the karate man "aaaaaaahhhhh" |
spla2n weapon kits "aaaaaaaahhhhhh" |
This is a sub-page of User:Ithinkianimate.
To do:
Entry | message | Translation |
tutorial_msg | れんしゅうしてみよう |
"Lets practice." |
Entry | Text | Translation | USmessage / EUENmessage | EUFRmessage | EUGEmessage | EUITmessage | EUSPmessage | KRmessage |
gate_ntrCoinTossEndless_title | コイントス:エンドレス | N/A | Coin Toss: Endless | Jet de pièce infini | Münzwurf: Endlos | La monetina: infinito | Lanza la moneda: sin fin | 동전 던지기: 엔드리스 |
gate_15_title | 門番ゲーム15 | Gatekeeper Game 15 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
gate_15_info | 門番15のゲーム説明 | Game description of Gatekeeper Game 15 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
gate_agbVirus00_info_museum | 大変です!
バイキンが 大量発生!! 先生、たすけて~! |
N/A | We've got an outbreak of an
unknown virus! Help us, Dr. Cutlery! |
Alerte maximale ! Des virus inconnus
tentent de dévorer notre culture de cellules. À l'aide, Dr Fourchette ! |
Ein unbekanntes Virus wütet in
unserem Spiel! Finden Sie ein Gegenmittel, Doktor Gabelsberg! |
Allarme rosso! Un virus
sconosciuto tenta di divorare la nostra coltura di cellule! Aiuto, dottor Forchetta! |
¡Alerta de contagio por virus
desconocido! ¡Ayúdenos, señor Tenedorcio! |
세균이 대량 발생!! 선생님, 도와주세요~! |
badge_name_BadgeComplete | 記念バッジを
ぜーんぶ 集めたヨ! |
You've collected all the commemorative badges! | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
This text file contains leftovers from the download play version of the game.
Entry | USmessage | EUENmessage |
dlp_menu_T_top | Pick! | Choose! |
promotionD_T_btn_goShop | Purchase Full Version | To Nintendo eShop |
promotionU_T_PR01 | Play the full version to continue! | There's more available in the full version! |
titleD_T_to_shop | Purchase Full Version | To Nintendo eShop |
This text file ALSO contains leftovers from the download play version of the game.
Entry | USmessage | EUENmessage |
treasure_goal_error_common_demo_dl | 通信エラーが 発生したので シーンを ぬけます |
There was a communication error. Exiting session... |
treasure_goal_error_master_leave_demo_dl | 通信が 切断されたので シーンを ぬけます |
Communication was interrupted. Exiting session... |
treasure_goal_error_others_leave_demo_dl | メンバーが いなくなったので シーンを ぬけます |
There are no team members left. Exiting session... |
treasure_world_explain_demo_dl_00 | まずは、ココから おためしあれ。 |
Try this one first. |
treasure_world_explain_demo_dl_01 | そして、コチラも おためしあれ。 |
And try this one next. |
treasure_world_explain_demo_dl_02 | 最後なので、ちょっと ムズかしく してみました。 |
This last one is a bit more difficult. |
treasure_world_name_demo_dl_00 | おためしコース その1 | Trial Course 1 |
treasure_world_name_demo_dl_01 | おためしコース その2 | Trial Course 2 |
treasure_world_name_demo_dl_02 | おためしコース その3 | Trial Course 3 |
Entry | Text | Translation | USmessage / EUENmessage | EUFRmessage | EUGEmessage | EUITmessage | EUSPmessage | KRmessage | Notes |
item_rvlRotationS_name | エライ人のイス | "The Chair of a Great Man" | |||||||
item_rvlSortS_name | 仕送り | "Remittance" | |||||||
item_test_name | なまえがありません | N/A | There is no name. | Pas de nom | Kein Name vorhanden. | Nessun nome | No hay nombre. | 이름 없음 | |
item_ctrSumouA_explain_00 | This is the only mention of a Sumo Brothers sequel in the game, which indicates this entry was probably made by mistake. There are also empty entries for other cut prequels and sequels that were mentioned in the Debug Menu. | ||||||||
item_rvlBirdS_title | 恋のおまじない | "A Spell for Love" | |||||||
item_rvlRotationS_title | せのびしたいお年ごろ | "Old Enough to Stand on his Own Feet" | |||||||
goat_name_normal | ふつうのヤギ | "Normal Goat" | |||||||
goat_name_fat | デブなヤギ | "Fat Goat" | |||||||
goat_name_child | 子ヤギ | "Baby Goat" | |||||||
goat_name_golden | ゴールデンヤギ | "Golden Goat" | |||||||
goat_name_girl | ヤギガール | "Goat Girl" | |||||||
goat_explain_normal | ふつうのヤギだヨ。 | "I'm just a normal goat." | |||||||
goat_explain_fat | デブなヤギだヨ。 | "I'm a fat goat." | |||||||
goat_explain_child | 子どものヤギだヨ。 | "I'm a kid goat." | |||||||
goat_explain_golden | 動き回ってて当てるのが難しい。
経験値めっちゃもらえる。 |
"It moves around and is hard to hit, but you get so much experience." | |||||||
goat_explain_girl | 女の子ヤギだヨ。 | "I'm a girl goat." |
Entry | Text | Translation | Notes |
agbQuiz_title_easy_00 | おはようございます。 | "Good morning." | These strings are for the cut gate versions of Quiz Show.
This one is for the Saffron Trial. |
agbQuiz_title_easy_01 | 『クイズナンダダ!?』
初級編の時間です。 |
"It's time for the
beginners version of Quiz Nandada!" |
agbQuiz_title_normal_00 | こんにちは。 | "Hello." | Saltwater Trial |
agbQuiz_title_normal_01 | 『クイズナンダダ!?』
の 中級編の時間です。 |
"It's time for the
intermediate version of Quiz Nandada!" |
agbQuiz_title_hard_00 | こんばんは。 | "Good evening." | Paprika Trial |
agbQuiz_title_hard_01 | 『クイズナンダダ!?』
の 上級編の時間です。 |
"It's time for the
advanced version of Quiz Nandada!" |
Entry | Text | Translation | Notes |
rvlBadminton_tutorial_old_a_00 | なかなか
スジが いいネ! |
"That's a good line!" | |
rvlBadminton_tutorial_old_a_01 | その調子で、ボクと
バドミントンしよう! |
"Keep it up and play badminton with me!" | |
rvlBadminton_tutorial_old_a_02 | じゃ、最後に
もう1コ 練習するヨ。 |
"We're going to practice one more thing." | |
rvlBadminton_tutorial_old_a_03 | かけ声に 注意してネ! | "Watch out for my shouts!" | |
rvlBadminton_tutorial_old_b_00 | いいカンジー!
じゃあ、雲の上で 本番ネ。 |
"Good work!
I'll see you on the clouds." |
rvlFleaA_tutorial_a_00 | あ、またしても
見つかっちゃった? |
"Oh, have we been found again?" | These strings are for the Micro-Row 3 practice. |
rvlFleaA_tutorial_a_01 | じゃあ、新しい行進を
見せてあげるよ。 |
"Then, I'll show you a new march." | |
rvlFleaA_tutorial_a_02 | 合図の後で
すばやく 2歩すすむよ。 |
"Take two quick steps after the signal." | |
rvlFleaA_tutorial_b_00 | こんなカンジ。 | "Something like this." | |
rvlFleaA_tutorial_b_01 | じゃ、
その調子で すすむよ。 |
"Keep up the good work and we'll see you soon." | |
rvlReceiveL_test | 縦 書 き フ ォ ン ト テ ス ト |
"Vertical writing font test" |
Entry | Text | Translation |
TestText | これはテストテキストです。
タグは入っていません。 |
"This is a test text.
There is no tag." |
TestColor | 色変更はこんな感じです。 | "The color changes like this." |
TestRuby | ルビ付き文字はこんな風に表示さ.れます。 | "The ruby letters [pronounciation] are displayed like this." |
TestSeq_00 | 連番テキストのテストです。
スタート。 |
"Serial number text test.
Start." |
TestSeq_01 | 連番テキストのテストです。
あいうえお。 |
"Serial number text test.
A I U E O." |
TestSeq_02 | 連番テキストのテストです。
かきくけこ。 |
"Serial number text test.
Ka Ki Ku Ke Ko." |
TestSeq_03 | 連番テキストのテストです。
さしすせそ。 |
"Serial number text test.
Sa Si Su Se So." |
TestSeq_04 | ここから、
1文字ずつ表示モードです。 |
"From here,
the text is displayed one by one." |
TestSeq_05 | 前のラベルで設定した
1文字ずつ表示モードのままです。 |
"From here,
it remains in one by one mode." |
TestSeq_06 | ウェイトを入れています。 | "Here we have waits." |
TestSeq_07 | ページ一括表示モードに もどします。 | "Return to normal display mode." |
TestSeq_99 | 連番テキストのテストです。
これは表示されないはず。 |
"Serial number text test.
This should not be displayed." |
Unused strings for some kind of multiplayer mode. Your name would replace the @'s in each string.
Entry | Text | Translation |
dummy | ||
announce_good_10_00 | いいヨ~! | Good! |
announce_good_11_00 | その調子だヨ~! | That's Good! |
announce_good_12_00 | いけいけドンドン! | Don't go wrong! |
announce_good_13_00 | めざせ!ハイレベル! | Aim! Superb! |
announce_good_14_00 | キープ!キープ! | Keep the beat! |
announce_good_14_01 | 油断しないでネー! | Don't be off guard! |
announce_good_15_00 | もうちょい! | A little more! |
announce_bad_01_00 | 耐えて~!! | Endure! |
announce_bad_02_00 | 負けるなー! | You can't lose! |
announce_bad_02_01 | ピンチなのです。 | You're in a pinch. |
announce_bad_03_00 | チカラを合わせてっ! | Match the power! |
announce_bad_03_01 | ファイトー! | Fight! |
announce_bad_04_00 | がんばれ~! | Do your best! |
announce_bad_04_01 | ガンバレー! | Ganbarē! |
result_good_Lv1_00 | @、いいネ~! | @, Good! |
result_good_Lv1_01 | @って、ステキ! | @, Wonderful! |
result_good_Lv1_02 | ノリノリ @。 | Flow @. |
result_good_Lv1_03 | @、いいカンジ! | @, Good Flow! |
result_good_Lv1_04 | @、ナイス! | @, Nice! |
result_good_Lv2_00 | @、スゴー! | @, Amazing! |
result_good_Lv2_01 | 「@」の名は伊達じゃないネ! | The name "@" is not Date! |
result_good_Lv2_02 | @が頑張っています。 | @ is working hard. |
result_good_Lv2_03 | @の闘志を見よ! | Look at @'s fighting spirit! |
result_good_Lv2_04 | 今、@が熱い。 | Now, @ is hot. |
result_good_Lv3_00 | みんな、@を見習って! | Everyone, be like @! |
result_good_Lv3_01 | @様、サイコー!! | @, the best! |
result_good_Lv3_02 | @、超いいカンジ!! | @, super cool! |
result_good_Lv3_03 | (・・@を見直した) | (..@ reviewed) |
result_good_Lv3_04 | @の人気上昇中。 | @ is getting popular. |
result_bad_00 | @…? | @...? |
result_bad_01 | ウソでしょ?@。 | Is this a lie? @. |
result_bad_02 | @、しっかりー! | @, get up! |
result_bad_03 | @、しっかりなさい! | @, be firm! |
result_bad_04 | @、ドンマイ。 | @, don't mind. |
result_bad_05 | @、がんばれー! | @, fight! |
result_bad_06 | @、苦戦中。 | @, you're struggling. |
result_bad_08 | @、深呼吸してー。 | @, deep breaths. |
result_bad_07 | みんな、@を応援してるよ! | Everyone, root for @! |
result_bad_09 | みんな、@を許してあげて。 | Everyone, forgive @. |
result_bad_10 | 今、@が失敗したようです。 | It seems that @ has failed. |
result_bad_11 | みんなで @をサポートしよう。 | Let's all support @. |
result_bad_12 | リズムにノるんだ!@! | Feel the rhythm! @! |
This text file is mostly a copy of ctr.msbt (Text for the 3DS minigames) but there are strings here that imply that Charging Chicken was a credits game at some point.
Entry | Text | Translation |
Chicken_msg_staff_00 | プログラミング 手嶋 宏介 |
"Programming Kosuke Teshima" |
Chicken_msg_staff_01 | 企画 米 政美 |
"Planning Masami Yone" |
Chicken_msg_staff_02 | おしまい |
"The end." |
Entry | Text | Translation |
dummy | ダミーですよ。 | "It's a dummy." |
This text file is for a cut gamemode titled "Monster Tennis" which seemingly would've had you defeating enemies with tennis balls, by shaking the.... Wii Remote? It's possible that this was a scrapped mode from Fever, or even from a WarioWare game. This text file is only present in the Japanese demo, strangely.
tennis.msbt | Text | Translation | Notes |
inst_msg_00 | テニス部へようこそ! | Welcome to the tennis club! | |
inst_msg_01 | Wiiリモコンを振って、
ボールを打ってネ。 |
"Shake the Wii Remote,
and hit the ball." |
inst_msg_10 | おみごと。 | Well done. | |
inst_msg_11 | ほんばんでは、少しずつ
敵がせまってくるヨ。 |
"In the meantime, enemies are
approaching little by little." |
inst_msg_12 | 襲われる前に 倒してネ! | "Take them down before they attack you!" | |
inst_msg_13 | ボールが2つ出て
なかまの敵も倒せるゾ! |
"Two balls come out to
defeat fellow enemies!" |
inst_msg_02 | |||
inst_msg_03 | |||
inst_msg_04 | |||
inst_msg_05 | |||
inst_msg_06 | |||
inst_msg_07 | |||
inst_msg_08 | |||
inst_msg_09 | |||
inst_msg_14 | |||
inst_msg_15 | |||
inst_msg_16 | |||
inst_msg_17 | |||
inst_msg_18 | |||
inst_msg_19 | |||
inst_msg_20 | |||
inst_msg_21 | |||
inst_msg_22 | |||
inst_msg_23 | |||
inst_msg_24 | |||
msg_opening_00 | STAGE 1 | STAGE 1 | |
msg_opening_01 | STAGE 2 | STAGE 2 | |
msg_opening_02 | STAGE 3 | STAGE 3 | |
msg_opening_03 | STAGE 4 | STAGE 4 | |
msg_clear | CLEAR! | CLEAR! | |
msg_gameovr | GAME OVER | GAME OVER | |
msg_00_00 | 邪魔しちゃうもんね。 | I'm a bit of a distraction. | All of the following strings are phrases that would've been said by the different enemies you fight. |
msg_00_01 | わたくし、栗です。 | I'm a chestnut. | |
msg_00_02 | 空だって飛べるニャ。 | I can even fly. | |
msg_00_boss | ここは通さないベー! | I'm not letting you through! | |
msg_01_00 | エビフライ鳥です。 | This is a fried shrimp bird. | |
msg_01_01 | コタツと仲良し。 | I'm good friends with the kotatsu. | |
msg_01_02 | 人見知りします。 | I'm shy. | |
msg_01_boss | ここは通さんガニー! | I'm out of here, Gunny! | |
msg_02_00 | お手柔らかに。 | Be gentle. | |
msg_02_01 | さっきの栗のお兄さん? | That guy with the chestnuts? | |
msg_02_02 | 困ったら右手を挙げます。 | Raise your right hand if you are in trouble. | |
msg_02_03 | 飛べそうで飛べません。 | I can't seem to fly. | |
msg_02_04 | ママー!
ミカン12個持ってきて。 |
Bring me a dozen tangerines. |
msg_02_boss | 怒った時は、
そっとするプン! |
When I'm angry,
I softly pun! |
msg_03_00 | 噛んだりしないから。 | I won't bite. | |
msg_03_01 | 「正岡丸」って言うんです。 | It's called "Masaoka Maru". | |
msg_03_02 | 弟には優しい兄。 | He is a kind brother to his brother. | |
msg_03_03 | ただジャレたいだけ。 | I just want to be jarred. | |
msg_03_04 | 実は食べれます。 | You can actually eat it. | |
msg_03_05 | おじいちゃん、
ミカン食べていい? |
can I have an orange? |
msg_04_00 | 弟を迎えにいくところ。 | I'm on my way to pick up my brother. | |
msg_04_01 | かまってニャ。 | Bite me. | |
msg_04_02 | 氷は、
炎ボールで溶かすのだ。 |
The ice,
it melts with a fire ball. |
msg_04_03 | お兄ちゃん、
見ませんでした? |
Didn't you see it, brother? | |
msg_04_boss | この階段は
登らせないベー! |
I'm not letting you climb these stairs! | |
msg_05_00 | ミカン、美味しいよね。 | Tangerines, they're delicious. | |
msg_05_01 | 一度、ご賞味下さい。 | Please give it a taste. | |
msg_05_02 | 私達の間には壁が・・。 | There's a wall between us... | |
msg_05_03 | さっきはよくも・・! | How dare you...! | |
msg_05_boss | 今度は通さないガニ! | This time you're stuck! | |
msg_06_00 | お魚、どこニャー? | Where's the fish, Meow? | |
msg_06_01 | お兄ちゃん、どこー? | Where are you, big brother? | |
msg_06_02 | 弟よー、どこだー? | Brother, where are you? | |
msg_06_03 | ゆうちゃん、どこー? | Yuu-chan, where are you? | |
msg_06_04 | 台所って、どちらです? | Where is the kitchen? | |
msg_06_05 | レンジ、どこー? | Where's the range? | |
msg_06_boss | あんまり怒らせるなプン。 | Don't make me too angry, now. | |
msg_07_00 | ちったぁ、打たれ強いぜ。 | Damn, he's strong. | |
msg_07_01 | お兄ちゃんってばー! | You're my brother! | |
msg_07_02 | 弟よ、
兄はここにいるぞ。 |
my brother is here. |
msg_07_03 | 良いものですね、
座布団。 |
It's a good one,
Japanese cushions. |
msg_07_04 | オーブンでの調理は、
ご遠慮下さい。 |
Please do not cook in the oven. | |
msg_07_05 | ミカンがみっかんない
・・なんちて。 |
I don't know anything about tangerines... | |
msg_07_06 | 「おでん」です、
入ってるの。 |
It's "Oden",
it's in there. |
msg_08_00 | ・・お、お兄ちゃん? | Oh, brother? | |
msg_08_01 | 弟よ、
一体どこなんだー!! |
Where the hell are you, brother! | |
msg_08_02 | 虫をひっくり返せ! | Turn over the bugs! | |
msg_08_03 | この前ね、
トラと間違えられたよ。 |
The other day,
I got mistaken for a tiger. |
msg_08_boss | 「どんな手も使うべー!」 | "Use every trick in the book!" | |
msg_09_00 | 3日以内にお召し上がり下さい。 | Please eat within 3 days. | |
msg_09_01 | 1匹が腐ると、なんたらかんたら・・ | If one of them rots, what the hell... | |
msg_09_02 | ホントは仲良くなりたいの。 | I really want to get to know you. | |
msg_09_03 | おでん16人前、お待ちー。 | Oden for 16 people. | |
msg_09_boss | 「この先は行き止まりガニ!」 | "It's a dead end!" | |
msg_10_00 | まずはお友達から・・。 | Let's start with your friends... | |
msg_10_01 | 弟よ、兄を許せ・・。 | Brother, forgive your brother… | |
msg_10_02 | コタツで丸くなりたい。 | I want to curl up in the kotatsu. | |
msg_10_03 | 香ばしさも売りの1つ。 | One of the selling points is the aroma. | |
msg_10_04 | ミカン20個食べてや。 | Eat 20 oranges. | |
msg_10_05 | こぼさないで。おでん。 | Don't spill. Oden. | |
msg_10_boss | 「感情豊かなだけプン!」 | "Emotional only punk!" | |
msg_11_00 | ゆうちゃーん、マジどこー? | Seriously, Yuu, where are you? | |
msg_11_01 | お兄ちゃん・・良い子になるから・・ | Big brother... I'll be a good boy. | |
msg_11_02 | 座布団のおかげで浮いてます。 | The cushions keep me afloat. | |
msg_11_03 | なお、食べ残しは、
お持ち帰り頂きます。 |
However, you will be asked to take
any leftovers home with you. |
msg_11_04 | (じつは、ネーブルです) | (Actually, it's Navel.) | |
msg_11_05 | メ、メルアド交換しませんか? | W-would you like to exchange emails? | |
msg_11_06 | 左から「こんにゃく」、「大根」、
「タマゴ」、「はんぺん」。 |
'Konnyaku' from left to right, 'Radish'
'Eggs' and 'humpback'. |
msg_12_00 | 肉球は、見せない主義でね。 | I don't like to show you my paw prints. | |
msg_12_01 | 兄さん、弟はもう16になったよ・・。 | Brother, my brother is now 16... | |
msg_12_02 | 弟よ、これが我らの宿命なのだ・・。 | Brother, this is our destiny... | |
msg_12_03 | いい鍋でしょ?奥さん。 | It's a good casserole, right, ma'am? | |
msg_12_04 | 最近、結婚したんです。 | I recently got married. | |
msg_12_boss | 「奥の車両には行かせないベー!」 | "You're not going in the back car!" | |
msg_13_00 | えっ! 弟を見たんですか!? | Eh! Have you seen my brother!? | |
msg_13_01 | 果汁93% | 93% fruit juice | |
msg_13_02 | 場所見知りもするんです・・ | I know the place... | |
msg_13_03 | 今なら4個増量中! | Now you can get four more! | |
msg_13_04 | (チャームポイントは、角です) | (Charm point is the horns.) | |
msg_13_boss | 「そろそろ本気を出すカニ!」 | "It's time to get serious!" | |
msg_14_00 | 裸足って気持ち良い。 | Barefoot feels good. | |
msg_14_01 | えっ! この電車に弟がっ?! | Eh! What happened to my brother on this train? | |
msg_14_02 | 唄って踊れて浮けます。 | You can sing and dance and float. | |
msg_14_03 | いい音でしょ?奥さん。 | Sounds good, doesn't it, ma'am? | |
msg_14_04 | テレビでも取り上げられた。 | It was also featured on television. | |
msg_14_05 | 後ろ向きな人生は、もうやめたい。 | I don't want to live a backward life anymore. | |
msg_14_06 | 中身が大変お熱くなっております。 | It's contents are hot. | |
msg_14_boss | 「通さないプンプンプン!」 | "You can't get through!" | |
msg_15_00 | ヤケドするぜ。 | You're going to get burned. | |
msg_15_01 | 団体様、ご案内。 | Groups, Information. | |
msg_15_02 | ご乗車、ありがとうございます。 | Thank you for the ride, sir. | |
msg_15_03 | 前にも歩けます。 | You can also walk forward. | |
msg_15_04 | しずカニ歩けます。 | You can walk with a crab. | |
msg_15_05 | V9 9V ミ(へ)ミ |
N/A | This is a face emoticon. |
msg_15_06 | 怒ったりしないから。 | I'm not angry. | |
msg_15_07 | もう怒らないからね。 | I won't be mad at you anymore. | |
msg_15_08 | やっぱ怒る事にする。 | I'm going to get angry. |
The file debug_menu.msbt under message\pajama.zlib\arc contains text for a (inaccessible?) debug menu which hints at some content not in the final game. Even though the file is still present in the international releases, all text has been dummied out from these versions.
Name Conventions
- S refers to short minigames. Minigames of this kind are exclusive to this entry in the series. (Rhythm Rally, Figure Fighter...)
- These are also known by fans as "story" minigames or "prequels".
- L refers to long minigames. (Rhythm Rally 2, Figure Fighter 2...)
- These are the "original" or "base" versions of the minigames, so to speak; the ones used in remixes.
- A refers to arranged minigames. (Cosmic Rhythm Rally, Figure Fighter 3...)
- These are also known by fans as "sequels".
- Additional files are labeled with numbers and are not considered standalone minigames.
- The minigames are sorted by their respective systems' codenames: AGB for Game Boy Advance (Advanced Game Boy), NTR for DS (Nitro), RVL for Wii (Revolution), and CTR for 3DS (Citrus).
Entry | Original Text | Translated | Notes |
config | 各種設定 | All Settings | |
ccad_viewer | CCadビューア | CCad Viewer | CCad likely stands for CTR Celluloid Animation Data, and is the format used for 2D animation in this game. |
g3d_viewer | g3dビューア | g3d Viewer | |
sample_layout | サンプル:レイアウト | Sample:Layout | |
sample_message | サンプル:メッセージ | Sample:Message | |
sample_cellanim | サンプル:セルアニメ | Sample:Cell animation | |
sample_effect | サンプル:エフェクト | Sample:Effect | |
sample_pia | サンプル:ローカル通信(Pia) | Sample:Local communication(Pia) | |
sample_player_state | サンプル:マルチ共通システム | Sample:Multiplayer Communication System | |
sample_dlp | サンプル:ダウンロードプレイ | Sample:Download play | |
sample_rdt | サンプル:データ通信(RDT) | Sample:Data communication(RDT) | |
sample_aac | サンプル:AAC再生 | Sample:AAC playback | |
sample_ext_save | サンプル:拡張セーブデータ | Sample:Extension save data | Extension save data refers to what's often called Extra Data officially. |
agb | Rhythm Games originating from the GBA entry | ||
agb_batter_L | AGBエアーバッターL | AGB Spaceball(L) | |
agb_clap_S | AGBパチパチ三人衆S | AGB The Clappy Trio(S) | |
agb_clap_L | AGBパチパチ三人衆L | AGB The Clappy Trio(L) | |
agb_clap_A | AGBパチパチ三人衆A | AGB The Clappy Trio(A) | "The Snappy Trio" in-game |
agb_ghost_S | AGBしろいおばけS | AGB Sneaky Spirits(S) | |
agb_ghost_L | AGBしろいおばけL | AGB Sneaky Spirits(L) | |
agb_hair_S | AGBリズム脱毛S | AGB Rhythm Tweezers(S) | |
agb_hair_L | AGBリズム脱毛L | AGB Rhythm Tweezers(L) | |
agb_hopping_L | AGBホッピングロードL | AGB Bouncy Road(L) | |
agb_marcher_L | AGBマーチャL | AGB Marching Orders(L) | |
agb_nightWalk_L | AGBナイトウォークL | AGB Night Walk(L) | |
agb_quiz_L | AGBクイズL | AGB Quiz Show(L) | |
agb_rabbit_L | AGBウサギとびL | AGB Bunny Hop(L) | |
agb_rat_L | AGBこっそりラットL | AGB Rat Race(L) | |
agb_shuji_L | AGBリズムお習字L | AGB Power Calligraphy(L) | |
agb_spaceDance_L | AGBスペースダンスL | AGB Space Dance(L) | |
agb_spaceDance_A | AGBスペースダンスA | AGB Space Dance(A) | "Cosmic Dance" in-game |
agb_tap_L | AGBタップダンズL | AGB Tap Trial(L) | |
agb_tap_A | AGBタップダンズA | AGB Tap Trial(A) | |
agb_tono_S | AGB忍者S | AGB Ninja Bodyguard(S) | unused short variant |
agb_tono_L | AGB忍者L | AGB Ninja Bodyguard(L) | |
ntr | Rhythm Games originating from the DS game | ||
ntr_airBoard_L | NTRエアボーダーL | NTR Airboarder(L) | |
ntr_backbeat_L | NTRウラオモテL | NTR Lockstep(L) | |
ntr_blueBirds_L | NTRブルーバーズL | NTR Blue Birds(L) | |
ntr_boxShow_L | NTRボックスショーL | NTR The Dazzles(L) | |
ntr_cameraMan_L | NTRカメラマンL | NTR Freeze Frame(L) | |
ntr_chorus_S | NTRコーラスメンS | NTR Glee Club(S) | |
ntr_chorus_L | NTRコーラスメンL | NTR Glee Club(L) | |
ntr_frog_L | NTRケロケロダンスL | NTR Frog Hop(L) | |
ntr_frog_A | NTRケロケロダンスA | NTR Frog Hop(A) | "Jumpin' Jazz" in-game |
ntr_idol_L | NTRアイドルL | NTR Fan Club(L) | |
ntr_idol_A | NTRアイドルA | NTR Fan Club(A) | |
ntr_ninja_L | NTR犬忍者L | NTR Dog Ninja(L) | |
ntr_pingpong_S | NTRピンポンS | NTR Rhythm Rally(S) | |
ntr_pingpong_L | NTRピンポンL | NTR Rhythm Rally(L) | |
ntr_pingpong_A | NTRピンポンA | NTR Rhythm Rally(A) | "Cosmic Rhythm Rally" in-game |
ntr_robot_S | NTRロボット工場S | NTR Fillbots(S) | |
ntr_robot_L | NTRロボット工場L | NTR Fillbots(L) | |
ntr_shooting_S | NTRシューティングS | NTR Shoot-'em-up(S) | |
ntr_shooting_L | NTRシューティングL | NTR Shoot-'em-up(L) | |
ntr_shortLive_L | NTRショートライブL | NTR Big Rock Finish(L) | |
ntr_shugyo_L | NTRしゅぎょうL | NTR Munchy Monk(L) | |
rvl | Rhythm Games originating from Fever | ||
rvl_assemble_L | RVL組み立てL | RVL Built to Scale(L) | |
rvl_badminton_S | RVLバドミントンS | RVL Air Rally(S) | |
rvl_badminton_L | RVLバドミントンL | RVL Air Rally(L) | |
rvl_badminton_02 | RVLバドミントン02 | RVL Air Rally(02) | |
rvl_batting_L | RVLバッティングショーL | RVL Exhibition Match(L) | |
rvl_birds_S | RVL鳥の大群S | RVL Flock Step(S) | unused short variant |
rvl_birds_L | RVL鳥の大群L | RVL Flock Step(L) | |
rvl_birds_02 | RVL鳥の大群02 | RVL Flock Step(02) | |
rvl_book_S | RVL図書ガールズS | RVL Cheer Readers(S) | unused short variant |
rvl_book_L | RVL図書ガールズL | RVL Cheer Readers(L) | |
rvl_date_S | RVLWデートS | RVL Double Date(S) | unused short variant |
rvl_date_L | RVLWデートL | RVL Double Date(L) | |
rvl_date_02 | RVLWデート02 | RVL Double Date(02) | |
rvl_fishing_L | RVLさかな釣りL | RVL Catch of the Day(L) | |
rvl_flea_S | RVL小さないきものS | RVL Micro-Row(S) | |
rvl_flea_L | RVL小さないきものL | RVL Micro-Row(L) | |
rvl_flea_A | RVL小さないきものA | RVL Micro-Row(A) | unused arrangement variant (likely "Micro-Row 2" from Fever) |
rvl_fork_S | RVLくしざしS | RVL Fork Lifter(S) | unused short variant |
rvl_fork_L | RVLくしざしL | RVL Fork Lifter(L) | |
rvl_golf_L | RVLホールインワンL | RVL Hole in One(L) | |
rvl_golf_A | RVLホールインワンA | RVL Hole in One(A) | |
rvl_goma_S | RVLコロコロ探検隊S | RVL Flipper Flop(S) | |
rvl_goma_L | RVLコロコロ探検隊L | RVL Flipper Flop(L) | |
rvl_interview_L | RVLレスラー会見L | RVL Ringside(L) | |
rvl_karate_00 | RVLカラテ家00(GBA版ショート) | RVL Karate Man00(GBA ver. Short) | "Karate Man" in-game; Interestingly, all of the Karate Man games all count as being from Fever internally |
rvl_karate_01 | RVLカラテ家01(GBA版ロング) | RVL Karate Man01(GBA ver. Long) | "Karate Man Returns!" in-game |
rvl_karate_02 | RVLカラテ家02(DS版ロング) | RVL Karate Man02(DS ver. Long) | "Karate Man Kicks!" in-game |
rvl_karate_03 | RVLカラテ家03(Wii版) | RVL Karate Man03(Wii ver.) | "Karate Man Combos!" in-game |
rvl_karate_04 | RVLカラテ家04(父) | RVL Karate Man04(Senior) | "Karate Man Senior" in-game |
rvl_manju_A | RVLはたらくまんじゅうA | RVL Working Dough(A) | arrangement version is listed before long version |
rvl_manju_L | RVLはたらくまんじゅうL | RVL Working Dough(L) | |
rvl_muscle_S | RVLマッスル人形S | RVL Figure Fighter(S) | |
rvl_muscle_L | RVLマッスル人形L | RVL Figure Fighter(L) | |
rvl_muscle_A | RVLマッスル人形A | RVL Figure Fighter(A) | |
rvl_rap_L | RVLだいスキRAPL | RVL Love Rap(L) | |
rvl_receive_L | RVLボッサレシーブL | RVL Bossa Nova(L) | |
rvl_receive_01 | RVLボッサレシーブ01 | RVL Bossa Nova(01) | |
rvl_receive_02 | RVLボッサレシーブ02 | RVL Bossa Nova(02) | |
rvl_robot_L | RVLロボット工場L | RVL Screwbot Factory(L) | |
rvl_rocker_L | RVLロケットゼロL | RVL Launch Party(L) | |
rvl_rotation_S | RVL重役会議S | RVL Board Meeting(S) | unused short variant |
rvl_rotation_L | RVL重役会議L | RVL Board Meeting(L) | |
rvl_samurai_L | RVL悪霊退散L | RVL Samurai Slice(L) | |
rvl_seesaw_L | RVLシーソーL | RVL See-Saw(L) | |
rvl_sort_S | RVLしわけS | RVL Packing Pests(S) | unused short variant |
rvl_sort_L | RVLしわけL | RVL packing Pests(L) | |
rvl_watch_00 | RVLさる時計00 | RVL Monkey Watch(00) | |
rvl_watch_L | RVLさる時計L | RVL Monkey Watch(L) | |
rvl_watch_02 | RVLさる時計02 | RVL Monkey Watch(02) | |
ctr | Rhythm Games that originated in this game. | ||
ctr_bear_L | CTR失恋ベアー | CTR Blue Bear | |
ctr_blanco_L | CTR空中ブランコリンL | CTR Animal Acrobat(L) | |
ctr_blanco_A | CTR空中ブランコリンA | CTR Animal Acrobat(A) | |
ctr_chameleon_L | CTRカメレオン | CTR Tongue Lashing | |
ctr_commander_00 | CTRザ・コマンダー | CTR The Commander | unused |
ctr_crab | CTRカニカニリズム | CTR Kurikuri Rhythm | unused |
ctr_dotSamurai_L | CTRドットいあい斬りL | CTR Super Samurai Slice(L) | |
ctr_dotSamurai_A | CTRドットいあい斬りA | CTR Super Samurai Slice(A) | |
ctr_fruitbasker_S | CTRフルーツバスケットS | CTR Fruit Basket(S) | |
ctr_fruitbasket_L | CTRフルーツバスケットL | CTR Fruit Basket(L) | |
ctr_hachi | CTRハチ | CTR Bee | unused |
ctr_interpreter_S | CTR通訳者S | CTR First Contact(S) | |
ctr_interpreter_L | CTR通訳者L | CTR First Contact(L) | |
ctr_paradise_L | CTRパラパラパラダイス | CTR Para Para Paradise | unused |
ctr_pillow_L | CTRパジャマズL | CTR Pajama Party(L) | |
ctr_step_S | CTR階段キャッチS | CTR Catchy Tune(S) | |
ctr_step_L | CTR階段キャッチL | CTR Catchy Tune(L) | |
ctr_step_A | CTR階段キャッチA | CTR Catchy Tune(A) | unused arrangement, has leftover graphics |
ctr_sumou_L | CTRごっつぁん兄弟 | CTR Sumo Brothers | |
ctr_tango_L | CTRダンスホールL | CTR Tangotronic3000(L) | |
ctr_tango_01 | CTRダンスホール01 | CTR Tangotronic3000(01) | |
ctr_tennis_S00 | CTRモンスターテニス00 | CTR Monster Tennis(00) | Unused; may have been meant as a multiplayer game |
ctr_tennis_S01 | CTRモンスターテニス01 | CTR Monster Tennis(01) | |
ctr_tennis_S02 | CTRモンスターテニス02 | CTR Monster Tennis(02) | |
ctr_tennis_S03 | CTRモンスターテニス03 | CTR Monster Tennis(03) | |
ctr_tennis_M00 | CTRモンスターテニスマルチ00 | CTR Monster Tennis Multi(00) | |
ctr_tennis_M01 | CTRモンスターテニスマルチ01 | CTR Monster Tennis Multi(01) | |
ctr_tennis_M02 | CTRモンスターテニスマルチ02 | CTR Monster Tennis Multi(02) | |
ctr_tennis_M03 | CTRモンスターテニスマルチ03 | CTR Monster Tennis Multi(03) | |
ctr_teppan_L | CTRてってってパンパンL | CTR Kitties!(L) | |
ctr_woodCat_S | CTRマキネコS | CTR LumBEARjack(S) | |
ctr_woodCat_L | CTRマキネコL | CTR LumBEARjack(L) | |
remix | Self-explanatory. | ||
remix_LED | リミックスLED(緑) | Remix LED(Lush) | |
remix_TED | リミックスTED(ファイナル) | Remix TED(Final) | |
remix_00 | リミックス00(ハチハチ) | Remix 00(Honeybee) | |
remix_01 | リミックス01(マシン) | Remix 01(Machine) | |
remix_02 | リミックス02(オレンジ) | Remix 02(Citrus) | |
remix_03 | リミックス03(ドーナッツ) | Remix 03(Donut) | |
remix_04 | リミックス04(チョッキン) | Remix 04(Barbershop) | |
remix_05 | リミックス05(鳥) | Remix 05(Bird) | |
remix_06 | リミックス06(レフト) | Remix 06(Left) | |
remix_07 | リミックス07(ライト) | Remix 07(Right) | |
remix_LEDOld | リミックスLED(旧バージョン) | Remix LED(Old version) | Unused |
remix_Test10 | リミックス実験10 | Remix Experiment 10 | Unused |
remix_Test11 | リミックス実験11 | Remix Experiment 11 | unused/unknown |
gate | Hi-score-based Rhythm Games that are presented during the story by the Gatekeeper Trio, hence the name.
The Endless version of these can be unlocked by beating all Gatekeepers at a game. | ||
agb_quiz_00 | AGBクイズ(初級) | AGB Quiz Show(Easy) | These hint at the fact that Quiz Show was meant to be a gatekeeper game; lacks an endless variant |
agb_quiz_01 | AGBクイズ(中級) | AGB Quiz Show(Medium) | |
agb_quiz_02 | AGBクイズ(上級) | AGB Quiz Show(Hard) | |
agb_virus_00 | AGBバイキンはかせ(初級) | AGB Sick Beats(Easy) | |
agb_virus_01 | AGBバイキンはかせ(中級) | AGB Sick Beats(Medium) | |
agb_virus_02 | AGBバイキンはかせ(上級) | AGB Sick Beats(Hard) | |
agb_virus_Endless | AGBバイキンはかせ(エンドレス) | AGB Sick Beats(Endless) | |
ntr_coinToss_00 | NTRコイントス(初級) | NTR Coin Toss(Easy) | |
ntr_coinToss_01 | NTRコイントス(中級) | NTR Coin Toss(Medium) | |
ntr_coinToss_02 | NTRコイントス(上級) | NTR Coin Toss(Hard) | |
ntr_coinToss_Endless | NTRコイントス(エンドレス) | NTR Coin Toss(Endless) | |
ctr_chicken_00 | CTRチキンレース(初級) | CTR Charging Chicken(Easy) | |
ctr_chicken_01 | CTRチキンレース(中級) | CTR Charging Chicken(Medium) | |
ctr_chicken_02 | CTRチキンレース(上級) | CTR Charging Chicken(Hard) | |
ctr_chicken_Endless | CTRチキンレース(エンドレス) | CTR Charging Chicken(Endless) | |
rvl_sword_00 | RVLしらはドール(初級) | RVL Clap Trap(Easy) | |
rvl_sword_01 | RVLしらはドール(中級) | RVL Clap Trap(Medium) | |
rvl_sword_02 | RVLしらはドール(上級) | RVL Clap Trap(Hard) | |
rvl_sword_Endless | RVLしらはドール(エンドレス) | RVL Clap Trap(Endless) | |
test | Misc? | ||
error | エラーシーン | Error Scene | |
title | タイトル画面 | Title Screen | |
gameSelect | ゲーム選択画面 | Game Select Screen | |
coffee | キッサ店 | Café | |
shop | ショップ | Shop | |
museum | ミュージアム | Museum | |
badge | 記念バッジ | Badges | |
movie | おもいで | Memories | |
mascot | マスコット | Mascots | |
slideShow | スライドショー | Slide show | |
demoOpening | オープニングデモ | Opening Demo | |
demoLED | LEDデモ | LED demo | |
demoMED | MEDデモ | MED demo | |
demoTED | TEDデモ | TED demo | |
narration_1st | ナレーション(ファイル選択直後) | Narration(After File Selection) | |
narration_2nd | ナレーション(手ほどき後) | Narration(After Introduction) | |
narration_3rd | ナレーション(オープニングデモ後) | Narration(After Opening) | |
narration_LED | ナレーション(LED後) | Narration(After LED) | |
narration_MED | ナレーション(MED後) | Narration(After MED) | |
narration_TED | ナレーション(TED前) | Narration(Before TED) | |
lesson | 手ほどき | Introduction | |
pinBall | ヤギ | Goat | |
treasure | 宝島 | Treasure Island | The Challenge Train is internally called treasure by the game. Maybe Treasure Island was an early name for it? |
treasureMap | 宝島ゲーム選択 | Treasure Island Game Select | |
treasureDebug | 宝島デバッグ | Treasure Island Debug | unused |
sampleCEC | すれちがいテスト | Streetpass Test | |
dart | ダーツ | Darts | This includes an edited texture from Sneaky Spirits. Figure Fighter VS is also called darts internally, so this might be an early concept. |
muscleDuel | マッスル人形対戦 | Figure Fighter VS | |
dlpMenu | DLP子機メニュー | DLP Machine Menu | |
sampleCECExtSave | すれちがい拡張セーブデータ | Streetpass Extension Save Data | |
samplePlayReport | プレイレポート | Play Report |