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Touhou Gensoukyou: Lotus Land Story

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Title Screen

Touhou Gensoukyou ~ Lotus Land Story

Developer: ZUN Soft
Publisher: Amusement Makers
Platform: PC-98
Released in JP: August 14, 1998

TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?

Touhou Gensoukyou ~ Lotus Land Story is the fourth game in the Touhou series. Multiple things were introduced in this game that became staples for the rest of the series, such as playing through six stages, slowing your movement speed, and grazing bullets. There is one exception however, that this game encourages using bombs to gain high points, where all later games prefer a no-bomb play style.

Also, Bad Apple!!


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info

MIDI Option

MIDI option as the difficulty.

The MIDI option, which was an unused music option in the trial version, still has its text present. This time, however, the text is not listed in the music options at all.

Using a hex editor, modify the first value in miko.cfg to 06 and the last value to 0F (the last value should only be changed to 0F if miko.cfg has the default settings) to change the difficulty to MIDI(sc-88) in the options menu.

Considering how this text was completely removed from the music options in the final version, it is likely that Lotus Land Story wasn't going to have MIDI music. Even though the trial version had this text within the music options, it was not accessible without modifying miko.cfg, and even then, there wasn't any MIDI music.

Be sure to backup your save file (gensou.scr) if you try this, as there is a chance that it will get corrupted if you go into high score menu or start the game with this option.