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Proto:Super Bubsy

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Super Bubsy.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
Notes: this isn't complete, document more of this Pre-Release Demonstration prototype here. Contribute by adding footages, screenshots.

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

A prototype of Super Bubsy was released by "Elite Internet Release Group". This is a very early build, which is a pre-release demonstration, containing lots of placeholder graphics, uses placeholder sounds from the SNES version, and more. The build date for this is July 5, 1995. 3 months after the production started in April 1st, 1995.

General Differences

Game Icon

The icon is a frame of one of Bubsy's walking animations from the SNES version. Interestingly enough, this icon retains in the final game, but for the uninstallation program, albeit flipped horizontally.

Prototype Final Final;"UNISTALL.EXE"

Bootup Screen

To do:
upload the final version ripped in-game or at least screenshot of bootup screens.

The bootup screen has a disclaimer that it's a pre-release demonstration. Many elements are not in the final game due to still being developed and not ready for formal review.

Prototype (Screen 1) Prototype (Screen 2) Final (Screen 1) Final (Screen 2)
SuperBubsyBootupProtoPreReleasejuly51995bootup.png SuperBubsyLogoProtoPreReleasejuly51995bootup.png 256px SuperBubsyBootupFinalScrn2.png

The logo is more 3D and white in the prototype, the final one uses a stylized red and yellow logo. Also it does not contain "For Windows™ '95" in the final.

Prototype Final
SuperBubsyLogoProtoPreReleasejuly51995bootup.png SuperBubsyLogoFinal.png


Bubsy sometimes uses his SNES sprites in the gameplay. That's because his reworked sprites wasn't finalized yet, leading to placeholder sprites to play. The only finalized sprites are running, and standing. Interestingly enough, there are some unused, early sprites of Bubsy which wasn't present in the SNES version nor Genesis version, even Bubsy II .

Placeholder Graphics

There exists placeholder graphics in the game. such as a weird bird thing? It's referred as GOGGLE.BMP in the files, gumball machine, platformers and a manhole.


All of the sounds are from the SNES version. Some of these sounds are in the final game.


The music is in WAV format, while final uses MIDIs instead.


In the SOUNDS folder is documentation of each sound effect.

  				Bubsy Sounds And What They Mean
				          A Spiritual Discussion

These are for Level 1 only.

  1.  1life.wav		Grabbing a shirt with one life on it. 
1a.  2life.wav		Same as 1life.wav but for a 2 life shirt. 
  2.  Aooga.wav		When Bubs is going over a cliff and his eyes bug out here is the noise.  
  3.  Banna.wav		Bubsy skidding after hitting a box of banana’s.
  4.  Boxoyrn.wav	A box of yarn being absorbed by the little fur ball.
  5.  Brakes.wav		Skidding down the hill.  This is a loop of one sound.  I used two samples to 				give the proper delay time necessary.
  6.  Bridge.wav		The chain noise when he runs on the crank to extend the bridge.
  7.  Bubble.wav		Bubble gum machine spitting little round balls at our fury hero.
  8.  Dedwol.wav		The bonking on the head of a woolie will generate this sound.  Which sadly 				enough will also kill the little booger.
  9.  Endgame.wav	When he hits the big ball o yarn at the end of  level 1.
 10. Exlamat.wav		When a exclamation point is run through.  This is where Bubsy starts after he 				dies.
 11.  Hello.wav		If Bubsy is idle to long he grows impatient and bangs on the screen.
 12.  Honk.wav		A woolie attacking goes honk so this is honk.wav.
 13.  Horns.wav		Landed on a car-- it went “honk honk honk” . 
 14.  Jump1.wav		This be an average normal every day jump for Bubsy.
 15.  Jump2.wav		This here jump is when my man Bubs gets the spring loaded jump off of the 				tree.  BoomShakaLaka.
 16.  Manhole.wav	The manhole that goes up and down.  The time between the sounds is air time 				for the manhole, untouched and unedited.
 17.  Orb.wav		This is for the trippy swirly orb that gives points when hit.
 18.  Replay.wav		The replay sprite generates this lovely little ditty.
 19.  Shake.wav		When Bubsy gets wet and shakes.  There is also included the little blink noise 				he does after.
 20.  Shirt!.wav		When he grabs a shirt with a “!” on it.
 21.  Squashed.wav	If the Bubs falls from a great hight he gets squashed and then walks away like 				an acordian.  The acordian noise is included with this.
 22.  Water.wav		When Bubsy lands in water.
 23.  Wewu.wav		One of the Bubsy deaths.  I ran into a woolie.
 24.  Wrong.wav		The opening statement for level one.
 25.  Yarn.wav		When Bubsy grabs a ball of yarn.
 26.  Yikes.wav		Bubsy death.  Ran into a woolie.  There is the broken glass sound.
 27.  Yikes2.wav		Bubsy death when a car eats him.  There is a couple little sounds after the 				yikes.


  • There's four sprite backups in this prototype. They are "SPRTBKUP", this folder has a copy in "SPRITES" folder. Still in "SPRITES" folder, it has a "BACKUP" folder. It has another copy but it has less files inside "BUBSY95" folder.
  • RGB334.PAL is one of the earliest files ever, speculating this file is a part of the SNES source code. Although it's only this file.

Unused Graphics


Four of the backup folders contain this. This was probably a reference sheet. Interestingly, it has some unused Bubsy poses that were never seen in the original game. SET1.DIB is a duplicate.
