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Batman & Robin (PlayStation)

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Title Screen

Batman & Robin

Developer: Probe Entertainment
Publisher: Acclaim Entertainment
Platform: PlayStation
Released in US: August 7, 1998
Released in EU: August 5, 1998

SourceIcon.png This game has uncompiled source code.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Batman & Robin is possibly one of the earliest examples of a sandbox-styled open-world game, based on the movie, but unfortunately was plagued with horrible gameplay ideas and execution, even with a 1-year delay which caused it to be released after the film was out.

Leftover Graphics

Found in GFX/D1.MCD:

Batman and Robin D1 0000.png Batman and Robin D1 0001.png Batman and Robin D1 0002.png

Unused Graphics

An unused texture of Waynedos'98 can be found in archive SECT1/IU.MCD.

Batman and Robin IU WAYNEDOS98.png

Unused Instruction Menu

Batman & Robin - UnusedInstructionScreen1.png Batman & Robin - UnusedInstructionScreen2.png Batman & Robin - UnusedInstructionScreen3.png Batman & Robin - UnusedInstructionScreen4.png

An unused instruction screen that displays the game's controls. Also contains some text for option menu items, some being debug-related text not in the game anymore. Apply the below code to see this screen when first starting the game.

USA code:

D008E7A4 0003
8008E7A4 00FF
(Source: Punk7890)

Uncompiled and Debugging Code

The game's entire scribean be seen in plain text with a hex editor, but also tons of uncompiled code and what seems to be a hidden debug menu.

CreatePickup    Add power   Sub power   Set power   Give world posn GiveWorldPosition   Wait till   Kill if ALL_WEAPONS 



Turn on full debugging  Press a key...  Debug Marker (%d)

Cheat %d = %d (1=on, 0=off)

fpStart player combo %d   Player out of duct, directio Player into duct, direction 
Data1 %d  Enable (1) Disable (0) player = %d  Change level to %d  Swimming function (1=on,0=off) 
  Change player to character %d   Teleport to X=%d,Y=%d, Flag=%d  Light(%d).Power = %d    Light(%d).Power -= %d   Light

(%d).Power += %d   Reset Animation %d  Frame L:%d, H:%d, wait(Random(%d))  Frame L:%d, H:%d, wait(%d)  Force Anim %d   

Start Anim %d   Anim(%d).Power = %d Anim(%d).Power -= %d    Anim(%d).Power += %d    Loose game  
 EndLoop   Loop (%d) { Never run event (%d)    Stop event (%d) Start event (%d)    Goto event (%d) Kill if not 

chunk (X:%d, Y:%d in chunkmap)  Display hint message %d for %d 1/10ths of a sec.    --End of day--  SFX %d, Vol %d  Play 

CDDA track %d, Vol User Attribute %d = %d  Set trigger %d timer to %d  Wait (%d seconds)   Wait (%d frames)    Wait (%d * 

1/10sec) Wait For mocap slot to be free  Use load buffer, type %d, flags %d  Set user defined camera attribute %d to be 

camera type %d    Clear Flag(%d)  Set Flag(%d)    Toggle Flag

(%d) Var(%d) = Var(%d) + Var(%d) Var(%d) = Random(0 -> %d)   Var(%d) -> Var(%d)  Var(%d) = %d    Var(%d) -= %d   Var(%d) 

+= %d   Terminate if Var(%d) [%d] Var(%d)   if Flag(%d) = CLEAR, goto line %d   if Flag(%d) = SET, goto line %d if Var(%d) 

<> %d, goto line %d  if Var(%d) = %d, goto line %d   Goto if Flag(%d) = %d, event %d Terminate if Flag(%d) = %d  Wait 

until Flag(%d) = %d    Terminate if Var(%d) [%d] %d    Wait until Var(%d) [%d] %d  Change lift model to %d Wait until 

Lift(%d) stops   Lift(%d) goes to hgt(%d), spd(%d)   Kill if lift(%d) not powered    Force Lift(%d) to %d, spd(%d)   Lift

(%d).Power = %d Lift(%d).Power -= %d    Lift(%d).Power += %d    Use object %d as camera for %d 1/10th secs, flags=%d    

Wait until object %d has property %d    Damage object %d, behaviour %d, -%d Hit pts Is Object %d Powered up Give world 

position To 3DObject (%d)    3DObject(%d).Power = %d