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Judie no Atelier: Gramnad no Renkinjutsushi

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Title Screen

Judie no Atelier: Gramnad no Renkinjutsushi

Developer: Gust
Publisher: Gust
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in JP: June 27, 2002

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

Debug Menu

To do:
Document more of this debug menu. Not everything is covered on this page.

Like all of Gust's PlayStation 2 Atelier games before Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana, a fairly elaborate debug menu remains in this game as well. You can apply the following code for a cheat device that supports raw codes, such as a CodeBreaker or a GameShark to enable it.

Master Code (For an actual PS2 only)
901000A4 0C09AA77
Enable Debug Menu At Boot
0026A9EC 00000000

With the code above active, upon booting the game for the first time, you will come across the debug menu.

Atelier Judie Debug.png

Upon first boot, we will come across this screen. It's likely some of the names in this menu represent various developer names that worked on the game.


Atelier Judie HIGDON.png

This menu contains quite a bit of variety on what you can do here.

  • Selecting ipu will allow you to view all of the background images, such as town scenery.
  • Selecting movie will allow you to watch all the movies in the game.


Atelier Judie Tex2D.png Atelier Judie Tex2D2.png Atelier Judie Tex2D3.png

This menu will let you view all of the images in the game and adjust them to your leisure.


Atelier Judie sound.png

The sound test option. You can listen to all the music here, as well as SFX and voices.


Atelier Judie AnmObj.png

Entering this option will let you view all the standard sprites in the game, as well as their walking patterns.


Atelier Viorate DqEdit.png Atelier Viorate DqEdit2.png Atelier Viorate DqEdit3.png

A dungeon part editor can be seen here. You can even make entire new dungeons here. There is options to save the edits to a HDD, memory card, or a PC as well here. It's unclear how those options work.


Atelier Judie BtlTest.png Atelier Judie BtlTest2.png

This option allows you to enter test battles with your choice of enemies.


Atelier Judie BtlAnm.png

Much like the AnmObj debug option, this version allows you to view battle sprites and view their animations.


Atelier Judie Buc.png

In this option, you can view all of the character images and edit them here.


Atelier Judie Miscellaneous.png Atelier Judie Miscellaneous2.png

Just like this menu's name, this option contains various options.


Atelier Judie MORIKAWA.png

This menu contains various shop related debug options.


Atelier Judie KONISHI.png

Another menu with an assortment of options, such as map select tools, memory card viewer, and bonus menu debug tools.


Atelier Judie QV.png Atelier Judie QvTest.png Atelier Judie QvTest2.png

The level select option. This will allow you to jump to all the town maps in the game. Selecting QvPreview will take you to map specific cutscenes.


Atelier Judie Event.png Atelier Judie EventTEST00.png

This option allows you to view all of the event cutscenes in the game. Selecting Test00 will bring you to another debug menu.


Atelier Judie K.TAKAYANA.png

Another menu with an assortment of options, such as giving you the option to put any item in your basket.


Atelier Judie Y.TAKEZAWA.png

Another menu with a lot of options. You can check the HDD contents and install the game here it appears, as well as a lot of other options.

(Source: Original TCRF research)