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Development:Duke Nukem Forever

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This page details development materials of Duke Nukem Forever.

To do:
  • Source code from 2001 needs to be covered.
  • Double check the filenames of the 2009 documents.

Over the years, many development materials and assets for Duke Nukem Forever have leaked on the internet, showcasing many looks into what the game could have been.


Development Documents

1996 Design Documents
Leaked alongside builds of the game around this time, giving perhaps the earliest look into Forever.
1998 Game Outline
Dated June 22, 1998. An outline of the game by Scott Miller where he talks about ideas involving gameplay, the story, and other things he would like to see.
2000 Story Script
A script from an unknown outside writer dated to 2000.
2009 World Chart
Dated July 29, 2008. Another outline of the game's plot that's more or less the same as the final, but has significant differences.
Incubator Overview
A section of the game that's absent in the final, seen in some earlier builds.
Desert Overview
A missile launcher attached to the monster truck, a fight with a giant Battlelord at Lake Mead, and a nuke all fall victim to "cutting is shipping".
Leech Boss
Outline of the Energy Leech fight in the final game, outside of some additional strength taps and unused Duke quips.

Development Assets/Tools And Source Code

1999 Asset CD
Dated December 23, 1999. Includes assets, models, and textures from both the Quake II build and the early Unreal days. There's even stuff from an early version of Prey!
Source Code
Source code of certain builds of the game.
Misc Things
Random things from development that have leaked over the years.

See Also

Two design documents for the cancelled Duke Nukem: Endangered Species called Dukes SOS.doc and More on the SOS.doc contain excerpts from a design document for Duke Nukem Forever Ciria 1999-2000.