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Half-Life: Blue Shift (PC)

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Title Screen

Half-Life: Blue Shift

Developer: Gearbox Software
Publishers: Sierra Studios (original), Valve (current)
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Released internationally: July 31, 2013 (Mac/Linux)[1]
Released in US: June 12, 2001

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

Half-Life: Blue Shift is the second of a number of expansions to Half-Life where you take control of ordinary, unsuspecting, beer-offering security guard and later recurring character Barney Calhoun.

It was originally designed for the Dreamcast version of Half-Life, but due to its cancellation, was later released as a standalone expansion.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Leftovers From Other Games

Half-Life Leftovers

All of the art, code, and sounds from the original game is in Blue Shift, most of it unused. This also includes content that was unused in the original game, such as the cut enemies.

Counter-Strike 1.6 Leftovers

In the GameUI.dll file, there are remnants of Counter-Strike's UI code, such as the bomb countdown, money, etc. There's a lot more text relating to Counter-Strike in the GameUI.dll file.

Unused Weapons

Gluon Gun, Tau Cannon, Crossbow, Laser Trip Mine

All of the models for the Crossbow, Tau Cannon, Gluon Gun, and Laser Trip Mine exist in the game's files. Interestingly, all of their first person models except for the Tau Cannon have Barney's hands on them instead of Gordon's.

Multiplayer .357 Revolver

Hlbs multiplayerrevolver.png

The multiplayer version of the .357 Magnum Revolver is in the game, but cannot be used because Blue Shift can only be played in single player.

Suppressed Pistol

Hlbs suppressed pistol.png

The cut suppressor for the Pistol from the original game makes one last hurrah in Blue Shift. It has the same issues that it did in Half-Life: Opposing Force, as it uses the same animations and model from the expansion.

Unused Animations

To do:
Replace with gifs!

Dead Security Guard

The off-duty Security Guard model seen throughout the game has several unused animations. Some of these are used in the cut intro for the cancelled Dreamcast port of the original game.

HEV Gordon Freeman

Gordon's got some MIA animations.

Scientist Gordon Freeman

Scientist Gordon has some unused animations, with most of them running for his life like an idiot.

Unused Graphics

Early Name

Hlbs guardudylogo.png

640logos.spr contains an early name for the game: Half-Life: Guard Duty.

Hlbs captivationdigitallabs.png

640logos.spr also contains a logo for Captivation Digital Laboratories, one of the developers for the Dreamcast port of the original game. Since Blue Shift was originally intended to be included with the Dreamcast port, it's not a surprise their logo appears.

HUD Guy Icons

Hlbs hudmode.png

Sprites showing the guy in the HUD swimming, climbing, and crouching can be found. These are leftovers from the Dreamcast version of the game, where the HUD guy would change how he appears to show that the player is doing a certain action, such as climbing.


Hlbs testify.png

A graphic showing level designer Rob Heironimus that appears in this game and a few other early Gearbox games with "TESTIFY" underneath him can be found in BARNEY.WAD.

Happy Face

Hl happyface.png

The hidden happy face found in the original game's HUD textures is back!

Unused Sounds

Like the base game, the file "sound/sentences.txt" contains a list of sentences allowing the game to easily call a sound, or string of sounds, which are used for "speaking" entities. This includes both unused sentences and unused sound files without an associated sentence.


While the HEV Suit itself isn't obtained, its functionality is still needed for the HUD and other aspects of the game to work. All of its associated sentences, including unused lines, are still present, although they have been all dummied out with a blank sound file ("common/null") to completely silence it.

Security Guard

Duty Calls

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
BA_CANAL_WOUND2 barney/ba_canal_wound1 Look, I'm chewed up pretty bad and I think my leg's broken. So you better go on without me. Get yourself out of here while you still can.

Power Struggle

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
BA_POWER4 barney/ba_power4 Hey, hey!


Most of these sounds are alternate takes on existing lines said by other actors' characters (the Security Guard and Dr. Rosenberg) in the final game, but said by the Scientist's actor instead.

Duty Calls

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
SC_CANALS1 scientist/sc_canals1 Yes, of course, the drainage canal. I think that empties out somewhere near the freight yard. If we're lucky, we can make our way out of the facility from there.
SC_CANALS3 scientist/sc_canals3 No, it's too late! I can't do it! I can't! We'll never make it!

Captive Freight

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
SC_TELE_WORK1 scientist/sc_tele_work1 We were able to contact a number of other remaining scientists, so with any luck some of them may make it here as well. We would have chosen the Lambda Reactor for an escape, but the crew there is bent on fighting the creatures, with all their hopes set on someone named Freeman. Let those fools try and fight a battle they can't win. I just want to get out of here!
SC_TELE_XEN1 scientist/sc_tele_xen1 Once we were able to consistently create the teleporter field, we ran into new problems. You see, Mr. Calhoun, teleportation isn't as simple as going from point A to point B. We discovered a strange "borderworld" that was somehow involved in the process, and this kept us from accurately predicting where any given teleportation event would lead to back on Earth. Some of the more promising research on the matter led to a device that could be attached to the strange crystalline structures we found in this borderworld. This device could then be used as a focal point and relay to aid in the teleportation. Well, in theory that is. We lost contact with the survey group shortly after the device was in place. We later discovered other methods of aiming the field, but all of the equipment in this lab uses the older technology. In order any of us to get out of here alive, someone will need go to the borderworld, and activate the device. I'm afraid you're the only one that can do this, seeing as how everyone else will be needed to run the equipment. We should be able get you fairly close to where the survey team had set up, but I fear the likelihood of running into alien creatures is very high. Be careful!

Power Struggle

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
SC_POWER_ALT1 scientist/sc_power_alt1 Hold yourself together! If we don't get the power cells charged, then we'll never make it out of here!
SC_POWER_ALT2 scientist/sc_power_alt2 Get out of here! I can take it.
SC_POWER_WOUND1 scientist/sc_power_wound1 I was hoping you'd show up. You must get this power cell charged and back up to Dr. Rosenberg. I'd help, but I'm hurt pretty bad.
SC_POWER_WOUND2 scientist/sc_power_wound2 You can probably push the power cell through the fence into the charging station behind me. Let me see if I can get out of the way.

Hologram Barney

Unused Lines

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
HOLO_RETRY ba_holo/tr_holo_retry Give it another try. Remember to move forward, jump, and while in midair, crouch.
HOLO_RUNSTART ba_holo/tr_holo_runstart It helps to get a running start.
HOLO_TRYAGAIN ba_holo/tr_holo_tryagain No harm done. Try again.

Obsoleted Senteces

An oddity also present in the original, a variety of voice lines for the Hazard Course remain in the sentence directory, but their contents were moved instead to be played directly through the map, leaving them unused.

Name Sentence
HOLO_BREATH ba_holo/tr_holo_breath
HOLO_DONE ba_holo/tr_holo_done
HOLO_FALLSHORT ba_holo/tr_holo_fallshort
HOLO_FANTASTIC ba_holo/tr_holo_fantastic
HOLO_FLASHLIGHT ba_holo/tr_holo_flashlight
HOLO_GREATWORK ba_holo/tr_holo_greatwork
HOLO_JUMPDOWN ba_holo/tr_holo_jumpdown
HOLO_KEEPTRYING ba_holo/tr_holo_keeptrying
HOLO_LIGHTOFF ba_holo/tr_holo_lightoff
HOLO_NICEJOB ba_holo/tr_holo_nicejob
HOLO_RADIATION ba_holo/tr_holo_radiation

Build Date

The build date for the original retail version ( can be found in the disc's file "version.txt".

Sierra On-Line
