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LEGO Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge (Game Boy Advance)

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Title Screen

LEGO Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge

Developer: Silicon Dreams
Publisher: LEGO Software
Platform: Game Boy Advance
Released in US: October 2, 2001
Released in EU: October 12, 2001

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
Retake most of the screenshots in Native Resolution

LEGO Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge for the Game Boy Advance is your typical handheld port of a 3D game. Compared to the console versions, it has decent music and feels slightly less rushed and incomplete, but that's about it.


Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.

Removed Minigames

There are some minigames in this version which seems to be removed completely. The information screens for these minigames are still existing, however trying to start any of these will crash the game.

Jet Lander (Early Version)

It seems like the Jet Lander minigame was changed at some point. Some text looks like it was planned that there were rocks floating around as obstacles like they are in the minigame 'Asteroid Belt'. Also rings are mentioned which would have given the player some bonus points when they went through. The final version is missing both. Interestingly, the controls page for this minigame is missing completely.

Water Scooter

It looks like there was a minigame planned to obtain a water scooter license after winning a race to be able to travel to Adventurer's Island with Johnny Thunder. In the final game this was replaced with a simple task to give Valerie Stubbins a can of fuel. The Water Scooter can be seen on the top-left corner of the worldmap of Adventurer's Island.

Desert Speedster

There are leftovers for a minigame which seems like it was planned to be the first minigame on Adventurer's Island. In the minigame information the Informaniac welcomes the player on Adventurer's Island and tells them to use the Desert Speedster to reach the Lost Pyramid. However, in the final game the Player directly goes to the Lost Pyramid.

Unused Items

The inventory in the game has a fixed slot for each item, however, some of them contain items which are not obtainable anywhere in the game.

Pepper's House Page

LEGOI2GBA-PeppersHousePage.png Pepper's house is deconstructed at the start of the game, however rather than Pepper needing to collect a page, Bill Ding immediately rebuilds the house, so this item and its corresponding text goes unused.

Trading Card

LEGOI2GBA-TradingCard.png Trading Cards are not completely unused, they appear on the overworld at several locations and when collecting they disappear and give the player a card for their card album. For some reason this item has its own inventory slot despite the fact that it never appears there.


LEGOI2GBA-Gem.png It seems like it was planned that the player received a gem at some point. Interesting is that the item's slot is after the one for the map while all other items are placed before the map.


LEGOI2GBA-Empty.png For some reason one inventory slot is reserved for an item called "Empty". While other unused inventory slots have no item description at all, this one has it for some reason.


Ten slots are reserved for items called "Fruit". It's likely that these slots are reserved for the delivery minigame of Maggie Post in which the player needs to collect fruits. The inventory can't be opened while doing so, making it impossible to see them normally. There are no item sprites for these items.

Super Ladder

One of the slots is labeled as "Super Ladder". It has no sprite but it might be possible that this was supposed to be the ladder which is used to reach the Jail at the end of the game. However, in the end game the ladder is placed automatically when rebuilding the Fire Station.

Shopping List

An inventory slot for an item called "Shopping List" exists in the game. There is no sprite for that item and the purpose of that item is unknown.

Unknown Items

There are several item sprites for items which have no inventory slot. Because item names are binded to the slots, these item's names are unknown.

Unused Text

To do:
There's quite a few place names on the text dump that don't seem to actually be part of the map, including places named after one of the developers. Check which ones are actually unused and add them here.

Jackhammer Dialogue

Alternative Version Final Version
Pepper: Hi there.
Worker: Hello Pepper.
Pepper: Great news. I've found your Jackhammer.
Worker: Wow Pepper, that's fantastic.
Worker: Now we can finish repairing the bridge.
Worker: Hello Pepper. You've found our missing Jackhammer!
Pepper: Yes, it was on the beach.
Worker: At last! Now we can finish fixing the bridge and you will be able to go across.
Worker: Thanks very much Pepper.
Pepper: Grad to be of service.

An alternative version of the dialogue when Pepper returns the Jackhammer, in which the builders seem somewhat less enthusiastic than in the dialogue actually used in the game.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

LEGO Island Globe

Along with the rest of the Informaniac's tutorial dialogue when you first enter the Club House is this string:

This is the LEGO Island Globe, where you can play multiplayer activities on the Island.

In addition, amongst strings describing the controls, the following can be seen:

Access Globe to play games on the island
Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: Are the other controls strings actually used? Also, are there any scans of the manual which mention the Globe or include it in screenshots?

It's not clear what this did, but it might have allowed some sort of co-op multiplayer when connected to another console, rather than just multiplayer minigames like in the actual game.

Tutorial Messages

That is a new icon, Pepper. It means that you can speak to the person near you.
That is a new icon, Pepper. It means that you can enter the building near you.
That is a new icon, Pepper. It means that you can enter the vehicle near you.
That's a new icon, Pepper. When you see this icon, you can retry a sub-game.

These are never displayed anywhere, but presumably these strings would be used to explain the HUD icons.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Development Text

Test Strings


A bunch of standard test strings.

Programmer Names & Build Dates

A bunch of programmer names followed by build dates are scattered throughout the ROM:

Jane Oldfield
11:02 Mon 05th Mar 2001
Jane Oldfield
12:53 Tue 06th Mar 2001
Jane Oldfield
14:49 Wed 18th Apr 2001
Jane Oldfield
16:21 Wed 18th Apr 2001
Jon Phillips
15:36 Wed 07th Feb 2001
11:36 Wed 11st Apr 2001
Malcolm Grant
15:33 Wed 29th Nov 2000
Malcolm Grant
13:43 Thu 21st Jun 2001
Andy Debus
20:39 Mon 12nd Mar 2001
Andy Debus
14:28 Mon 11st Jun 2001
Andy Debus
16:06 Fri 24th Nov 2000
Andy Debus
14:40 Tue 15th May 2001
Malcolm Grant
15:33 Wed 29th Nov 2000
Malcolm Grant
17:06 Sat 02nd Jun 2001
Andy Debus
16:06 Fri 24th Nov 2000
Phil Harris
19:32 Sat 09th Jun 2001
Jon Phillips
16:21 Wed 07th Feb 2001
Phil Harris
20:41 Wed 07th Feb 2001
Jane Oldfield
10:17 Wed 11st Apr 2001
Jane Oldfield
10:33 Wed 11st Apr 2001
Andy Debus
16:06 Fri 24th Nov 2000
Andy Debus
14:39 Sat 02nd Jun 2001
Sam Swain
15:02 Thu 14th Dec 2000
Sam Swain
16:03 Thu 14th Dec 2000
Phil Harris
17:22 Fri 19th Jan 2001
Phil Harris
10:33 Wed 25th Apr 2001
Andy Debus
14:22 Fri 23rd Feb 2001
09:03 Fri 15th Jun 2001
Andy Debus
14:50 Mon 05th Mar 2001
Sam Swain
14:42 Fri 30th Mar 2001
Andy Debus
11:58 Tue 20th Feb 2001
Andy Debus
10:09 Thu 24th May 2001
Jon Phillips
16:57 Mon 12nd Feb 2001
Phil Harris
19:49 Mon 12nd Feb 2001
Sam Swain
10:05 Tue 13rd Mar 2001
Sam Swain
20:34 Mon 30th Apr 2001
Andy Debus
15:46 Tue 27th Feb 2001
Matt Ritchie
08:27 Wed 30th May 2001
15:55 Wed 03rd Jan 2001
Jane Oldfield
12:48 Fri 12nd Jan 2001
Jane Oldfield
16:56 Thu 18th Jan 2001
Jane Oldfield
14:34 Fri 19th Jan 2001
Jane Oldfield
10:18 Thu 18th Jan 2001
Jane Oldfield
15:03 Thu 18th Jan 2001
Andy Debus
17:19 Wed 31st Jan 2001
Andy Debus
15:36 Wed 11st Apr 2001
Sam Swain
10:05 Tue 13rd Mar 2001
Andy Debus
14:41 Tue 12nd Jun 2001
Jon Phillips
15:24 Wed 07th Feb 2001
Jane Oldfield
08:23 Mon 02nd Apr 2001
Andy Debus
12:32 Thu 11st Jan 2001
13:34 Thu 10th May 2001
Andy Debus
16:26 Tue 23rd Jan 2001
Phil Harris
14:32 Wed 18th Apr 2001
Andy Lee
14:53 Tue 30th Jan 2001
Malcolm Grant
14:42 Mon 11st Jun 2001
Andy Debus
15:15 Thu 30th Nov 2000
Sam Swain
14:49 Fri 30th Mar 2001
Jon Phillips
14:47 Wed 07th Feb 2001
Phil Harris
19:03 Wed 07th Mar 2001

Debug Messages

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: The first string is loaded into memory when the game starts - what's this for?
Multiplayer already initialised
Multiplayer not initialised

A series of debug strings in the ROM which seem to be related to multiplayer.

No sequence controllers available

A further series of error message strings mostly related to sprite drawing routines.

Character paging synchronisation problem
Multiplayer data doesn't fit into buffers.

Further debug strings in the ROM. The purpose of these strings is unknown.

(Source: Original TCRF research)