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DK: Jungle Climber

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Title Screen

DK: Jungle Climber

Also known as: Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber (EU/JP)
Developer: Paon
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo DS
Released in JP: August 9, 2007
Released in US: September 10, 2007
Released in EU: October 12, 2007
Released in AU: November 15, 2007

TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: A way to re-enable the Debug Menu
To do:
Regional differences

DK: Jungle Climber is a somewhat of a sequel to King of Swing, now in (mostly pre-rendered) 3D!

Unused Game Description

This game has a banner directory (like many other DS games) which contains a banner and a set of plain text files for different languages, each containing a short description of the game's multiplayer mode, to be displayed on the receiving system when Download Play is used.

Interestingly, it has a Chinese version file, "dlexpl_ch.txt", despite this particular game never being distributed there. This file seems to contain an early version of the Japanese text instead.

Text from "Chinese" file (dlexpl_ch.txt) Final Japanese text (dlexpl_jp.txt)
たいせんで アツくなれ
ドンキーコング ジャングルクライマー
ノンストップ レースバトル!
さいそくは だれだ!
Donkey DS
Blaze in Battle!
Beat out your rivals!
(Source: Translation: GlitterBerri)
Donkey Kong Jungle Climber
Nonstop race battle!
Who's the fastest?!

Development Logs


(Japan) (USA), (USA) (Demo), (Europe)
	WorldCoinCnt = {
		0 , 3 , 5 , 4 , 2 , 3 , 2 , 0
	WorldCoinCnt = {
		0 , 3 , 5 , 4 , 2 , 3 , 2 , 0
} //UE


Another instance of "Donkey DS".

	Version = "2007/04/24 19:40:07"
	bLoadLevelMCS = 0
	EditLevelName = "Level/StartUP.txt"
	RootPass = "C:\DonkeyDS\data/"
	Padding = 0
Version = "2007/05/07 14:09:01"
	bLoadLevelMCS = 0
	EditLevelName = "Level/StartUP.txt"
	RootPass = "C:\DonkeyDS\data/"
	Padding = 0
(USA) (Demo)
	Version = "2007/06/05 15:08:49"
	bLoadLevelMCS = 0
	EditLevelName = "Level/Warning.txt"
	RootPass = "C:\DonkeyDSDemo\data/"
	Padding = 0
	bLoadLevelMCS = 1
	EditLevelName = Level/StartUP.txt
	RootPass = C:\DonkeyDS\data\
	Padding = 0


This file is blank.



This is the most interesting of the four log files present in the root directory as it mentions a debug HUD.

SystemSetting.txt Translation
	VisibleDebugHUD = 1	//デバック表示
	bPauseDisplaySW  = 0	//ポーズ時の表示
	bResetDebug      = 1	
	bBGMEnable		 = 1	//BGM有効無効
	ResetStartLevelName = "level/&&Start-Menu"	//"level/StartUp"
	BootLevelName = "level/Logo"	//初回ブート時開始レベル
	bVisibleDebugHUD = 1	//Debug Display
	bPauseDisplaySW  = 0	//Pause Display
	bResetDebug      = 1	
	bBGMEnable		 = 1	//BGM On/Off
	ResetStartLevelName = "level/&&Start-Menu"	//"level/StartUp"
	BootLevelName = "level/Logo"	//Initialization Level on 1st Boot