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SpongeBob's Truth or Square (Wii, Xbox 360)

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Title Screen

SpongeBob's Truth or Square

Developer: Heavy Iron Studios
Publisher: THQ
Platforms: Wii, Xbox 360
Released in US: October 26, 2009
Released in EU: November 13, 2009

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
MovieIcon.png This game has unused cinematics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

To do:
There are many, many more undocumented out-of-bounds items.

SpongeBob's Truth or Square is very loosely based on the 10th Anniversary TV special of the same name.

Given the developer, it could be considered a successor to SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom and The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie, in addition to the amount of content recycled directly from said games.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Debugging Features

Debug Mode

To do:
Experiment more! There might be more to do with the debug mode.

It's possible to trigger a debug mode by editing "SB09.ini". You will have to change three values in the game in order to see results.

You have to change EnableDebugControls, EnableFriendlyFly, and AllowMasterCheats values to 1 rather than 0 in a text editor. Then, you will need to scroll down quite a bit until you see "DebugMode". It will not have a value assigned to it. Press space and add a 1 (again, in a text editor.)

Debug Controls

The only known debug command is to noclip. The game will rather rudely call you a cheater, and you can fly around any map.

The text that says "Player #0 is a cheater. Flying"

Make sure to use a Classic Controller.

  • Toggle No-Clip: Minus
  • Fly Up: X
  • Fly Down: Y
  • Speed Up: Left Analog Trigger
(Source: HoonGoons (1, 2))

Level Select


Present outside SpongeBob's house are letters and numbers floating in the middle of empty space. Touching these grants access to most levels in the game through the scrapbook.

If you find a way to get inside Mermaid Man when upstairs in SpongeBob's house, the camera angle changes, and you can see the letters.

(Source: [1])

Unused Levels

To do:
Get pictures of the levels from the footage on YouTube.

Exclusively in the Spanish version of the game are two cut levels found in the the PSP version, and are mostly as intact and playable as they were there. Given their inclusion in the PSP version and appearance in some trailers, they must have been cut late into development.


"Bikini Bottom", loosely based on the Season 1 episode Culture Shock.


"Krusty Krab", based on both the pilot Help Wanted and the Season 2 episode Welcome to the Chum Bucket. This level was briefly shown in the game's launch trailer.

Launch trailer showing the cut Krusty Krab level

Unused Models


SBTOS Pearl.png

A model of Pearl found in the cut "Bikini Bottom" level. She is not animated in-game.


SBTOS Checkpoint.png

A cut checkpoint model. The final game does not utilize specific checkpoints. The DS version uses a very similar model of this.


SBTOS SpongeBot.png

A model of the SpongeBot from the cut "Krusty Krab" level.

Springboard Bot

SBTOS Springboard.png

A robot enemy found in the cut "Bikini Bottom" level.

1×1×1 Cube

Sbtos 1x1x1cube.png

A 1×1×1 cube.

SpongeBob's Truth or Square - 1x1x1 Cube in-game.png

Strangely, this can be seen in "Fun Times Jellyfishing with Patrick", likely due to an oversight.



Close to the ending of "Becoming a Fry Cook!!!" is an error model. It's unknown what model the error was trying to use.

Unused Textures


Sbtos earlycoin.png

An early coin texture, a leftover from the Happiness Squared period of development.


Oddly enough, this was mapped to a ladder in the Mermalair, likely by mistake.


Sbtos walle.png

A leftover from Wall-E, Heavy Iron's previous game.

Unused Sounds

Filename Audio Notes
A test sound.
A dog barking.
A splatting sound.
A placeholder spawning sound.

Unused Videos


A cutscene that was probably meant to play when you use the scrapbook for the first time. Notably, SpongeBob calls Sand Mountain "Bubble Mountain" in this cutscene, despite that name not being used anywhere else in the game. It is unknown why this cutscene was removed.


A trailer for various SpongeBob DVDs.

Unused .ini Files

There are a bunch of .ini files that are no longer used by the game, as they were "absorbed into the GoodEditor".


##               This file will be going away "soon" by being absorbed into the GoodEditor.
## Wii sb09.ini

#BOOT = /sb09/Levels_Test/Levels_ST99/ST99
#BOOT = /sb09/Levels_Diorama/Level_DRB1/DRB1
#BOOT = /Shared_Levels/TART
#BOOT = /SB09/Levels_User/Level_ZZKP/ZZKP
#BOOT = /SB09/Levels_Test/SBWF

BOOT = /SB09/Levels/SL01

SuperSoaker = 0
AudioMasher = 0
MenuMasher = 0
SoakStatisticsMode = 1

# All levels
SoakLevels = /SB09/Levels/SL01 /SB09/Levels/SL02 /SB09/Levels/SL03 /SB09/Levels/SL04 /SB09/Levels/SL05 <br> /SB09/Levels/SL06 /SB09/Levels/SL07 /SB09/Levels/SL08
/SB09/Levels/SL09 /SB09/Levels/SBB1 <br> /SB09/Levels/SBB2 /SB09/Levels/SBB3  /SB09/Levels_Test/ZTE1 /SB09/Levels_Test/ZTE2 /SB09/Levels_Test/ZTE3
/SB09/Levels_Test/ZTE5 /SB09/Levels_Test/ZTF1 /SB09/Levels_Test/ZTF2 /SB09/Levels_Test/ZTI1 /SB09/Levels_Test/ZTI2 /SB09/Levels_Test/ZTI3 /SB09/Levels_Test/ZTI4
/sb09/Levels_Diorama/Level_DBB1/DBB1 /sb09/Levels_Diorama/Level_DHB1/DHB1 /sb09/Levels_Diorama/Level_DKF1/DKF1 /sb09/Levels_Diorama/Level_DRB1/DRB1

# SoakLevels = /SB09/Levels/SHUB /SB09/Levels/SL01 /SB09/Levels/SL02 /SB09/Levels/SL03 /SB09/Levels/SL04 /SB09/Levels/SL05 /SB09/Levels/SL06 /SB09/Levels/SL07
/SB09/Levels/SL08 /SB09/Levels/SL09 /SB09/Levels/SBB1 <br> /SB09/Levels/SBB2 /SB09/Levels/SBB3 /SB09/Levels_Test/ZTE1 /SB09/Levels_Test/ZTE2 /SB09/Levels_Test/ZTE3
/SB09/Levels_Test/ZTE5 /SB09/Levels_Test/ZTF1 /SB09/Levels_Test/ZTF2 /SB09/Levels_Test/ZTI1 /SB09/Levels_Test/ZTI2 /SB09/Levels_Test/ZTI3 /SB09/Levels_Test/ZTI4 
/sb09/Levels_Diorama/Level_DBB1/DBB1 /sb09/Levels_Diorama/Level_DHB1/DHB1 /sb09/Levels_Diorama/Level_DKF1/DKF1 /sb09/Levels_Diorama/Level_DRB1/DRB1

# dump Bink
DumpCutsceneList = TL95 1
DumpCutscene = 0
ForceCutscene = 0
NoCutscenes = 0
SkippableCutScenes = 0
OptionSubtitles = 0

# FMV Settings
EnableLetterboxDuringCinematic = 0

# Cutscene frame dump settings
DumpCinematics = 0
DumpCinematicsFilePrefix = Cinematic_Dump_ANIM_
DumpCinematicsFrameRate = 30
ShowTimecodeDuringCinematics = 1

ShowMenuOnBoot = 1

ScrFxLetterBoxSize = 50
ScrFxLetterBoxAlpha = 255

VideoSystemAutoDetect   = 0
VideoSystem = NTSC

option_vibration_p1 = 1

DefaultRegion = EN_US
DemoType = 0
NoMovies = 0
EnableHelperAI = 1
EnableDebugControls = 1
EnableFriendlyFly = 0
AllowMasterCheats = 1
SkippableAssert = 1
SkipAsserts = 0
EnableRealTimeUpdate = 1
EnableHUD = 1
SkipAnimViewer = 0
NoDamage = 0
NoSoundFX = 0
NoMusic = 0
EnableOneLiner = 0
vertexPoolSizeInMB = 0
UseFileCache = 1

# Level Progression.  Levels are assumed to be loaded in this order.  The player will
# resume at the deepest level reached.

LevelProgression = /sb09/levels/SHUB
LevelProgression = /sb09/levels/SL01
LevelProgression = /sb09/levels/SL02
LevelProgression = /sb09/levels/SL03
LevelProgression = /sb09/levels/SBB1
LevelProgression = /sb09/levels/SL04
LevelProgression = /sb09/levels/SL05
LevelProgression = /sb09/levels/SL06
LevelProgression = /sb09/levels/SBB2
LevelProgression = /sb09/levels/SL07
LevelProgression = /sb09/levels/SL08
LevelProgression = /sb09/levels/SL09
LevelProgression = /sb09/levels/SBB3

[Scene Dependencies]
SceneDependency = /sb09/Levels_Loading/LD01, SL01
SceneDependency = /sb09/Levels_Loading/LD02, SL02
SceneDependency = /sb09/Levels_Loading/LD03, SL03
SceneDependency = /sb09/Levels_Loading/LD04, SL04
SceneDependency = /sb09/Levels_Loading/LD05, SL05
SceneDependency = /sb09/Levels_Loading/LD06, SL06
SceneDependency = /sb09/Levels_Loading/LD07, SL07
SceneDependency = /sb09/Levels_Loading/LD08, SL08
SceneDependency = /sb09/Levels_Loading/LD09, SL09
SceneDependency = /sb09/Levels_Loading/LDB1, SBB1
SceneDependency = /sb09/Levels_Loading/LDB2, SBB2
SceneDependency = /sb09/Levels_Loading/LDB3, SBB3
SceneDependency = /sb09/Levels_Loading/LDSP, SHUB

[Debug Portals]
DebugPortalTo = /SB09/Levels/SHUB
DebugPortalTo = /SB09/Levels/SL01
DebugPortalTo = /SB09/Levels/SL02
DebugPortalTo = /SB09/Levels/SBB1
DebugPortalTo = /SB09/Levels/SL04
DebugPortalTo = /SB09/Levels/SL05
DebugPortalTo = /SB09/Levels/SL06
DebugPortalTo = /SB09/Levels/SBB2
DebugPortalTo = /SB09/Levels/SL07
DebugPortalTo = /SB09/Levels/SL08
DebugPortalTo = /SB09/Levels/SBB3

# All scenes use these players unless specified below
ScenePlayerMappingDefault = PLYS PLYP

# ScenePlayerMapping  = SHUB PLYH PLYH
ScenePlayerMapping  = SBB3 PLYS
ScenePlayerMapping  = TART PLYS
ScenePlayerMapping  = ZZKP PLYB PLYT
ScenePlayerMapping  = SBWF PLYB PLYT

# Scene, Toll requirement, Total


minVSyncCnt = 1
SceneBaseName = UI TXT SCENE
SceneBaseDescription = UI TXT DESCRIPTION
SceneBaseImage = UI IMAGE SCENE
G.AnalogMin = 32
G.AnalogMax = 110
G.HitPoints = 100
G.DamageInvincibility   = 1.25
G.Gravity           = -19.6
DebugMode = 1
ForceMono = 0
UnlockAll = 1
ScreenDumpPath = C:\SB09\ScreenShots\
PlaybackMode = 0
#### PS2 Profiler ####
# Profiling options:
# '1'
# '2'
# - function level profiling
# '3'
# - assembly level profiling for specified routines
# - For each of the following ProfFunc* use the full name of the
#   function/method to profile. (eg, hot spots identified by profile level 2)
# - NOTE: 'X' and 'Circle' buttons are reserved in profiler mode
# - ALSO: Debug controller 'Start' resets profile tracking
#Profile            = 2
#ProfFuncTriangle   = IntersectBranch
#ProfFuncSquare     = IntersectLeaf
#ProfFuncUp         =
#ProfFuncDown       =
#ProfFuncLeft       =
#ProfFuncRight      =

// 0 = no MSAA, 2 = 2x MSAA, 4 = 4x MSAA
MSAAType = 2
EnableWiiTTY = 0
EnableWiiHavokVDB = 0
EnableWiiScreenshots = 1

# Maximum Vertices that a scene can have. Above these thresholds,
# in-game visual asserts are triggered.
VertexThresholdForL1Alert = 130000
VertexThresholdForL2Alert = 350000

RemoveAllDebugData = 0


# tuning values for the event one liner.  all strings are non-case
#  sensitive
# file format
#  * tuning values for the one liner system
#  * list of events by sections
# tuning values for one liner system
#  "doNotRepeatIteration" - this allows the same one liner to play again
#		only if the number of other one liners indicated by this
#		value have already been played.  the maximum is set to 5
#		in code
# sections - order does not matter.
#  [<name of the event>] - must match the FMOD event name.  the game will
#		only use the first 32 characters in the name.  the rest
#		will be ignored.
#    "priority" - can be "high", "medium", or "low".  default is "medium"
#    "initDelayPlayTime - specifies on game start when is the ealiest
#		that this event can be played.  the code will read two
#		floating point values separated by a comma and randomly
#		pick a time in between them.  default is 0 to 2 seconds.
#    "delayRepeatInterval" - specifies when the same one liner can be
#		repeated.  this also take two values.

doNotRepeatIteration = 1

priority = low
initDelayPlayTime = 3, 5
delayRepeatInterval = 15,30

priority = medium
initDelayPlayTime = 1.5, 2.1
delayRepeatInterval = 2, 4

priority = medium
initDelayPlayTime = 1.5, 2.1
delayRepeatInterval = 2, 4

priority = medium
initDelayPlayTime = 1.5, 2.1
delayRepeatInterval = 2, 4

priority = medium
initDelayPlayTime = 1.5, 2.1
delayRepeatInterval = 6, 10

priority = medium
initDelayPlayTime = 1.5, 2.1
delayRepeatInterval = 6, 10

priority = medium
initDelayPlayTime = 1.5, 2.1
delayRepeatInterval = 6, 10

priority = medium
initDelayPlayTime = 1.5, 2.1
delayRepeatInterval = 6, 10

priority = medium
initDelayPlayTime = 1.5, 2.1
delayRepeatInterval = 6, 10


// Autogenerated by the GoodEditor
// Date: 4/7/2008 12:38:19 PM
// Author: brandon.booth

//RootMST = /WALE/Levels_Wii/Level_WA41/WA41.ho
//FirstDomain = /WALE/Levels_Wii/Level_WA41/WA41

// Region code is EN_US
Region = 1033

// WiiPC Memory Limitations (in MB)
// Use '0' to disable.
// MEM1Max must be reduced by the size of the elf
// MEM2Max must be reduced by 12MB for system memory and also DynaMem.
MEM1Max = 0
MEM2Max = 0
DynaMemMax = 0

EnableWiiTTY = 0
EnableWiiHavokVDB = 0
EnableWiiScreenshots = 0
NoMovies = 0
NoCutscenes = 0
NoMusic = 0
NoSoundFX = 0
ShowMenuOnBoot = 1
NoDamage = 0
LockFramerate = 30

Console Differences

While the 360 and Wii versions are near-identical to each other, there are a few differences between the two.

  • The Xbox 360 version renders at 1280×720, whereas the Wii version renders at 640×480.
  • The framerate is 60fps on Xbox 360, while it's stuck at 30fps on the Wii.
  • Various sound effects have been downsampled on the Wii. This is most noticeable with the collection sound made by the Happiness Nuggets.
  • The Xbox 360 has the FMVs rendered in widescreen, while the Wii has them rendered in fullscreen. This results in the FMVs being stretched when the Wii's display mode is set to widescreen:
Wii Xbox 360
TruthOrSquare Cutscene Wii.png TruthOrSquare Cutscene X360.png