Development:Duke Nukem Forever/Desert Overview
This is a sub-page of Development:Duke Nukem Forever.
DNF_Desert_Overview.doc was a design document leaked in May of 2009 when 3D Realms had laid off the Duke Nukem Forever team. It describes a much more intricate version of the final's highway levels. Everything here has been written as is outside of some reformatting.
Overview by Richard Huenink
Name Death Valley Monster Truck Race
Filename Map10.dnf
Size Large
Setting High Noon Hot
Level Summary
Description Responding to orders Duke heads to Hoover Dam in an EDF Drop Ship to investigate a wormhole in the sky which is believed to be a portal from the Alien world. The Dam top is overrun with Alien forces so Duke is dropped off nearby and must drive his monster truck with a mounted missile launcher to make his way to the to the Dam.
Game Play Elements
- Attack ships: Chase Duke, destroy the environment can be shot down with several missile hits
- Alien Drop ships: Deliver alien troops can be shot down with several missile hits
- Recon Bikes: Chase Duke can be run over with the truck or shot with missiles
- Pigcops: Can be run over with the truck or shot with missiles
- Assault Troopers: Can be run over with the truck or shot with missiles
- Assault Commanders: Destroy the environment. Can be shot down with several missile hits
- Giant Battle lord: Rises from lake mead at the Dam top can only be destroyed using Nukes
- Pigcops in vehicles: Ramming into the player and firing weapons
Destructible Items
- Small old wooden buildings: Out houses, tool sheds, cabins, mining sheds, old general stores etc. Can be smashed with truck or shot down with 1 missile hit
- Wooden Fences: Can be smashed with truck or shot down with 1 missile hit
- Wooden Road Blocks: Can be smashed with truck or shot down with 1 missile hit
- Wooden Pillars: Legs/Supports from bridges, railroad bridges, water towers, guard towers and piers. Break from running over them or 1 missile hit
- Signs: Billboards, road signs etc can be smashed with truck or shot down with 1 missile hit
- Jersey Barriers: Temporary highway dividers can be smashed with truck or shot with 1 missile
- Cactus, Joshua Trees: Can be smashed with truck or shot down with 1 missile hit
- [sic]
Puzzles and Stops
- Gas Cans: Run out of gas and solve navigation and physics puzzles locating gas cans
- Bridge: Locate and learn about gas cans acquiring a gas can in a small bridge guard building jumping through the skylight
- Mining Camp: Remove weight from an ore cart to push it up a hill. Use track switches to route the cart to the correct track and push it through a destructible barrier acquiring a gas can. Perhaps the player has to mount it and ride it over a broken track death pit. Another idea is to remove weight from a lift to solve a counterweight puzzle acquiring a gas can using David's old map07b counterweight puzzle
- Monster Truck Rally: Strength tap open a garage door and break shelving boards to acquire a gas can
- Wooden Pillars: Destroy legs from bridges, water towers and piers creating ramps
Explosive Items
- Vehicles: All vehicles cars, sedans, vans, trucks and buses explode but the bodies remain
- Red and yellow Barrels: Existing Red and yellow explosive barrels
- Propane Tanks: Existing red propane tanks
- Industrial Gas Tanks: Elevated industrial gas tanks used in farms and rural areas
- Gas Trucks: Explode completely clearing the path for really large explosion events
Moveable Items
- Cars: compacts and sedans can be pushed out of the way or go flying when struck with enough force. Have the same properties as exploding cars. Will blow up with 1 missile hit
- Small Boulders: Can be pushed or hit out of the way or go [sic] flying when hit with a missile
- Cliffside Drop offs: The natural gorges will kill the player if he drives or jumps off
- Steep Rock walls: Steep high rock wall inclines of 60 degrees or greater
- Metal Fences: Metal reinforced fences cannot be moved or destroyed
- Metal Buildings: Metal reinforced buildings cannot be moved or destroyed
- Highway concrete dividers: Permanent highway dividers cannot be moved or destroyed
- Highway Metal Railings: Permanent highway railings cannot be moved or destroyed
- Large Vehicles: Vans, semi trucks and buses cannot be moved but explode the bodies remain
Walk Through
Intro Drop off
- Arrive at Hoover Dam and Drive the Monster Truck with a mounted missile launcher out of the EDF Drop Ship
- Explore while learning to Drive
- Bash through and crush a variety of enemies, vehicles and obstacles on a highway traffic jam gauntlet while avoiding civilians
Bridge Stop
- Run out of gas at bridge locate nearby gas can to progress
- Preview wormhole with Attack Ships coming out of it
- Drive across collapsing bridge as Alien Attack Ships destroy it
Canyon Gauntlet 1
- Smash through, run over and shoot down a variety of enemies and wooden obstacles on and off road while being pursued by Attack Ships
- Shoot down Alien Attack Ships with Truck turret
- Use the turret to Blow up an exit barrier to progress
Mining Camp Stop
- Run out of Gas at an abandoned mining camp
- Explore mining camp on foot solving a navigation/physics puzzle to acquire a Gas can
- Fight through an ambush to get back to truck
- Break wooden leg supports on a bridge creating a ramp to progress
Ghost Town Gauntlet 2
- Smash through, run over and shoot down a variety of enemies and wooden obstacles on and off road while driving through a ghost town
- Have an old west shootout with a pistol wielding Pigcop
- Use the turret to Blow up an exit barrier to progress
Monster Truck Rally Stop
- Run out of Gas at an a [sic] desert Monster Truck speedway
- Find gas can in garage solving navigation puzzle
- Return to truck with Gas can as Assault Commander turns other drivers into Pigcops
- Race against Pigcops that attempt to run over and shoot the player on a Monster Truck Track
- Jump into the final arena and win a demolition derby against Pigcop drivers
- NPC opens exit gate
Cliffside Gauntlet 3
- Drive across a treacherous Cliffside canyon road as Alien Attack Ships attack causing avalanches and destroying bridges in your path
- Make one last big jump landing in Lake Mead dismounting from Truck
Arrival at the Dam
- Swim to an intake tower finding an access ladder
- Reaching the Dam top a Giant Battlelord bursts out from Lake Mead
- Use 3 Nukes to destroy the Battlelord who collapses on an intake tower
- Rappel down the face of the Dam and smash through a vent to exit