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WWE Day of Reckoning

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Title Screen

WWE Day of Reckoning

Developer: Yuke's
Publishers: THQ (US/EU), Yuke's (JP)
Platform: GameCube
Released in JP: January 13, 2005
Released in US: August 30, 2004
Released in EU: September 17, 2004 (UK)

CharacterIcon.png This game has unused playable characters.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?

WWE Day of Reckoning is the third WWE wrestling game on the GameCube and the first of the Day of Reckoning duology.

Unused Early Triple H Model

There exists an unused model for Triple H on the retail game. This model was an early Triple H model that was shown in early previews for the game.

Early Final
01 dor early ring.png Dor early pose.png 01 dor finalhhh ring.png Dor finalhhh pose.png

Removed Characters

Steve Austin and Brock Lesnar were both removed from the game prior to release. Each still has a slot in the character select that has been dummied out, both have Movesets, Stats and Entrances (Austins animations are complete but the camera is not).

The following Gecko Code can replace default characters to Brock/Austin so you can see them in action. Austin has Undertakers entrance model and Brock uses the early Triple H.

NA V1.0
Gecko Code
04f9c040 02060000

Leftover Menu Items

Inside the Menu.mpq file there are a few early/placeholder elements from early development. These include an early logo/title screen with Austin/Brock and The Undertaker in his Biker Attire.

Also include are original menu Assets that include "Revenge Mode" which was replaced by the Story Mode and a "Superstar Profiles" section, a feature from Wrestlemania XIX that didn't make it over to the new game.

Unused Text


【Caution】The contents of the debug folder should not be included in the Release version!!(T/O)