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Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout

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Title Screen

Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout

Also known as: Dragon Ball: Final Bout (JP/EU)
Developer: TOSE
Publisher: Bandai
Platform: PlayStation
Released in JP: August 25, 1997
Released in US: October 1997
Released in EU: September 5, 2002
Released in FR: November 6, 1997
Released in ES: November 6, 1997
Released in PT: November 6, 1997

MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout is both a 3D installment in the Butoden subseries and, strangely, the first Dragon Ball game to come out in America, not counting the copyright-free NES game. It features an entirely original cast, despite the Ocean dub existing by that point. Also, it basically has all the Gokus.

To do:
  • Test levels were mentioned existing in the ROM, need to find some way to change the Level ID.
  • MENU/STEP999.BIN, no idea what that does but generally debug/unused stuff is labeled that way, so it's worth checking out.

Regional Differences


Japan/Europe US

The Japanese and European versions features a vocal track called The Biggest Fight sung by Dragon Ball music mainstay Hironobu Kageyama, while the US replaces it with an original instrumental track.