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Deus Ex: The Fall (Windows)

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Title Screen

Deus Ex: The Fall

Developer: N-Fusion Interactive[1]
Publisher: Square Enix[1]
Platform: Windows
Released internationally: March 18, 2014[2]

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page
BugsIcon.png This game has a bugs page

Deus Ex: The Fall started as a mobile game and was already rife with controversy due to several design choices, to put it lightly. One year later, a mediocre PC port was released on Steam to solidify it being generally seen as the weakest entry in the series.

And as it turns out, there could have been even more content to complain about!


Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.
Read about notable bugs and errors in this game.
Unused Graphics
Unused graphics related to the New York segment
Unused Sounds
Unused sounds related to... the New York segment
Unused Scripts
Unused scripts, once again, related to the New York segment
Piecing together the plot and gameplay of, you guessed it, the New York segment

Level Selector

In Assembly-CSharp.dll, within MainPanel.Open, editing the line MainPanel.m_This.m_DevButton.SetActive(false); to MainPanel.m_This.m_DevButton.SetActive(true); will reveal a dev button on the main menu. Removing the following check in LevelSelectPanel will show all maps that were cut: if (GameManager.m_This.m_GameScenes[i].m_IncludeInBuild).

Main menu Level Selector
DeusEx-TheFall-DevButton.png DeusEx-TheFall-LevelSelect.png



The function for firing not working on jailbroken devices still works if Globals.m_IsDeviceJailbroken is set to true.

Unused Text

The lines for being unable to fire on jailbroken phones still exists in the PC port, located in Resources/Stringtable01.xml.

Language String
English We are sorry but you can't fire on jailbroken devices.
French Désolé, mais vous ne pouvez pas tirer avec un appareil "jailbreaké".
Italian Spiacenti, non puoi sparare sui dispositivi jailbrekkati.
German Tut uns leid, aber auf modifizierten Geräten kann man nicht schießen.
Spanish Lo sentimos, no puedes disparar contra dispositivos liberados.

Micro-transaction text from the initial mobile version still exists, located in Resources/Stringtable03.xml:

Title Header Description
CREDIT PACK 1,000 Credits Purchasing this pack will gain you 1,000 credits.
CREDIT PACK 5,000 Credits Purchasing this pack will gain you 5,000 credits.
CREDIT PACK 50,000 Credits Purchasing this pack will gain you 50,000 credits.
CREDIT PACK 100,000 Credits Purchasing this pack will gain you 100,000 credits.
GOD MODE Become Undefeatable Purchasing God Mode will unlock a toggle in the Options menu that will allow you to enable or disable God Mode at will.
CREDIT BOOST 50% More Credits Increase the amount of credits collected from missions and exploration by 50%.
XP BOOST 50% More Exp Recieve 50% more experience for all experience bonuses.

Removed options, located in Resources/Stringtable01.xml:

This option allows you to modify the aspect ratio of the game.
With Auto Targeting enabled, you will automatically lock on to targets your reticle aims at. With Tap Targeting enabled, you must tap on an enemy to target them before aim assist will kick in.
God Mode allows you to play without dying.
Restore Purchases will connect to the servers and reactivate any non-Consumable purchases made for Deus Ex.
Reset Achievements erases all Deus Ex: The Fall Achievements you have previously earned from your Game Center record, allowing you to achieve them again.
Auto Rotate Camera forces the camera to look at your current target as long as it is selected.
Look Sensitivity increases/decreases the speed at which the camera rotates.
Invert Camera reverses the direction the camera moves when being controlled on the Y-axis.
Show Second Fire Button will enable a second Fire Button on the left side of the screen in addition to the Fire Button on the right side of the screen. Both Fire Button placements can be modified from the Customize HUD screen in the Pause Menu.
Show Joystick enables a visual representation of the virtual joystick used to move the player character.
Auto Leave Cover on Tap to Move causes the player character to automatically leave cover if they tap on a location other than their current cover.
Single Tap to Move enables the ability to tap on the screen once to cause the player character to move or enter cover. Double Tap to Move requires the player to tap the screen twice before the player character will move or enter cover. This avoids accidental movement. Off completely disables the ability to tap to move.

Renamed Achievement

Internally, the "Unlock the Power" achievement is called "InfinitePower".

Cut Locations

Unused strings remain for Australia and New York locations.

In addition, cut level strings exist below, located in Resources/Stringtable01.xml:

English French Italian German Spanish
the Sewers Égouts Fogne Kanalisation Alcantarillas
Zaaphire Rooftop Toit de Zaaphire Tetto della Zaaphire Zaaphire (Dach) Azotea de Zaaphire
Zaaphire Helipad Héliport de Zaaphire Eliscalo della Zaaphire Zaaphire (Heliport) Helipuerto de Zaaphire
Zaaphire Executive Level Niveau exécutif de Zaaphire Livello esecutivo della Zaaphire Zaaphire (Geschäftsführungsetage) Planta ejecutiva de Zaaphire
Zaaphire Security Checkpoint Sécurité de Zaaphire Posto di sicurezza della Zaaphire Zaaphire (Sicherheitskontrolle) Garita de seguridad de Zaaphire
Zaaphire Tech Labs Laboratoire technique de Zaaphire Laboratori della Zaaphire Zaaphire (Technologielabore) Laboratorios de Zaaphire
Zaaphire R&D Secteur RD de Zaaphire Reparto ricerca e sviluppo della Zaaphire Zaaphire (F&E) Depto. de I+D de Zaaphire
the Helipad Héliport Eliscalo Heliport Helipuerto
New York Streets Rues de New York Strade di New York Straßen von New York Calles de Nueva York
New York Limb Clinic Clinique AMPLIB de New York Clinica LIMB di New York Limb-Klinik New York Clínica LIMB de Nueva York
Metridyne Bank Lobby Entrée de la banque Metridyne Lobby della banca Metridyne Metridyne-Bank (Lobby) Vestíbulo del Banco Metridyne
Metridyne Bank Server Serveur de la banque Metridyne Server della banca Metridyne Metridyne-Bank (Server) Servidor del Banco Metridyne
the Subway Métro Metropolitana U-Bahn Metro
the Sewers Égouts Fogne Kanalisation Alcantarillas
Pier 19 Jetée 19 Molo 19 Pier 19 Muelle 19
the Carrier Cargo Corriere Frachter Carguero
the Trading Floor Salle des marchés Piazza di scambio Börsensaal Parqué bursátil
the Rooftop Toit Tetto Dach Azotea

Cut Quests

Sections for Australia and New York quests exist; the Australia section is empty but the New York section has some WIP quests. These quests are hardcoded English and have no translations. Located in Streamedassets0/Missions.xml.

NewYork_FindAnna / FIND ANNA KELSO
Objective Name Objective Goal
GO TO THE THALASSIAN HOTEL I recieved a message from Anna. She's in New York, staying at a hotel. She didn't give me any more information than that.
FIND ANNA'S ROOM NUMBER Anna is staying at the Hotel Nautica. But I don't know what room she's in. Maybe I can find some information in the lobby.
TALK TO ANNA I have access to Anna's room. She's waiting for me upstairs.
NewYork_RemoveImplant / ARGUS IMPLANT
Objective Name Objective Goal
VISIT NY LIMB Anna tracked down a doctor who can remove the Argus Implant from my head. He's preparing a room for my surgery at the NY LIMB Clinic.
NewYork_GetEvidence / UNCOVER THE TRUTH
Objective Name Objective Goal
GET ABOARD THE CARRIER Isaac says the Tyrants manipulated Zaphire Biotech's finances. If we can find evidence it might lead to what they're planning next. Anna suggests I contact the hacker Widow on the carrier at Pier 19.
TALK TO WIDOW I'm looking for the hacker Widow aboard the old carrier. I need to convince her to help me hack the Metridyne Bank, and uncover Zaphire Biotech's financial records.
INFILTRATE METRIDYNE BANK Widow agreed to hack Metridyne's central server and recover Zaphire Biotech's financial records. But I have to plant an uplink inside the bank before she can launch the cyber attack.
RETURN TO WIDOW The uplink is in place. I asked Widow to hold off on the cyber attack until I return.
NewYork_EscapeCarrier / ESCAPE THE CARRIER
Objective Name Objective Goal
ESCAPE THE CARRIER After hacking the Metridyne bank server and recovering evidence of VersaLife's involvement in setting up Zaphire Biotech, Anna was captured by Sam Duarte and a Belltower strike team attacked the carrier. I have to escape.
NewYork_RescueAnna / RESCUE ANNA
Objective Name Objective Goal
RESCUE ANNA Sam has taken Anna and he's holding her at the United Global Stock Exchange.

Renamed Quest

The grouping of the quests involving Alex Vega are called "Panama Alex Vega Arc (previously ShadowAugs)".

Unused Flags

The following flags are stored in save files and are unused:

  • NYCHubStarted
  • NYCVisitedHotelReception
  • NYCVisitedAnna
  • NYCVisitedIsaac
  • NYCImplantWasRemoved
  • NYCVisitedHackers
  • NYCHaveUplink
  • NYCPlantedUplink
  • NYCHackedBank
  • NYCAnnaWasAbducted
  • NYCEscapedBelltowerRaid
  • NYCVisitedPoliceBarricade
  • NYCDiscoveredUndergroundRoute
  • NYCInfiltratedNYSE
  • NYCDisarmedBomb

The following flags are stored in PlayerPrefs.txt. They count towards the total turntable models unlocked, but do not actually seem to unlock models for the turntable:

  • Turntable_Jensen
  • Turntable_DXLogo
  • Turntable_Isaac
  • Turntable_Widow
  • Turntable_PanamaMaleRich
  • Turntable_PanamaMalePoor
  • Turntable_PanamaMaleAddict
  • Turntable_PanamaFemaleRich
  • Turntable_PanamaFemalePoor
  • Turntable_PanamaFemaleAddict
  • Turntable_NYMaleCivilian
  • Turntable_NYMaleHacker
  • Turntable_NYFemaleCivilian
  • Turntable_NYFemaleHacker
  • Turntable_NYCop
  • Turntable_Anarchist
  • Turntable_LIMBMaleTech
  • Turntable_LIMBFemaleTech
  • Turntable_ZapphireMaleTech
  • Turntable_ZapphireFemaleTech

Cut Micro-transactions

The following flags are stored in PlayerPrefs.txt:

  • PurchasedExpBoost
  • PurchasedCreditBoost
  • PurchasedGodMode

Setting the boosts to true will increase EXP/credits by 50% when obtained. Setting god mode to true will enable an option in the settings. God mode will allow your health to lower but ignore any damage that would kill.

Main menu In-game
DeusEx-TheFall-GodModeMainMenu.png DeusEx-TheFall-GodModeInGame.png

Cut Enemies

Located in Streamedassets0/Gameplay_v2.xml.

An "NYCop" enemy type exists, it is identical to other cops stats wise, except having a vision range of 13 vs 14:

Health NormalDamageMod ArmorPiercingMod ExplosiveDamageMod EMPDamageMod ConeOfVision VisualRange TimeToDetect HealthRegen HeadshotMultiplier BotDamage BotAccuracy BotFireRate
100 0.9 1.05 1 0 115 13 1.1 0 7 0 0 0

An "Anarchist" class exists, for the NYC subway:

Health NormalDamageMod ArmorPiercingMod ExplosiveDamageMod EMPDamageMod ConeOfVision VisualRange TimeToDetect HealthRegen HeadshotMultiplier BotDamage BotAccuracy BotFireRate
90 1 1 1 0 110 13 1.2 0 6.7 0 0 0

A "Boss" class, with wildly more health than the 2nd most, a box robot with 1300. Was Sam Duarte:

Health NormalDamageMod ArmorPiercingMod ExplosiveDamageMod EMPDamageMod ConeOfVision VisualRange TimeToDetect HealthRegen HeadshotMultiplier BotDamage BotAccuracy BotFireRate
5000 1 1 1 0 150 15 0.75 0 10 0 0 0

Cut Weapons

Gameplay stats located in Streamedassets0/Gameplay_v2.xml and Streamedassets0/Inventory_v2.xml, strings located in Resources/Stringtable02.xml, textures located in Resources.

Download.png Download Deus Ex: The Fall Weapon Patch
File: DeusExTheFallWeaponPatch.7z (3.84 MB) (info)

Dingo 10mm Semi-Auto

DeusEx-TheFall-Pistol Australia.png

Internally "Pistol_Australia".

Language String
English Use: Medium-range, lethal weapon. Description: The "Dingo" 10mm pistol is the sidearm of choice for the Australian special forces for its reliability and durability. Sandstorm in color, it has an average ammunition capacity and standard reloading time, and does an average amount of damage, though headshots on enemies not wearing helmets are always fatal. Upgrades: The gun supports all standard upgrades, plus one that's all its own: a specialized armor-piercing barrel modification. Silencer and laser targeting add-ons are also supported. Manufacturer: Steiner-Bisley GmbH
French Effet : arme à moyenne portée. Description : le "Dingo" est l'arme de poing des forces spéciales australiennes, qui comptent sur sa fiabilité et sa longévité. De camouflage désert, il possède une réserve de munitions moyenne et un temps de rechargement standard, et inflige des dégâts moyens même si un tir dans la tête des ennemis sans casque sera toujours fatal. Améliorations : cette arme est compatible avec toutes les améliorations standards, ainsi qu'une modification exclusive du canon permettant à ses tirs de transpercer les blindages. L'arme peut également être équipée d'un silencieux ou d'un système de visée laser. Fabricant : Steiner-Bisley GmbH
Italian Funzione: arma letale a medio raggio. Descrizione: la pistola "Dingo" 10mm è un'arma a canna corta di scelta delle squadre speciali australiane per la sua affidabilità e durabilità. Dai colori mimetici, ha una capienza di munizioni e un tempo di ricarica nella norma e infligge danni medi, sebbene i colpi alla testa di nemici senza elmo risultano sempre fatali. Potenziamenti: la pistola supporta tutti i potenziamenti standard, oltre a uno dedicato: una speciale modifica della canna per fornire capacità di penetrazione delle corazze. Supporta anche componenti aggiuntivi come silenziatori e sistemi di puntamento. Produttore: Steiner-Bisley GmbH
German Verwendung: Tödliche Waffe mit mittlerer Reichweite Beschreibung: Die 10-mm-Pistole „Dingo“ ist aufgrund ihrer Zuverlässigkeit und Strapazierfähigkeit die Seitenwaffe der australischen Special Forces. Magazin und ihre Ladegeschwindigkeit der sandfarbigen Waffe entsprechen dem Standard dieses Waffentyps. Sie verursacht mittelstarken Schaden, doch Kopfschüsse sind bei Feinden ohne Helm immer tödlich. Upgrades: Die Pistole unterstützt alle Standardupgrades, sowie zusätzlich ein ganz spezielles: eine Laufmodifikation, um sie panzerbrechend zu machen. Außerdem unterstützt sie Aufsätze wie Schalldämpfer und Laserzielsysteme. Hersteller: Steiner-Bisley GmbH
Spanish Utilidad: arma letal de medio alcance. Descripción: la pistola de 10 mm "Dingo" es el arma predilecta de las fuerzas especiales australianas por su resistencia y durabilidad. Es de color ocre y tanto su capacidad de munición como su velocidad de recarga se consideran estándar. Aunque provoca daños intermedios, resulta letal si con ella se efectúan disparos a la cabeza de objetivos que no lleven casco. Mejoras: la pistola es compatible con todas las mejoras convencionales más una exclusiva de su modelo, que consiste en un cañón diseñado para aumentar el factor de penetración de las balas. También puede equiparse con silenciadores y sistemas de puntería láser. Fabricante: Steiner-Bisley GmbH

Shares the same stats as the base pistol.

DamageRank MinDamage MaxDamage FireRateRank MinFireRate MaxFireRate ReloadRank MinReload MaxReload AmmoRank MinAmmoCapacity MaxAmmoCapacity Upgrades Recoil BulletSpread SplashRadius
3-7 15 30 4-8 0.5 0.3 5-9 0.95 1.57 3-7 10 22 Silencer, Laser, AP 0.5 0.1 0
Idle Reloading
DeusEx-TheFall-DingoIdle.png DeusEx-TheFall-DingoReload.png

NYPD 10mm Service Pistol

DeusEx-TheFall-Pistol NYPD.png

Internally "Pistol_NYPD". Reuses the Zenith 10mm icon with overlaid text.

Language String
English Use: Medium-range, lethal weapon. Description: Known for its reliability and durability, the 10mm Service Pistol is the sidearm of choice for the NYPD. Black in color, it has an expanded ammunition clip capacity not seen in other standard 10mm pistols, average reloading time, and average damage capabilities. Upgrades: The gun supports all standard upgrades, plus one that's all its own: a specialized armor-piercing barrel modification. Silencer and laser targeting add-ons are also supported. Manufacturer: Steiner-Bisley GmbH
French Effet : arme à moyenne portée. Description : réputée pour sa fiabilité et sa durabilité, le pistolet de service 10 mm appartient au département de police de New York. De couleur noire, son chargeur est amélioré par rapport aux autres pistolets standards de même calibre. Son temps de rechargement et ses dégâts sont dans la moyenne. Améliorations : cette arme est compatible avec toutes les améliorations standards, ainsi qu'une modification exclusive du canon permettant à ses tirs de transpercer les blindages. L'arme peut également être équipée d'un silencieux ou d'un système de visée laser. Fabricant : Steiner-Bisley GmbH
Italian Funzione: arma letale a medio raggio. Descrizione: nota per la sua affidabilità e durabilità, la pistola di ordinazione 10 mm è l'arma a canna corta di scelta del NYPD. Di colore nero, è dotata di un caricatore con capienza di munizioni estesa, non presente in altre pistole 10 mm. Il tempo di ricarica e i danni inflitti sono mediocri. Potenziamenti: la pistola supporta tutti i potenziamenti standard, oltre a uno dedicato: una speciale modifica della canna per fornire capacità di penetrazione delle corazze. Supporta anche componenti aggiuntivi come silenziatori e sistemi di puntamento. Produttore: Steiner-Bisley GmbH
German Verwendung: Tödliche Waffe mit mittlerer Reichweite Beschreibung: Für ihre Zuverlässigkeit und Strapazierfähigkeit bekannt, ist die 10-mm-Dienstpistole die Seitenwaffe der NYPD. Die schwarze Waffe hat ein für 10-mm-Pistolen ungewöhnliches, vergrößertes Magazin. Die Ladegeschwindigkeit und der Schaden der Waffe entsprechen dem Standard dieses Waffentyps. Upgrades: Die Pistole unterstützt alle Standardupgrades, sowie zusätzlich ein ganz spezielles: eine Laufmodifikation, um sie panzerbrechend zu machen. Außerdem unterstützt sie Aufsätze wie Schalldämpfer und Laserzielsysteme. Hersteller: Steiner-Bisley GmbH
Spanish Utilidad: arma letal de medio alcance. Descripción: muy apreciada por su resistencia y durabilidad, esta pistola reglamentaria de 10 mm es el arma predilecta del Departamento de Policía de Nueva York. Es de color negro y cuenta con un cargador adicional de mayor capacidad que los de otros modelos estándar de pistola de 10 mm. Su velocidad de recarga y su potencia se encuentran dentro de la media. Mejoras: la pistola es compatible con todas las mejoras convencionales más una exclusiva de su modelo, que consiste en un cañón diseñado para aumentar el factor de penetración de las balas. También puede equiparse con silenciadores y sistemas de puntería láser. Fabricante: Steiner-Bisley GmbH

Shares the same stats as the base pistol.

DamageRank MinDamage MaxDamage FireRateRank MinFireRate MaxFireRate ReloadRank MinReload MaxReload AmmoRank MinAmmoCapacity MaxAmmoCapacity Upgrades Recoil BulletSpread SplashRadius
3-7 15 30 4-8 0.5 0.3 5-9 0.95 1.57 3-7 10 22 Silencer, Laser, AP 0.5 0.1 0
Idle Reloading
DeusEx-TheFall-NYPD10mmIdle.png DeusEx-TheFall-NYPD10mmReload.png

NYPD 87-11P Riot Shotgun

DeusEx-TheFall-Shotgun NYPD.png

Internally "Shotgun_NYPD". Reuses the Widowmaker TX icon with overlaid text.

Language String
English Use: Very-high damage, short-range or medium-range lethal weapon. Description: The 87-11S has been used by NYPD riot control and SWAT officers to pacify New York City criminals for the better part of a decade. This shotgun is a powerful close range weapon that can deal massive damage. The weapon comes standard with an Automatic Dual Burst System, making it popular with criminal groups as well as law enforcement agencies. Upgrades: Firing pellet loads from 12 gauge cartridges in an underbarrel helical magazine, the NYPD 87-11S supports all standard upgrade packages. Manufacturer: Military Arms of Ostrava
French Effet : arme extrêmement puissante à faible et moyenne portée. Description : le 87-11S a été utilisé par les forces antiémeutes de New York et les hommes du SWAT pour pacifier les rues de la ville depuis presque 10 ans. Ce fusil à pompe, qui inflige de lourds dégâts à courte portée, comporte de série un système de double tir automatique, ce qui l'a rendu populaire aussi bien chez les criminels que chez les forces de l'ordre. Améliorations : tirant des décharges de plombs dans des cartouches de calibre 12 via un chargeur hélicoïdal situé sous le canon, le NYPD 87-11S est compatible avec toutes les améliorations standards. Fabricant : Military Arms of Ostrava
Italian Funzione: arma letale a corto/medio raggio da danno molto elevato. Descrizione: l'87-11S è stato utilizzato dalle unità antisommossa del NYPD e dalle squadre speciali anticrimine S.W.A.T. per placare i criminali di New York City per gran parte del decennio. Questo fucile a pompa è una potente arma a distanza ravvicinata, in grado di infliggere gravi danni. L'arma include un sistema a doppio colpo automatico che la rende nota sia alle organizzazioni criminali che alle agenzie governative. Potenziamenti: il fucile a pompa NYPD 87-11S utilizza cartucce calibro 12 conservate in un caricatore elicoidale sottocanna e supporta tutti i potenziamenti standard. Produttore: Military Arms of Ostrava
German Verwendung: Äußerst effiziente tödliche Waffe für den Nahkampfbereich oder mittlere Reichweite. Beschreibung: Die 87-11S findet bei der NYPD bei Straßenkämpfen und SWAT-Einsätzen schon ein knappes Jahrzehnt lang Verwendung, um die Verbrecher von New York in Schach zu halten. Diese Schrotflinte ist eine mächtige Waffe für den Nahkampfbereich. Die Waffe kommt mit einem automatischen Doppelschuss-System, weshalb sie sowohl bei Polizei als auch Verbrechern sehr beliebt ist. Upgrades: Die Schrotflinte NYPD 87-11S feuert Schrotpatronen Kaliber 12 aus einem Spiralmagazin unter dem Lauf ab und unterstützt alle Standardupgrades. Hersteller: Militärwaffen Ostrau
Spanish Utilidad: arma letal de corto o medio alcance con enorme capacidad de daño. Descripción: los efectivos del SWAT y los agentes antidisturbios llevan gran parte de esta década usando la 87-11S para contener la delincuencia en las calles de Nueva York. Esta potente arma de corto alcance es capaz de infligir importantes daños y se suministra con el sistema de disparo doble automático, lo que la ha hecho muy popular entre organizaciones tanto criminales como garantes del orden público. Mejoras: la escopeta 87-11S NYPD dispara cartuchos de perdigones de calibre 12 alojados en un cargador helicoidal situado bajo el cañón y es compatible con todas las mejoras convencionales. Fabricante: Arsenal Militar de Ostrava
DamageRank MinDamage MaxDamage FireRateRank MinFireRate MaxFireRate ReloadRank MinReload MaxReload AmmoRank MinAmmoCapacity MaxAmmoCapacity Upgrades Recoil BulletSpread SplashRadius
6-10 7 12 2-5 0.8 0.6 2-5 0.9 1.17 2-5 6 12 Burst 2 6 0
Idle Reloading
DeusEx-TheFall-8711PIdle.png DeusEx-TheFall-8711PReload.png

F-88 Sabre Rifle

DeusEx-TheFall-CombatRifle Australia.png

Internally "CombatRifle_Australia".

Language String
English Use: Medium-range, fully automatic, lethal weapon Description: The Sabre has proven itself to be a rugged, reliable long arm for the Australian special forces, serving them well in Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan and East Timor. The weapon is fully automatic with an air-cooled, gas-operated, magazine-feed with extended clip and a sandstorm color. Upgrades: The Sabre is compatible with standard upgrade packages. It is also capable of being equipped with both laser targeting systems and sound suppressor add-ons. Manufacturer: Steiner-Bisley GmbH
French Effet : arme automatique à portée moyenne. Description : le Sabre a fait ses preuves en tant qu'arme à canon long, robuste et fiable chez les forces spéciales australiennes qui s'en sont servis en Somalie, en Irak, en Afghanistan, et au Timor oriental. Cette arme est entièrement automatique, à chargement refroidi par air et à emprunt de gaz, et possède un chargeur amélioré ainsi qu'un camouflage type désert. Améliorations : le Sabre est compatible avec les améliorations standards. Il peut aussi être équipé d'un système de visée laser et d'un silencieux. Fabricant : Steiner-Bisley GmbH
Italian Funzione: arma letale automatica a medio raggio. Descrizione: il Sabre si è dimostrato un'arma a canna lunga robusta e affidabile delle forze speciali australiane, utilizzato con successo in Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan e Timor Est. L'arma è completamente automatica con sistema di alimentazione a gas raffreddato ad aria, con caricatore esteso e in stile mimetico. Potenziamenti: il Sabre è compatibile con i pacchetti di potenziamento standard. Può anche essere equipaggiato con speciali sistemi di tracciamento e vari tipi silenziatori. Produttore: Steiner-Bisley GmbH
German Verwendung: Vollautomatische tödliche Waffe mit mittlerer Reichweite. Beschreibung: Das Sabre-Gewehr hat sich bei den australischen Special Forces in vielen Einsätzen in Somalia, Irak, Afghanistan und Osttimor als stabile, zuverlässige Waffe erwiesen. Die sandfarbige Waffe ist vollautomatisch und verfügt über ein luftgekühltes, verlängertes Gasdruckmagazin. Upgrades: Das Sabre kann mit Standardupgrades aufgerüstet werden. Das Gewehr ist außerdem kompatibel mit Laserzielsystemen und Schalldämpferaufsätzen. Hersteller: Steiner-Bisley GmbH
Spanish Utilidad: arma letal de medio alcance completamente automática. Descripción: el Sabre ha demostrado su fiabilidad y resistencia en manos de las fuerzas especiales australianas en varias campañas, como Somalia, Iraq, Afganistán y Timor Oriental. Esta arma larga, totalmente automática y de color ocre, tiene un cargador refrigerado por aire con un mecanismo de alimentación accionado por gas y dispone de cargador adicional. Mejoras: el Sabre es compatible con las mejoras convencionales y se puede equipar con sistemas de puntería láser y supresores de sonido. Fabricante: Steiner-Bisley GmbH

Almost shares all stats with the base combat rifle, with slightly better bullet spread (2 vs 2.8).

DamageRank MinDamage MaxDamage FireRateRank MinFireRate MaxFireRate ReloadRank MinReload MaxReload AmmoRank MinAmmoCapacity MaxAmmoCapacity Upgrades Recoil BulletSpread SplashRadius
2-5 9 13 5-8 0.13 0.09 3-7 0.85 1.19 4-7 20 50 Silencer, Laser 0.6 2 0
Idle Reloading
DeusEx-TheFall-F88Idle.png DeusEx-TheFall-F88Reload.png



The weapon the ogres use with its strings overwritten by the concussion grenade. Uses the standard combat rifle icon and ammo. Costs 3000, the most of any combat rifle. Its stats are far more powerful than any other rifle. It is completely unusable and potentially has no player model, first person animations are not coded in.

DamageRank MinDamage MaxDamage FireRateRank MinFireRate MaxFireRate ReloadRank MinReload MaxReload AmmoRank MinAmmoCapacity MaxAmmoCapacity Upgrades Recoil BulletSpread SplashRadius
8-8 30 50 8-8 1 1 1-2 1 2.2 8-10 60 100 None 0 0 0

Cut Plot

Main article: Deus Ex: The Fall (Windows)/Reconstructing

Text provides context to some of the cut location images. Strings located in MainData/mainData_00001, textures located in Resources.

Image Location Context
DeusEx-TheFall-VS Rooftop.png VS - Rooftop Start CONTEXT: After learning that Isaac Tiven created the Argus Implant in his head, Ben heads to Zaphire Biotech in Australia to confront him.
DeusEx-TheFall-VS Helipad.png VS - Rooftop Helipad CONTEXT: As Ben moves deeper into Zaphire, it is becoming apparent that they were expecting him.
DeusEx-TheFall-VS Exec.png VS - Executive CONTEXT: Inside Zaphire, the offices have been evacuated. Instead of TPS Reports, Ben finds combat rifles.
DeusEx-TheFall-VS Security.png VS - Security CONTEXT: Heading deeper into the facility, Ben must get past Zaphires security check point before entering the Labs, where Isaac Tiven most likely would be.
DeusEx-TheFall-VS Lab.png VS - Lab CONTEXT: Inside the lab Ben confronts Isaac Tiven. He learns Zaphires plan to go public and the rapid unehtical testing they have done with Reizol to move it to market more quickly. Isaac informs Ben that an old friend is waiting for him deeper in the lab.
DeusEx-TheFall-VS Ending.png VS - Confrontation CONTEXT: Ben finds his old squad mate, Sam Duarte, deep in Zaphire Biotech. It seems Sam is being recruited by the Tyrants to take Ben's place. Sam thinks Ben betrayed him and is hellbent on revenge. Before they get too far into their conversation, Namir, Barret, and Federova appear, knocking Ben unconcsious. Namir is sure to let Ben know that he could kill him if he wanted to. When Ben comes to, he is aboard Alex's chopper. They traced the Tyrants and are headed to New York.
Image Location Context
DeusEx-TheFall-NewYork BankEntry.png Metridyne Bank CONTEXT: After getting the uplink from Widow, Ben infiltrates Metridyne to plant it.
DeusEx-TheFall-NewYork BankServer.png NYBankServer CONTEXT: Deep within Metridyne, Ben plants the uplink and escapes back to the Carrier where Widow is waiting to hack Zaphire's financial records.
DeusEx-TheFall-NewYork Hub.png New York Hub CONTEXT: The big apple is home to the biggest, best, and brightest in the world. Here Ben has access to New Yorks Limb Clinic, the Helipad, Metrdyne Bank, Subway, and the Crystal Hotel.
DeusEx-TheFall-NewYork Hotel Lobby.png NY Hotel Lobby CONTEXT: After receiving Anna's scrambled comm message, Ben tries to convince the receptionist to tell him Anna's room number.
DeusEx-TheFall-NewYork Pier.png NY Pier CONTEXT: The Pier is home to all kinds of riff raff and undesierables. Docked at this pier is a Carrier that has been overrun by hackers. Ben seeks their help in tracking down the financial records for Zaphire.
N/A Moscow Tutorial
N/A PanamaTrainStation CONTEXT: Ben arrives in Panama after leaving Anna in Costa Rica. His search for a Nu-poz connection begins here.
DeusEx-TheFall-NewYork UGSERoof.png NY Final Battle CONTEXT: Ben finds Anna and Sam on the roof of the UGSE for the final showdown.
DeusEx-TheFall-NewYork BankVault.png NYC Bank
DeusEx-TheFall-NewYork Subway.png NY Subway CONTEXT: The subway has become a dangerous place lately, overrun with Anarachists. Here Ben can access the Pier, New York Streets, and the UGSE. After Anna is kidnapped, Namir contacts Ben here and tells him to watch the news. Here he sees that the UGSE is under seige and heads there to save Anna.
DeusEx-TheFall-Panama Sewers.png Panama Sewers CONTEXT: Panamas sewer system connects the Downtown, Boardwalk, Slums and the Skulls Drug Den. (Note: this isn't fully implemented)
DeusEx-TheFall-NewYork Sewers.png NY Sewers
DeusEx-TheFall-NewYork Hotel Floors.png NY Hotel Rooms CONTEXT: Once Ben finds Anna, she sends Ben to Limb to get his Argus Implant removed. She is suspicious that they are being monitored in the hotel and suggests they leave.
DeusEx-TheFall-NewYork LimbClinic.png NY Limb Clinic CONTEXT: Once at Limb, Ben is surprised to find Isaac Tiven who has had a change of heart. He removes Ben's Argust Implant. They decide to follow the money and need access to Zaphires financial records. Anna knows a hacker who could get the job done residing on the old Carrier.
DeusEx-TheFall-NewYork Carrier.png New York Carrier CONTEXT: Once a proud military vessel, the Carrier has been taken over by a group of Hackers headed by Widow. Ben asks for help accessing Zaphires records at the Metridyne Bank in return for the financial benefit Widow can recieve if they are successful. Before they can start, Ben must physically infiltrate the bank to plant an uplink. After successfully placing the uplink, Ben returns and Widow begins her hack. It isn't long before they are traced and Belltower attacks the carrier! Ben sees through Anna's eye augmentations that she is kidnapped by Sam.
DeusEx-TheFall-NewYork UGSE.png Stock Exchange CONTEXT: Ben infitrates the UGSE to find Anna. He needs to make his way to the roof.
DeusEx-TheFall-Moscow Hotel.png Moscow Hotel

Test locations:

Image Location Context
N/A Box Guard Test
N/A Cover Test - Kris
N/A Hacking Test - Kris
N/A CivilianTest
N/A Security Measures
N/A Hacking Schematics CONTEXT: Test hacking schematics.

Additional possible maps with the WB prefix:

  • WB_NYCSubwaySouth
  • WB_NYCSubwayNorth
  • WB_NYCIntrepid1stFloor
  • WB_NYCIntrepid2ndFloor
  • WB_NYCStockExchangeBasement
  • WB_NYCStockExchangeTradingFloors
  • WB_NYBank_Jeff

Additional information from Eliza Cassan reveals Widow's name and that the USS Intrepid level was the carrier.

I have just been handed breaking news coming out of New York!
A group of prisoners have escaped custody during a routine transfer to the Rikers Island jail complex in Queens.
Apparently, they were being loaded into a security transport when a law enforcement 80-X Boxguard robot open fired on local police, killing several and wounding at least thirteen bystanders. The prisoners escaped in the resulting chaos and are currently on the run.
Among those escaping was Nadine Stollock, an infamous local hacker known as 'Widow', who had been arrested last year during a raid on her base of operations aboard the abandoned USS Intrepid.
Speculation has begun that Stollock's associates may have hacked the police Boxguard to enable her escape.
Police are currently investigating the malfunction but refuse to comment on it.
They are urging citizens to step forward with any information regarding the whereabouts of Stollock or the other prisoners.
The United Global Stock Exchange in New York found itself being swarmed by protesters today.
Many of them carried banners and signs associated with the anti-augmentation organization, Humanity Front.
That group is attempting to bring awareness to what it perceives as greed and short-sightedness on the part of the so-called "Augmented One Percent." 
Sources inside Humanity Front tell me that many of their members are furious because stocks in corporations that keep the augmentation industry alive continue to rise.
