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Forza Motorsport

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Title Screen

Forza Motorsport

Developer: Turn 10 Studios[1]
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios[1]
Platform: Xbox
Released in JP: May 12, 2005[1]
Released in US: May 3, 2005[1]
Released in EU: May 13, 2005[1]

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

To do:


  • Graphics, mostly backgrounds.
  • Unused text strings in other languages (including E3/Trial stuff).
  • Debug strings. Lots, and lots of debug strings (& possible crashlog).

E3/Trial Leftovers

  • Extract ico_tracks_e3.xpr.
  • E3 car list differences.
  • Various other ini files reference E3.
    • layercolorscreen.ini
    • layerdecalscreen.ini
    • layereditmenu.ini
    • layerpositionscreen.ini
    • layerselectmenu.ini
    • layerstylemenu.ini
    • liveryselectmenu.ini
    • liveryvinylscreen.ini

Forza Motorsport was Microsoft's answer to Sony's insanely popular Gran Turismo series. With 231 cars from 70 different manufactueurs, this game kickstarted a whole franchise for the company, following it up with sequels and a series of open-world games. Despite several delays between November 2004 and April 2005, the game was well received.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Xbox-ForzaMotorsport-bkgd intenttolocalize-1.png
E3 2004 & Trial Version leftovers
They didn't try to hide it.

Unused Graphics

To do:
Rip xbox_logo.xpr

Early Arcade/Career Backgrounds

A handful of early backgrounds for the Arcade Mode and Career Mode still exist, which have much more color than the game's typical white & silver backgrounds. These backgrounds all depict the same frame of a wheel with various UI elements drawn on top of them. These backgrounds can only be seen briefly in-game if you were to have access to the debug mode.

Some *.ini files still reference bkgd_ar_main.xpr and bkgd_ar_trksele.xpr, but because these backgrounds are covered up by other backgrounds, they can never be seen.

Early Swoosh/Arc Backgrounds

Two early revisions of the Swoosh/Arc background, lacking any details or fiber. The oval is also bigger in size, as seen in some early builds. Some *.ini files reference bkgd-arc-50.xpr, which is either covered up by other backgrounds or only present in E3-related files, confirming that this background was used around the E3 2004 demo.



A simple cursor for highlighting something on the UI. It has a similar style to the graphic below.



A very robust graphic of an early title screen, depicting a more blue/halo style for the game that can be seen across similar files. It seems as the game was simply known as "Forza" during this part of development. Part of this title screen was used for the Trial Version icon, but this wasn't visible without viewing the icon with a custom dashboard.



A placeholder wait icon with slots for 5 frames.


Unused Text & Scripts

Early Drivatar Menu

Leftovers from an early Drivatar Lessons menu exists in "media\cabs\Mega.ca2\drivatarlessons\ser00001.xml".

  • The title of the menu reads "Peter sez you'll never read this!", probably referring to Peter Chapman, one of the game's developers.
  • The Drivatar's default name is "Brumitt".
  • All the descriptions are unfinished. Each one starts with "Lesson at" and names every track by their internal name.
Description Track Title
Lesson at Tsukuba Tsukuba Circuit
Lesson at Fig Jam Blue Mountains Raceway
Lesson at Farmers Lip Maple Valley Raceway
Lesson at Tokyo Tokyo Circuit
Lesson at Road America Road America
  • Each option uses a deleted flythrough video from Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca (d:\media\frontend\Laguna.xmv).
  • All lesson display names are numbered by numbers instead of worlds (Lesson #1 became Lesson One).

Extras Menu

An option that would've been on the main menu. This is where the credits would've been, but was ultimately moved to the Options menu.

String Text
IDS_MainMenu_Extras Extras
IDS_MainMenu_Extras_Help See game demos, and view credits.

Vince's Feedback

Present in "media\cabs\Mega.ca2\vince\vince.ini" is a leftover document detailing some information for receiving player test results from an early build of the game, servers and upload page included! The build date suggests this was from a build from March 10th 2003 - more than a year before the game's reveal at E3.

Although the survey questions and backdrop are absent, they are present in a prototype build.


[Logging and Log Uploading]


Xbox Demos

An option in the Extras menu to play other Xbox demos that would've been bundled on the disc. There's no known release of the game with bundled demos.

String Text
IDS_TitleScreen_XboxDemos Xbox Demos
IDS_TitleScreen_XboxDemos_Help View demos of other Xbox games.

Build Dates

In each release, present at 0x48A604 in the game's *.xbe is some build info. This info is ordered by entry (Forza Motorsport 2 would have this set to 2), year, month, day and revision. Revision 1 is a later print exclusive to North America containing the Xbox Live Arcade through a CDX menu.

Rev 0 (Worldwide) Rev 1 (Exclusive to NA)
Build Info
Simplified March 28th, 2005
Revision 59858
June 17th, 2005
Revision 60055

Miscellaneous Scrapped Features

Some scrapped content has more than just a single graphic or string. Sometimes, there's even complete inaccessible menus.

Downloadable Content

Despite the back of the box showing that "Content Download" isn't ticked off, there's still leftovers in the final game suggesting that downloadable content (or just DLC for short) was planned - and perhaps even made at some point during development. A majority of DLC was distributed online through Xbox Live, or physically on Xbox demo discs, such as OXM, Xbox Exhibition, or even sold at retail like any other game. This DLC would then be saved onto your Xbox's hard drive and display an icon on the Xbox dashboard when content is installed.

Present in the final game are not only strings, but even dashboard icons (media\cabs\MegaXPR.ca2\frontend) for three unique downloadable courses and one car (though this could've been for any car). The track icons are unique, as they show a minimap of the courses they would've been for. None of these minimaps are similar to the tracks seen in-game either, though there is a possibility that any of the deleted courses listed in the course list would've been downloadable. Why DLC was scrapped to begin with is unknown, though it's possible this ended on the chopping block after several delays.

Xbox-ForzaMotorsport-dashboard dlc 01-1.png Xbox-ForzaMotorsport-dashboard dlc 02-1.png Xbox-ForzaMotorsport-dashboard dlc 03-1.png Xbox-ForzaMotorsport-dashboard dlc 04-1.png

A couple of related string indicators exist in media\Loc\X\UIStrings.str (X can be any of the language folders) next to a bunch of Xbox Live related strings.

String Text
IDS_DLC_Generic_Warning Download new cars and tracks as they become available on Xbox Live.
IDS_DLC_Track This track must be downloaded first. Please go to Xbox Live / Downloads.
IDS_DLC_Cars Cars must be downloaded first. Please go to Xbox Live / Downloads.
IDS_DLC_Track_And_Cars Both cars and tracks must be downloaded first. Please go to Xbox Live / Downloads.
; Downloadable Content (DLC)

Free Run "Drift" Mode

To do:
Is this accessible in any way?

A fourth mode is listed in between Autocross and Point to Point titled "Drift". Drift likely would've been a mode where you had to hit corners and rack up a high score, a concept similar to that of Project Gotham Racing, where the better the drift, the more Kudos you'd receive. It appears this mode was largely finished, as several tracks have a special "Drift" string, *.xml files exist for each of these tracks will offsets and mode settings, and a result screen all still exists. Why this mode was scrapped to begin with is unknown.

String Track Title
IDS_Track_Name_Laguna_Drift Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca
IDS_Track_Name_MapleValleyDrift Maple Valley Raceway
IDS_Track_Name_JapaneseMtnStage1Drift Fujimi Kaido Hill Climb A
IDS_Track_Name_JapaneseMtnStage2Drift Fujimi Kaido Hill Climb B
IDS_Track_Name_JapaneseMtnStage1DriftR Fujimi Kaido Down Hill A
IDS_Track_Name_JapaneseMtnStage2DriftR Fujimi Kaido Down Hill B
IDS_Track_Name_TsukubaDrift Tsukuba Circuit
IDS_Track_Name_RovalDrift Sunset Peninsula Infield
IDS_Track_Name_TokyoDrift Tokyo Circuit
IDS_Track_Name_RoadAtlantaDrift Road Atlanta
IDS_Track_Name_RioDrift Rio De Janeiro Circuit
IDS_Track_Name_NewYorkDrift New York Circuit
IDS_Track_Name_NurburgringSectionADrift Nürburgring North
IDS_Track_Name_NurburgringSectionBDrift Nürburgring East
IDS_Track_Name_NurburgringSectionCDrift Nürburgring South
IDS_Track_Name_NurburgringSectionDDrift Nürburgring West
IDS_Track_Name_RoadAmericaDrift Road America
IDS_Track_Name_FigJamDrift Blue Mountains Raceway
IDS_Track_Name_SilverStoneShortDrift Silverstone Circuit
IDS_Track_Name_Alpine_YodelDrift Missing track title.
IDS_Track_Name_VancouverDrift Pacific Shipyards

Some text strings exist as well for for the main menu, including mentions of leaderboards and ranks.

String Text
IDS_Event_Drift_Help No text.
IDS_FreeRun_Drift_Title No text.
IDS_FreeRun_Drift_Description No text.
IDS_Scoreboards_TabName_Drift No text.
IDS_PlayerStats_Live_DriftRank Drift Rank
IDS_PlayerStats_Live_Drift Drift
; Free Run
; P2P
; Class Info

Scrapped/Deleted Tracks

Present in \media\Loc\X\TrackString.str (X can be any of the other folders) is a full list of every track for the game. A number of tracks listsed were either renamed, scrapped or deleted entirely from the final game, including a handful of tracks that were probably planned as DLC. Half of these tracks are listed as "drift" tracks, and it's not known what these could've been for. All of the tracks in tracks.xml have some file paths leftover.

String Track Title Present in tracks.xml Notes
IDS_Track_Name_Grail Grail No
IDS_Track_Name_SunsetDrag Sunset Peninsula Drag Strip No
IDS_Track_Name_FarmersLipWet Maple Valley Raceway Wet No
IDS_Track_Name_Physics Test Track Infield Yes Present in prototype version.
IDS_Track_Name_QuickPreviewNoPVS Quick Preview (no PVS) Yes Placeholder track title when no PVS files are present.
IDS_Track_Name_QuickPreview Quick Preview Yes Placeholder track title.
IDS_Track_Name_Laguna_Andretti_Hairpin Laguna Seca - Andretti Hairpin No
IDS_Track_Name_Laguna_Corkscrew Laguna Seca - Corkscrew No
IDS_Track_Name_LagunaSecaReverse Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca II No
IDS_Track_Name_TestTrack2 Test Track 2 Yes Present in prototype version.
IDS_Track_Name_AsianSpringtime Asian Spring Time Yes
IDS_Track_Name_Autocross11 Autocross 11 No
IDS_Track_Name_LagunaSecatrial Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca No Leftover from the trial version.


<track RosettaName="N/A" 
		name="Physics" tracknameid="18" trackSegCamsFile="d:\media\tracks\Physics\TrackSegCams.xml"
		collisionFile="d:\media\tracks\Physics\QuickPreview1.col" pitCamsFile="d:\media\tracks\DefaultPitCams.xml"
		resourceFile="d:\media\tracks\Physics\QuickPreview1.xbp" pvsFile="d:\media\tracks\Physics\QuickPreview1.pvs"
		dataFile="d:\media\tracks\Physics\physics.xml" modelName="MODEL_QuickPreview" audioFile="\Audio\CommonTrack"
		loadMode="NotUsingPVS" reverseSplines="false" swapInnerOuter="false" Ordinal="22" trackIdentifier="Physics"
		ZoneWindowLeadCount="1" aiReady="false" length="5000" icon="0" collObjsFile="d:\media\tracks\physics\CollObjs.xml" />

The icon for the track is present in media\cabs\MegaXPR.ca2\frontend\ico_tracklogo_sm.xpr.

Xbox-ForzaMotorsport-TrackLogo Physics-2.png

Quick Preview (no PVS)

<track RosettaName="N/A" 
		name="QuickPreview NoPVS" tracknameid="19" trackSegCamsFile="d:\media\tracks\QuickPreview\TrackSegCams.xml"
		collisionFile="d:\media\tracks\QuickPreview\QuickPreview1.col" pitCamsFile="d:\media\tracks\DefaultPitCams.xml"
		resourceFile="d:\media\tracks\QuickPreview\QuickPreview1.xbp" pvsFile="d:\media\tracks\QuickPreview\QuickPreview1.pvs"
		dataFile="d:\media\tracks\QuickPreview\QuickPreview.xml" modelName="MODEL_QuickPreview"
		audioFile="\Audio\CommonTrack" loadMode="NotUsingPVS" reverseSplines="false" swapInnerOuter="false"
		Ordinal="23" trackIdentifier="QuickPreview" ZoneWindowLeadCount="1" aiReady="false" />

Quick Preview

<track RosettaName="N/A" 
		name="QuickPreview UsePVS" tracknameid="20" trackSegCamsFile="d:\media\tracks\QuickPreview\TrackSegCams.xml"
		collisionFile="d:\media\tracks\QuickPreview\QuickPreview1.col" pitCamsFile="d:\media\tracks\DefaultPitCams.xml"
		resourceFile="d:\media\tracks\QuickPreview\QuickPreview1.xbp" pvsFile="d:\media\tracks\QuickPreview\QuickPreview1.pvs"
		dataFile="d:\media\tracks\QuickPreview\QuickPreview.xml" modelName="MODEL_QuickPreview"
		audioFile="\Audio\CommonTrack" loadMode="UsingPVS" reverseSplines="false" swapInnerOuter="false"
		Ordinal="24" trackIdentifier="QuickPreview" ZoneWindowLeadCount="1" aiReady="false" />

A folder with some leftover files is present in media\cabs\Mega.ca2\tracks\quickpreview.

Test Track 2

<track RosettaName="N/A" 
		name="TestTrack2" displayName="TestTrack2" tracknameid="39" trackSegCamsFile="d:\media\tracks\TestTrack2\TrackSegCams.xml"
		collisionFile="d:\media\tracks\TestTrack2\QuickPreview1.col" pitCamsFile="d:\media\tracks\TestTrack2\PitCams.xml"
		resourceFile="d:\media\tracks\TestTrack2\QuickPreview1.xbp" pvsFile="d:\media\tracks\TestTrack2\QuickPreview1.pvs"
		dataFile="d:\media\tracks\TestTrack2\QuickPreview.xml" modelName="MODEL_QuickPreview"
		audioFile="\Tracks\TestTrack" loadMode="NotUsingPVS" reverseSplines="false" swapInnerOuter="false"
		Ordinal="43" trackIdentifier="TestTrack2" ZoneWindowLeadCount="1" aiReady="false"
		length="5000" minimap="33" icon="0" />

Asian Spring Time

<track RosettaName="N/A" 
		name="AsianSpringtime" tracknameid="76" trackIdentifier="AsianSpringtime" trackSegCamsFile="d:\media\tracks\AsianSpringtime\TrackSegCams.xml"
		collisionFile="d:\media\tracks\AsianSpringtime\QuickPreview1.col" pitCamsFile="d:\media\tracks\AsianSpringtime\PitCams.xml"
		resourceFile="d:\media\tracks\AsianSpringtime\QuickPreview1.xbp" pvsFile="d:\media\tracks\AsianSpringtime\QuickPreview1.pvs"
		dataFile="d:\media\tracks\AsianSpringtime\QuickPreview.xml" audioFile="\Audio\CommonTrack"
		modelName="MODEL_QuickPreview" loadMode="UsingPVS" reverseSplines="false" swapInnerOuter="true"
		aiReady="false" Ordinal="81" ZoneWindowLeadCount="1" length="5000"
		minimap="0" icon="0" />

All AI/Drivatar files are still present in media\cabs\Mega.ca2\ai\drivatarv2.

Road America II

An icon exists in media\cabs\MegaXPR.ca2\frontend\ico_tracklogo_sm.xpr, but isn't referenced by anything else in the game.


Name Entry Cheats

There are two profile names you can enter on the name entry screen to give yourself a boost in the campaign mode, both of which are cAsE sEnSiTiVe.

  • "nOsLiW" grants you level 50, unlocking every challenge and every track from the start.
  • "tEAm4za" grants you 900,000,000 credits, unlocking every car and available car customizations from the start. Team 4za is interesting in this case, as it was the name of the development team before getting canned from the final game entirely. They even had a unique logo! This profile name - and some other file names - are the only leftovers in the game of this team's existence.
