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Dragon Quest XI (Nintendo Switch)

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Title Screen

Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition

Also known as: Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time S
Developers: Square Enix, Armor Project
Publishers: Square Enix (JP), Nintendo (INT)
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Released internationally: September 27, 2019

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.

Dragon Quest XI S is a game based on friendship and murder of poor monsters. #Savetheslimes

Unused Boss Walking animations

To do:
Add a video of the animations

If you open the "defeated monsters" section in the miscellaneous menu you can see every monster you've defeated, including bosses, like Mordegon, for example. Every monster, bosses included, has a "walking" and a "running" animation, but bosses never appear in the overworld. However, monsters that are palette-swaps of a boss will have its same walking animation, but bosses like Mordegon, Jasper or Mordegon's wand have their own walking animations, although they are very simple.


Background SFX After Victory

If you use the Electro Light Pep Power, and change enemies that have a constant background sound effect such as a Vicious Bongo Drongo, after the Metal Slime or Killing Machine family monsters appear, the sound effect from the previous monster will stay, even after the music stops upon victory, and will continue to play until the player returns to the overworld. It is unknown if this glitch occurs in the PS4, 3DS, PC and Xbox One versions.