a different bestiary. |
DUMMY CYMBAL | ぜつぼうのシンバル The Cymbals of Despair |
敵味方全員の テンションを 下げてしまう楽器 An instrument that reduces the tension of all friends and foes. |
Since this item is located right below the Timbrel of Tension, which raises tension of all party members, it would've likely caused a negative effect similar to Angelo's Chilling Chuckle/Sarcastic Snigger ability. What's interesting, however, is that the description implies it'd have affected the party too. |
DUMMY CONCH | あきんどのホラ貝 The Merchant's Conch/Horagai |
つかうと しょうにんが やってくる When used, a merchant will come along. |
"Horagai" is the type of conch which had a military and religious use in Japan. No clue how it relates to the game, but the description and the item's name likely implies either some monetary reward or some debugging function. |
DUMMY LIZARD DUNG | 大トカゲのふん Large Lizard Dung |
大きなトカゲの 大きな落し物 A large lost property of a large lizard. |
There is an item in the game called "Dragon Dung" which is used for alchemy, so this one likely would've been an ingredient too. |
DUMMY CHEESE #1 | ちょい辛チーズ Spicy Cheese |
トーポの好きな ちょっとだけ辛い チーズ Topo's favourite slightly spicy cheese. |
(Topo is Munchie's Japanese name) Likely an early version of the Spicy Cheese. |
DUMMY CHEESE #2 | ひんやりチーズ Chilly Cheese |
トーポの好きな ほのかに 冷たいチーズ Topo's favourite slightly cold cheese. |
Likely an early version of the Chilly Cheese. |
DUMMY CHEESE #3 | ザラザラチーズ Gritty Cheese |
トーポの好きな ザラザラした チーズ Topo's favourite gritty cheese. |
Likely an early version of the Chunky Cheese |
DUMMY CHEESE #4 | どくどくチーズ Poisonous Cheese |
トーポの好きな むらさき色の 毒々しいチーズ Topo's favourite purple, poisonous-looking cheese. |
This cheese would've likely allowed Munchie to use poisonous breath on enemies. |
DUMMY CHEESE #5 | ねむねむチーズ Sleepy Cheese |
トーポの好きな あまい香りの ただようチーズ Topo's favourite sweet, fragrant cheese. |
This cheese would've likely allowed Munchie to use sweet (sleeping) breath on enemies. |
DUMMY CHEESE #6 | マヒマヒチーズ Numb Cheese |
トーポの好きな やけつくほどに 強烈な味のチーズ Topo's favourite burningly strong tasting cheese. |
This cheese would've likely allowed Munchie to use burning (paralyzing) breath on enemies. |
DUMMY CHEESE #7 | くるくるチーズ Curly Cheese |
トーポの好きな 混乱しそうなほど 奇妙な味のチーズ Topo's favourite confusingly strange tasting cheese. |
There is no breath attack for confusion, but this cheese would've most likely allowed Munchie to confuse enemies. The icon for this cheese might have actually survived into the final game: Every single used cheese has a high-resolution artwork, sans this sprite. The description is also fitting, since this cheese has curls on it. |
DUMMY CHEESE #8 | みんなのチーズ Everyone's Cheese |
トーポの好きな ねずみ仲間を誘う みわくのチーズ Topo's favourite cheese that attracts his mouse friends. |
Aside from Hero and the party, Munchie doesn't really have any "friends" in the game. The description implies that the cheese would've most likely called other mice to damage enemies, similar to Yangus' Golden Oldies ability. |
DUMMY BAG | においぶくろ Sachet |
とくしゅ こうかは ないようだ There seems to be no special effect. |
An item that appears to have never even been finished during the development. |
DUMMY RING | なし357 None 357 |
とくしゅ こうかは ないようだ There seems to be no special effect. |
Shares the description with Sachet and likely had the same fate. |
DUMMY CARD | マイレージカード Mileage Card |
未定 Not decided yet. |
This one seems to have been abandoned before the developers even came up with the idea for it. |
Unused Animations
To do: There is a small chance this could be used for a cutscene. Clarify if this is the case. |
Unused crouching animations exist in the game for all heroes. It suggests at one point you could crouch down with any hero. Apply the following code to re-enable this animation for all heroes:
Replace Stand Animation with Crouch Animation |
20D37D74 435C0000 20D37D78 43620000 20D37D7C 3DCCCCCC 20D51864 43470000 20D51868 434D0000 20D5186C 3E199999 20D6FDC4 436D0000 20D6FDC8 43730000 20D6FDCC 3DCCCCCC 20D87994 431D0000 20D87998 43230000 20D8799C 3DCCCCCC |
If there is no animation data present for a hero, they will do a T-pose as shown here:
Unused Monsters
Quite a few monsters go unused. Most of them are variations on existing enemies, with limited changes in appearance. Around 80 monsters were totally deleted, and can no longer be restored.
Apply the following code to force all encounters to be with a monster of your choice (where "????" is one of the IDs listed below):
Force Desired Monster Encounter |
20351FAC 2415???? |
To do: Investigate and document all the differences between monster variations. |
Used | Unused | Notes | ||
# | Name | # | Name | |
0065 | Slime | 00A8 0177 01C8 |
Slime Slime Slime |
00A8 always drops a Medicinal Herb. The difference between 0177 and 01C8 isn't clear. |
00C1 | Mucho Macho | 0382 | Mucho Macho | The unused version has no stats and is labeled as (Deleted) in internal files. |
00DB 035D |
Treevil | 0383 0384 |
Treevil | The unused versions have no stats and are labeled as (Deleted) in internal files. |
010A | Dhoulmagus LV1 | 01A0 01AB 01C6 |
Dhoulmagus LV1 Dhoulmagus LV1 Dhoulmagus LV1 |
The unused versions may be his duplicates, as they have lower stats. |
None | 018A | (Deleted) | This monster appears as a Capsichum in battle, and gives 2 EXP and 2 gold. It can be restored by having this code active: 208A6208 018A0005 | |
None | 018B | DUMMY MONSTER | This monster appears as a Capsichum in battle. | |
None | 0380 | Dummy | This monster appears invisible in battle. Defeating it will softlock the game because it does not have proper stats. | |
018F | Winky (red) | 0190 | Winky (red) | The unused version is labeled "(Deleted)" in internal files. |
0072 | Skeleton Soldier | 0195 | Skeleton Soldier | The unused version has higher stats. |
015D | Anchorman | 0197 | Anchorman (Red) | Is the red version unused? |
0199 | Dhoulmagus LV2 | 019A 01C7 |
Dhoulmagus LV2 Dhoulmagus LV2 |
The difference between the used and unused versions isn't clear. |
019B | Evil Sir Leopold | 01A9 | Evil Sir Leopold | The unused version has different attack patterns in its internal file. It may be used in the 3DS version. |
019D | Marcello | 01AA | Marcello | The unused version has different attack patterns in their internal file. It may be used in the 3DS version. |
01A3 | Evil Jessica | 01A4 | Evil Jessica | The unused version has different attack patterns in their internal file. It may be used in the 3DS version. |
0089 | King Squid | 01AC | King Squid | The unused version has higher stats. |
006E | Boss Troll | 01AD | Boss Troll | The unused version has higher stats. |
01AE | Rhapthorne (First Form) | 01AF 01B0 |
Rhapthorne (First Form) Rhapthorne (First Form) |
Each unused version has different attack patterns in its internal file. One of them may be used in the 3DS version. |
0189 | Servant of Darkness | 01B1 | Servant of Darkness | The unused version has higher stats. |
00A6 | Dancing Flame | 01B2 | Dancing Flame | The unused version has higher stats. |
01B9 | Rhapthorne (Final Form) | 01BA 01BB 01BC 01BD 01BE |
Rhapthorne (Final Form) Rhapthorne (Final Form) Rhapthorne (Final Form) Rhapthorne (Final Form) Rhapthorne (Final Form) |
All unused versions have different attack patterns in their internal files. They each appear to have other small differences as well. |
01BF | Lord of the Dragovians (Dragon Form) | 01C0 | Lord of the Dragovians (Dragon Form) | The difference between the used and unused versions isn't clear. |
01C1 | Lord of the Dragovians | 01C2 01C3 |
Lord of the Dragovians Lord of the Dragovians |
All unused versions have different attack patterns in their internal files. They each appear to have other small differences as well. |
01C4 | Vermillion Dragon | 01C5 01EB 01EC |
Vermillion Dragon Vermillion Dragon Vermillion Dragon |
All unused versions have different attack patterns in their internal files. |
01C9 | Emerald Dragon | 01CA 01CB 01D8 01D9 01DA |
Emerald Dragon Emerald Dragon Emerald Dragon Emerald Dragon Emerald Dragon |
All unused versions have different attack patterns in their internal files. |
01CC | Silver Dragon | 01CD 01CE 01DB 01DC 01DD |
Silver Dragon Silver Dragon Silver Dragon Silver Dragon Silver Dragon |
All unused versions have different attack patterns in their internal files. |
01CF | Golden Dragon | 01D0 01D1 01DE 01DF 01E0 |
Golden Dragon Golden Dragon Golden Dragon Golden Dragon Golden Dragon |
All unused versions have different attack patterns in their internal files. |
01D2 | Darksteel Dragon | 01D3 01D4 01E1 01E2 01E3 |
Darksteel Dragon Darksteel Dragon Darksteel Dragon Darksteel Dragon Darksteel Dragon |
All unused versions have different attack patterns in their internal files. |
01D5 | Divine Dragon | 01D6 01D7 01E4 01E5 01E6 |
Divine Dragon Divine Dragon Divine Dragon Divine Dragon Divine Dragon |
All unused versions have different attack patterns in their internal files. |
01E7 | Ultimate Dragon | 01E8 01E9 |
Ultimate Dragon Ultimate Dragon |
All unused versions have different attack patterns in their internal files. |
00AC | Shadow | 017D 01EA |
Shadow Shadow |
Variation 01EA has less stats than normal. It's unclear whether this is the case with 017D. |
0108 | Red Horn | 01ED | Red Horn | The unused version has less stats than normal. |
0109 | Blue Fang | 01EE | Blue Fang | The unused version has less stats than normal. |
Trode's Fight Cheer
Though used, you can hear Trode cheering for Yangus for only 4 seconds before the cutscene fades out. However, in reality, it lasts for 19 seconds. Located in DATA2.DAT\trode_fight_cheer.mwv
Unused Voice Clips
Located in DATA2.DAT\a03.mwv
is a voice clip spoken by a Japanese person. Since there are no characters voiced in Japanese, its purpose is unknown.
File Name | Audio | Transcript | Translation |
a03.mwv | こちらランク~の優勝賞品です。 | This is the Rank ~ prize! |
There are also two files named a01 and a02, which contain the first and the second part of the clip respectively.
File Name | Audio |
a01.mwv | |
a02.mwv |
b, c & d
Voiced by the same Japanese person, these three files most likely had something to do with a03. The file names don't match the spoken syllables.
File Name | Audio | Transcript | Translation |
b.mwv | エー | A! | |
c.mwv | ビー | B! | |
d.mwv | シー | C! |
Unused Event
If you force yourself through the chamber wall during the escape from Maella Abbey, you'll be able to play an unfinished stealth-like event. Unfortunately, the game hangs after you use the main door, likely due to lack of scripted events which would follow.
Unused Royal Hunting Ground Lines
A cut portion of the event that occurs at the Royal Hunting Ground after the party and Prince Charmles decide to rest. In the game it cuts to Hero waking up and seeing the Prince trying to ride Medea, but it appears the scene was originally supposed to involve all of the characters. Interestingly, all of the lines were voiced and even got carried over to the 3DS version (where they also weren't used), indicating that this part of the event was cut relatively late into localization:
File Name | Audio | Transcript |
10040010.mwv | Angelo: What's this? It's barely even light yet! | |
10040020.mwv | Jessica:Grrrr...!! | |
10040030.mwv | Jessica: What's that noise? Are we under attack or something? | |
10040040.mwv | Yangus: Wot's goin' on, eh? | |
10040050.mwv | Yangus: The 'orse-princess don't sound too 'appy this mornin'... |
The scene that follows afterwards is Trode protecting Medea from Charmles until the latter gets distracted by the Great Argon Lizard's roar, but originally all of the party members, sans Hero, were supposed to confront the Prince. It also features a slightly different version of Charmles' lines:
300 //ゼシカ「ちょっと やめなさいってば! // 今のは 誰が見たって 悪いのは // 王子様のほうじゃないの! Jessica: Hey! Give it a rest! If anyone's in the wrong, it's you! @310 //ククール「よぉよぉ 王子様。 Angelo: Well, well, well! @320 //ククール「馬が相手だと 威勢がいいねぇ。 // トカゲと戦うときも 今と同じくらいの // 気迫を見せてほしいもんだなぁ。 Angelo: You certainly come to life when there's a horse to be beaten! If only you showed this kind of fire around Argon lizards, eh!? You'd be quite an asset! @330 //ヤンガス「おっさん やめときな。 // そんな 駄々っ子の遊びに // つきあうこたぁねえよ。 Yangus: Just ignore 'im, grandad. He's actin' like a spoilt brat, if you ask me. @340 //チャゴス「この無礼者め。 // 平民のぶんざいで 王族に意見するとは。 Prince Charmles: Such rank impertinence! How dare you filthy lowlifes speak to, to...MY MAJESTY like that!? @350 //チャゴス「おい 聞いたか! 今のは // アルゴリザードの 鳴き声じゃないのか!? Prince Charmles: Oh! Did you hear that!? It was an Argon lizard! @360 //チャゴス「気が変わった。馬のことはいい。 // 今の鳴き声を たしかめに行くぞ。 Prince Charmles: I've changed my mind! I don't care about the silly horse any more. Let's go and find that lizard!
All text lines are located in the e1004_1.txt
Development Text
This line can be found inside the game's ELF file:
While "DC3" may stand for "Dark Cloud 3", referring to Level-5's other games, Dark Cloud and Dark Cloud 2, it might have just been a codename for Dragon Quest VIII.
contains a list of all .map
files as they were stored on a developers system. This file is identical in all versions of the game, containing the the full list of maps include in the Japanese version (including the unused maps found on disc).
Q:\DQ8\data\datav3\map Q:\DQ8\data\datav3\map\c01\c01.map Q:\DQ8\data\datav3\map\c01\c01i01.map Q:\DQ8\data\datav3\map\c01\c01i02.map Q:\DQ8\data\datav3\map\c01\c01i03.map Q:\DQ8\data\datav3\map\c01\c01i04.map ...
Leftover at DATA.DAT\map\make.bat
is the batch script used to create this file.
cd > map.lst dir /b /s *.map >> map.lst
Interestingly, when using this batch script to regenerate the list and diffing the output with the list on disc, 2 maps are named in map.list
that are not found in the Japanese version.
Q:\DQ8\data\datav3\map\wm4\_Twm4.map Q:\DQ8\data\datav3\map\wm4\__wm4.map
Alternate Hero Costume
This costume is only seen in one of the flashback sequences which is in greyscale and you cannot normally ever see its color, nor can you ever equip it. However, you can apply the following code to make the Hero wear it. With the code on, equip the Dragovian Armour and Dragovian Helm.
Change Dragovian Costume to Alternate Hero Costume |
209239E8 00326E69 |
Alternate Hero Costume |
Unused Music
Inside DATA2.DAT\data2\wav
is two unused versions of the opening song, one being an uncompressed wav file, and the other being in the game's native ADPCM format. The used version that plays is located in DATA2.DAT\data2\wav\bgm\bg_002.mwv
in the North American release of the game is an unused sequenced song of "Memories of an Ancient Ocean".
in the North American release of the game is an identical copy of bg_005, which is the overworld music.
Regional Differences
- The Japanese version has sequenced music, whereas the international versions feature live orchestrations, sourced from the album Symphonic Suite Dragon Quest VIII: Sora to Umi to Daichi to Norowareshi Himegimi.
- The Japanese version lacks voice acting, which was added to the international versions.
- The menu system was modified for the international versions.
To do: Check if this is in the EUR version. Also, so far I've only seen the log thing happen on the song "Peaceful Community". |
Despite the streamed orchestral soundtrack playing instead, the USA version of Dragon Quest VIII still has the JPN version's entire sequenced soundtrack in the same folder as it would be in the JPN version:
- If you turn on the logging cheat, you will notice that sometimes (at least in "Peaceful Community"), the sequence is set to play, but the function is set at zero, and the stream plays instead.
- Some music in the USA version wasn't replaced by streamed audio, and thus the sequenced version plays instead.
The Dragon Quest / Dragon Warrior series
| |
NES | Dragon Warrior • Dragon Warrior II • Dragon Warrior III • Dragon Warrior IV |
MSX | Dragon Quest • Dragon Quest II |
MSX2 | Dragon Quest |
SNES | Dragon Quest I & II • Dragon Quest III • Dragon Quest V • Dragon Quest VI • Torneko no Daibouken: Fushigi no Dungeon |
Game Boy (Color) | Dragon Warrior I & II • Dragon Warrior III • Dragon Warrior Monsters • Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 |
PlayStation | Dragon Warrior VII |
PlayStation 2 | Dragon Quest V • Dragon Quest VIII |
Game Boy Advance | Dragon Quest Monsters: Caravan Heart |
Nintendo DS | Dragon Quest IV • Dragon Quest V • Dragon Quest VI • Dragon Quest IX • Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker |
Wii | Fortune Street |
Nintendo 3DS | Theatrhythm Dragon Quest • Dragon Quest VII • Slime Mori Mori Dragon Quest 3 |
PlayStation 4, Windows | Dragon Quest Builders 2 (Demos) • Dragon Quest XI |
Nintendo Switch | Dragon Quest Builders 2 (Demos) • Dragon Quest XI |
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Level-5
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- Games published by Square Enix
- PlayStation 2 games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2004
- Games released in November
- Games released on November 27
- Games with unused animations
- Games with unused areas
- Games with unused code
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused enemies
- Games with unused models
- Games with unused items
- Games with unused music
- Games with unused text
- Games with debugging functions
- Games with regional differences
- To do
- Dragon Quest series
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Games > Games by content > Games with unused animations
Games > Games by content > Games with unused areas
Games > Games by content > Games with unused code
Games > Games by content > Games with unused enemies
Games > Games by content > Games with unused items
Games > Games by content > Games with unused models
Games > Games by content > Games with unused music
Games > Games by content > Games with unused text
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Level-5
Games > Games by platform > PlayStation 2 games
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Games > Games by release date > Games released in November
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November > Games released on November 27
Games > Games by series > Dragon Quest series