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DX-Ball 2

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Title Screen

DX-Ball 2

Developer: Longbow Digital Arts
Publisher: Longbow Digital Arts
Platform: Windows
Released internationally: December 16, 1998[1]

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

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DX-Ball 2 takes the simple Arkanoid-esque gameplay of the original and adds late 90's CG, MOD music, and a couple new spins to the formula.

Unused Powerup Sprites

Shrink Powerup Sprite

The old blue arrow color of the shrink powerup sprite, which was the arrow color of DX-Ball 2's predecessor DX-Ball made by Michael P. Welch, is present on the file PowerUps.img and left unused.

Unused Used
DX-Ball 2-Oldshrink.png DX-Ball 2-Shrink.png

Placeholder Powerups

These placeholders are found in the same file PowerUps.img and they are placed quite randomly on the spritesheet.

DX-Ball 2-Placeholder-red.png DX-Ball 2-Placeholder-blue.png DX-Ball 2-Placeholder-white.png

Scrapped Powerups: "foo" and "bar"

In the same file, two unused and supposedly abandoned powerups can be found. They are labelled as foo and bar respectively. These seem to be similar to two powerups in another breakout game called Megaball, made by Ed and Al Mackey. These were abandoned for unknown reasons.

DX-Ball 2-Foo.png DX-Ball 2-Bar.png

Level Select

DX Ball 2 Eureka Effect.png

Typing "eureka" when a board is loaded enables level select. The arrow keys load the next or previous board in a pack. Any letter, number, or symbol key on the keyboard generates a random power up on command.

(Source: DX-Ball 2 Playing Tips)

Revisional Differences

Title Screen

1.2 1.32
Dxball2 title.png
Dxball2 title raw.png
Dxball2 132 title.png
Dxball2 132 title raw.png


1.2 1.32
Dxball2 12 icon.png Dxball2 132 icon.png
