Rhythm Tengoku (Game Boy Advance)
Rhythm Tengoku |
Developers: Nintendo SPD Group No. 1,
J.P Room Recordings This game has unused animations. This game has a prototype article This game has a prerelease article This game has a data page |
Rhythm Tengoku is what happens when popular Japanese music producer/singer Tsunku♂ partners up with the team behind WarioWare - a weird but awesome rhythm game filled with all sorts of wacky characters (and lots of monkeys), which further resulted in the Rhythm Heaven series.
While exclusive to Japan, it actually requires little to no knowledge of Japanese to pick up and play, making it a good (and later a popular) import title, though a fan translation is available. It's also the last first-party GBA game, coming two years after the Nintendo DS' launch.
Note: all offsets listed here are pertinent to the revision 0 (Rev. 0) ROM unless specified otherwise. If you are playing a revision 1 (Rev. 1) copy, offsets mentioned may not be accurate.
To do:
- 1 Sub-Pages
- 2 Debug Menu
- 3 Unused Gameplay History Menu
- 4 Rhythm Shiryo Shitsu Notification
- 5 Unused Code/Parameters
- 6 Unused Audio
- 7 Revision Differences
Prototype Info |
Prerelease Info |
Data |
Unused Graphics Take a gander! |
Unused Sequences Hope you like the drums! |
Debug Menu
In February 2017, a fully intact debug menu was found within Rhythm Tengoku. Most facets of the game are present and accessible, organized into 14 pages (1-E), each containing a maximum of 8 entries.
To access the debug menu, make the following changes to the corresponding ROM in a hex editor:
Rev. 0 | Rev. 1 | ||||
Offset | Original | Edited | Offset | Original | Edited |
9DD478 | 60 D2 | 24 DB | 9DD448 | 30 D2 | F4 DA |
9DD480 | 58 D4 | A8 DB | 9DD450 | 28 D4 | 78 DB |
Once finished, the menu should load in place of the title screen.
Red-colored rows indicate unused entries.
Japanese | Translation | Notes |
ライブ | Live | Loads the Live menu. |
バイキン はかせ SP | Dr. Virus SP | Loads Baikin Hakase SP. |
クイズ(スペシャル) | Quiz (Special) | N/A |
マネキンこうじょう | Mannequin Factory | Loads Mannequin Kojo. |
ウラおとこ | Mr. Upbeat | N/A |
リミックス 8 | Remix 8 | N/A |
リミックス 7 | Remix 7 | N/A |
リミックス 6 | Remix 6 | N/A |
リミックス 5 | Remix 5 | N/A |
リミックス 4 | Remix 4 | N/A |
リミックス 3 | Remix 3 | N/A |
リミックス 2 | Remix 2 | N/A |
リミックス 1 | Remix 1 | N/A |
ぼんおどり | Bon Odori | N/A |
ボンダンス | Bon Dance | N/A |
こえマシン(ネコ) | Voice Machine (Cat) | N/A |
こえマシン(ラブ) | Voice Machine (Love) | N/A |
こえマシン(ラップ) | Voice Machine (Rap) | N/A |
レッスン(イージー) | Lesson (Easy) | Loads Drum Lesson: Short 1. |
レッスン(ハード1) | Lesson (Hard 1) | Loads Drum Lesson: Short 4. |
レッスン(ハード2) | Lesson (Hard 2) | Loads Drum Lesson: Short 8. |
レッスン(キメパターン1) | Lesson (Kime Pattern 1) | Loads Drum Lesson: Short 5. |
レッスン(キメパターン2) | Lesson (Kime Pattern 2) | Loads Drum Lesson: Short 7. |
レッスン(デスコビート) | Lesson (Disco Beat) | Loads Drum Lesson: Short 6. |
レッスン(ボッサ) | Lesson (Bossa) | Loads Drum Lesson: Short 9. |
レッスン(スネア) | Lesson (Snare) | Loads Drum Lesson: Basic 1. |
レッスン(バスとスネア) | Lesson (Bass and Snare) | Loads Drum Lesson: Basic 2. |
レッスン(はやい8ビート) | Lesson (Fast 8-Beat) | Loads Drum Lesson: Short 2. |
レッスン(スネアテクニック) | Lesson (Snare Technique) | Loads Drum Lesson: Short 3. |
レッスン(じっせん1) | Lesson (Practice 1) | Loads Drum Lesson: Long 4. |
レッスン(じっせん2) | Lesson (Practice 2) | Loads Drum Lesson: Long 2. |
レッスン(じっせん3) | Lesson (Practice 3) | Loads Drum Lesson: Long 3. |
レッスン(じっせん4) | Lesson (Practice 4) | Loads Drum Lesson: Long 1. |
レッスン(じっせん5) | Lesson (Practice 5) | Loads Drum Lesson: Long 5. |
レッスン(じっせん6) | Lesson (Practice 6) | Loads Drum Lesson: Long 6. |
レッスン(じっせん7) | Lesson (Practice 7) | Loads Drum Lesson: High Tech 1. |
レッスン(じっせん8) | Lesson (Practice 8) | Loads Drum Lesson: High Tech 2. |
スタジオドラマー | Studio Drummer | Loads the drumming mode of Studio. |
チェックマシン (クリック) | Check Machine (Click) | Loads the first part of Rhythm Test. |
チェックマシン (キューフ) | Check Machine (Cue) | Loads the second part of Rhythm Test. |
チェックマシン (トリッキー) | Check Machine (Tricky) | Loads the third and final part of Rhythm Test. |
チェックマシン (トータル) | Check Machine (Total) | Loads Rhythm Test. |
テキスト | Text | Loads a random letter from the Rhythm Shiryo Shitsu. |
クイズ | Quiz Show | N/A. |
ラップメン | Rap Men | N/A. |
ラップ ウィメン(by YONE) | Rap Women (by YONE) | YONE likely refers to Masami Yone, a sound director and composer for Rhythm Tengoku. |
ラップ ウィメン(by KAZU) | Rap Women (by KAZU) | Loads an alternate version of Rap Women. |
スペースダンス | Space Dance | N/A. |
コスモダンス | Cosmic Dance | N/A. |
ショータイム | Showtime | N/A. |
RIQデータチェック | RIQ Data Check | Loads an unused gameplay history menu. |
オープニング (B Type) | Opening (B Type) | Loads the introduction sequence. |
オープニング (A Type) | Opening (A Type) | Loads the attract sequence. |
トランとポリン | Tram and Poline | Loads Tram to Poline. |
トスボーイズ | Toss Boys | N/A. |
トスボーイズ 2 | Toss Boys 2 | N/A. |
ドラムガールズ | Drum Girls | Loads an unused version of LIVE! where the Drum Girls play over Bunny Hop. |
リズム おしゅうじ | Power Calligraphy | N/A. |
こっそりラット | Rat Race | N/A. |
フラッシュメモリテスト | Flash Memory Test | Loads a black screen, presumably used to test the save battery. |
ハナビ | Fireworks | Loads Hanabi. |
メトロノーム | Metronome | Loads an early version of Rhythm Test. |
ウサギとび | Bunny Hop | N/A. |
ダンスレッスン 1 | Dance Lesson 1 | Loads an alternate version of Remix 1. |
まほうつかい | Wizard | Loads Mahō Tsukai. |
マーチャ | Marching Orders | N/A. |
マーチャ 2 | Marcher Orders 2 | N/A. |
うま(スピード) | Horse (Speed) | Loads Uma Machine. |
タップダンズ | Tap Trial | N/A. |
スーパータップ | Tap Trial 2 | N/A. |
いあいぎり | Iai Slash | Loads Iai Giri. |
エアーバッター | Spaceball | N/A. |
エアーバッター2 | Spaceball 2 | N/A. |
しろいおばけ | Sneaky Spirits | N/A. |
しろいおばけ 2 | Sneaky Spirits 2 | N/A. |
ニンジャ | Ninja Bodyguard | N/A. |
ニンジャ 2 | Ninja Bodyguard 2 | N/A. |
ホッピングロード | Bouncy Road | N/A. |
ホッピングロード 2 | Bouncy Road 2 | N/A. |
バイキン はかせ | Sick Beats | N/A. |
リズムだつもう | Rhythm Tweezers | N/A. |
リズムだつもう 2 | Rhythm Tweezers 2 | N/A. |
ナイト ウォーク | Night Walk | N/A. |
ナイト ウォーク 2 | Night Walk 2 | N/A. |
ポリリズム | Polyrhythm | N/A. |
ポリリズム 2 | Polyrhythm 2 | N/A. |
パチパチ3にんしゅう | The Clappy Trio | N/A. |
バリバリ3にんしゅう | The Snappy Trio | N/A. |
カラテカ | Karate Man | N/A. |
カラテカ 2 | Karate Man 2 | N/A. |
R−IQ (タイトル) | R-IQ (Title) | N/A. |
R−IQ (メニュー) | R-IQ (Menu) | N/A. |
R−IQ (ゲーム) | R-IQ (Game) | N/A. |
R−IQ (しりょうしつ) | R-IQ (Letter) | Loads the Rhythm Shiryo Shitsu. |
R−IQ (スタジオ) | R-IQ (Studio) | N/A. |
R−IQ (オプション) | R-IQ (Option) | N/A. |
R−IQ (リザルト) | R-IQ (Result) | Loads an unused results screen. |
R−IQ (リザルト2) | R-IQ (Result 2) | Loads the results screen. Will crash if no game has been played prior to access. |
R−IQ (リザルト3) | R-IQ (Result 3) | Loads the score screen from Rhythm Test. |
R−IQ (リザルト4) | R-IQ (Result 4) | Attempts to send you to the Epilogue screen. Returns to the debug menu immediately. |
R−IQ (にゅうか) | R-IQ (Arrival) | Loads an unused notification screen for Rhythm Shiryo Shitsu. |
R−IQ (パーフェクト) | R-IQ (Perfect) | Loads the Perfect rank screen. |
R−IQ (カウンセラー) | R-IQ (Counselor) | Loads the Café. |
R−IQ (ミニゲーム) | R-IQ (Mini-game) | Loads the Endless Games menu. |
R−IQ (ドラムレッスン) | R-IQ (Drum Lesson) | Loads the Drum Lesson menu. |
R−IQ (おもちゃ) | R-IQ (Toy) | Loads the Rhythm Toys menu. |
R−IQ (カウンセラー) | R-IQ (Counselor) | A duplicate of an earlier entry; loads the Café. |
エンディング(クリアご) | Ending (After Clear) | Loads the Staff Credits after beating Remix 6. |
エンディング(おまけから) | Ending (From Bonus) | Loads the Staff Credits from the Omake Corner. |
データクリア | Data Clear | Erases all save data. |
Unused Gameplay History Menu
...But what does it mean? This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation! |
Accessible via the aforementioned Debug Menu is an unused menu that shows the play history for each available item in the Game Select menu. With it, the player can view:
- The average amount of points scored across all plays (out of 1000).
- The total amount of times the game was played.
- The numbered playthrough they achieved their first OK on.
- The numbered playthrough they achieved their first Superb on.
The games in this menu, for the most part, are listed in the internal order stored in ROM, rather than in unlock order, similar to how they are listed in the Debug Menu. Notably, the menu implies the existence of Power Calligraphy 2, as an entry for it can be found after Power Calligraphy. A gameplay history menu would later be incorporated into Rhythm Heaven Megamix.
Text used in the menu:
Japanese | Translation |
平均点 X (1000点満点) | N/A |
遊んだ回数 X回 | N/A |
初合格: X回目 | N/A |
初大合格: X回目 | N/A |
If a game has been played, but an OK or Superb isn't yet achieved:
Japanese | Translation |
まだ | N/A |
Rhythm Shiryo Shitsu Notification
Listed as R−IQ (にゅうか) in the Debug Menu is an unused notification screen for Rhythm Shiryo Shitsu. The player is told that they've received a new letter, and can choose to either read it now, or return to the previous menu. Which letter in particular the player receives is randomized each time the screen is accessed.
Text used in the notification screen:
Japanese | Translation |
リズム資料室からお知らせ | N/A |
を入荷しました。 | N/A |
Unused Code/Parameters
Karate Man
Unused Version Setting
Loading the engine for Karate Man with a version setting of 0x01 introduces unique properties to the game that aren't used elsewhere. One such property is that, each time an item is hit, one of two unused backgrounds depicting different characters making a facial expression is overlaid over Karate Man's regular background, depending on how well the input was timed.
Aside from that, this setting also alters the sound effects for hitting an item, defaulting to the high-flow variants regardless of actual flow level.
BG Face Reset
Related to the unused version setting is an unused function that resets BG Layer 0 (the layer the unused backgrounds are written to) to a third unused background that's initially loaded with the engine, though never displayed and eventually overwritten with one of the aforementioned backgrounds.
Unused Cue Settings
There are two unused settings for the cue command that spawn balls with different input timings. 0x00 spawns a ball that’s hit in 0.5 beats, and 0x03 spawns a high ball that’s hit in 1.5 beats. While 0x00 appears to play no sound effects when the ball is pitched or hit, the code internally defines a dummy sound, s_f_dummy_vol0, as the sound to play for those actions, suggesting that the cue was to get its own sound effects.
Unused Ball Type
The command that changes the sprite used for the ball has an unused setting (being 0x02) that swaps it for the unused star graphic. This can be seen in the unused Spaceball sequences.
The Clappy Trio
Unused Version Setting
Loading the engine for The Clappy Trio with a version setting of 0x05 will load its sequel variant with four lions instead of three. The quartet is only ever seen with the graphics from its base variant, leaving this version unused.
Sneaky Spirits
Located at 0x00A7A20C is an unused subroutine that simply rests for 8 beats.
Iai Giri
Like Sneaky Spirits, there's an unused subroutine that does nothing for 8 beats, located at 0x00A053F0.
Sick Beats
To do: Are these really worth documenting here? It seems like both of these observations are the consequences of a function accepting an arbitrary value as an input, rather than something that was explicitly planned to be used. |
The graphics function that controls the virus palettes has some unused values that change the viruses into other visible palettes.
There also exists unused hit counters, most of which turn the viruses invincible, but one makes the virus require 4 hits to be cleared.
Unused Cue Settings
The cue command for this game has two unused settings that spawn a version of the white penguin requiring an input to be made in 1 beat, as opposed to the standard 2. Of these settings, 0x02 curiously spawns a non-swing variant, unfitting with the song used in-game. 0x03 meanwhile spawns what you’d expect.
Power Calligraphy
To do: Unused cue settings for the third stroke in 力 and fourth stroke in 心. |
Ink Particle Effect
A function for this game exists that, when re-added, causes particles of ink to expand from and quickly contract into the brush. The function has a single parameter which controls how long the effect lasts, and likely would've coincided with the charge-up before a cue.
Energy Dissipate Effect
Code exists for clamping an animation of energy dissipating to the coordinates of the hand and playing it when the hand finishes charging. It goes unused due to the animation not being made visible when it actually happens.
Swing Subroutines
Subroutines for preparing the pages and drawing the 寸 symbol, 、symbol, and the face that appears at the end of the game have variants in swing rhythm made for Remix 4 that ultimately go unused. Their locations are as follows: 0x00A81478 (Prep 寸), 0x00A814FC (寸), 0x00A823B4 (Prep 、), 0x00A82414 (、), 0x00A82690 (Prep face), and 0x00A82714 (face).
Toss Boys
To do: Each one of them can do each-others moves. |
Unused Cue Settings
There exists unused cue settings for the trio (0x04 for Aka-chan, 0x05 for Ao-kun, and 0x06 for Kii-yan) that causes them to catch the ball, utilizing animations that otherwise go unused. After the ball is caught, inputs for whoever caught the ball no longer affect that character.
Tap Trial
Unused Version Setting
Loading the engine for Tap Trial with a version setting of 0x06 causes the game to randomize its appearance on both inital load and each subsequent engine call, meaning that it may appear as Tap Trial 2 initially, and then appear as the Remix 5 variant when the game gets loaded again. An unused sequence for Tap Trial is the only game that uses this feature.
Unused Audio
As audio heavy as Rhythm Tengoku is, it's no surprise that some sounds would find their way here. The filenames for these entries originate from the kiosk demo.
Name | MIDI Offset | Sound | Description | |
Rev. 0 | Rev. 1 | |||
Lesson1 | 0x00AA9F2C | 0x00AA9EFC | Combined versions of Remix 1, Remix 2, and Remix 4. "Lesson" might refer to the dance lessons the development team took during the development of Rhythm Tengoku, of which these song were originally used for. Curiously, a small part of Lesson1 is used by the game in both Remix 1 and Remix 7, as well as Remix 7 in the Studio. This is due to the fact that the intro for Remix 1 (the opening bass slide) wasn't split into a separate MIDI file, thus requiring Lesson1 to be played in each instance where the intro is needed. | |
Lesson2 | 0x00AB3160 | 0x00AB3130 | ||
Lesson3 | 0x00AB85CC | 0x00AB859C | ||
L1_pat04 | 0x00ABF614 | 0x00ABF5E4 | Several unused segments of Remix 1. L1_pat04, L1_pat07, and L1_pat08 are used in Dance Lesson 1. | |
L1_pat07 | 0x00AC10C0 | 0x00AC1090 | ||
L1_pat08 | 0x00AC1B7C | 0x00AC1B4C | ||
L1_pat11 | 0x00AC3650 | 0x00AC3620 | ||
L1_pat12 | 0x00AC407C | 0x00AC404C | ||
L1_pat14 | 0x00AC575C | 0x00AC572C | ||
L1_pat15 | 0x00AC63A0 | 0x00AC6370 | ||
L2_pat02 | 0x00AC8190 | 0x00AC8160 | Several unused segments of Remix 2. | |
L2_pat03 | 0x00AC8AD0 | 0x00AC8AA0 | ||
L2_pat04 | 0x00AC9040 | 0x00AC9010 | ||
L2_pat05 | 0x00AC95E0 | 0x00AC95B0 | ||
L2_pat06 | 0x00AC9BB0 | 0x00AC9B80 | ||
L2_pat07 | 0x00ACA1A8 | 0x00ACA178 | ||
L2_pat08 | 0x00ACA7AC | 0x00ACA77C | ||
L2_pat10 | 0x00ACB2F4 | 0x00ACB2C4 | ||
L2_pat13 | 0x00ACC230 | 0x00ACC200 | ||
L2_pat15 | 0x00ACD028 | 0x00ACCFF8 | ||
L3_C32_no_swing | 0x00ACEBB0 | 0x00ACEB80 | A few unused segments of Remix 4. | |
L3_C33 | 0x00ACF73C | 0x00ACF70C | ||
L3_C34 | 0x00AD01B4 | 0x00AD0184 | ||
s_emanikanto_bgm_loop | 0x00AFF360 | 0x00AFF330 | A looping variant of the music for Bouncy Road. | |
s_toss_bgm_end | 0x00B20ABC | 0x00B20A8C | It would seem that the music for Toss Boys was to originally be internally handled differently, with the game's song being split between distinct looping and ending segments. The final game's music just uses a singular MIDI file, s_toss_bgm. | |
s_toss_bgm_loop | 0x00B20F08 | 0x00B20ED8 | ||
s_menu_kettei0 | 0x00B39A94 | 0x00B39A64 | Unused menu sound effects for selecting and canceling/backing out of a selection. | |
s_menu_kettei3 | 0x00B39D08 | 0x00B39CD8 | ||
s_menu_cancel1 | 0x00B39D84 | 0x00B39D54 | ||
s_tran_jump | 0x00B3BCC0 | 0x00B3BC90 | Voice clips of an announcer giving different commands, such as to jump and transform, meant for Tram to Poline. | |
s_tran_henge | 0x00B3BD0C | 0x00B3BCDC | ||
s_tran_seino | 0x00B3BD58 | 0x00B3BD28 | ||
s_tran_hensin | 0x00B3BDA4 | 0x00B3BD74 | ||
s_toss_red_blue3 | 0x00B3C060 | 0x00B3C030 | Voice clips of the characters from Toss Boys performing each-others actions. | |
s_toss_red_yelw2 | 0x00B3C16C | 0x00B3C13C | ||
s_toss_red_yelw3 | 0x00B3C1E0 | 0x00B3C1B0 | ||
s_toss_red_red | 0x00B3C254 | 0x00B3C224 | ||
s_toss_red_break | 0x00B3C2FC | 0x00B3C2CC | ||
s_toss_blue_break | 0x00B3C6E4 | 0x00B3C6B4 | ||
s_toss_yelw_red3 | 0x00B3C850 | 0x00B3C820 | ||
s_toss_yelw_blue3 | 0x00B3C9B8 | 0x00B33988 | ||
s_shuji_tame | 0x00B3CD78 | 0x00B3CD48 | A voice clip of the calligrapher from Power Calligraphy grunting. | |
s_mario1 | 0x00B3CEB4 | 0x00B3CE84 | Various copies of the "Japanese" style practice music, all with filenames that make references to Mario. s_mario1_2 and s_mario2_4 are notable in that they add unique melodies to the music, unheard of elsewhere. s_mario1 and s_mario1_2 are duplicates that play at half tempo, but otherwise sound the same. | |
s_mario1_2 | 0x00B3D2C4 | 0x00B3D294 | ||
s_mario2_4 | 0x00B3D744 | 0x00B3D714 | ||
s_mario_melo1 | 0x00B3DBC4 | 0x00B3DB94 | The first few notes of the Super Mario Bros. Ground Theme. Overlaying these with the aforementioned practice music reveals that they fit perfectly with each other. s_mario_melo2 is another half-tempo duplicate. | |
s_mario_melo2 | 0x00B3DC38 | 0x00B3DC08 | ||
s_intro_comeon | 0x00B51C00 | 0x00B51BD0 | Voice clip and music used in the second unused drum lesson. | |
s_intro_pat2 | 0x00B51F98 | 0x00B51F68 | ||
s_intro_pat3 | 0x00B52328 | 0x00B522F8 | ||
s_guntai_v_zentai2 | 0x00B596F0 | 0x00B596C0 | Unused voice clips for the Sarge in Marching Orders. Due to its name following the naming convention of voice clips for quick commands, as well as the presence of such a command in an early voice clip set, s_guntai_v_zentai2 is likely supposed to be Sarge's voice clip for a quick attention command, which doesn't exist in any form in the game. s_guntai_v_hidari_muke2, on the other hand, is his voice clip for a quick left-face command, which are only given by the Leader in Marching Orders 2. | |
s_guntai_v_hidari_muke2 | 0x00B598B8 | 0x00B59888 | ||
s_datumo_kegire | 0x00B686F8 | 0x00B686C8 | An early hair-pluck sound effect for Rhythm Tweezers. | |
s_virus_hit | 0x00B76B70 | 0x00B76B40 | Early hit and barely sound effects for Sick Beats. | |
s_virus_osii | 0x00B76C84 | 0x00B76C54 | ||
s_f_boxing_just_hati_nc | 0x00BCB434 | 0x00BCB404 | Multiple unused sound effects for Karate Man. s_f_boxing_just_hati_nc, s_f_boxing_just_light_nc, and s_f_boxing_just_ball_nc are duplicates of the sound effects for hitting a pot, light, and soccer ball with high flow. s_f_boxing_v_fresh is a voice clip of someone saying "fresh", and s_f_boxing_fly_ext is an alternate sound effect for an item getting thrown. | |
s_f_boxing_just_light_nc | 0x00BCB5DC | 0x00BCB5AC | ||
s_f_boxing_just_ball_nc | 0x00BCB790 | 0x00BCB760 | ||
s_f_boxing_v_fresh | 0x00BCC794 | 0x00BCC764 | ||
s_f_boxing_fly_ext | 0x00BCCC48 | 0x00BCCC18 | ||
s_block_gotin | 0x00B59B78 | 0x00B59B48 | Leftover sounds from a scrapped game known as ブロック (Block). | |
s_block_walk | 0x00B59D3C | 0x00B59D0C | ||
s_kawasemi_bgm | 0x00B59DAC | 0x00B59D7C | Leftover music from a scrapped game known as かわせみ (Kingfisher). | |
s_kawasemi_frase | 0x00B5A564 | 0x00B5A534 | ||
s_metro_count2 | 0x00B5BF60 | 0x00B5BF30 | Sound effects used in Metronome. | |
s_metro_hato | 0x00B5BFB4 | 0x00B5BF84 | ||
s_rabbit_atama | 0x00B62818 | 0x00B627E8 | A weird kick-drum sound effect meant for Bunny Hop. | |
s_uma_bulu | 0x00B63114 | 0x00B630E4 | A few unused sound effects for Uma Machine. s_uma_bulu is a different voice clip for the horse, possibly intended for when you complete a lesson. s_uma_hi_muti appears to be a sound effect of the horse's rider, and s_uma_ng seems to be a miss sound effect, of which there is no in-game equivalent. | |
s_uma_hi_muti | 0x00B63164 | 0x00B63134 | ||
s_uma_ng | 0x00B631B4 | 0x00B63184 | ||
s_block2_block | 0x00B9B39C | 0x00B9B36C | Leftover sound effects from ブロック2 (Block 2), the exciting sequel to Block. | |
s_block2_fast | 0x00B9B3F8 | 0x00B9B3C8 | ||
s_uki_water1 | 0x00B9B4E0 | 0x00B9B4B0 | Leftover sound effects from a scrapped game known as ウキ (Float). | |
s_uki_water2 | 0x00B9B530 | 0x00B9B500 | ||
s_uki_water3 | 0x00B9B5A4 | 0x00B9B574 | ||
s_kuma_hit | 0x00B9B600 | 0x00B9B5D0 | Leftover sound effects from a scrapped game known as くま (Bear). | |
s_kuma_miss | 0x00B9B654 | 0x00B9B624 | ||
s_yuri_yurasi | 0x00B9B91C | 0x00B9B8EC | Leftover sound effect from a scrapped game known as ゆりかご (Cradle). | |
s_rythm_bat_miss | 0x00B9BB44 | 0x00B9BB14 | Leftover sound effect from a scrapped game known as リズムバッティング (Rhythm Batting). | |
s_dontan_water | 0x00B9BD64 | 0x00B9BD34 | Leftover sound effect from a scrapped game known as ドンとタンの関係 (Relationship Between Don and Tan). | |
s_check_trick3 | 0x00B9D4BC | 0x00B9D48C | A third drum track meant to trick the player during Rhythm Test. | |
s_menu_se1 | 0x00B9D760 | 0x00B9D730 | Tons of unused menu sound effects. s_menu_se4 and s_menu_se21 appear to be skipped. | |
s_menu_se2 | 0x00B9D7B8 | 0x00B9D788 | ||
s_menu_se3 | 0x00B9D828 | 0x00B9D7F8 | ||
s_menu_se5 | 0x00B9D890 | 0x00B9D860 | ||
s_menu_se6 | 0x00B9D900 | 0x00B9D8D0 | ||
s_menu_se7 | 0x00B9D970 | 0x00B9D940 | ||
s_menu_se8 | 0x00B9DA1C | 0x00B9D9EC | ||
s_menu_se9 | 0x00B9DA84 | 0x00B9DA54 | ||
s_menu_se10 | 0x00B9DB84 | 0x00B9DB54 | ||
s_menu_se11 | 0x00B9DC00 | 0x00B9DBD0 | ||
s_menu_se12 | 0x00B9DC74 | 0x00B9DC44 | ||
s_menu_se14 | 0x00B9DD5C | 0x00B9DD2C | ||
s_menu_se15 | 0x00B9DDBC | 0x00B9DD8C | ||
s_menu_se16 | 0x00B9DE90 | 0x00B9DE60 | ||
s_menu_se17 | 0x00B9DED8 | 0x00B9DEA8 | ||
s_menu_woodblock | 0x00B9DFA8 | 0x00B9DF78 | ||
s_menu_se19 | 0x00B9E000 | 0x00B9DFD0 | ||
s_menu_se22 | 0x00B9E0F8 | 0x00B9E0C8 | ||
s_menu_se23 | 0x00B9E17C | 0x00B9E14C | ||
s_menu_se25 | 0x00B9E264 | 0x00B9E234 | ||
s_f_dummy | 0x00BC354C | 0x00BC351C | Two dummy sound effects. s_f_dummy_vol0 is the same sound effect as s_f_dummy with its in-game volume set to 0x00, as its name would imply. | |
s_f_dummy_vol0 | 0x00BC35B0 | 0x00BC3580 | ||
s_f_nyuuka | 0x00BC3A28 | 0x00BC39F8 | A small chime. May or may not be related to the unused Rhythm Shiryo Shitsu notification screen. | |
s_f_test_drum_BD_A | 0x00BC7BC8 | 0x00BC7B98 | Kick and snare drums, in both dry and drenched-in-reverb flavors. s_f_test_drum_BD_A sounds quite similar to s_rabbit_atama. | |
s_f_test_drum_BD_B | 0x00BC7C6C | 0x00BC7C3C | ||
s_f_test_drum_SD_A | 0x00BC7CC8 | 0x00BC7C98 | ||
s_f_test_drum_SD_B | 0x00BC7D84 | 0x00BC7D54 | ||
s_f_rapW_v_OyatuwaSaiko_d | 0x00BCE62C | 0x00BCE5FC | Various phrases from Rap Women with a different "SAIKO!" clip. | |
s_f_rapW_v_KibunnwaSaiko_d | 0x00BCE6E0 | 0x00BCE6B0 | ||
s_f_rapW_v_AmakuteSaiko_d | 0x00BCE794 | 0x00BCE764 | ||
s_f_rapW_v_BetubaraSaiko_d | 0x00BCE848 | 0x00BCE818 | ||
s_f_drumdr_miss | 0x00BCF698 | 0x00BCF668 | Sound effects used in the third unused drum lesson. | |
s_f_drumdr_ok | 0x00BCF76C | 0x00BCF73C | ||
s_f_tap_jump_ready | 0x00BCFA18 | 0x00BCF9E8 | An unused Tap Trial voice clip of the Girl readying herself. The game actually plays this sound effect each time she crouches, but its in-game volume is set to 0x00, effectively muting it. |
Unused Samples
To do: There could be more. |
The following pieces of audio have no MIDI file associated with them.
Sample No. | Sample | Description |
019 | A shell-kicking sound effect originating from Super Mario Bros. | |
063 | Early voice clips of the Sarge from Marching Orders. Sample 064 appears to be an early voice clip for the previously mentioned quick attention command. | |
064 | ||
065 | ||
066 | ||
067 | ||
068 | ||
069 | ||
070 | ||
071 | ||
072 | ||
088 | An unused monkey voice clip, found next to the monkey voice clips used in Tap Trial. | |
911 | A voice clip of Play-Yan yelling intended for Night Walk, possibly when the player fell off a platform. |
Revision Differences
Somewhere along the line, the ROM for Rhythm Tengoku was updated, introducing few minor changes.
Iai Giri
Rev. 00 | Rev. 01 |
Three stray pixels were removed from the sliced あ in the prologue for Iai Giri.
Remix 5
Rev. 00 | Rev. 01 |
The very last frame of Aka-chan's Remix 5 crouching toss animation was fixed, with the "A" on her shirt being lowercase to match how it appears on the rest of her animations. She never crouch-tosses in the actual remix, however, so why this change was made is unknown.
The Rhythm Heaven series
| |
Game Boy Advance | Rhythm Tengoku (Demo) |
Arcade | Rhythm Tengoku |
Nintendo DS | Rhythm Heaven |
Wii | Rhythm Heaven Fever |
Nintendo 3DS | Rhythm Heaven Megamix |
See Also | |
Wario |
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Nintendo SPD Group No. 1
- Games developed by J.P Room Recordings
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- Games published by Nintendo
- Game Boy Advance games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2006
- Games released in August
- Games released on August 3
- Games with unused animations
- Games with unused code
- Games with unused game types
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused sounds
- Games with unused text
- Games with debugging functions
- Games with revisional differences
- To do
- Articles needing translation/ja
- Rhythm Heaven series
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Games > Games by content > Games with debugging functions
Games > Games by content > Games with revisional differences
Games > Games by content > Games with unused animations
Games > Games by content > Games with unused code
Games > Games by content > Games with unused game types
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused sounds
Games > Games by content > Games with unused text
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by J.P Room Recordings
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Nintendo > Games developed by Nintendo EPD > Games developed by Nintendo SPD > Games developed by Nintendo SPD Group No. 1
Games > Games by platform > Game Boy Advance games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Nintendo
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2006
Games > Games by release date > Games released in August
Games > Games by release date > Games released in August > Games released on August 3
Games > Games by series > Rhythm Heaven series