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Super DX-Ball

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Title Screen

Super DX-Ball

Developer: BlitWise Productions
Publisher: BlitWise Productions
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS Classic (until 2005), Mac OS X
Released internationally: November 10, 2004

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

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The only significant debugging feature left in the game is a logging feature used to playtest the game. To enable it, go to the user directory, then in, Documents\My Games\Super DX Ball, you should see cp.cfg. Add these lines to the file:


You'll also need to edit sdxb.cfg to add this line:


Open up the game and it should make a file named log.txt in the same location, where it will track every action performed by the game. Do be warned that this slows the game down dramatically, regardless of how good one's computer is.

Hidden Boards

To see the original 50 boards from DX-Ball, click on the rotating 3D ball on the title. Note that Version 1.1 unlocks it by default.

Also when Megaball is mentioned on the title roll, click on it to see the original 20 board from that game. Another way to see this is going to the aforementioned directory and changing mb="0" in sdxb.cfg to mb="1".

Undocumented Options

Two additional options can be added to sdxb.cfg. To see these in action, add one of these following lines:

  • warpMode - Removes any frame limiting. Note that this causes the game to run quite erratically.
  • autoPlay - Some artificial intelligence plays the game. Be warned that this computer player tends to move VERY erratically around the screen.

Hidden Message

All of the Impulse Tracker files have this statement in them:

<c> by DNA-Groove
[(Date of Creation)]

    Super DX-Ball
    Mike P. Welch

honor me @

Revision Differences

Version 1.1 adds the following features to the game:

  • Difficult options - Easy, Casual, Classic, and Hard.
  • The player can select how many continues to use.
  • The player can choose whether to play the boards in-order, shuffle that order, or select as desired.