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Bubsy 3D

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Title Screen

Bubsy 3D

Also known as: Bubsy is 3D in "Furbitten Planet" (title screen)
Developers: Eidetic[1]
Publishers: Accolade[1] (US), Telstar[1] (EU)
Platform: PlayStation
Released in US: October 31, 1996[1]
Released in EU: August 1997[1]

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
MovieIcon.png This game has unused cinematics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
DummyIcon.png This game has unusual dummy files.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
BugsIcon.png This game has a bugs page

Bubsy hightails it into a new dimension to highly critical acclaim reviews!


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Read about notable bugs and errors in this game.

Unused Videos


A copyright screen from a cancelled Japanese release found in the European release.

Bubsy3D XADUM2.DUM.png


An unused death animation; it could be for falling damage, but the final game lacks fall damage (aside from plunging into water).


DUMMY1.DAT contains the Escape from WooL.A ending cutscene. Interestingly, this cutscene can also be found in Syphon Filter, another game developed by Eidetic.

CD-ROM Generator File

Download.png Download BUBSY.CCS
File: Bubsy_3D_BUBSYCCS_USA.zip (13 KB) (info)

The BUBSY.CCS file in the root of the disc is a "CD-ROM Generator for Windows 1.10" configuration file. The tool was used to arrange the files on the disc and create a valid disc image for manufacturing discs. The text file contains what presumably is the US version's final build date:

CD-ROM Generator for Windows 1.10
Wed Oct 23 16:23:13 1996

The European version has the same file, but with a later date:

CD-ROM Generator for Windows 1.30
Tue Jul 22 17:36:37 1997

Debug Passwords

Enter any of the following as a password in the "Load Game" screen:

Password Effect
XDBUGLOCNC Shows coordinates in the pause menu.
XZOOMMERKB Press Left + Start during gameplay to warp to another location.
XLTNGBUGMB Press Triangle + Select during gameplay for invincibility.
XALLDBUGCR Unlocks all levels and gives you 99 lives.
XURASNAKER Bubsy will wear an outfit based on Snake Plissken from the 1981 film Escape From New York.

Interestingly enough, entering those passwords will give the following message: "YOU ARE A CHEATER!"

Developer Notes

All of the game's executable files have some silly notes left by the developers:

Attempting LoadExec...  It's failed five times so far.
CD is hosed!  We're dead in the water.
Forced zoom release at 60 ticks!
Load FAILED!!!  Clean the CD!

Regional Differences

US Europe
You'd be better off saving yourself from this game. Bubsy3DTitleEU.png
  • The US version supports Memory Cards, but the European version doesn't. The graphics for the Save/Load menu are still present, however.
  • The colors on the title screen are a bit brighter. It also had its hue adjusted slightly.
