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Wiw of Waw presents the latest in Hot Warez..

The Cutting Room Floor ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 14925%!

Cracked, Trained, Nobbled-Up and ½-parted by the utterly amazing and fab Wiw!!!

Call our UK HQ on 0203-668405 for 1.4Tetrabytes of warez stored on Sinclair Microdrive, on-line 25hrs a minute, 75-19.2Gigabaud.

Hot Greets to Baz, Caz, Daz, Faz, Gaz, Haz, Jaz, Kaz, Laz, Maz, Naz, Paz, Raz, Saz, Taz, Vaz, Waz, Yaz and Zaz!!

Limp Armwavings to HugeRedPorkSword of The TotulAnihilashunAndDeth2Evreywun Crew!!

I am a sad and immature snotty little brat because reasons. I hack into games for free as I have no friends and am physically repulsive to females because of my chronic boringness.

I have played with myself 0 times in the past 24 hours and have weird dreams about... no wait, scratch that...

The last Kylie Minogue record I brought was ... wait, I never bought one. Er... does that episode of Doctor Who with her in it count?

Look mum! I can use HxD, Tapir and JPSXDEC! (Next week I'm learning damage control)

(I've got a mate who can do fantastically dull psuedo house music on NoiseTracker, and another mate is really amazing at doing uninteresting bass-relief metallic logos on Dpaint - We're going to call ourselves Carry On Design, and do a game for Psygnosis and they'll pay us 137 krugerrand and we'll get our photos ridiculed in Zero and then we're going to do Super-Duper Famicon games and charge more than the national debt of Brazil and after that it's virtual reality - and I actually SAW Andrew Braeburn at the PC Show and he actually SPOKE to me and we had this really good conversation and I told him all about how crap Rainbow Islands is and how he should have written it using Sega and used hardware sprites for the scrolling background and when I asked him why he left out the bit on the arcade machine when you first turn it on and some glitched graphics come up for a thirtieth of a second - which really contributes to the authenticity - he said 'BUGGER OFF YOU NOISY SOD!!!!!!!!' and I knew he was just saying that cos he knew I was right and how much better than him I am and I bet he's never written a parallax sprite starfield sine scrolly bob demo with soundtracker music in his life and I bet he wouldn't even know how and he's rubbish anyway you know I actually saw one BONE in his code that could have been a BONE.S and I nearly wet myself I mean how can he call himself a programmer when he obviously isn't nearly as good as me etc,etc,etc,etc,etc)

Anyway I must go now as my mum says my cereal is getting soggy... CUL8RAIGWNGIS DUDES!

Intro by Richard Aplin of Creative Materials & U.S. Gold

You May Not Read Further If You Are Under 14 or Have A Datel Action Replay Mk.I
(The Mk.II one's OK cos the software's much better)

Yes kids, It's WRITER'S EGO time!

Other pages I've created: (the list gets longer!)