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Nicktoons Winners Cup Racing

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Title Screen

Nicktoons Winners Cup Racing

Developer: Pronto Games
Publisher: ValuSoft
Platform: Windows
Released in US: February 15, 2006

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

A racing game based on Nicktoons Unite! that somehow has inferior graphics to its predecessor, despite being released much later.

Unused Graphics

Nickwinnerscup car-01-02.pngNickwinnerscup car03.png

car-01-02.png and car03.png are textures for a car apparently, despite being flat colors with the letter "A" pasted in rows.

Is the letter A a running theme?

testtex.png is a test texture, once again with the letter A.

Nickwinnerscup icon1.ico.jpg

In a Thumbs.db file is icon1.ico, which is just a black scribble.

Unused Models


Nickwinnerscup dcr.png

An untextured racer. Whether it's supposed to be a specific character or not is unknown.


Nickwinnerscup loco.png

An untextured and seemingly unfinished train.


Early Final
Errands? Errands? Errands? Nickwinnerscup sponge.png

An early model of SpongeBob with a different UV map.

Unused Audio


A low quality sound effect of something breaking.