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Fire Emblem: Three Houses/Unused Items

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This is a sub-page of Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

There are multiple items in the game's data that cannot be seen during normal gameplay.

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: Are they fully functional? Do the unused meals have item icons?


Icon Name (JP) Name (EN) Level Mt Wt Hit Crit Rng Uses Worth Description text (JP) Description text (EN) Notes
FE3H-sword relic.png 闇剣ブルトガング Dark Blutgang Sword: E 13 7 80 0 1 20 (TBA) 遺産“ブルトガング”を模した剣
A sword created using ancient technology,
modeled after the Relic Blutgang.
Similar to the Relic replicas used by enemies in Verdant Wind's last chapter, a Dark Blutgang can be found in the game's code.
It's set to use the same model as the real Blutgang, though without its glowing effect (as is typical for the replica Relics), and to deal damage based on the Magic stat.
FE3H-sword black.png リディル Ridill Sword: C 11 11 80 0 1-2 50 (TBA) 魔法武器
This magical sword is the preferred weapon of
Priest Thales.
Meant to be Thales's signature weapon. Deals damage based on the Magic stat.
Has a unique model, and uses a trailing purple graphics effect when attacking. Can be repaired using Agarthium, like other weapons associated with Agartha.
The sword does actually appear as a weapon obtainable in the New Game+ of the game's spin-off, Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, although it is unusable by Thales in that game, despite the description still calling it his "weapon of choice".
FE3H-crest stone.png 鋭利な翼 Sharp Wings -- 9 1 90 5 1 -- (TBA) 巨鳥の鋭利な両翼 The blade-like wings of a giant bird. A monster weapon likely meant for the Giant Bird class.


Icon Name (JP) Name (EN) Level Mt Wt Hit Crit Rng Uses Description text (JP) Description text (EN) Notes
FE3H-white magic.png トーチ Torch Faith: E -- -- -- -- 1-2 10 魔力に応じた範囲の視界を広げる
On battlefields with limited vision, expand the
range of sight based on Mag.
Prior Fire Emblem games that featured fog of war had both a consumable torch item and a magic staff to clear the fog; this spell would have been the Three Houses white magic counterpart for the latter. Likely unused for being too situational.
Despite being set in its item data to have the same effect value as the Torch item as well as to inflict the Torch status effect, it isn't actually functional when hacked onto a unit's spell list in-game.


Icon Name (JP) Name (EN) Description text (JP) Description text (EN) Effect Notes
FE3H-staff.png トマシュ杖 Tomas's Staff 書庫番のトマシュが愛用する杖 A staff used habitually by Tomas, the librarian. Weight: 0 A staff likely intended to be wielded briefly by Tomas during Chapter 8's story mission. Model seems to be that of the staff that Tomas normally carries, but its animations don't appear to function properly.
FE3H-shield.png 重装兵の盾 Armored Soldier Shield -- -- Weight: 0 Model matches that of the shield wielded by an Armored Knight that doesn't have any specific shield item equipped.
FE3H-shield.png 重装騎兵の盾 Armored Knight Shield -- -- Weight: 0 Model matches that of the shield wielded by a Great Knight that doesn't have any specific shield item equipped.
FE3H-shield.png 要塞兵の盾 Fortress Soldier Shield -- -- Weight: 0 Model matches that of the shield wielded by a Fortress Knight that doesn't have any specific shield item equipped.
FE3H-shield.png 炎の盾 Flame Shield -- -- Weight: 0 Model matches that of the shield wielded by a Flame Emperor that doesn't have any specific shield item equipped.
FE3H-shield.png 女帝の盾 Emperor Shield -- -- Weight: 0 Model matches that of the shield wielded by an Armored Lord or Emperor that doesn't have any specific shield item equipped.

(Source: fedatamine, SmoothAsFelt (testing and images), DeathChaos (testing), original TCRF research)


Icon Name (JP) Name (EN) Description text (JP) Description text (EN) Effect Notes
FE3H-seal.png 複合試験パス Combined Seal 複合職の資格試験を受けられる。 Allows unit to take the certification exam for a
combined class.
Unknown A class-change item intended for the unused combined/composite class type.
(TBA) 料理0 Grilled Duck -- -- Unknown Matches an unused meal. Has unique values coded for its usage effect, item type, and item icon, but the in-game effects of these are currently unknown.
(TBA) 料理1 Fried Boar -- -- Unknown Same as above.
(TBA) 料理2 Magical Herb Salad -- -- Unknown Same as above.
(TBA) 料理3 Dried Plums -- -- Unknown Same as above.
(TBA) 料理4 Pike Casserole -- -- Unknown Same as above.
(TBA) 料理5 Bear & Vegetable Soup -- -- Unknown Same as above.
(TBA) 料理6 Fried Gar -- -- Unknown Same as above.
(TBA) 料理7 Fried Queen Koi -- -- Unknown Same as above.
(TBA) 料理8 Sculpin Gratin -- -- Unknown Same as above.
(TBA) 料理9 Grilled Wolverine & Herbs -- -- Unknown Same as above.
(TBA) 料理10 Grilled Duck + -- -- Unknown Same as above.
(TBA) 料理11 Fried Boar + -- -- Unknown Same as above.
(TBA) 料理12 Magical Herb Salad + -- -- Unknown Same as above.
(TBA) 料理13 Dried Plums + -- -- Unknown Same as above.
(TBA) 料理14 Pike Casserole + -- -- Unknown Same as above.
(TBA) 料理15 Bear & Vegetable Soup + -- -- Unknown Same as above.
(TBA) 料理16 Fried Gar + -- -- Unknown Same as above.
(TBA) 料理17 Fried Queen Koi + -- -- Unknown Same as above.
(TBA) 料理18 Sculpin Gratin + -- -- Unknown Same as above.
(TBA) 料理19 Grilled Wolverine & Herbs + -- -- Unknown Same as above.
(TBA) 料理20 Albinea Juice -- -- Cures poisoning. Matches an unused meal, and its effect on use matches the description there. Has unique values coded for its item type and item icon, but the in-game effects of these are currently unknown.
(TBA) 料理21 Grilled Chicken & Herbs -- -- Restores 20 HP. Same as above.
(TBA) 料理22 Roast Duck -- -- Restores 50 HP. Same as above.
(TBA) 料理23 Grilled Chicken & Herbs + -- -- Restores 40 HP. Same as above.
(TBA) 料理24 Roast Duck + -- -- Restores 99 HP. Same as above.


Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: Do they use any icons? Are they fully functional? What class models do Cliff Bandit Marksmen and Pirate Marksmen use on the map?

There are many unused battalions in the game's code. Most of them seem to have been meant for specific enemy factions which never deploy them in the final game.

Icon Name (JP) Name (EN) Description text (JP) Description text (EN) Rank Endu-
Gambit Model Notes
FE3H-Cavalry.png 古代騎兵団 Ancient Cavalry 古の技術によって復活した
Long-dead cavalry, revived with the power of
ancient technology.
E 75 +3/+5 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+0 -5/-5 +0/+2 +0/+0 +1/+1 Assault Troop Cavalier (Lance) Internally assigned to the enemy Paladins in Verdant Wind Chapter 22, but as these enemies are set to not use battalions, it goes unseen in the final game.
FE3H-Infantry.png 古代魔道団 Ancient Sorcerers 古の技術によって復活した
Long-dead magic users, revived with the power of
ancient technology.
E 75 -5/-5 +2/+4 +0/+0 +0/+0 -5/-5 +0/+2 +2/+4 +1/+1 Resonant Flames Dark Mage (Magic) Likely meant to be used by normal enemies in Verdant Wind Chapter 22.
FE3H-Flier.png 古代飛竜団 Ancient Wyvern Co. 古の技術によって復活した
Long-dead wyvern riders, revived with the power of
ancient technology.
E 75 +2/+4 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+0 -5/-5 +0/+2 +1/+3 +3/+3 Lure Wyvern Rider (Lance) Internally assigned to the enemy Wyvern Lords in Verdant Wind Chapter 22, but as these enemies are set to not use battalions, it goes unseen in the final game.
FE3H-Flier.png 山賊天馬兵団 Bandit Pegasus Corps ペガサスに乗った山賊たち A battalion of pegasus-riding bandits. E 60 +2/+4 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+0 +1/+5 +0/+2 +3/+5 +5/+5 Disturbance Pegasus Knight (Lance) --
FE3H-Infantry.png 山賊の射撃部隊 Cliff Bandit Marksmen 弓を得意とする山賊たち Cliff bandits skilled with bows. E 75 -1/-1 +0/+0 +5/+10 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+2 +0/+0 +1/+1 Disturbance (TBA) (Bow) --
FE3H-Flier.png 闇の飛竜隊 Dark Wyvern Co. 闇に蠢く者たちで構成された
Wyvern riders who accompany those who slither
in the dark.
E 75 +1/+3 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+0 +5/+15 +1/+3 +0/+0 +1/+1 Disturbance Wyvern Rider (Axe) Internally assigned to the enemy Falcon Knights and Wyvern Lords in Silver Snow Chapter 20/Verdant Wind Chapter 21, but as these enemies are set to not use battalions, it goes unseen in the final game.
FE3H-Cavalry.png ドミニク騎士団 Dominic Cavalry ドミニク家の騎士団 An order of knights belonging to House Dominic. E 75 +1/+3 +0/+0 +10/+20 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+2 +0/+0 +1/+1 Assault Troop Cavalier (Lance) Likely meant to be used by the boss of the paralogue Weathervanes of Fódlan.
FE3H-Infantry.png ダスカー歩兵団 Duscur Infantry ダスカー人の歩兵部隊 Proud warriors of Duscur, fighting to reclaim what was lost. E 75 +1/+3 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+0 -10/-10 +1/+3 +0/+0 +1/+1 Onslaught Mercenary (Sword) Identical in name and description to a used battalion, but uses a different stat spread and model.
FE3H-Armored.png 強化古代重装団 Enhanced Heavy Co. 古の技術によって復活し、
Armored infantry, revived and enhanced with the power of
ancient technology.
E 75 +1/+3 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+0 -10/-10 +2/+4 +0/+0 +1/+1 Group Lance Attack Armored Knight (Lance) Likely meant to be used by one of the Ten Elites in Verdant Wind Chapter 22.
FE3H-Infantry.png 強化古代魔道団 Enhanced Sorcerers 古の技術によって復活し、
Once-dead magic users, revived and enhanced with the
power of ancient technology.
E 75 -5/-5 +4/+6 +0/+0 +0/+0 -5/-5 +0/+2 +4/+6 +1/+1 Resonant Lightning Dark Mage (Magic) Likely meant to be used by one of the Ten Elites in Verdant Wind Chapter 22.
FE3H-Flier.png 強化古代飛竜団 Enhanced Wyvern Co. 古の技術によって復活し、
Once-dead wyvern riders, revived and enhanced with the
power of ancient technology.
E 75 +2/+4 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+0 -10/-10 +0/+2 +2/+4 +3/+3 Poison Tactic Wyvern Rider (Lance) Internally assigned to Fraldarius and Dominic in Verdant Wind Chapter 22, but as these enemies are set to not use battalions, it goes unseen in the final game.
FE3H-Infantry.png 謎の魔法隊 Mysterious Magic Corps 正体不明の魔道士部隊 Magic users of unknown identity. E 75 +0/+0 +1/+3 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+2 +1/+3 +1/+1 Group Flames Dark Mage (Magic) --
FE3H-Infantry.png 海賊の射撃部隊 Pirate Marksmen 弓を得意とする海賊たち Pirates skilled with bows. E 75 -1/-1 +0/+0 +5/+10 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+2 +0/+0 +1/+1 Disturbance (TBA) (Bow) --
FE3H-Flier.png 海賊天馬兵団 Pirate Pegasus Corps ペガサスに乗った海賊たち A battalion of pegasus-riding pirates. E 60 +2/+4 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+0 +1/+5 +0/+2 +3/+5 +5/+5 Disturbance Pegasus Knight (Lance) --
FE3H-Infantry.png 暴れる村人たち Rampaging Villagers 何らかの理由で正気を失い、
Villagers who have somehow lost their minds to
an unexplained frenzy.
E 75 +1/+3 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+2 +0/+0 +1/+1 Disturbance Thief (Sword) Internally assigned to the berserk villagers in Chapter 8, but as these enemies are set to not use battalions, it goes unseen in the final game.
FE3H-Infantry.png 盗賊の射撃部隊 Thief Marksmen 弓を得意とする盗賊たち Thieves skilled with bows. E 75 -1/-1 +0/+0 +5/+10 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+2 +0/+0 +1/+1 Disturbance Thief (Bow) Internally assigned to the enemy Archers in Chapter 2, but as these enemies are set to not use battalions, it goes unseen in the final game.
FE3H-Flier.png 盗賊天馬兵団 Thief Pegasus Corps ペガサスに乗った盗賊たち A battalion of pegasus-riding thieves. E 60 +2/+4 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+0 +1/+5 +0/+2 +3/+5 +5/+5 Disturbance Pegasus Knight (Lance) Internally assigned to the enemy Pegasus Knights, Wyvern Riders, and Swordmasters in Cindered Shadows Chapters 1, 2, and 4, but as these enemies are set to not use battalions, it goes unseen in the final game.
FE3H-Infantry.png 西方教会弓兵団 West Church Archers 西方教会に雇われた弓兵団 Archers devoted to the Western Church. E 75 +1/+3 +0/+0 +5/+10 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+2 +0/+0 +1/+1 Fusillade Archer (Bow) Likely meant to be used by enemies affiliated with the Western Church.
FE3H-Cavalry.png 西方教会騎士団 West Church Knights 西方教会が秘密裏に組織した騎士団 Secretive order of knights dedicated to the
Western Church.
E 75 +2/+4 -1/-1 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+2 +0/+0 +1/+1 Disturbance Cavalier (Lance) Likely meant to be used by enemies affiliated with the Western Church.
FE3H-Flier.png 西方教会天馬団 West Church Pegasus Co. 西方教会がいずれかの貴族から
A battalion of pegasus knights loaned to the
Western Church by a noble.
E 60 +1/+3 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+2 +1/+3 +3/+3 Disturbance Pegasus Knight (Lance) Internally assigned to the enemy Pegasus Knights in the Western Church Suppression auxiliary map, but as these enemies are set to not use battalions, it goes unseen in the final game.

(Source: Fire Emblem Wiki, fedatamine, original TCRF research)


There are a handful of cut abilities with text and icon assets. All of them are fully functional when hacked onto a unit unless otherwise specified.

Icon Name (JP) Name (EN) Description text (JP) Description text (EN) Notes
FE3H-white magic crit +10.png 白魔法必殺+10 White Magic Crit +10 白魔法装備時、斧殺+10 When using white magic, Grants Crit +10 .[sic] White and dark magic counterparts to the six used Crit +10 abilities associated with other weapon types.
FE3H-dark magic crit +10.png 闇魔法必殺+10 Dark Magic Crit +10 闇魔法装備時、斧殺+10 When using dark magic, Grants Crit +10 .[sic]
FE3H-lance avo +20.png 槍回避+20 Lance Avoid +20 槍装備時、回避+20 When using a lance, Grants Avo +20 .[sic] A lance counterpart to the seven used Avoid +20 abilities associated with other weapon types.
FE3H-fistbreaker.png 格闘殺し Fistbreaker 自分が弓を装備して
Grants Hit/Avo +20 when using a bow
against brawlers.
A brawling counterpart to the Breaker ability family. While internally linked to a bow skill level of B in the files, it is inaccessible in gameplay.
FE3H-mastermind.png 練磨 Discipline 戦闘で入手する
Doubles skill experience earned in battle. A skill from prior Fire Emblem games. In the final game, a different ability, Mastermind, has the same effect and icon (the design of which is taken from Discipline's appearances in Radiant Dawn and Awakening).
Fire Emblem 3H Wary Fighter.png ※欠番 Missing Number ※欠番 Missing Number Uses the icon of the Wary Fighter skill from Fates and Heroes. Doesn't appear to have any surviving in-game effects.
FE3H-infantry effect null.png 歩行特効無効 Infantry Effect Null 歩行特効を無効にする Cancels effectiveness against infantry units. In the final game, nothing inflicts effectiveness specifically on infantry units. Currently unknown if it nullifies the effectiveness-against-everything that the Atrocity and War Master's Strike combat arts inflict.
FE3H-dragon effect null.png 竜特効無効 Dragon Effect Null 竜特効を無効にする Cancels effectiveness against dragons. In the final game, there are numerous weapons and combat arts that are effective against dragon units, but dragons are an enemy-exclusive unit type.
FE3H-effect null.png 完全特効無効 Effect Null すべての特効を無効化する Cancels all types of effectiveness. Comparable to various items and skills from prior games, like the Full Guard, Nullify, and the Monshou no Nazo version of Iote's Shield.
Fire Emblem 3H Default Ability Icon.png 威圧感 Air of Intimidation 実装保留 On Hold Don't appear to have any surviving in-game effects. They use the default icon for abilities that don't have a specific icon of their own (which appears to be based on the background of Vantage and Battalion Vantage's icons).
Fire Emblem 3H Default Ability Icon.png 覇道を往く Path of the Conqueror 実装保留 On Hold
FE3H-black magic uses x4.png 黒魔法回数×4 Black Magic Uses Up+ 黒魔法の使用回数が4倍になる Quadruples the number of uses for black magic. Enhanced versions of the Magic Uses abilities for black and white magic. Their English names follow a different scheme from the four used Magic Uses abilities (the x2 abilities for all three types, and the enemy-exclusive Dark Magic Uses x4).
FE3H-white magic uses x4.png 白魔法回数×4 White Magic Uses Up+ 白魔法の使用回数が4倍になる Quadruples the number of uses for white magic.

(Source: Serenes Forest, Fire Emblem Wiki, SmoothAsFelt (testing), original TCRF research)


Icon Name (JP) Name (EN) Description text (JP) Description text (EN) Effect Notes
FE3H-bait.png 小魚の切り身 Minnow fillet 一般的に釣りの餌によく用いられる。
Bait that attracts Airmid pikes. Unknown A bait item likely meant to be used for fishing. Cannot be purchased or sold.
FE3H-bait.png 新鮮なカワムシ Fresh insect larva 活きの良いカワムシ。
Live insect larva that Airmid pikes avoid. Unknown Same as above.
FE3H-bait.png 新鮮魚の切り身 Fresh minnow fillet 新鮮な小魚の切り身。
Small fish filet that Airmid pikes avoid. Unknown Same as above.
Rarity: ★
FE3H-bait.png イソメ Bristle worm 一般的に釣りの餌によく用いられる。
Bait that attracts Teutates loaches. Unknown Same as above.
Rarity: ★
FE3H-bait.png 新鮮なイソメ Fresh bristle worm 活きの良いイソメ。
Live bristle worm that Airmid pikes avoid. Unknown Same as above.
Rarity: ★
FE3H-bait.png 新鮮なタニシ Premium Pond Snail 活きの良いタニシ。
Live pond snail that Airmid pikes avoid. Unknown Same as above.
Rarity: ★
FE3H-bait.png シロエビ Shrimp 一般的に釣りの餌によく用いられる。
Bait that attracts Albinean herrings. Unknown Same as above.
Rarity: ★★
FE3H-bait.png サワガニ Fiddler Crab 一般的に釣りの餌によく用いられる。
Bait that attracts Albinean herrings. Unknown Same as above.
Rarity: ★★
FE3H-bait.png 新鮮なシロエビ Premium Shrimp 活きの良いシロエビ。
Live velvet shrimp that Airmid pikes avoid. Unknown Same as above.
Rarity: ★★
FE3H-bait.png 新鮮なサワガニ Premium Fiddler Crab 活きの良いサワガニ。
Live fiddler crab that Airmid pikes avoid. Unknown Same as above.
Rarity: ★★
FE3H-bait.png 新鮮なミミズ Premium Earthworm 活きの良いミミズ。
Live earthworms that Airmid pikes avoid. Unknown Same as above.
Rarity: ★★
FE3H-bait.png サナギ Pupa 一般的に釣りの餌によく用いられる。
All-purpose bait that attracts somewhat unusual fish. Unknown Same as above.
Rarity: ★★★
FE3H-bait.png 幼虫 Grub 一般的に釣りの餌によく用いられる。
All-purpose bait that attracts somewhat unusual fish. Unknown Same as above.
Rarity: ★★★
FE3H-bait.png 成虫 Beetle 一般的に釣りの餌によく用いられる。
All-purpose bait that attracts somewhat unusual fish. Unknown Same as above.
Rarity: ★★★
FE3H-bait.png 新鮮なサナギ Premium Pupa 生きたサナギ。
Live pupa that Airmid pikes avoid. Unknown Same as above.
Rarity: ★★★
FE3H-bait.png 新鮮な幼虫 Premium Grub 生きた幼虫。
Live grub that Airmid pikes avoid. Unknown Same as above.
Rarity: ★★★
FE3H-bait.png 新鮮な昆虫 Premium Beetle 生きた昆虫。
Live insects that Airmid gobies avoid. Unknown Same as above.
Rarity: ★★★
FE3H-bait.png 新鮮なサシ Premium Blowfly 活きの良いサシ。
Live blow flies that Airmid gobies avoid. Unknown Same as above.
Rarity: ★★★
FE3H-bait.png イカ入り団子餌 Squid Ball 新鮮なイカを混ぜた栄養価の高い餌。
Nutritious squid-stuffed bait that attracts unusual fish. Unknown Same as above.
Rarity: ★★★★


Icon Name (JP) Name (EN) Description text (JP) Description text (EN) Effect Notes
FE3H-seed.png 魔草の種 Magical Herb Seeds 赤き谷ザナドの周辺で集めたとされる種。 魔草を栽培するのに最適。 These seeds have been gathered from the outer edges of Red Canyon Zanado and will grow magical herbs. Unknown Likely meant to be used for gardening. Cannot be purchased or sold.
Rarity: ★★
FE3H-seed.png ノアの実の種 Noah-Fruit Seeds ガルグ=マク近郊の森で集めた種。 ノアの木を栽培するのに最適。 Seeds gathered from a forest in the outskirts of Garreg Mach. Optimal for growing a Noah tree. Unknown Same as above.
Rarity: ★
FE3H-seed.png アルビネの実の種 Albinean-Nut Seeds アルビネの実だけを選別して集めた種。 アルビネの実を栽培するのに最適。 Seeds derived from Albinean fruit. Planting them will yield Albinean fruit. Unknown Same as above.
Rarity: ★★
FE3H-seed.png ヴェローナの種 Verona Seeds ヴェローナだけを選別して集めた種。 ヴェローナを栽培するのに最適。 Seeds derived from verona. Planting them will yield more verona. Unknown Same as above.
Rarity: ★★
FE3H-seed.png マグドレドキルシュの種 Magdred Kirsch Seeds マグドレドキルシュを選別して集めた種。 マグドレドキルシュを栽培するのに最適。 These seeds have been carefully extracted from Magdred kirsch and will yield more of the delectable fruit. Unknown Same as above.
Rarity: ★★★
FE3H-seed.png アルビネベリーの種 Albinean-Berry Seeds アルビネベリーだけを選別して集めた種。 アルビネベリーを栽培するのに最適。 Seeds carefully plucked from Albinean berries, which are optimal for growing more of the same. Unknown Same as above.
Rarity: ★


Icon Name (JP) Name (EN) Description text (JP) Description text (EN) Effect Notes
FE3H-ore.png 交易チュートリアル鉱石 tutorial ore チュートリアル用鉱石。交易に使う Ore used in the tutorial. Use it for trading. Unknown Was meant to be used for the cut quest Try Trading, to introduce the scrapped trading feature.


Icon Name (JP) Name (EN) Description text (JP) Description text (EN) Effect Notes
FE3H-fish.png オルドガー Ancient Gar チュートリアル用鉱石。交易に使う A fluid fish with armored scales that has existed for
millennia. Cook into a dish that boosts speed and defense.
Unknown Likely meant to be used for cooking. Cannot be purchased or sold.
FE3H-fish.png トータテスシュリンプ Teutates Shrimp トータテス湖で見られる硬い甲殻のシュリン プ。守備と魔防が上昇する料理の食材。 A shrimp with a shell hard as rock from Lake Teutates. Cook into a dish that boosts defense and resistance. Unknown Same as above.


Icon Name (JP) Name (EN) Description text (JP) Description text (EN) Effect Notes
FE3H-produce.png トウモロコシ Corn フォドラの地で広く栽培されている。
A crop widely grown over all of Fódlan.
Often used as feed for calvary horses.
Unknown Likely meant to be used for the scrapped horse raising feature. Cannot be purchased or sold.
FE3H-produce.png リンゴ Apple フォドラの地で広く栽培されている。
A crop that grows naturally all over Fódlan, which is often
used as feed for cavalry horses.
Unknown Same as above.
FE3H-produce.png サトウキビ Sugar Cane フォドラの地で広く栽培されている。
Sugarcane, a treat for cavalry horses that grows
throughout Fódlan.
Unknown Same as above.
FE3H-produce.png 大麦 Barley フォドラの地で広く栽培されている。
Barley grass that grows throughout Fódlan and is used to
feed cavalry horses.
Unknown Same as above.
FE3H-produce.png 初めて育てた野菜 Starter Vegetable 初めて収穫した記念の野菜。
This is the very first vegetable you acquired. It appears to
be a root vegetable.
Unknown Likely meant to be used for a tutorial.
Price: 0


Icon Name (JP) Name (EN) Description text (JP) Description text (EN) Effect Notes
FE3H-meat.png ウサギ Rabbit
(Variant 1)
狩猟で手に入れやすいウサギの肉。<料理に使われる。 Meat from rabbits which are easy to hunt. Used for cooking. Unknown Likely meant to be obtained through a scrapped group task and used for cooking. Cannot be purchased or sold, and has an unused duplicate with a different description.
FE3H-meat.png フォドラキジ Fódlan Pheasant
(Variant 1)
フォドラ各地に生息するキジの肉。<運が上昇する料理の食材。 Fódlan pheasant meat. Cook into a dish that boosts luck. Unknown Same as above.
FE3H-meat.png グロンダーズギツネ Gronder Fox
(Variant 1)
グロンダーズ平原で見かけるキツネの肉。魅力が上昇する料理の食材。 Meat from foxes found in Gronder Field. Cook with it to raise Charm. Unknown Same as above.
FE3H-meat.png イノシシ Boar 狩猟でたまに手に入る、少し珍しい肉。力が上昇する料理の食材。 Occasionally caught in a hunt, this meat is a bit hard to come by. Cook with it to raise Str. Unknown Likely meant to be obtained through a scrapped group task and used for cooking. Cannot be purchased or sold.
FE3H-meat.png ライチョウ Grouse オグマ山脈にのみ生息する貴重な鳥の肉。HPがかなり上昇する料理の食材。 Prized grouse from the Oghma Mountains with a delicate flavor. Cook into a dish that greatly boosts HP. Unknown Same as above.
FE3H-meat.png ウサギ Rabbit
(Variant 2)
狩猟で手に入れやすいウサギの肉。料理に使われる。 A cut of rabbit meat that can be used to make a variety of cooked dishes. These are easy to hunt down in the wild. Unknown Duplicate of the Rabbit meat.
FE3H-meat.png フォドラキジ Fódlan Pheasant
(Variant 2)
フォドラ各地に生息するキジの肉。料理に使われる。 Meat from the pheasants that live all across Fódlan. Cook this into various dishes for a tasty meal. Unknown Duplicate of the Fódlan Pheasant meat.
FE3H-meat.png グロンダーズギツネ Gronder Fox
(Variant 2)
グロンダーズ平原で見かけるキツネの肉。料理に使われる。 Fox meat hunted from Gronder Field that can be cooked up. Unknown Duplicate of the Gronder Fox meat.
FE3H-meat.png 初めて獲得した肉 Starter Meat 初めて獲得した記念の肉。どうやら山鳥の一種のようだ。 The very first meat you acquired. It appears to be a type of pheasant. Unknown Likely intended for a tutorial.
Price: 0

Quest Items

Icon Name (JP) Name (EN) Description text (JP) Description text (EN) Notes
FE3H-quest item.png カトリーヌの短剣(仮) Catherine's Dagger 贈り物予備1 Spare gift 1 --
FE3H-quest item.png シャミアの矢筒(仮) Shamir's Quiver 贈り物予備2 Spare gift 2 --
FE3H-quest item.png 交易アンロック Unlock Trade クエスト用アイテム A quest item. Was meant to be used for the cut quest Try Trading.
FE3H-quest item.png 通知表アンロック帝国 Unlock Report Cards クエスト用アイテム A quest item. Likely meant to be used for the cut quest Unlock Report Cards. Three copies of it exist in the files, possibly one for each house.
FE3H-quest item.png 供花 Floral Tribute クエスト用アイテム A quest item. Likely meant to be used for the quest Floral Tribute.
FE3H-quest item.png 黒鷲の学級の女子のメモ Black Eagle Note 黒鷲の学級の女性生徒の情報が書いてある。 A note containing information about the female students in the Black Eagle class. --
FE3H-quest item.png 青獅子の学級の女子のメモ Blue Lion Note 青獅子の学級の女性生徒の情報が書いてある。 A note containing information about the female students in the Blue Lion class. --
FE3H-quest item.png 金鹿の学級の女子のメモ Golden Deer Note 金鹿の学級の女性生徒の情報が書いてある。 A note containing information about the female students in the Golden Deer class. --
FE3H-quest item.png 大作曲家の楽譜・春 Sheet Music (Spring) クエスト用アイテム A quest item. Was meant to be used for the cut quest Collect Sheet Music.
FE3H-quest item.png 大作曲家の楽譜・夏 Sheet Music (Summer) クエスト用アイテム A quest item. Same as above.
FE3H-quest item.png 大作曲家の楽譜・秋 Sheet Music (Fall) クエスト用アイテム A quest item. Same as above.
FE3H-quest item.png 大作曲家の楽譜・冬 Sheet Music (Winter) クエスト用アイテム A quest item. Same as above.
FE3H-quest item.png 映える園芸力 Growing a Garden クエスト用アイテム。 脱初心者!次のステップはこれで! A quest item. "Take your gardening to the next level! Go from a greenhorn to a green thumb in no time flat!" Was meant to be used for the cut quest Library Request 3.
FE3H-quest item.png オレンジ Orange クエスト用アイテム。 原産地は帝国領ルミール。 A quest item. Grown in Remire, a village in the Empire. Was meant to be used for the cut quest Nostalgic for Rémire.
FE3H-quest item.png ガルグシクティス The Big One 伝説に謳われる、幻の怪魚。 一晩で湖の魚を食べ尽くすという。 A mysterious phantom fish extolled in legends. It is said that it can eat all of a lake's fish in a single night. Likely meant to be used for the quest Fishing for the Big One.

(Source: fedatamine [1], [2], Serenes Forest)