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Advanced Dungeons & Dragons

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Title Screen

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons

Also known as: Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Cloudy Mountain (1983 re-release)
Developer: Mattel Electronics
Platform: Intellivision
Released in US: August 16, 1982

Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

Despite being the first video game to ever bear the Dungeons & Dragons license, this title is noticeably lacking in actual RPG elements.

Revisional Differences

Original Re-Release
AD&DintellivisionTitle.PNG AdventureIntellivisionTitle.PNG

Modern re-releases (such as Intellivision Lives!) rename the game to simply Adventure, its working title prior to the acquisition of the D&D license.

It should be noted that this is not a proper prototype of the game, as a quick view of the game's data in a hex editor confirms that the TSR copyright text is merely dummied out rather than missing entirely.