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Guitar Hero (PlayStation 2)

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Title Screen

Guitar Hero

Developer: Harmonix
Publisher: RedOctane
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in US: November 1, 2005
Released in EU: April 7, 2006
Released in AU: June 15, 2006

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

To do:
Document Hidden Palace prototype & More information on Prototype Page

Finger trauma incoming!


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Unused Textures

The game uses a combination of loose and '.rnd_ps2' files for textures, most of the unused ones are found in the game's various textures folders.



Note: The poster textures have been clumped together in one single texture for the final version. The separate textures can be found inside 'venues\basement\textures\gen' .

The snake poster can be seen in the 'Making Guitar Hero Characters' video at 10:30 and the Flyer texture can be seen in the same place in the 'Making the venues' video at 10:20. It is also used as the texture for Axel Steel's highway.

The posters were most likely meant to be seen on the walls, and were not part of the actual wall itself.

  • The police car was originally meant to be seen behind the right window while the lights flash blue and red. The car is visible in the prototype, however.

Freak Pit

Prototype Final
Harmonix banner.png Harmonix banner2.png

The red texture was originally meant to be in the Freak Pit venue, as seen here. It was later replaced with a blue version. The red banner can still be seen in the final version if you play the multiplayer mode.

  • The arcade cabinet and jukebox do not appear in the final build of the game. They can be seen on the right side of the screen here at 2:51. A pinball cabinet can be seen in the concept art in the 'Making the Venues' video at 1:53.
  • The bathroom door does not appear in the final build, however two door cutouts can be seen in concept art in the 'Making the Venues' video at 1:50 and 1:53. The bathroom door can possibly be seen here at 3:35 on the middle-left side of the screen.
  • The Budeiser Banner and curtain texture do not appear in any pre-release footage, but it is worthy to point out that the Budeiser Banner does use the same effect and color as the red Harmonix banner. It is safe to assume that the banner was cut pretty early in development.
  • The 'dude' texture has no model associated with it, nor is it known where it would appear. This may be just concept art, as seen in the 'Making the Venues' video at 1:56.
  • The Exit sign texture can also be found inside the files for Red Octane Club. In this venue it would appear above the exit doors, which earlier in development were on the opposite side of the venue. It can be seen here at 3:31. The model for the exit sign can still be found in the files, and it is hidden behind a wall in this venue. It does not use any textures, however.
  • The Fen Cab texture has no model associated with it, and it is not known where it would appear. It looks to be a really early or possibly even a concept texture.

Red Octane Club

Some of the textures seen here can be seen in the 'Making the venues' video at 4:18.

UI Elements:

Career Art

Guitar Hero-UI-Career art.png

This texture itself is self explanatory, but where exactly it was used is currently unknown.

Edit Hero

Guitar Hero-UI-Career edithero focus.png

This texture suggests that at one point in development, you could customize your 'hero'. This idea was possibly used in Guitar Hero II, where you can select different versions of your character, but full character customization wasn't implemented until Guitar Hero: World Tour.


Guitar Hero-UI-Character unknown.png

This is an unused menu texture, however its purpose is unknown. Another texture in the game shows this with artwork of Axel Steel on it (Seen below). This could possibly be an early hero selection screen.

Char Select

Guitar Hero-UI-Char select.png

This is possibly another early hero selection screen. The file name suggests that it was used as a hero selection screen.

Unused Songs

To do:
Codes for the second song.

There are two extra tracks that are inaccessible without cheat devices.


This track, *Trippolette by Andraleia "Andi" Buch (credited under her deadname), was cut from the game because, to quote a designer who worked on the games, it was "snuck onto the disc by someone in QA without the dev team knowing until too late. Needless to say, [s]he doesn't work at Harmonix anymore." However, Buch has stated multiple times publicly that this was untrue, that the developers failed to clean up the unused files, and that she asked for permission to release the codes given below. Buch herself has been kind enough to set up a page with codes for every device out there to replace the song "Guitar Hero" with Trippolette. It is also possible to hack the game to add it to the setlist alongside the other songs, or to import it into the Guitar Hero 2 engine.

The in-game name for the song is "advharmony", which is taken from what it was derived from: Buch's Advanced Modal Harmony final project. In the September 8, 2005 prototype, the song is entitled “Advanced Harmony: Final Project”. The presence of this song on the prototype's songlist, with full metadata, casts doubt on the cited claim above regarding the track being "snuck onto the disc".

Version Code
GameShark 2v3
GameShark 2v4
2044CD38 64612F73
2044CD3C 72616876
2044CD40 796E6F6D
2044CD44 7664612F
2044CD48 6D726168
2044CD4C 00796E6F
2044CD54 64612F73
2044CD58 72616876
2044CD5C 796E6F6D
2044CD60 7664612F
2044CD64 6D726168
2044CD68 2E796E6F
2044CD6C 0064696D
205CBAF0 6E656857
205CBAF4 646E4120
205CBAF8 73692079
205CBAFC 2074276E
205CBB00 6B636168
205CBB04 2C676E69
205CBB08 20656820
205CBB0C 706D6F63
205CBB10 7365736F
205CBB14 20746120
205CBB18 6B726542
205CBB1C 0065656C
205CAD20 00796F4A
20545760 72646E41
20545764 42207765
20545768 00686375
205459D0 6972542A
205459D4 6C6F7070
205459D8 65747465
GamsShark v5 2044CD38 64612F73
2044CD3C 72616876
2044CD40 796E6F6D
2044CD44 7664612F
2044CD48 6D726168
2044CD4C 00796E6F
2044CD54 64612F73
2044CD58 72616876
2044CD5C 796E6F6D
2044CD60 7664612F
2044CD64 6D726168
2044CD68 2E796E6F
2044CD6C 0064696D
205CBAF0 6E656857
205CBAF4 646E4120
205CBAF8 73692079
205CBAFC 2074276E
205CBB00 6B636168
205CBB04 2C676E69
205CBB08 20656820
205CBB0C 706D6F63
205CBB10 7365736F
205CBB14 20746120
205CBB18 6B726542
205CBB1C 0065656C
205CAD20 00796F4A
20545760 72646E41
20545764 42207765
20545768 00686375
205459D0 6972542A
205459D4 6C6F7070
205459D8 65747465
Action Replay Max H6GQ-TAN4-Q0PAW
GameShark 2v2
Action Replay 2v2
DEBA29B2 2E0A03F9
DEBA29BE 35170AF0
DEBA2942 BC2209F2
DEBA2956 2E0A03F9
DEBA2952 35170AF0
DEBA2966 EA2209F2
DEBA2962 BC0D04F0
DE4244EE 2A0E03DA
DE4244EA 2017DCA3
DE4244F6 2F12BBFC
DE4244F2 DC1DC2F1
DE423BFA E81009EC
DE423B86 DC0E03A3
DE423B82 2C160AE6
DE423B8E 2F0E0EF2
DE423B96 271B00C5
DE423B92 BC0E00EF
DE42499E BC220ACD
DE4AA75E 2E0D09C4
DE4AA5CA 28180BF3
DE4AA5D6 211D0FE8
GameShark 2v1
Action Replay 2v1
1CD34E60 F8750098
1CD34E64 E6753F93
1CD34E68 DB70407A
1CD34E70 EF64467D
1CD34E74 145D417C
1CD34E7C F8750098
1CD34E80 E6753F93
1CD34E84 DB70407A
1CD34E88 EA7A46BC
1CD34E8C EF64467D
1CD34E90 325D417C
1CD34E94 147A3E7A
1CCB3D18 F2793F74
1CCB3D1C F87026C5
1CCB3D20 E56D078E
1CCB3D24 346A087B
1CCB3C28 ED73467D
1CCB3C2C 3077417E
1CCB3C30 34793FC5
1CCB3C34 E4714088
1CCB3C38 E579347C
1CCB3C3C 346A46C5
1CCB3C40 ED644A67
1CCB3C44 14794A79
1CCB2E48 145D405F
1CC3D888 E67A4166
1CC3D88C D6363882
1CC3D890 146E4492
1CC3DAFC F06F3795
1CC3DA00 F76A3B82

(Source: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?action=showpost&postid=386411204&forumid=44)

Graveyard Shift

Oddly, the author of this track isn't listed in-game, though Harmonix has reported that an employee named Aaron is the author of this song. The September 8, 2005 prototype lists an artist name of “Gurney”.

(Source: http://www.scorehero.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=137236#137236)