Data:Pizza Tower
This page contains info on data for the game Pizza Tower.
Viewing/Extracting the Game's Files
Main Data
Everything used and unused in the final game is stored in a single file, called the
in the Switch version's files). Various games made with GameMaker Studio, such as Undertale, Spelunky, and Hotline Miami compile all the data, such as the code, strings, graphics, and sound into this single file.
It's also really easy to extract the contents within, thanks to a tool called UndertaleModTool. Although mostly built for Undertale, it has good compatibility with Pizza Tower's
, however it struggles with certain scripts, such as the player's Step code. That's where UndertaleModTool Communitity Edition steps in, as it fixes the way Pizza Tower's code is decompiled and increases its compatibility.
Music and Sounds
All the music and sounds meant for the game are stored in .bank files, which contain music effects, loops, and the audio itself. They can be extracted with a tool called FMOD Bank Tools.
Text Strings
Although text strings exist internally within the
, there also exists external text strings, as seen in the game's "lang" folder. It contains all the text strings used for the dresser palettes, transformation tips, and more. The files for all available languages are simply just .txt files, so it's relatively easy to extract and modify the strings with Notepad or with another text editor. The regular credits and Noise sticker credits are also .txt files, too, and are located in the game's root folder.
Graphics for Other Languages
The way the game stores its graphics for different languages is interesting. They're stored within the "lang" folder and are contained within another folder named "graphics". The language graphics are just .pngs, which makes them easy to extract (or crop) by using programs like Aseprite.
Room IDs
Each and every room has an ID used by objects, such as doors and hallways, that change rooms.
ID | Room Name | Description |
000 | Loadiingroom | The loading screen. |
001 | Realtitlescreen | Late 2020 - Mid 2022 title screen. |
002 | OLDRealtitlescreen | Mid-2019 - Late 2020 title screen. |
003 | characterselect | Character select screen, used for Swap Mode. |
004 | Scootertransition | The old scooter cutscene from late 2018 - late 2019 builds. |
005 | leveltransitioncutscene | The staircase cutscene from the late 2018 - mid 2019 builds. |
006 | hub_room1 | The hub room from the early 2020 - early 2021 builds. |
007 | Tutorialtrap | The tower entrance from the late 2018 builds, which features a trap leading to the old tutorial. |
008 | Titlescreen | The title screen from the late 2018 - late 2019 builds, still modified for the Peppino's Xmas Break Demo. |
009 | cowboytask | The Cowboy Task room from the SAGE 2019 Demo. |
010 | rm_test | A test room from Peppino's Xmas Break, which was made to showcase a GMLive bug[1]. |
011-023 | PP_room1-PP_room14 | The original tutorial from the late 2018 - early 2020 Builds. |
024-038 | entrance_1-entrance_10 | John Gutter. The IDs for the three secrets are 29, 31, and 34 respectively, and the treasure room is 37, with the lap room's ID being 754. |
039-053 and 543-544 | medieval_1-medieval_10 and medieval_3b-medieval_9b | Pizzascape. The IDs for the three secrets are 43, 47, and 52 respectively, and the treasure room is 45. The ID for the unused Pizzamart is 50. |
054-070, 541-542 and 545 | ruin_1-ruin_secret6, ruin_12-ruin_13 and ruin_4b | Ancient Cheese. The IDs for the three secrets are 63, 67, and 70 respectively, and the treasure room is 65, with the ID for the unused Pizzamart being 61. |
071-088 | dungeon_1-dungeon_10 | Bloodsauce Dungeon. 73, 76, and 78 are the IDs for the secrets and the ID for the treasure room is 83, with the ID for the dungeon's unused Pizzamart being 80. The unused secrets have the IDs of 81, 85, and 87. |
089 | snick_challengeend | The end of Snick's Challenge from the SAGE 2019 Demo. |
090-098 | dragonlair_1-dragonlair_9 | The unused Dragon Lair level. |
099-122 and 546 | desert_1-desert_secret6 and desert_16 | The old version of Oregano Desert used from late 2018 - early 2022. This level has six secret room IDs, being 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, and 122, with the treasure room's ID being 113. The IDs for the two Pizzamarts are 102 and 103. |
123-136, 547-548 and 714 | graveyard_1-graveyard_treasure, graveyard_5b-graveyard_5c and graveyard_10 | Wasteyard. Its three secrets have the IDs of 125, 127, and 128, and the treasure room has the ID of 136. |
137-156 | farm_1-farm_13 | Fun Farm. 139, 144, and 146 are the secret IDs, the Mort Cube room ID is 770, and 155 is the one for the treasure room. |
157-160 | ufo_1-ufo_secret1 | Some leftover rooms from the Pre-Rework version of the Space Pinball. |
161 | pinball_15 | The teleporter room from Space Pinball. |
162 | ufo_5 | The teleporter and ball room from the Pre-Rework version of Space Pinball. |
163 and 164 | pinball_secret2 and pinball_secret6 | Space Pinball's secrets. |
165 | pinball_8 | The speed and bounce pad room from Space Pinball. |
166 | ufo_secret4 | The timed gate secret from the Pre-Rework version of Space Pinball. |
167-169 | pinball_9 | More Space Pinball rooms. The secret room's ID is 168. |
170 | ufo_treasure | The treasure room from the Pre-Rework version of Space Pinball. |
171-172 | pinball_5 and pinball_6 | Two rooms from Space Pinball. |
173 | ufo_secret6 | A secret from the Pre-Rework version of Space Pinball. |
174-177 | pinball_10-12c | The last chunk of Space Pinball's rooms. |
178-193 and 549-550 | beach_1-beach_13 and beach_8b-beach_11b | Pineapple Beach, the old version of Crust Cove. |
194-211, 551-553 and 698-702 | forest_1-forest_17, forest_G1-forest_G3 and forest_G4-forest_escape2 | Gnome Forest. Secret IDs are 197, 201, and 203, with the treasure room being 536 and the lap room's ID being 760. The ID for Gustavo and Brick's tutorial is 768. |
212-228 | pinball_1-pinball_18 | More of Space Pinball. The secret IDs are 213, 216, 219, 222, 224, and 226. |
229-240 | minigolf_1-minigolf_11 | Golf. 232, 515, and 516 are the secret IDs, 762 is the lap room ID, and the treasure room ID is 517. |
241-242 and 358-374 | space_1 and space_2, space_3-space_secret6 | Deep-Dish 9. Treasure room ID is 518, lap room ID is 761, and the secret IDs are 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, and 374. |
243 | halloween_entrance | Pizzascare's entrance from Noise's Hardoween. |
244-258 | chateau_1-chateau_10 | Pizzascare. The unused Pizzamart room ID is 256, the treasure room ID is 252, the ID for Gerome's door room is 766, and the ID for the unused 10th room from Noise's Hardoween is 258. Secret room IDs are 245, 247, and 279. |
259-278 | strongcold_1-strongcold_endscreen | Strongcold. The miniboss ID is 260, secrets are 262, 265, 267, 269, 273, and 275, treasure room ID is 271, and the escape room ID is 277. |
279 | boss_room1 | The old Noise crusher boss fight room from early 2019. |
280 | timesuproom | The time's up room. |
281 | rank_room | The rank screen room. |
282-290 | golf_room1-golf_roomtreasure | Golf's 2019 April Fools version. The treasure room's ID is 290 and the portal room ID is 289. |
291-302 | floor5_room1-floor5_roomtreasure | 2019 version of Freezer, with the treasure room's ID being 302 and the portal room ID being 301. |
303-314 | floor4_room0-floor4_roomtreasure | 2019 version of Oh Shit! Portal room ID is 313 and treasure room ID is 314. |
315-330 | floor3_room0-floor3_roomtreasure | 2019 version of Peppibot Factory. The portal room's ID is 329, the golf room ID is 323, and the treasure room ID is 330. |
331-356 | floor2_room9-floor2_roomtreasure | 2019 version of the Mansion. The Pepperman chase's ID is 346, the golf room ID is 350, the treasure room ID is 356, secret IDs are 333, 343, and 348, and the portal room ID is 355. |
357 | rm_blank | A blank room used to load GMLive during development. |
375-386 and 826 | sewer_2-sewer_secret1 and sewer_1 | Oh Shit! The secret rooms have IDs of 386, 678 and 679, treasure room ID is 522, and the first room is WAY ahead of the other rooms, with the ID of 826. |
387-401 and 519-521 | city_1-city_secret4 and city_secret5-city_treasure | April 2021's City level. IDs for secret rooms are 398, 399, 400, 401, 519, and 520. The treasure room ID is 521. |
402, 404-409, and 411-420 | mansion_1, mansion_3-mansion_8, and mansion_9-mansion_secret6 | April 2021's version of Mansion. Secret IDs are 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, and 420. Treasure ID is 539. |
410 | rm_testing | One of many testing rooms. |
421-437 and 566 | factory_1-factory_secret6 and factory_9b | The Pre-Eggplant version of Peppibot Factory. The treasure room ID is 537, with the secret IDs being 426, 433, 434, 435, 436, and 437. |
438-460, 765 and 798 | freezer_1-freezer_18, freezer_lap and freezer_upgrade | Refridgerator_Refridgerador_Freezerator. IDs for the secret rooms are 444, 445, 446, 447, 448, and 449, with the treasure room's ID being 538, and the Pillar John room ID is 456. |
461-466 and 592 | rm_testing3-rm_testing5 and rm_testing2 | A bunch of testing rooms. |
467-502 | kidsparty_entrance1-kidsparty_secret6 | The April 2021 version of Don't Make a Sound that was known as Kid's Party. Secret IDs are 497, 498, 499, 500, 501, 502. |
503-509 | exit_1-exit_7 | The old exit level from the April 2021 build. |
510-513 | boss_pepperman, boss_vigilante, boss_noise and boss_mrstick | The first 3 bosses and the unused Mr. Stick boss, who was originally going to be the fourth boss. |
523-534, 607 and 665 | war_1-war_12, war_13 and war_12b | War. The secret IDs are 821, 822, and 823, the treasure room ID is 820, and the lap room ID is 819. |
535 | rm_levelselect | The level select room from early 2021 - late 2022. |
554 and 555 | pinball_11 and pinball_13 | Space Pinball returns! |
556-565 and 680-682 | street_intro-street_5 and street_house4-street_john | The Pig City. The bacon room's ID is 769, the secret IDs are 662, 663 and 664, the IDs for the houses are 559, 561, 562, 680 and 681. The treasure room's ID is 763. |
567-591 | mansion_plain-mansion_weird2 | The Rework build version of the unused Mansion level. |
593-606 and 666-668 | kidsparty_1-kidsparty_john and kidsparty_escape1-kidsparty_basementsecret | Don't Make a Sound. The IDs of the secrets are 497, 498, and 499, with the IDs of the unused secrets being 500, 501, and 502. ID for the treasure room is 767. |
608-617 | top_1-top_10 | The unused Top level. |
618-655 and 657-661 | hub_pubentrance-hub_loadingscreen | The Reception hub world from the Rework build. |
656 | boss_pizzaface | Pizzaface's boss fight. |
669-677, 764, and 827 | industrial_1-industrial_secret3, industrial_lap, and industrial_5 | Peppibot Factory. Treasure room ID is 674 and the secret IDs are 675, 676, 677. |
683 | boss_pizzaface_p3 | Pizzahead's early phase 3 fight. |
684-697 | saloon_1-saloon_secret3 | Fastfood Saloon. Secret IDs are 695 and 696, treasure room ID is 756, and the lap room ID is 757. |
703-713 and 758-759 | plage_entrance-plage_cavern3 and plage_lap-plage_treasure | Crust Cove. The IDs for secrets are 184, 186, and 189. |
715-734, 755 and 796 | badland_1-badland_secret3, badland_treasure and badland_8b | Oregano Desert. IDs for secret rooms are 732 and 733 and Pizzamart IDs are 726, 728, 729, 730, 731. |
735-753 and 778 | tower_finalhallway-tower_entrancehall and tower_pizzafacehall | The titular Pizza Tower! Floor 1's ID is 752, John Gutter's hallway on floor 1 is 799, floor 2 is 748, floor 3 is 744, floor 4 is 740, and floor 5 is 736. |
771 | rm_eggplantdisclaimer | The Eggplant build's disclaimer screen. |
772 | Mainmenu | The main menu. |
773-774 and 776-777 | tower_1up-tower_2up and tower_3up-tower_4up | Transitions to the next floor. Despite appearing the same in game, they all have separate rooms with unique backgrounds, a leftover from the October 2022 build. |
779-783 | boss_fakepep-boss_pizzafacehub | More boss fights. The IDs for Fake Peppino's hallway chase is 780 and the ID for his key room is 781, the room of Pizzahead's beatdown has the ID of 782, and the post-beatdown room ID is 783. |
784-793 | tower_tutorial1-tower_tutorial10 | The tutorial. |
794 | Finalintro | The game's opening cutscene. |
795 | Endingroom | The game's ending. |
800-802 | tower_dungeonroom-tower_farmland | The unused hub rooms for Bloodsauce Dungeon, Wasteyard (ID of 801), and Fun Farm. |
803-809 | tower_laundryroom-tower_mansion | Secret hubs. Noisette Cafe's ID is 804, the tower's ruins is 805, the ravine is 806, Pizzaland's clown transformation is 807, and the Mr. Car room is 808. |
810-814 | tower_cheftask1-tower_cheftask5 | Chef Task rooms. Floor 2 is 811, floor 3 is 812, and floor 3 is 813. |
815 | tower_finalhallwaytitlecard | The Crumbling Tower of Pizza's title card. |
816 | Creditsroom | The game's credits. |
817 | Johnresurrectionroom | The cutscene for the true ending. |
818 | Longintro | The game's intro. |
819 | tower_outside | The outside of the tower before Pizzahead's fight. |
820 | tower_soundtest | Secret soundtest! |
828 | editor_room | Old editor room. |
829 | custom_lvl_room | The room for custom levels. |
830 | editor_entrance | Entrance for the editor. |
831 | rm_editor | The editor room. |
832-841 and 843 | trickytreat_1-trickytreat_6b and trickytreat_7 | Tricky Treat. |
844 | tower_soundtestlevel | Secrets of the World's gate entrance. |
845-847 | tower_tutorial1N-tower_tutorial3N | Noise's tutorial in his campaign. |
848 | tower_peppinohouse | And finally, after all that, Peppino's House. |
Texture Groups
GameMaker Studio games have texture groups, a way to organize everything when dealing with lots of textures. It also "optimizes the number of texture swaps to improve performance", as quoted from the GameMaker Studio Manual.
Name | Description |
backgroundgroup | A group of backgrounds, consisting of unused backgrounds, to be more exact. |
baddiegroup | The graphics for various enemies, such as the Weenies and Spit Cheeses. |
beachgroup | Crust Cove's assets, which includes the unused exterior sprite for the S.S. Ship. |
bossgroup | Backgrounds and sprites for boss battles. |
characterselectgroup | The character select screen for Swap Mode. |
chateaugroup | Pizzascare's textures. |
citygroup | The Pig City's textures. |
Default | Various unused sprites, such as Snick's collectables, Toppin Warrior sprites, the Eggplant build's title and more. |
desertgroup | Oregano Desert's graphics. Some sprites included is a unused totem pole sprite with Peppino's face on it and a night version of the main background. |
dungeongroup | The textures used for Bloodsauce Dungeon. Something interesting to note is that the collection of tilesets has an unused set of decorations in it. |
entrancegroup | John Gutter's assets. An oddity with this group of textures is that it has a bunch of unrelated tilesets, such as Golf's tiles from the April Fool's 2019 build and Pepperman's chase tiles from the Blue Block Build. |
factorygroup | Graphics for Peppibot Factory, which contains older backgrounds and an unused set of 3D-esque tiles. |
farmgroup | Fun Farm's graphics. The list of sprites contain an unused animation of Mort eating corn (plus the corn on its own), an unused sun background element, and a sprite for the old haystack object. |
forestgroup | Graphics used in Gnome Forest, which also have unused graphics for Gustavo's kitchen and an old version of its tilesets in its list of graphics. |
freezergroup | Refridgerator-Refridgerador-Freezerator's assets. |
graveyardgroup | Wasteyard's group of textures. |
hubgroup | Assets used in the hub worlds. One of these assets is the old tutorial tileset. |
hudgroup | Assets used for the HUD. |
introgroup | Intro graphics. |
kidspartygroup | Don't Make a Sound's graphics, which contain the unused Pizza Mech used in the Rework's Reception hub. |
kungfugroup | Unused group full of Kung-Fu's graphics. One of the backgrounds would be reused for the Gustavo and Brick section of The Pig City, though. |
levelstructuregroup | A long list full of assets used in levels. Some assets in the list go unused, such as the sprites for the scrapped junk object, old escape collectables, and old door transitions. |
medievalgroup | Pizzascape's group of textures. An unused pedestal can be found in the list of sprites. |
menugroup | A list of main menu textures. |
minigolfgroup | Graphics for Golf. Some unused sprites listed are Gustavo's guest appearance and some old tilesets. |
noisegroup | All of Noise's sprites, both from his playable character and his boss fight. |
playergroup | All of Peppino's sprites, including loads and loads of unused sprites. |
ruingroup | Ancient Cheese's level assets. The old ruins background can be found in the list of sprites. |
saloongroup | Fastfood Saloon's graphics, featuring the tiles and backgrounds from Space Pinball, as included in the tilesets and sprites list respectively. |
sewergroup | Oh Shit's graphics. The old waves of cheese from the 2019-era builds lie here. |
smallgroup | Smaller graphics, mostly just debris and other things. |
spacegroup | Deep-Dish 9's texture group. |
strongcoldgroup | Strongcold's textures. |
vigilantegroup | All of The Vigilante's playable sprites. |
wargroup | War's group of textures. |
Fallback Texture
This texture, as the name implies, is a fallback texture, should anything go wrong. It isn't part of the regular sprite list, and is rather an embedded image with the name of fallbacktexture.png. This sprite also belongs to a texture group named __YY__0fallbacktexture.png_YYG_AUTO_GEN_TEX_GROUP_NAME_
Although never used in the game, there exist three different fonts: Tahoma, Comic Sans MS, and Arial. (Note: Black background added on fonts for visibility's sake)
The Tahoma font, with the size of 11.
The infamous Comic Sans MS font, with the size of 12. This was used for the disclaimer screen in the Early Test Build.
The Arial font, with a size of 14.
Ditto as font1, but now with the size of 24.