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Ys: Book I & II

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Title Screen

Ys: Book I & II

Also known as: Ys I + II (JP)
Developers: Alfa System, Hudson Soft
Publishers: Hudson Soft (JP), NEC Home Electronics (US)
Platform: TurboGrafx-CD
Released in JP: December 21, 1989
Released in US: 1990
Released in EU: September 5, 2008 (Wii Virtual Console)
Released in AU: September 5, 2008 (Wii Virtual Console)

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

BugsIcon.png This game has a bugs page

Ys: Book I & II is an enhanced remake of the first two Ys games. This game marks the first time that western audiences got a chance to play Ys II, as only Ys I got a western release prior to this game.


Read about notable bugs and errors in this game.

Special Passwords

At the title screen select "Continue", then select "Input the password" and select any save game slot.

Enter one of the below passwords, then hit "end". A special complex sound effect will play, along with a warning message about it being a wrong password; select the "No" option, and back out to the save game load screen.

US JP Notes
AAllffaaSSyySStteemm## ああるるふふああししすすててむむ Enables in-game debug menu.
1WASAK1 いわさきひろまさ Enables "Option" menu on save game load screen (and also apparently additional save game slots).
HASEGAWA はせがわひろし Enables in-game pause functionality activated by holding Run.

Debug Menu

Ys TGCD Debug Menu.png

To activate the debug menu in-game, hold I or II while pressing SELECT.

  • WHERE: Enable/Disable coordinate display in the lower border area (above stats).
  • WARP: Warp to various areas.
  • WARP2: Warp to other areas.
  • ADD EXP: Add 100 experience.
  • ADD GOLD: Add 1000 gold.
  • PASS: Enable/Disable solid object collision detection.
  • ENTRY: Enable/Disable area entry points.
  • PSG: Play PSG/chiptune music and sound effects.

Option Menu

Ys TGCD Option Menu.png

At the save game load screen, press Right, and "Start game story" will be replaced with "Option".

Note: The "BGM" and "Sound" menus contain multiple pages of content, scrollable via the Left and Right gamepad buttons.


Ys TGCD Option BGM Menu.png

Play background music.


Ys TGCD Option Sound Menu.png

Play sound effects.


Ys TGCD Option Item Menu.png

Examine possible equipment and items.

Unused Audio

"THEMA OF LILIA" is a sound chip rendition of Lilia's theme. This goes unused in favor of a CDDA version that features voice acting.

Regional Differences


Japan US
Ys TGCD Zalem JP.png Ys TGCD Zalem EN.png

Compared to the Japanese version, the English version of Zalem is wearing more and her eye color is slightly different due to a palette change.

Enemy Stats

Nearly every enemy (and a few bosses) have been altered for the English version of the game.

  • "Level" refers to the cap at which Adol may obtain full experience from a monster when taking it out. If Adol's level is higher than the target's, the earned experience is reduced in half per each level (for example, if Adol is three levels higher than the target killed, he obtains 1/8th the normal experience). Higher level changes are marked in green since Adol can obtain more experience with those enemies than in the Japanese version.
  • Some bosses do not include a strength stat because their attack does not involve physical collision.
  • The names used are based off the Complete/Chronicles edition. The original manuals do have nearly-identical names, but the list is incomplete.
  • Details marked in green indicate a stats nerf or rewards buff. Details marked in red indicate the reverse.

Book I

  • Enemy speed and gold values did not change. The changes make the first half of the game a bit harder in the English version, but less grinding is required due to the improvements in experience collected and the increase in monster levels.
  • Adol's normal level is shown as 1-62, but the in-game data uses 0-61. Raw data is posted for comparison purposes.
Name HP Strength Defense Experience Level
Fields / Misc.
Curloid 16 10 8 -> 6 2 0
Oakrot 50 14 3 -> 4 2 1
Rhebull 45 25 4 -> 7 3 2
Unugun 52 19 7 -> 3 4 -> 3 3
Uhnos 40 23 5 -> 4 4 -> 5 4
Bulner 45 26 13 -> 9 4 -> 5 5
Looter 50 34 6 -> 12 5 6
Rescoyd 55 32 10 -> 12 5 -> 6 7
Lyus 78 36 8 -> 13 6 -> 8 8
Dinvel 91 44 21 -> 18 6 -> 8 9
Abandoned Mine
Nubbrow 98 62 28 -> 22 7 -> 8 10
Gryel 133 67 10 -> 18 7 -> 8 11
Othcross 52 72 3 -> 31 7 -> 8 11
Dynick 75 72 27 7 -> 8 11
Karon 84 70 29 -> 22 7 -> 8 12
Menon 107 70 30 -> 23 7 -> 8 12
Chelasken 105 81 36 8 -> 9 14
Lemendy 79 77 41 -> 39 8 -> 9 13
Brayzal 71 77 41 -> 38 8 -> 9 13
Darm Tower
Riffligan 150 -> 135 106 -> 98 55 -> 23 8 19 -> 17
Jestona 206 123 56 -> 46 8 -> 12 20
Accumate 106 112 43 -> 60 9 -> 12 21
Genoid 163 102 48 -> 55 9 -> 12 22
Normous 190 118 53 -> 54 10 -> 16 23
Xomack 149 123 35 -> 61 10 -> 16 24
Vilvan 118 117 40-> 67 12 -> 16 25
Wilewarer 145 147 49 -> 65 14 -> 13 26
Irebolg 169 147 53-> 63 14 -> 13 26
Molfess 127 134 65 -> 72 16 28
Kelmarel 130 128 64 -> 73 17 -> 16 29
Selnarg 132 166 51 -> 78 18 -> 16 30
Chryolos 134 172 69 -> 82 20 -> 16 31
Twarth 176 -> 182 201 -> 155 62 -> 88 24 -> 33 32 -> 33
Euchreas 129 -> 133 178 -> 185 72 -> 92 22 -> 33 32 -> 33
Bordisch 163 -> 168 178 -> 171 62 -> 88 22 -> 33 32 -> 33
Khonsclard 120 N/A 83 -> 89 1000 N/A

Book II

  • Enemy speed values did not change. The changes made purchasing items easier, but raised the difficulty of monsters and made it more difficult to gain levels (with the exception of some bosses).
  • Adol's normal level is shown as 1-62, but the in-game data uses 0-27 with Adol already having a minimum level of 34 before starting Ys-II. Raw data is posted for comparison purposes.
  • Many enemies have more than one entry because they are used in more than one area, but often have different stats.
Name HP Strength Defense Gold Experience Level
Moondoria Ruins
Chrace 188 155 60 -> 68 8 35 -> 46 1
Cauction 145 160 70 -> 79 8 35 -> 46 1
Godaago 225 154 99 -> 95 10 50 -> 46 3
Toal Sanctuary / Mines
Warrizor 155 121 58 -> 86 13 39 -> 40 2
Gnometh 165 141 71 -> 88 15 39 -> 40 3
Zolgell 175 144 87 -> 93 17 39 -> 51 4
Ripplet 150 134 82 -> 92 13 -> 30 39 -> 35 3
Tolpi 155 143 87 -> 95 13 -> 33 42 -> 45 4
Puroid 155 159 93 -> 102 15 -> 35 45 5
Knocks 214 142 70 -> 96 20 -> 40 43 -> 45 4
Carly 219 159 75 -> 103 20 -> 45 45 5
Orihalcus 228 163 78 -> 108 20 -> 43 55 -> 45 7
Noltia Ice Walls
Neeli 195 167 94 -> 103 30 -> 50 55 -> 40 7
Gercard 199 169 96 -> 106 31 -> 51 56 -> 39 8
Eggnid 204 176 98 -> 108 32 -> 52 57 -> 38 9
Galgata 199 169 96 -> 106 40 -> 50 65 -> 40 8
Sworter 204 176 98 -> 108 41 -> 51 67 -> 38 9
Swoff 195 176 105 -> 111 42 -> 52 70 -> 45 9
Preliguard 223 209 101 -> 121 50 -> 70 100 -> 60 13
Onuman 223 209 101 -> 121 51 -> 71 100 -> 60 13
Roo 223 209 101 -> 121 52 -> 72 100 -> 60 13
Scollun 228 214 104 -> 124 53 -> 73 100 -> 60 14
Dirga 228 214 104 -> 124 54 -> 74 100 -> 60 14
Topus 228 214 104 -> 124 55 -> 75 100 -> 60 14
Gene 232 219 107 -> 129 60 -> 70 100 -> 60 15
Xelbenoth 232 219 107 -> 129 61 -> 71 100 -> 60 15
Magnute 232 219 107 -> 129 62 -> 72 100 -> 60 15
Zearot No Changes
Solomon Shrine, Center
Ashveil 233 229 104 -> 124 80 -> 90 100 -> 50 14
Baocar 242 235 107 -> 127 80 -> 90 102 -> 50 15
Nashzar 251 245 109 -> 130 80 -> 90 101 -> 83 16
Solomon Shrine, Mid-East
Ashveil 233 214 104 -> 124 80 -> 90 100 -> 50 14
Baocar 238 219 107 -> 128 80 -> 90 102 -> 48 15
Nashzar 188 255 143 -> 146 80 -> 90 105 -> 76 16
Solomon Shrine, East & Northeast
Ashveil 232 219 107 -> 129 85 -> 95 100 -> 50 15
Baocar 243 223 109 -> 131 85 -> 95 102 -> 83 16
Nashzar (Pass Knight) 0 255 255 255 41 -> 81 102
Nashzar (Gate Knight) 246 235 107 -> 127 85 -> 95 100 -> 50 15
El Endes
238 219 107 -> 128 85 -> 95 100 -> 50 15
Solomon Shrine, Mid-West
Malochius (Gate Knight) 248 237 113 -> 135 80 -> 100 104 -> 62 17
Nashzar 248 237 113 -> 135 80 -> 100 106 -> 60 17
Solomon Shrine, West, Topside
Allomod 248 -> 252 244 -> 246 121 -> 141 90 -> 110 105 -> 61 17 -> 18
Trover 248 -> 252 253 -> 255 113 -> 138 90 -> 110 106 -> 60 17 -> 18
Godrup 248 -> 252 253 -> 255 121 -> 141 90 -> 110 107 -> 59 17 -> 18
Solomon Shrine, West, Bottom-side
Allomod 248 -> 252 255 113 -> 138 90 -> 120 107 -> 59 17 -> 18
Trover 248 -> 252 253 -> 255 130 -> 143 90 -> 120 106 -> 60 17 -> 18
Godrup 248 -> 252 253 -> 255 95 -> 131 90 -> 120 107 -> 59 17 -> 18
Subterannean Canal
Delpus 252 238 136 -> 162 100 -> 105 110 -> 100 18
Dyphthelloid 252 255 141 -> 163 102 -> 105 112 -> 95 18
Ceabith 255 255 146 -> 175 100 120 -> 125 20
Solomon Shrine, West Wing
Forkless 252 -> 255 246 -> 250 132 -> 152 100 110 -> 83 18 -> 19
Rewillvan 252 -> 255 242 -> 247 132 -> 152 101 110 -> 83 18 -> 19
Gearos 252 -> 255 238 -> 243 132 -> 152 103 110 -> 83 18 -> 19
Solomon Shrine, East Wing
Forkless 255 255 139 -> 156 100 115 -> 76 19 -> 20
Rewillvan 255 255 130 -> 153 100 115 -> 76 19 -> 20
Gearos 255 254 -> 255 143 -> 156 100 115 -> 76 19 -> 20
Goddess' Palace
Charront 255 255 167 -> 166 100 100 -> 125 20
Valkyria 255 255 172 100 100 -> 125 21
Velagunder 190 -> 220 139 -> 134 102 -> 108 --- 1500 -> 1750 ---
Fireball Attack / Bump (JP) 4 dmg. regardless of Defense
(EN) 134 dmg. (Glitched)
Tyalmath 255 --- 136 -> 138 --- 1750 -> 1500 ---
Projectile Attack / Bump (JP) 169 dmg.
(EN) 175 dmg.
Gelaldy 255 --- 163 -> 161 --- 2000 -> 3000 ---
Worm Attack / Bump (JP) 197 dmg.
(EN) 198 dmg.
Tyalmath 255 --- 176 -> 179 --- 2500 -> 3500 ---
Ball Attack / Bump (JP) 210 dmg.
(EN) 216 dmg.
Zava 255 --- 189 -> 194 --- 3000 -> 4000 ---
Zava Attack
Destroying one does 26 dmg. to Zava
100 -> 150 229 -> 234 189 -> 194 --- --- ---
Dalles No Changes
Darm No Changes
Darm Attack (JP) 256 dmg.
(EN) 8 dmg. regardless of Def., 4 with Goddess Ring on

Adol's Stats

Beginning at level 40, the experience requirements for levels differ between the Japanese and US versions, with the US version requiring less experience per level. This culminates in the level cap being one level higher, reaching 62 in the US version vs. 61 in the Japanese. Additional changes to stat bonuses on level up make the net effect that Adol's defense is quite a bit higher at max level in the US version.
Below is a table illustrating the differences; where there are changes, the Japanese version is listed first. Green arrows mean either fewer experience points are required in the US version, or the stat is higher at the corresponding level in the US version; red arrows mean the opposite. For level 62 US, the comparison is to level 61 in the Japanese version, comparing the capped values.
Note that the US experience values for level 51 to 53 are not typos. The game really does require 5000 experience for exactly one level before dropping to requiring 4000 for the next two, then reverting back to 5000 experience per level for the remaining levels.

Level Experience Required Attack Defense Max HP
40 18000 -> 17800 127 129 160
41 20000 -> 19600 131 133 163
42 22000 -> 21400 134 135 166
43 24000 -> 23200 137 141 170
44 27000 -> 25000 141 146 175
45 30000 -> 27500 146 151 180
46 33000 -> 30000 151 156 183
47 36000 -> 33000 156 161 186
48 40000 -> 36000 160 165 190
49 44000 -> 39000 165 169 194
50 48000 -> 42000 169 178 198
51 52000 -> 47000 174 185 202
52 56000 -> 51000 177 186 205
53 60000 -> 55000 186 189 210
54 65000 -> 60000 190 190 215
55 70000 -> 65000 194 195 220
56 75000 -> 70000 202 200 230 -> 225
57 80000 -> 75000 207 207 240 -> 230
58 85000 -> 80000 209 209 250 -> 240
59 90000 -> 85000 212 210 -> 214 255
60 95000 -> 90000 214 212 -> 220 255
61 99999 -> 95000 220 -> 214 215 -> 230 255
62 N/A -> 99999 220 215 -> 240 255